This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 149: Selection of Divine Powers

Xirong's casting team is mainly divided into two projects.

1. The sun and moon body is in charge of Xinyi Baishan and others.

2. The sun and moon spirit is in charge of Doukouhong and others.

The final fusion of the "body" and the "soul" requires the doctors, alchemists, and talisman masters in the team to add bricks and tiles to complete the entire structure.

Xinyi Baishan and others are very busy casting the sun and moon weapons.

They have begun to look for casting materials from the treasury and start to create embryos.

This embryo is a hell-level difficulty!

Because it contains the five elements, yin and yang attributes and needs to make a circular structure.

This busy Xinyi Baishan was dizzy and dizzy, "No, I feel that this difficulty is too high, I have to call a few more helpers."

The god craftsman next to him hesitated: "Call more people to divide our achievements"

"Then let's see." Xinyi Baishan said: "As a god craftsman, we must put aside our personal interests and care about our personal gains and losses while ensuring the quality of the artifact."

This technology is too difficult!

They dare to guarantee that no other team has made it so complicated!

As for Doukouhong.

"Our spirit weapon will probably be able to complete the task in about three days."

Doukouhong sat on a chair, with a bunch of spiritual roots emitting various brilliant colors in the flower pots on the table.

"After all, our work is not complicated. It is to take out two yin and yang spiritual roots for a group to fuse, and take out five five-element spiritual roots for another group to fuse."

"Open the spiritual roots, move quickly, it will be done in three days, and the spirit weapon will be born."

Doukouhong has sorted out all the existing spiritual roots.

His ability is to deduce the advancement and changes of spiritual roots.

Fusion of two spiritual roots is also a kind of change.

She found that she could also deduce a rough and vague result.

80% of the pure combat spiritual roots were eliminated in the first time.

Because the sun and the moon must be functional.

But this does not mean that the sun and the moon really have no combat power. Seven heavenly spiritual roots piled together, the "attribute white value" alone has exceeded the standard to the point of being against the sky!

What's more.

Some of the heavenly spiritual roots are functional + combat types.

In order to achieve perfection, Doukouhong also chose this dual-function type of heavenly spiritual root. After all, the court paid for it, so of course it was as powerful as possible.

"There are a total of 57 heavenly spiritual roots."

Doukouhong frowned, "We have to save some and remove some."

Sword Fairy asked: "Is the funding insufficient?"

"Yes." Doukouhong nodded. "Each heavenly spiritual root is worth tens of millions. I chose the most precious ones, which are worth over 100 million. Dozens of them are already a very large number."

When the Sword Fairy heard this, she felt that the boss was awesome.

It's not their own money, so they made it to death, and took whatever precious spiritual roots they wanted.

Doukouhong said: "Our spiritual root loss can only account for 30% of the budget. The majority of the consumption is still on the magic weapon body of the blacksmith. There are too many divine gold and various immortal materials there."

Because this seven-color weapon spirit is simply too mixed.

Others have one attribute, but he has seven attributes. If the weapon he carries is not well made, the advantages of the seven attributes cannot be brought into play.

It took more than half a day.

Doukouhong tested the spiritual roots for the seventh time and eliminated several options.

Only a few groups were left.

No. 1 Yin-Yang spiritual root.

[Making Galaxy]: Yin Qi and Yang Qi can transform into each other. It can absorb the Yin Qi veins underground and transform them into the Yang Qi river in the sky.

"The magical power of Yin Qi and Yang Qi transformation is indeed functional."

The sword fairy was shocked and said in disbelief: "This power is to extract the veins and transform them into the Yang Qi river in the sky?"

This is changing the structure of the world.

It is equivalent to the appearance of a positive vein hanging in the sky.

"This is normal."

Doukouhong smiled, "In the beginning, there was no Jiuzhou vein."

"Ah?" said the sword fairy.

"It was directly transformed after the construction of the Jiusui Dynasty." Doukouhong said: "The ground veins before the previous dynasty were called Lingshi veins."

The Sword Fairy suddenly reacted: "The previous dynasty used Lingshi currency, which was mined from here?"

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"The ground veins are all man-made. Originally, only holy places and great religions had them after transformation, and they were specially used to root the ancestral embers of their own families."

