This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 165 The divine weapon is forged, and ten suns are in the sky!

Time passed, and fifteen days had passed since Miaopu met the princess.

These days were unexpectedly calm.

The Xirong team in the capital, Xinyi Baishan and others were still casting frantically for 24 hours, without stopping at all, and their energy and spirit were greatly depleted.

Other sun and moon teams had also started casting long ago.

It is estimated that it will take more than ten days, and it is estimated that it will be almost completed.

While each team was frantically casting the sun and moon for 24 hours, only Ning Zheng, the leader of the Xirong team, was slacking off, not relaxing at all.

Even this leisure time was sitting in the yard watching the snow every day.

In the morning, I accompanied the group of more than one hundred hairpin ladies, embroiderers, and Yingying and Yanyan to see the scenery, "outing".

In the afternoon, I accompanied the group of tomb robbers to fight the boss and see their operations.

The days were so leisurely that Ning Zheng remembered the rest days after the red sun, fishing, fishing, fishing.

Now it is blooming, blooming, blooming.

"I really hope that the days will be peaceful forever."

Ning Zheng sighed.

Just yesterday, the group of blacksmiths fused a special creature, which was completely alive.

It was a combination of a dog and a canine.

The blacksmith ran over happily and asked Ning Zheng if he could be included in the [Login Race].

Ning Zheng ignored him.

Not just any cat or dog can log in.

The Golden Money Boy is a monster that casts magic coins.

The human race is the most adaptable race.

And this canine monster in front of him has no special skills and is ordinary.

And because it is a synthetic monster, it may not live long and have various hidden defects.

However, after the first synthesis, everyone thoroughly studied some rules, and more examples of synthesized monsters appeared.

At the same time.

Two days ago.

Yan Shuangying started to play the dungeon again.

During this period of time, he practiced his steps crazily, and asked the blacksmith of the villa to hit him with a small sandbag, and he frantically caught it with his body.

Now, in his words, it has developed an instinct.

"The attacks came like a storm, and I intercepted them one by one. Even if your aim is poor, I can take the damage with my body!"

As expected.

This time, the tomb was barely successful.

They deliberately ignored the "spiritual plant area" in the battle, and used the results of training to barely save half of the spiritual plant area after killing the boss.


Seeing the fruit trees and spiritual plants being dug back, countless people cheered.

"Brothers, these fruit trees, plant them next to the peach trees before." Someone happily directed the greening work.

When attacking the city guards before, they got a batch of peach trees and spiritual plants. Those peach trees have long been planted on both sides of the square.

Green plants belonging to the villa. "Wait, your fruit trees are basically killed by the shock."


"What should we do?"

"Take the fruit tree corpses and synthesize them."

"That's right, how can ordinary fruit trees be worthy of the status of our villa?"

"We have to get mutant fruit trees that have never been seen before. In the future, when the big guys come to visit our villa, there will be treasures everywhere that have never been seen before. Won't our status be improved?"

"That makes sense. This master craftsman is getting closer and closer to his goal of putting his hands behind his back and looking at all living beings indifferently!"

The chattering crowd continued.

Ning Zheng smiled. Sometimes when he saw them bragging to each other and being complacent, he felt that the atmosphere of the whole villa became happy.

Fifteen days later, Ning Zheng also accumulated 150,000 luck points.

He can click on his first derivative magic at any time.

"It's almost time to start."

Ning Zheng looked into the distance

Beijing, the palace.

Rounds of sun and moon, finished products appeared one by one, and were urgently sent to [Fei Jianjian]

The entire Beijing royal team began to get busy quickly.

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They have to check the quality and effect of each finished product, and detect whether there are hidden hands in it.

A large number of people come and go.

"There is no problem here."

"There is no problem here either."

"This is the finished product of the sun and moon. The quality is not good, and it does not match the finished product provided by their team, but there is no hidden hand either."

"This finished product here is beyond expectations."

There are a total of ten suns and moons, and none of them have hidden hands.

All the blacksmiths dare not, but they still have to sort it out with the most rigorous means.

"Crown Princess, the inspection has been completed."

The old eunuch came and reported seriously to a woman who looked like Su Yu Niang.

"That's it." The woman nodded lightly.

The spirit of the sun and moon embers, they cleaned the memory and took a new name.

Dao Yue Niang.

She is also the future crown princess, the queen of the world, under one person and above ten thousand people, and the major sects and clans in the whole Kyushu have to look at her face.

The prince is still in the prehistoric imperial tomb.

Although the two have never met, it does not prevent the gift of this title.

Living people cannot have any contact with the dead.

Especially the saints of all generations, they have to suppress the imperial mausoleum with heavy Yin Qi, and it is even more impossible to be contaminated by Yin evil and aggravate the infection.

She can only be the crown princess in name.

With such an identity, she deepens the connection with the court, because the sun and the moon are too important.

In Dao Yue's mind, she is one of the secret hands secretly cultivated by the court, destined to benefit the people of the world.

"Since all the trials have been completed, then let them go."

Dao Yue said: "Ten suns are suspended in the air. I will go to the nursery in person to make the sun and moon for the capital and even the nursery area."

The saint did not say it at the beginning.

The other suns and moons will be destroyed after being eliminated because it is too wasteful of resources.

Ten suns are suspended in the air.

Jiuzhou, the tenth state in the sky-nursery, is just enough for distribution.

Who complains about the large number of suns and moons?

The court has no time, not even too much time to carefully check the functions of those suns and moons.

Even if they do not meet the standards and are useless, it is better to have them than not. Time will prove the strength of these suns and moons, and they will be eliminated one by one, and the final sun and moon will be born.

Dao Yue looked heavy, "In the future, the kings of Jiuzhou will not only govern their own territories, but also the sun and moon themselves."

As she sighed, she seemed to see a turbulent and chaotic world coming.

Even in the historical corridors recorded in the [Book of Years], there is a grand situation that has never been seen in the history of Jiuzhou!


Before, when the Nine-Spiced Saint opened up the era of acquired spiritual roots, wasn't it also an unprecedented change in the world?

However, the Nine-Spiced Dynasty could not suppress such a great change, and had no experience in ruling and operation.

This led to its sudden death again in just over 100,000 years.

It may even be one of the shortest dynasties in history.

"The most brilliant, and the shortest?"

Dao Yue muttered in her heart, looking at the murals from afar, "I hope that the prince can completely stand up and change everything after His Majesty enters the tomb, and calm the whole world."

The worry in her eyes converged, and she looked at the old eunuch in front of her: "Have all the people and people in the entire capital evacuated?"

"Evacuated, evacuated to various states, waiting for the new saint to bring the new capital to settle in." The old eunuch smiled.

In front of her, the saint spent "more than ten years" teaching in the secret realm, accepted her as a disciple, taught her to practice, helped her to open up skills, learn techniques, and passed on the secrets and secrets of the entire court to her.

The old saint has completely retired, letting the crown princess govern the country herself.

This is a test.

And Miss Dao Yue must also bear this test.

Her predecessor lived in a peaceful era, laughing and joking, but now she has truly brought out a person's potential, talent, and adaptability.


The spirit in front of him has an unprecedented seven-color heavenly spiritual root.

If he grows up, he will be the eternal sun and moon that deserves it.


She closed her eyes, "The people who evacuated the capital, the world's aristocratic families, and the clans have all felt something is wrong."

"We should also announce that the saint has passed away."

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