This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 158 The Power of the Yin-Yang Creation Furnace

They also raise chickens and ducks, and even cattle and sheep in the Lingnong area.

They are all left over from the previous ancestor worship, and they are raised by them. The chickens and ducks have laid several nests of eggs.

A lamb was also born, and it became the little group pet of the Zanniang Tower. A group of loli blacksmiths are happily serving as shit shovelers.

Raise cats and dogs in reality, and raise lambs and monsters from other worlds in the game.

"I'll go to Lingnong to bring chickens, ducks and river monsters?" A blacksmith suggested.

"That's fine, but the villa won't pay for it at public expense, Ye Kuangxiu, you pay."

Jiucai Rong was also very happy and sighed: "Sure enough, this villa is everywhere to draw cards, and a new card pool has been born! How can the European emperors stop moving forward?"

Ye Kuangxiu was also very happy and announced loudly in the square:

"Everyone, come and take a look! The new character card pool, in the future, if everyone creates a [Login Race], you will have a patent, and everyone who logs in to the race you created will give you money, isn't it cool!"

The little leeks in the crowd were very tempted.

Patent fees, won't you just sit and collect money in the future? Many people began to dream.

"It looks so fun!"

"It's much more fun than the forge next door."

"That's right, the forge is for weapons, and the creation furnace is for characters!"

"This is the character up card pool."

Soon, the river monster and a duck were brought over and thrown into the Yin-Yang Creation Furnace.

But after a while, there was no reaction.

Quack quack!

In the Creation Furnace, the duck was quacking with a blank face.

The river monster's bean eyes were cute, and suddenly opened its mouth wide, holding the quacking duck directly in its mouth and swallowing it.

"Is this the way to synthesize?"

Some people were at a loss.

"It's a ghost, hurry up and save the duck!"

After everyone worked hard to rescue the duck, they were completely confused. There was no instruction manual. Who knew how to use it?

"Is it a dead body?" Someone spoke weakly.

Everyone thought so, so they killed the river monster and the duck and threw the body in.

Now there was a reaction.

The bodies were merging, entangled, and the flesh and blood were blending, condensing, and becoming smaller.

After more than an hour, there was only one egg left inside, wrapped in a bone shell, with dense twisted patterns on it.


"Egg hatching machine!"

"The most classic egg-laying machine!"

"Shao Chai Kun, come and hatch the eggs!"

A group of uneducated people chattered, shocked for a long time and just kept saying "Fuck"


Ning Zheng also looked carefully at the villa.

This thing will be the artifact of their villa in the future.

That is a big treasure from the imperial treasury. I don't know how long it will take to get the Tianling root next time.

Don't let him down.


A blacksmith took out the egg.

Someone tried to touch it. The shell was very hard. There seemed to be traces of life beating inside?

Someone took a magnifying glass and shone it in. "The shell is a bit rough, I can't see anything."

"Maybe you need a strong flashlight to see the shape of the embryo inside, but we don't have it." Someone analyzed it.

Everyone had no choice but to send her to the clinic.

The fairy doctor was sitting on a chair chatting.

"Hey, sister Xinyi, how is Erya doing in the shop?"

The fairy doctor was chatting happily with the exclusive token in the shop, "I told you that Erya is super well-behaved."

Her voice was intermittent,

"Alas, there is no way, my medical talent is too strong, our family urgently asked me to go back, I will go back to the shop to take charge after a while."

Sister Xinyi on the opposite side did not take it seriously, how strong could it be? It was just the level of a middle-grade doctor, she knew it.

I think their speaking style is interesting, but the family is really a small local family.

If you want to talk about strong medical skills, it has to be the Xirong team that has recently become famous in the whole Jiuzhou. There is a strong doctor in it who is good at soul medicine.

That's what is called strong.

At this time, the Fairy of Medicine was still saying:

"Wait for me to go back, and we will study the new embroidery art again."

"Er Ya has been very good recently? I said so."

"Wait, something happened in my family again, let's talk next time."

The Fairy of Medicine hung up the call with the customer she met in the store and looked at the group of people crowded in the clinic in front of her.


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After understanding the whole story, the Fairy of Medicine went offline and called Auntie Fairy. A few minutes later, the two began to check together.

The result of the examination of the Soul Separation Flower was that there was no soul fluctuation inside, and it might be a dead egg.

