This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 163 Planting the Dark Flower on the Top

In the forum, Ning Zheng continued to glance at other posts.

Most of them revolved around the two topics of [Yin Yang Creation Furnace] and [Wu Sheng Sect Branch].

The posts were lively.

Many people even said in the posts: We underestimated the planner.

Originally, we thought the planner's goal was to let this three-flower randomly find Wu Sheng Sect members and infiltrate Wu Sheng Sect.


They were crazy about the nursery to bloom three flowers, and even wanted to ask the Sword Fairy to help them contact Wu Sheng Sect's Beijing informant.

And now?

The planner went big!

Impersonating Wu Sheng Sect and infiltrating is too low-level, so let them directly cultivate a Wu Sheng Mother!

"Sorry, I ignored the planner's intentions."

Ye Kuangxiu came forward and claimed responsibility for this:

"I only guessed half of it. We have to follow the Wusheng Sect's route to open Sanhua! But the Wusheng Sect's route is completely different. It's not the Wusheng Sect that mixed into the nursery, but the Wusheng Sect that founded the nursery."

"I think I am a hardcore gamer, I feel very guilty and must reflect on myself!"

"I still can't keep up with the planner's thinking."

"In the future, my thoughts must be more meticulous, and I will use more clues to open the hidden plot given to us by the planner! Figure out the planner's thoughts, expand our villa, and develop more hidden tasks!"

"I'm deeply sorry!"

Apology (one minute and thirty-seven seconds)

The post also includes an apology video in the game.

Ning Zheng was silent for a moment:

"How outrageous."

"What heavy reflection, continue to figure out my planning ideas, hidden plot?"

"I really don't think that much as a planner."

Ning Zheng thought about it and clicked on the apology video.

It should be the person himself who is in the video. He can also take a look at the background of that world, such as the room furnishings, buildings, and clothing. Click! Click on the video. "What is this?" The moment he saw the content of the video, Ning Zheng found that he was still young. In the video. It is a room of alchemy, with the [Yin Yang Creation Furnace] placed in the center. "Hey, hey!" With the help of several young blacksmiths, this artifact furnace raised its huge furnace legs and was bending at 90 degrees, performing a wave of craftsman spirit. "Sorry, it's all my fault!" Yin Yang Creation Furnace leaned forward and said seriously: "I, Ye Kuangxiu, take responsibility for this!" "Although I am a little unsuitable to move after my second transformation, I bow." Obviously, [Yin Yang Creation Furnace] believes that he is not dead. This "Ember Ye Kuangxiu" also issued an apology statement. Ye Kuangxiu was originally a big boss of evaluation posts, and maintained his hobby of posting after his death. A lot of comments:

"How wicked! You didn't even post your apology video in person?"

"What do you know? This is also a human face AI apology, which is popular recently."

"Fuck, Yu Jin seems to be AI, no mistake."

"No mistake!"

"The spirit of craftsmanship."

"You are so good at practicing the sixth body every night, does your mother know that you are so good?"

A group of people shouted that it was wicked, and there was no sincerity in the apology, and they tricked their own Yu Jin to apologize.

"He is so coquettish."

After Ning Zheng confirmed that no details were missed, he completely closed the forum.

"However, the Wusheng Sect's main line is not impossible."

He walked back and forth in the room, looking at the heavy snow outside, and fell into thought:

"Anyway, I have a way out, I can try it, and they can't catch my Yu Jin Kong Bu San Hua."

"If it succeeds, I can use [Princess Mansion] as a starting point to explore that secret realm."

The imperial mausoleum is still very worthy of attention

The next morning.

The villa was covered with snow, but the sky was unusually clear and cloudless. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the mountains, one felt a sense of vastness and insignificance.

Su Yu Niang, Zan Niang, Xiu Niang, more than a hundred loli blacksmiths had nothing to do, so they formed a team to fight each other, and waited for others to go with great interest.

They were looking forward to this "spring outing group activity".

At this time.


Three flowers grew.

More than a hundred people grew to the edge of the sea in a nursery, looking at the beach, seagulls, the vast sea, and big fish jumping from time to time, and suddenly felt that this random scenery was not bad.

Ning Zheng did not give them +20,000, but just let them grow randomly in a certain area of ​​the nursery.

After all.

How can you win the first prize every day.

How can you open the plug-in every day.

He earns 10,000 magic money a day, and it costs 20,000 to go once, and he can go at least every two days.


He can't not save luck points. If he encounters something, he can't resist it without luck points.

Ning Zheng pondered, "And, is there a permanent solution?" "It's too expensive to spend 20,000 luck points each time." Ning Zheng thought of a previous hypothesis. Princess Xin'e wanted to pull out the three flowers on her head to plant spiritual roots. So. Can her three flowers be planted? If successful, Ning Zheng's three flowers of embers will grow on the heads of the ghosts. Isn't it her own alternative clone, giving the other party power? "If it works, I can definitely raise a group of substitutes to plant my three flowers!" "Even Ning Jiao Jiao can plant my three flowers!" Ning Zheng's eyes flashed with thought, considering the pros and cons.

