This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 166: The Saint Passes Away, Pyeongchang City Underwent a Dramatic Change (4,000 Words)

Sword Casting Villa.

Ning Zheng walked up the mountain slowly, thinking about the new magical power he had just developed.

"My first magical power was successful. With a luck value of 100,000, I feel that the three flowers on my head have mutated a little and become more solid."

"Even if I don't pull it out, the immortal touches his head and grants the opportunity of "mortals" to me. It is estimated that there will be a certain basic gain for me."

"However, I feel that my spiritual root type seems to be quite special. Creating temporary empty bubble embers and granting empty bubble ember spiritual root opportunities"

"Obviously, I am the real ghost king, right?"

He was not calm in his heart:

"The so-called ghost king like Jiao Wuyu, a natural ruler, can rule over a few ghosts? I feel that they are all fakes who attract hatred for me."

At this time.

Ning Zheng realized how powerful the magical power is.

The supporting magical spells developed can truly bring out his own heaven-defying ability.

No wonder some cultivators are crazy about cultivating magical powers, otherwise the "white value attribute" is not enough for others to slap twice.

"Next time, +20,000 luck points, it's time to let that group of loli blacksmiths in." Ning Zheng pondered, "By the way, mention this to Jiu Cairong." The housekeeper's room. Jiu Cairong was slightly happy after hearing Ning Zheng's words: "You mean, the owner of the manor agreed to our plan for Princess Xin'e." "Even, he gave Princess Xin'e the spiritual root that can make the ghost bloom three flowers?" Everyone present was surprised. They were still hesitant before, how to deceive Princess Xin'e. After all, they were fake, saying that they traveled back and let Princess Xin'e practice, but how could she, a mortal ghost, practice? Now the dog planner has cheated us again! Get everything ready. Thinking of this, they began to plan in detail. "Fuck, the planner is playing a big game of the next wave." Ye Kuangxiu said in surprise. "What do you mean?" Shao Chai Kun was confused. Ye Kuangxiu just posted an apology video, and now he continues to guess the planner's intentions. Isn't it wrong again? "You don't understand."

"We are now laying out the world."

Ye Kuangxiu said: "First, it is the ember weapons, scattered all over the place, rooted in various families, secretly laying out, right?"

Everyone nodded.

Ye Kuangxiu:

"Now, it is the earth-binding spirits, the ghosts from all over the place, scattered all over the place, and planted three flowers for them."

"Weapons + ordinary ghosts, rooted everywhere, this intelligence network will be all over the world!"

"And Princess Xin'e is the beginning of the first human-shaped intelligence node."

Everyone took a breath of cold air when they heard it.

And the inhalation and exhalation were very obvious and exaggerated, and each one of them exhaled a bunch of white mist in winter.

It turned out that these were two lines.

One is the weapon line, with nodes all over the world.

The other is the fierce ghost line, with nodes all over the world.

This is a perfect correspondence!

"It's so terrifying."

"Sword Casting Villa, you must not stay!"

The gate of the villa.

It's the day when Zhang Huaping and Shi Youyou, the two merchants, come to buy painting cards.

The two of them crossed the teleportation array and saw that the villa is very different now.

Various green plants and flowers are blooming.

It is winter, but they are particularly lush. They are obviously some unknown cold-resistant plants.

"I have never seen it before. It looks like a mutant of some plant?" Shi Youyou was speechless.

Recently, the friends of the Xuelihua family have stopped looking for her to play. They even drove her away and guarded against her like a thief.

Our Shi family has learned their professional 18 ways of eating dirt. Do they feel that they are at a disadvantage?

Not to mention, this trick is really useful.

The female disciples of the family complained at first. Who can stand eating like this every day, lying on their stomachs, and standing on one leg?

It's very embarrassing.

But their military management is to break the embarrassment. Later, they became thick-skinned and the effect was very significant.

Now it has changed from eating rice training to eating snow training.

Of course, they can't eat dirt. They are not crazy, and they don't think that the Xuelihua family eats dirt. It can only be said that the Shi family is naive and a little cute.

At this time

There were sparse people standing in the square of the villa, coming and going in a hurry.

And most of the buildings in the villa were not allowed to enter.

There was obviously a new building in the distance: the alchemy room.

There were a lot of people and it was very noisy.

Shi Youyou tried to get closer and pricked up his ears to eavesdrop on the sounds in the alchemy room, but he heard nothing.

