This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 159: Infiltrate in Advance, the Greatest Secret Realm in History is about to be Opened

Just when the female prisoners of the Wusheng Sect in the prison were preparing to go to the [Book of History] for team building.

Painting wall, ancient tomb.

Jian Xin and others were the 70th batch to come in.

A large number of geniuses had come in before, including not only the powerful geniuses of the younger generation, but also the crown prince, princes, and princesses of the Jiusui Dynasty.

It can be seen that the lineup here is powerful.

"The latest batch of people who came in has turned the place upside down."

The crown prince is a short young man, who looks only about 10 years old and very immature.

"Crown prince, I'm afraid that His Majesty will soon move into the imperial mausoleum of [Feijian], and we don't have much time." A young man next to him said.

The death of the saint is inevitable.

The best solution is for the saint to take the initiative to move into his own imperial mausoleum [Feijian] and vacate the capital.

Because only if he takes the initiative and enters the tomb while he is still alive, the world will not know when he will die or whether he is dead.

Unknown death has a deterrent effect on those ancient forces.

A clear death will make those beings have different intentions.

Who will rule the vacated capital?

The answer is: the last saint of the previous dynasty.

That is, the owner of the tomb [Xinjian] in front of us, he will walk out of the tomb again and take charge of the entire capital.

The era returns to the time of Xin Dynasty, 280,000 years ago.

This is the best solution.

Because the saint of Xin Dynasty retreated that year, and took away the core of [History of Years] before his death, the pressure to suppress the ancient saints doubled.

The difficulty has increased by more than ten times!

Only the saints today are unprecedentedly powerful and can barely suppress it. No one can suppress it.

Therefore, only the saint of Xin Dynasty can come out and take charge of the capital again. He with the core of [History of Years] can suppress the saints of the old era.

"It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

"It's only in prehistoric times that a ghost came out of the tomb and suppressed the [Book of Time]. "

"What's even more ridiculous is that this remnant of the saint of the previous generation thought he was not dead yet. He just hid in the tomb for more than 100,000 years, and survived until the saint died of old age. Now he has returned to suppress the whole world again."

"When I was alive, I couldn't beat you. I waited for you to die, and then I came out again. I have the same idea as most ghosts, but they don't know that they have already died."

"And it just so happens that only this ghost, who holds the core, can suppress the [Book of Time]. "

"And the impact he brings will be to regain control of the world and enter Beijing. City, the old system will be restored!"

"In the ancient tomb [Xinjian] in front of us, everything in the royal palace, major sects, and religious tombs will be moved out of the ancient tombs and become the new natives of the capital."

"We must enter this future capital in advance, hide our identities among the high-level officials, and build good relationships with the old human high-level officials of the previous dynasty."

"We must assassinate this saint of the old dynasty and get the core of [Years History Book] again."

"Lure him out and kill him completely."

The prince looked solemn. The saint entered the tomb and was suppressed by [Years History Book] on his own initiative, so that the ancient saint could be led out, but to kill this ancient saint, only these people can rely on them.

The world is surging.

The current saint voluntarily "falls" and seals himself as the emperor's tomb, and his life and death are unknown.

The era of the capital returns to the previous dynasty, and the ancient saints are reborn with their tomb army and various ministers.

And the entire Kyushu will inevitably usher in a chaotic era with the fall of the saint.

The various major factions secretly support the uprising of the kings, and the uprising will break out in various parts of Jiuzhou.

"This is the future chaos."

"But it is already the best way."

"I heard that there is also the Wusheng Sect in this ancient tomb, we need to be careful."

"And we must integrate into this era in advance, obtain a formal ancient identity, and not expose ourselves as living people."

Sword Casting Villa.

The night is like water, the prison of the Demon Tower.

The female prisoners of the Wusheng Sect have already prayed very skillfully.

"Great owner of the manor, praise Wusheng"

They have been completely fooled, thinking that they have returned to their own Wusheng Sect, and they are very pious.