She is half dragon and half human, and can also bloom three flowers.

As far as he knows, Ning Jiao Jiao died before she bloomed three flowers.

The more Ning Zheng thought about it, the more he felt that there was a chance.

Only living people can plant spiritual roots, and ghosts cannot plant spiritual roots!

This is common sense.

But Ning Zheng's spiritual roots are very special.

Soul toxins can produce soul bubbles, which is equivalent to creating temporary ghosts!

His spiritual roots are naturally friendly to ghosts.

Even before, he made shadow spirit rice that ghosts can eat.

"I was originally related to the creation of ember bubbles and clones, so I may not be unable to create a clone magic power to plant spiritual roots and control ghosts."

"I am very lucky. As long as the probability is not zero, I can create this magic power."

Ning Zheng had thought about it before, and almost started to create his own magic power.

Now this first "planting spiritual roots" magic power is not bad.

Thinking of this, Ning Zheng slightly closed his eyes, and his consciousness went deep into the dark. In the dark, he saw a fate gambling table surrounded by fog, with stars twinkling and mysterious.

[I want to create a magical power that can make the ghost plant my spiritual roots. ]

The picture suddenly changed.

This time, only two pieces of information gradually emerged in the fog.

[Planting the dark flower on the top: Make your three flowers have some properties of the spiritual plants of heaven and earth, and can make ordinary ghosts without spiritual roots plant this spiritual root, (100,000 luck points)]

Unexpectedly not expensive!

Ning Zheng's eyes lit up.

But thinking carefully, it is reasonable that it is not expensive.

Because this ability is useless!

Because Ning Zheng can only plant it on ordinary ghosts without spiritual roots.

And this condition is to pull out Ning Zheng's three flowers.

Losing three flowers once, it takes a long time to recover.

He looked at the second one:

[Planting Thousand Flowers on the Top: It can make your embers hollow, produce the properties of spiritual roots, and have the properties of planting spiritual roots (1 million luck points)]

Ning Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

Don't just think that it's just from the three flowers of Ning Zheng's body to the three flowers of Ning Zheng's embers.

This is a huge qualitative change.

He is alone. Every time he plants a spiritual root, he pulls out the three flowers and gets hurt. How many can he plant?

But if his embers can be planted, it will form a natural disaster, expanding continuously and planting continuously!

Even if it can only be planted on some ordinary ghosts, it is a supernatural power against the sky!

For example.

The thousands of female prisoners of the Wusheng Sect in his prison.

Most of them are ordinary people without spiritual roots. They just carve clover on their stomachs and stack babies.

What if he explodes his embers one by one and plants them on them?

Thousands of ordinary ghosts have great potential, and each of them can have the powerful magical power of chopping people and dropping hollow bubbles.

And with spiritual roots, they can practice and become stronger!

It is equivalent to opening three flowers, turning into a group of strange monks, and practicing.

I have a group of "Yin Bing monks"!

Ning Zheng's eyes are bright:

"This is equivalent to me changing from producing a group of temporary empty bubbles to producing a group of permanent weak empty bubbles that can grow!"

"All mortals who died before their death have the possibility of planting spiritual roots after death."

Ning Zheng decided.

Even if this magical power is 1 million luck points, it must be opened in the future.

"However, you have to save money first, open this 100,000 luck points [Planting Nether Flowers on the Top], plant spiritual roots in the three flowers of the main body, and then light the three flowers of the embers."

This is a pre-conditioning magical power.

I opened this 100,000 luck points first, and then opened the advanced magical power, which only requires 900,000 luck points, and it will not be a loss.

"Ten days, I have to wait."

Even if it is Princess Xin'e, I don't know how powerful it is to plant my spiritual roots?

Ning Zheng pondered.

It shouldn't be at the level of heavenly spiritual roots.

But there should be high-quality spiritual roots?

It should also be able to chop people to produce embers, but the function is not that strong.

"If Princess Xin'e opens this spiritual root, her ability will be the same as the deputy leader who appeared before, chopping people to explode bubbles."

"Then doesn't she have the capital to completely disguise herself as the Mother of No Birth?"

Ning Zheng's expression became more and more strange as she thought about it.

The genuine Mother of No Birth, I really didn't mean it.

You are born with flesh and blood.

Our lineage belongs to the soul and bubble birth.

"Princess Xin'e is the Mother of No Birth, and I support this puppet and hide behind the scenes. It is also very good. A mortal princess of the dynasty has an excellent natural identity."

"If Princess Xin'e doesn't live up to her expectations, then change someone."

He looked indifferent.

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