Shi Youyou was a little surprised and secretly complained:

"They are so rich, every building has measures to isolate the consciousness and sound?"

Before, they even pried the floor.

It's not that they are poor, but they are rich but stingy?

Shi Youyou felt that as a demon cultivator, this traditional virtue of thrift and stinginess should be carried forward.

In fact.

Today, the entire villa is undergoing a large-scale transformation.

Ning Zheng looted a lot of shops, and the goods were basically classified and sorted.

There was not much cash, all kinds of supplies, building materials, formations, and elixirs.

These stolen goods were not easy to exchange for cash, so they were used directly by themselves.

Several protective formations were built around the entire villa, and every building was renovated.

Now the entire villa is comparable to the defense of a family at the second phase level, which is very powerful.

Very luxurious, low-key and meaningful.

"Please come this way." A young blacksmith led them to the warehouse, counted the recently cast painting cards, and then prepared to send them out.

Zhang Huaping was eager to leave.

Shi Youyou was reluctant to leave, secretly thinking that they had done their job and had asked their family for the locations of 10 tomb owners.

When they were about to leave the villa, the two were suddenly called.

"This is the product we developed."

The leader of the hairpins was a cute girl with the ID "Lin Daiyu". With her superb skills, she completely unified the two groups of hairpins and embroiderers.

Lin Daiyu ran over: "Please come to our building."

New product? ?

The two people's eyes lit up.

When they came to the Hairpin Tower, they saw workshops one after another, with countless girls chatting, bragging, playing cards, making clothes and hairpins.

Lin Daiyu took out a jacket, "This is our latest product, soft armor!"

The jacket was like a piece of noodles woven together, but it was woven very carefully, and the pattern was quite beautiful.

Shi Youyou nodded, "Can I try it?"

"Please." Lin Daiyu said.

Shi Youyou took out a dagger from the storage bag and stabbed it directly into the soft armor.

He only used half of his strength, but found that the soft armor was only cut with a small hole.

"This defense is pretty good, the spell is a recovery and regeneration type." Shi Youyou showed a surprised look: "It's probably the defense of the Five Body Realm Great Perfection, which is the best among the low-level magic weapons." She opened the cross section of the inner armor, "Such a high defense, did you integrate hard iron?" "This thing is notoriously difficult to melt and cast. You melted it so evenly, can you really make back the cost? The labor cost is not enough to cover the cost." There is nothing wrong with the forging materials, they are all common low-level materials. The difficult part is the craftsmanship! It's like someone carved a picture of the Riverside during the Qingming Festival on a rotten wooden board. The labor cost feels a bit outrageous. "Are you showing off your skills? This is thankless!" Shi Youyou was a little envious, "How much are you going to sell it for?" "Three hundred magic coins a piece." Lin Meimei said. "Three hundred magic coins?" Shi Youyou was shocked again, "Are you really going to sell it that cheaply?" Five Body Realm weapons are basically two hundred magic coins a piece. But clothes and armor are often more expensive, because the key points of the Five Body Realm are the abdomen and the four internal organs. The price of armor can be more than double that of weapons.

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300~400 magic money per piece.

The defense of the clothes in front of you is very strong, and selling it for 400 magic money is the normal price.

"So cheap?" Zhang Huaping's expression changed, "That's 100 magic money cheaper per piece!"

"This is still the basic price." Lin Meimei said: "You guys only need 250 to get the goods."

The two were completely tempted!

Lin Meimei was very proud.

The synthesis and smelting of low-level materials are the biggest forging costs.

But now the synthesis furnace, they take the clothes and socks of those monks' storage bags, plus hard iron, perfectly and evenly blended in it.

Then, enchant the spirit roots, this process is as simple as the painting cards next door.

The cost is very low.

"Then we will take them all." Zhang Huaping said.

"Me too." Shi Youyou said.

"No problem, no problem." Lin Meimei said, after several months of grinding for the opening of the server, it was finally their turn to open.

This is a low-level magic weapon, the same level as the painting card, used by the five-body realm cultivators.

It can only be sold in the low-end market of cities such as Pingchang City, and it cannot be bought in the state capital, let alone the capital.

"By the way, can we go to Pingchang City with you?" Sister Lin suddenly said.

"Ah?" Zhang Huaping was stunned, "You have to ask your steward."