"In the wild, there were originally no ground veins for embers to root."

"After the founding of the country, the saints transformed the underground Lingshi veins into huge Yin Qi ground veins in order to make the scholars of the world rise, so that the weak families in the world could root the embers and have ancestors, breaking the class monopoly."

"And after the ground veins were transformed, there was no Lingshi as currency, what should we do?"

"The saints had people transform some monsters, mutate them into money boys, cast magic coins, and replace Lingshi for circulation."

The Sword Fairy listened with some yearning.

This is a saint, educating the world and breaking the class monopoly!

Before, the threshold for embers to root in the ground veins was extremely high!

Unlike now, embers are like carrots, plug and unplug at will! The main feature is a quick payment in the "Internet era".

No wonder, some land veins are beyond the control of saints.

It turned out that those ancient forces were private land veins created before the founding of the country, like swamps, not connected to the supply land veins of the world.

Doukouhong's expression became serious:

"Diverting the earth veins and transforming them into sky veins is a further environmental transformation! The earth's yin energy is too heavy, and transforming them into yang energy is also very good in the sky."

No. 2 spiritual root.

[Yin Yang Creation Furnace]: It has the ability to melt the soul and body of the furnace, and randomly create and mutate life.

"This is good."

The sword fairy smiled and clapped her hands, "In this world, all powerful races have the opportunity to create artificial life with this."

No. 3 spiritual root.

[Illuminating the Common People]: Continuously illuminate the lives of the world, to a certain extent eliminate diseases, strengthen the body, and increase the speed of cultivation.

No. 4 spiritual root.

[Illuminating the God]: Worshiped by the world, nurture a drop of the essence of the sun and the moon, prolong life, and break through the realm

The sword fairy looked very carefully.

And when she saw the five elements spiritual roots.

The Sword Fairy only saw one option, "Why is there only one for the five elements?"

"Because the experiment cost of the five elements spiritual roots is too high, five spiritual roots are needed at a time, and the five elements spiritual roots, gold, wood, water, fire and earth, have their own characteristics in combat, but the basic attributes are similar, and they all have the ability to control the five elements."

"Sun and Moon, just control the basic attributes of the five elements, control the celestial phenomena, and be responsible for things like rainfall."

"And, the one I chose is also excellent, and the ability is indispensable."

The Sword Fairy took a look, is it really that strong?

[Persuade to Good]: Persuade the five soul bubbles of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth to merge into oneself.

"Can you eat the taboos of the ancient tomb?" The Sword Fairy suddenly asked.

"Well, Sun and Moon, if you grow to a very strong level, of course you can." Doukouhong said.

"Then, what about the saints of all ages in the tomb?" The Sword Fairy's eyes were bright.

Doukouhong nodded, "If the sun and the moon become stronger, it is not impossible. After all, the essence of the embers is a logical bubble, which has logical flaws and can be controlled."

In theory, the matching of the five elements of spiritual roots is the most time-consuming.

Because there are too many combinations that can be made!

But in fact, it is simpler.

The five elements of spiritual roots of the holy places and major sects in this world are basically matched with each other to form a five-element battle formation. Take their matching five elements of spiritual roots and merge them. It is estimated that good things will happen.

She did not hesitate at all.

She chose the five heavenly spiritual roots of the Five Elements Yugui Sect.

This is also a tomb-robbing demon cultivation sect, which is much more advanced than the tomb-robbing Shi family on Ning Zheng's side.

Their five elements of spiritual roots can control a bubble ember of the same attribute and control your ancestor to go out and fight.


In our era, I couldn't beat you when I was alive, and I was suppressed by you for a lifetime. After you die, let my son dig your grave, control your embers, and beat your descendants.

Very disgusting.

Another thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Don't despise the dead.

Tens of thousands of years ago.

The imperial court encircled and suppressed them, and they suffered heavy losses. Five spiritual roots were also left behind. Although there was no matching cultivation method, they were left in the treasury to gather dust.

Now that Doukouhong has integrated the five spiritual roots, as expected, it has become a cinnabar bubble that controls five attributes, and it comes with an extremely exaggerated effect: swallowing and taking it into one's own body!

Absorbing the five ancestors will form a real qualitative change in combat power.

Great growth potential!

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