Wusheng Sect is a cult, a bad guy, defrauding and luring low-level women, but they are all high-level monks of Wusheng Sect.

There are no high-level Wusheng Sect here.

All the low-level female believers here are deceived, all poor people.

Before death, blindly and ignorantly believed in religion, became fanatical believers, and still the same after death.


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Transparent bubbles rise one by one and gather into a group.

After the embers were cut out, a huge bubble figure was born quickly, and then it quickly shrank and controlled its size, becoming the size of a normal person.

Then it sat cross-legged, quickly opened the three flowers, and grew towards the nursery.

All the way up.

In the distance, the godfather was robbing on the way to the nursery. Suddenly he saw this scene and couldn't help but hide away. "It's the breath of the Wusheng Sect. Recently, there has been a big incident in Xinyizhou City. It's in the limelight and can't afford to offend."

Su Yu Niang, Ning Jiao Jiao, and other female prisoners saw this scene and watched the various evil cultivators retreat. They felt a strong sense of pride in their hearts.

After all.

Originally, these female prisoners were all low-level people. When have those great cultivators ever been afraid of themselves?


All the way up, finally breaking through the diaphragm and entering the nursery.

They were just about to see what kind of fixed camera this time, where it was grown to see the scenery.

But I saw myself growing in a pond, and a woman was bathing next to me, chatting with her servants.

Ning Jiao Jiao looked at me with envy: "What a great figure, it's a pity, next time I'll ask my brother to come and see it."

Su Yu Niang was stunned.

You are so loyal and righteous, you never forget your brother when there is something good.

They continued to listen to the conversation of these natives, and then they found something slightly different.

They actually talked about time travelers, and even the direction of Jiao Wuyu, Xu Huan, Jian Xin and other people.

And here, it turned out to be the mansion of a princess of the previous dynasty.

Su Yu Niang pondered in her heart on the spot: "Did we enter the prehistoric murals? The historical murals mentioned by the sword fairy?"

"Why does this plot feel a little wrong."

Their prison followers were originally here to relax, as a plant, quietly blooming, like a flower watching the scene between heaven and earth.

But from the conversation here, we know.

Jian Xin and others pretended to be time travelers. There are monsters in their future era?

They said that the saint is dead?

Jian Xin and others are really conscientious.

Su Yu Niang complained and chatted with Ning Jiao Jiao next to her. She thought it was quite interesting.

This trip should be very exciting.

At least I heard some useful information. I will report the situation to the villa tomorrow.


At this moment, the maid who was helping with the bathing next to her suddenly felt something strange about the flowers. "That breath, could it be the Wusheng Sect?"

After all.

It is different from Ning Zheng's powerful breath-retaining ability of the real Sanyuan Realm.

Most of the low-level civilians and followers in their prison are not even monks. How can they hide?


The three flowers of ordinary people do not have the ability to speak, but there are too many consciousnesses here. They can still speak, and with confusion, crazy mumbling, it is very easy to make people lose their minds.

Even mortals feel something is wrong.

"Were we discovered?" Su Yu Niang's heart was turbulent and extremely anxious.

It's over.

We were discovered, what should we do?

In theory, there is no loss after the three flowers are pulled out.

However, this is obviously a hidden plot.

She thought she was a high-level player, how could she not follow the hidden plot?

Even if she listened here, she could get more information and intelligence, which would help our villa make better decisions.

I had to delay time, at least, through communication and dialogue, to get more information before being discovered.

"But we have been blamed. The atmosphere of our Wusheng Sect is too strong. If we say we are good people, not this princess of Wusheng Sect, will she believe it?"

An idea came to her mind, and she remembered that the other party was talking about the time traveler, so she played the trick.

She pondered for a moment, and said in a sad voice: "We finally traveled back."

"Welcome to Wusheng Old Mother!"

"We finally returned to 280,000 years ago, to when you were still young!"

I wanted to call someone immediately to say that there was a cult princess Xin'e here, but I was stunned.

There are actually a large group of Wusheng Sect travelers from the future here?

What did she call me, Wusheng Old Mother?

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