This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 162: Impersonating the Mother of No Life

Ning Zheng closed the experiment post and pondered in his heart.

"We need to pay special attention to Ye Kuangxiu's side, as it is too versatile."

"Even the outside world knows that we have a genius doctor who is good at fusion. We may simply create a new medical business to help with puppet fusion of organisms."

"Selling this puppet life is also very good."

"Many cultivators in this world like to buy some puppets as guards."

Ning Zheng just thought about it. This is a prototype, and the specific content needs to be carefully polished.

Ning Zheng continued to read the post.

[Boys Do Not Enter: The exclusive plot line for girls is finally coming! ]

This post seems to have some strange magic, which makes boys click in.

Ning Zheng clicked in directly to see what it was about.

Su Yu Niang:

"Everyone, recently all the big guys have been doing something crazy. I haven't posted for a long time."

"Because I really can't beat you. Your various operations are too shameless, no, too showy (⊙o⊙)..."

"Just this morning, my Yu Jin Su Yu Niang sent a good news. This is what happened."

Then Su Yu Niang told the story and boasted about her Yu Jin baby's ability to adapt to changes.

Everyone was also fascinated.

To be honest, when most people encounter this kind of hidden plot, their first reaction is to beg for mercy and explain that they are not from the Wusheng Cult.

But at this moment, the hidden plot is completely closed.

You die on the spot.

This gives you a very short choice, and Su Yu Niang can reverse the routine in an instant and start to break the situation where the other party calls for people to catch the cult. It's really something!

After reading the post.

This is obviously connected to the plot of Jiao Wuyu, Jian Xin, Xu Huan and others meeting the emperor.

Su Yu Niang: "From the perspective of Princess Xin'e, she doesn't know that she is dead, and she doesn't know that we are fake time travelers. She is already wondering if she is the Mother of No Life."

"We had a great time chatting with this princess and have become friends. We are wondering if we can go there again next time and run into the princess's mansion by chance. Please, (crazy hint that the planner secretly changed the probability\\(^o^)/~)"

"Of course, our lie won't last forever."

"After all, her essence is the weakest princess, and she has long died in history. She is a weak and cunning person with a noble status but no cultivation."

"But, What about the old mother? We can kill the genuine version and push the piracy. "" We are already an associate in -deputy chief. Isn't it normal to engage in the leader? " Planning, this is the exclusive plot of the female blacksmith. Do n’t enter the macho. Our puppet maiden, embroidered mother, idle, add air bubbles, open a new map together, and chat with people. They have been playing their embroidery and mule jewelry before. Although as a pure leisure party, this kind of life is very interesting, but it still feels a little bit of fun over time. "Great."

"Male players like to fight, play dungeons, and control giant gods to kill monsters. Female players like us to control giant gods to pretend to be Wushengjiao, chat, and brag."

"The planner took our gameplay into consideration. Love it."

"Sisters of Wushengjiao, go, go!"

"It turns out that this setting of Wushengjiao was originally a guild for us."

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Everyone talked about it.

I think this female-oriented side story is interesting.

A group of hairpin girls and embroiderers mixed in thousands of Wusheng female prisoners, pretending to be time travelers, golden finger grandfathers, supporting a "person" to rise in the imperial mausoleum and adventure in the dungeon?

It's quite interesting to think about it.

Ye Kuangxiu also commented:

"That makes sense. We have received information that the top leaders of every cult are highly confidential, and only a few people know their identities because they are all wanted by the court. If everyone knows, what if they catch the top leaders and expose themselves?"

"The Wusheng Old Mother of the Wusheng Cult is probably also a very hidden identity."

"We may not be unable to pretend."

"Plus, as Su Yu Niang said, Princess Xin'e's identity is very suitable! In the eyes of outsiders, she is a mortal princess with no cultivation, but she is often like the final boss in the storybook, which fits everyone's stereotype."

When everyone heard it, they felt that it made sense!

If outsiders knew about this, they would be shocked. They all thought of the scene:

"What? The Mother of No Birth, it turns out that she is hiding in the murals of the prehistoric imperial tombs, and she is also one of the princesses?"

"No wonder the world can't catch her, she is hiding in the ancient tomb under the nose of the saints."

"She was originally a mortal?"

"I can't believe that the Mother of No Birth is actually a princess of the previous dynasty, with such a high status!"

"She is hiding in the city, who would guess her true identity if she didn't tell me?"

The real Mother of No Birth bit her handkerchief in anger: I am the real one, the authentic one is here!

Many blacksmiths got excited when they thought of this scene.

"Ye Kuangxiu, you've been cheated again."

"Hahaha, so funny."

"You can't get away from this joke in three sentences, right~(^_^)~"

Everyone thinks it's interesting.

Of course, this is just the most ideal state.

Wusheng Old Mother must have something to prove her identity, and there are high-level Wusheng Sect members who know her.

The most rational way for them blacksmiths is:

Say that the group of high-level members of Wusheng Sect, including Wusheng Old Mother, are fakes!

In this way, their mutual authentication will be useless.


You use that token as identity proof?

We use our token as proof!

Blacksmith: Our deputy leader of Wusheng Sect made a big fuss in Xinyizhou City. The latest technology can make souls give birth. You can't, right?

Wusheng Old Mother: ""

She retorted: We have the most traditional baby superposition and reproduction technology.

Blacksmith: Superposition of flesh and blood reproduction technology? Look, our Yin-Yang Creation Furnace! It is the latest technology of our Wusheng Sect, which can give birth to flesh and blood, and can also allow different species to break through reproductive isolation! Are you as good as us?

Wusheng Old Mother: ""

What should we do? Our soul reproduction technology and flesh and blood reproduction technology are not as good as this group of people.

They are too fertile, and they are not afraid of death. They rush up one by one with babbling and shouting!

They look like the real Wusheng cult!

Compared with them, we are simply the most upright and righteous sect.

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