The result of the examination of the Blood Separation Flower was that there was blood fluctuation inside, and it was full of vitality.

"In other words, there might be a living soulless life inside."

"If you hatch the egg"

The Fairy of Medicine of the Blood Separation Flower has good skills, and has the level of a mid-grade doctor:

"Give some nutrition, and go to the Spiritual Farming Area for the spiritual liquid. The spiritual plant liquid is good. After all, this thing is the essence of plants, and it is the first choice for replenishing vitality."

After a while, the egg was soaked in the low-grade spiritual plant liquid.

Under the expectant gaze of the crowd, the vitality became stronger and stronger, and after a while, it actually broke the shell.

The eggshell broke, and a slimy young life appeared inside, and it grew slowly, and soon became the size of a puppy.

It had bald green skin like a river monster, four webbed feet, a duck's mouth, and small eyes, which was a bit ugly.

"Is it alive?"

"It has mutated, is it the offspring of a river monster and a duck?"

In a few minutes, the mutant beast died.

Everyone was stunned.

Then, they conducted many experiments.

The final experimental results were very sad, all failed.

And, they found a problem.

Whatever went in, whether it was successful or not, was soulless, just a flesh and blood puppet, a "vegetable".

This furnace is more like a puppet maker's exclusive magic weapon!

Producing special puppets one by one.

The bottle ancestor next door is a puppet maker, I think he should like it?

"Maybe it's not that we can't synthesize souls, but we don't have the technology to create souls at present."

"This is a cross-species egg-laying machine."

"I feel that the more similar the life map is, the higher the survival rate?"

"I think it's possible. There is a synthesis formula. The survival rate of fish + fish eggs is high, but fish + chicken may not."

"We have to experiment."

Failure did not discourage them.

Instead, it ignited their fighting spirit.

This "synthesis" device with infinite possibilities made them full of longing.

As a collector, studying [Synthetic Atlas] allows them to do it for months without getting bored.

Those who understand the fun of collecting atlases understand

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Ning Zheng was eating at home, and watching the egg hatcher on the villa.

Recently, his food has been much better.

Because the prison affairs are basically on track, the two people are also much more relaxed, and they have started to play other ways and play in the yard.

Researching talismans.

Nanny Su Yu Niang, on the other hand, loves life very much and is tinkering with new dishes.

"Yin Yang, Five Elements, I found that I am a good cook!"

Su Yu Niang was sharing her experience with Ning Jiao Jiao in the yard, whispering, "Life has Yin and Yang, mobilize Yin and Yang, and massage the ingredients!"

"Five Elements, gold controls the iron pot, wood controls firewood, water controls soup, fire controls the heat, and earth controls the stove."

Su Yu Niang's cooking skills seem to have improved significantly recently, and she is quite well received in prison.

Become a recognized prison chef of a generation.

Ning Jiaojiao, the silly girl, was eating happily beside them. She had never eaten such delicious food in her life.

After dinner, Ning Jiaojiao and Su Yu Niang went to the well for winter swimming and night fishing.

And they had to go to the prison later to cut another wave of the owner's embers.

In the past, when it was urgent, they basically studied embers three or four times a day, but it cost a lot of resources. Now that it has returned to normal.

It is still the most cost-effective to cut twice a day.

During the daytime experiment, the blacksmiths on the mountain controlled the guardian god. Recently, they also went to fight the boss.

For the evening experiment, their sisters in the prison controlled it together.

Of course, they did not control the embers to mess around, but controlled the three flowers to go to the nursery.

Nowadays, regularly watching the night prison cinema and watching the random nursery scenery with fixed cameras has become a daily pastime in the boring life of this prison.

Occasionally, you can see the quarrel between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, reading in Beijing, fighting between monks, and the animal world in Beijing. Thousands of them quietly ate melons together, and they were so happy. Ning Zheng looked at their backs as they left, and suddenly thought: "I am only one last time away from absorbing the first essence realm. Why not give my embers +20,000 and let the female prisoners in this prison go to the [Book of Years] to take a look." After all. Ning Zheng is still very humane. Do the dead have no human rights? Do the bound earth spirits have no freedom? Thousands of female prisoners, occasionally let them go out for "team building" and start collective activities in the prison, it is still very good. 83 latest address Read the latest chapters of this group of players is more weird than weird, please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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