This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 150: Erasing the Sun and Moon Memories and Reshaping the Vascular Bubble

The Sword Fairy was curious: "So, the five elements of spiritual roots have been determined, and the main choice is the circulation spiritual roots of yin and yang?"

"Yes." Doukouhong nodded, "I need to deduce the spiritual roots of yin and yang again, and then give it to the saint to select the required magical powers."

The Sword Fairy expressed her understanding.

Now for this weapon list, it is necessary to ask the customer what magical powers they want.

Doukouhong said: "After the saint selected a few spiritual roots from a dozen yin and yang spiritual roots, it is time to conduct actual tests."

"After all, I am just simulating and deducing. The specific effect of this spiritual root can only be guessed roughly. Detailed experimental results are needed."

The birth of the weapon spirit took a very short time.

It mainly cost money, crazy money.

And most of their team's casting time was spent on Xinyi Baishan

Between Fei.

The saint looked at this scene and said calmly: "The first project's weapon spirit is about to be born. After awakening, erase the consciousness, reprogram the logical bubble, and create a new me." The old eunuch smiled and said: "Fortunately, it is a newborn bubble as weak as a child, just like a baby, it is best to transform." In fact, for the saint, no conditions are important when choosing a weapon spirit. What is important is that the potential is sufficient. No matter how bad or twisted the character is, it doesn't matter, as long as the talent is high. From the beginning. They could not use the weapon spirit cultivated by this god craftsman. This weapon spirit is cultivated by the other party to have character, wisdom, and talent. Who knows what hidden tricks will be left? Who knows if it will rebel at the critical moment? Even a high-level monk is not allowed to have an unstable factor around him, let alone a huge dynasty? That's the sun and the moon! How can it be controlled by a small forging force? After receiving the news of the ash weapon, the royal family made a sufficiently detailed assessment and had a way to eliminate the hidden dangers. So. They were immediately selected as the first team to cast the sun and the moon. This is not a blind choice. They also have the ability to reset the weapon spirit that may have been attacked.

After all, the Royal Family is the largest sect holy land in the world!

They extract the earth veins, and the various fierce and strange research technologies have long surpassed the ordinary.

The essence of the ghost is the logical bubble, and they have the ability to transform the logic of the underlying ghost.

It's like deleting a program and rewriting a piece of logic.

"The awakening environment is already in place. The various national scholars have calculated it personally, and with their spiritual roots and magical powers, it is enough to awaken this weapon spirit ember as soon as possible."

The old eunuch kept stating beside him, "After awakening, the bubble logic is reorganized, the memory is erased, and it is brand new."

For the awakening of the ghost, they also have a set of skilled processes.

For the low-level ghost, create a virtual world for him to awaken.

High-level ghosts are not easy to awaken, because their level is too high and they can see through the false world at a glance.

At the same time, the potential of this "artificial awakening" is very low, too deliberate, and it is not favored by the world.

"After teaching this newborn spirit, I should move into the imperial mausoleum." The saint lowered his eyes and looked in the direction of Fei Jianjian.

"It's time for me to die."

"This capital city should be returned to the saint of the previous dynasty and his ministers."

The research and development process of the entire team is in an orderly manner.

Ning Zheng sat on the villa, looking at the heavenly spiritual roots that were transmitted one by one, and her heart was a little hot.

This saint's weapon list is indeed unusual!

Each of these materials is a rare treasure of heaven and earth.

The people in the villa were in high spirits, as if it was the New Year.

"Su Yu Niang, the spiritual roots have been opened."

"We also have a chance to get a yin and yang spiritual root."

"I think it's okay."

The process of opening the spiritual roots is simple and unpretentious. Because of the special treasures provided by the royal family, the birth of low-level embers is 100%.

Su Yu Niang changed her appearance again and again, died again, and pretended that she was a different person from the previous experimental subject.

If they were face to face, the same soul breath could be seen at a glance, but it was impossible to feel the soul breath through the projection in the air.

That's it.

Death, produce empty bubble embers.

Resurrection, plant spiritual roots, and produce empty bubble embers again!

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Fusion in pairs, record data, contact Doukouhong.

"Well, this is actually successful, calculate the data."

Doukouhong is extremely rigorous and responsible, looking at the other side of the projection, "You listen to my instructions, I will calculate the data."

The little blacksmith outside the room was also confused, secretly peeking at the experiment inside through the periscope.

"I don't understand it at all."

"This plot is too confusing."

"It's just to open the spiritual roots according to the process! You don't understand this?"

"You understand?"

"Those who understand understand, and I won't explain to those who don't understand, anyway, I understand it."

"Then I understand it too."

Ning Zheng couldn't understand it either.

I thought the process was awesome, so I could only watch from the side.

Various information was constantly transmitted back.

One by one, Su Yu Niang merged the circulating Yin and Yang spiritual roots and the circulating five elements spiritual roots.

It was very amazing at first glance!

But Ning Zheng still couldn't understand how amazing it was.

Anyway, Su Yu Niang is a little trash now.

Just like Ning Zheng at the beginning, she opened her spiritual roots at the beginning of the Five Body Realm. She felt that she was just like that even if she was against the sky. Her potential was slowly revealed in the later stage.

This opening lasted until the afternoon.

The five elements spiritual roots used for the experiment were only opened once, and it was a perfect success. After that, they were not opened again.

Then, three groups of Yin-Yang Spiritual Roots were opened.

The experiment used four groups in total and it was done.

"It's completely over."

Doukouhong nodded, showing a satisfied look:

"The consumption is much less than expected, and the data is similar to what I calculated. Just follow the No. 1 Yin-Yang Spiritual Root. The plan has been decided, so just open it according to [Making Galaxy]."

Then, another batch of Heavenly Spiritual Roots were sent.

There are only seven!

This is the material required for the final instrument spirit.

After a wave of difficult performances, the seven fusion instrument spirits finally appeared.

And several responsible persons showed a difficult look: "We have broken through the limit!" "Yes!"

"Very good, teleport back."

Doukouhong smiled and showed a satisfied look.

This is indeed the first major breakthrough in human history. The technical difficulties of the fusion of seven spiritual roots are definitely not as easy as those people on the opposite side are now showing. They are just pretending to be simple.

Then, the final instrument spirit Su Yu Niang was sent away again.

During the whole process, Ning Zheng had a blank question mark on her face: ""

I have seen everything, but I can't understand it at all, and it's over suddenly.

As expected, the world of high-level professionals is completely incomprehensible to a layman like me, a combat-oriented cultivator.

It seems that I should just practice well.


Soon, Su Yu Niang was sent to the palace with a confused look on her face.

She was very happy, but she had no idea what terrible things were about to happen to her. She would wake up from a beautiful dream and sink forever.

"Meet the Saint."

Walking into the palace, Su Yu Niang looked up at the figure on the throne.

I have finally become successful!

Sword-casting Villa.

Ning Zheng looked at the remaining experimental scraps and the few embers of Su Yu Niang in front of her.

"I don't know what the saint will do to Su Yu Niang." Ning Zheng felt that it would not be too good. Any normal person would not let the hidden pawns of other forces become high-level.

There should be various means.

But it doesn't matter. My family has a spare pirated Sun and Moon Spirit.

Ning Zheng looked at what was in front of her and it was almost time to count the harvest of the Heavenly Spirit Root.

A total of twelve plants!

His eyes were bright, and the benefits were even more terrifying than the last time he robbed Xinyizhou City!

The little blacksmiths next to him were also very happy to see these spiritual roots of the weapon spirits: "Come on, test it." "That's right, I don't understand the operation of the boss just now." "We have to test our ability ourselves"

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