"Wait a minute, I'll go ask." Sister Lin's eyes turned, "The old steward is in the steward's room, I'll go next door to see." Sister Lin ran over excitedly and asked carefully.

Ning Zheng was stunned, want to go to Pingchang City to play?

He thought about it, as a team-building activity for the villa, it would be good.

Now we can still take a break from our busy schedule. After the magic weapon is built, the sun and the moon rise, and I don't know what will happen.

Before that, it's also good to enjoy peace.


Ning Zheng has never been to Pingchang City once, which seems a bit regrettable.

Before, I didn't have enough strength and didn't dare to go.

Now it is the second realm of the Three Yuan Realm, and no one in Pingchang City can threaten him.

Even the three major families cannot pose a danger to him.

Ning Zheng thought for a while: "Okay, then organize it and take you to Pingchang City for a walk, limited to the embers."

After this, countless people were extremely happy.

After all, most people, no matter how unlucky they are, basically opened an ember.

Old players such as Shao Chai Kun and Shi Shen all have one.

Because they inherited their cooking experience, they are helping in the cafeteria.

The night cafeteria is also Shao Chai Kun and Shi Shen who cook for the embers at night.

Less than half an hour.

A group of people came to the gate of the villa in a mighty manner.

Ning Zheng counted, thirty-one, the number of people is a bit too many, but they still pulled out of the state of the earth-binding spirit one by one.

At this time, Shi Youyou had left with a speechless face, and Zhang Huaping was still there.

"Is there any problem?" Ning Zheng asked Zhang Huaping.

"No problem."

Zhang Huaping nodded, "We have a sound mechanism for embers to enter the city, but there are too many, so we need to hire some professional escorts to prevent the embers from suddenly going berserk."

Ember caregiver.

This profession also exists.

Who doesn't have a few dead family members?

Occasionally, you can pull it out and take it out for a walk. You can hire some caregivers to accompany and take care of it.

This is stipulated by the law. You must have a "guardian" when entering the city.

It's like the caregivers in nursing homes who take care of grandmas and grandpas.

It can only be said that some people are better off dead than alive.

Of course, these caregivers are generally for cultivators in the Five Body Realm and Four Organ Realm.

It's not convenient to pull it out for those in the Three Yuan Realm. You need to be in the Three Yuan Realm to do it, and the loss is a bit large.

Ning Zheng nodded, indicating that it's okay to hire a caregiver.

Zhang Huaping nodded, "I have also taken the caregiver certificate exam, and occasionally work part-time. I can contact some friends to help. Thirty-two people, about ten magic coins each."

After this, the people around whispered.

"Ten magic coins?"

"It's so damn cheap."

"Are the prices outside so cheap?"

"Oh my God."

Zhang Huaping next to him was a little envious.

Ten magic coins are already a lot.

Earning ten magic coins a day is already a huge profit for low-level cultivators.

If there is business every day, there will be 300 magic money a month, which can afford a good weapon.

You know, a low-level casual cultivator who does odd jobs everywhere needs to save money for two or three years to buy a weapon.

Hula la.

A group of people marched through the teleportation array

Pingchang City.

The teleportation array is inside the city wall.

Ning Zheng and others entered, surrounded by pedestrians entering and exiting the teleportation array.

In the distance, a towering city wall, the three-yuan realm and the four-zang realm, cast this human living area.

It just looks majestic, compared with the city wall of Bizhou City, it is a bit petty.

The city wall of Bizhou City can be entered for sightseeing!

The streets are busy, there are many people wearing scholar robes, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians.

"Everyone stay here."

Zhang Huaping was very polite, "I'll go and hire a group of caregivers, this is also a big business for them."

The little blacksmiths looked around a little stiffly, with excitement and joy on their faces.


The super large sandbox world is too real.

Full of fireworks, the aroma of street barbecue in the air, the noise of people, couples holding hands, children playing and fighting.

Ning Zheng also watched this scene quietly.

There is indeed countless times more life here than the walls of the state capital.

Because the scale gates of the state capital are mostly dead, it feels like a logical world, and everyone repeats the daily life before death.

Just when Ning Zheng sighed.

Ding Ding Ding! !

Suddenly, a huge bell sounded throughout Pingchang City.

Ning Zheng turned his head suddenly, "Is this sound a funeral knell?"

Then an official document was urgently posted in front of the city wall, countless people gathered, and even many scholars cried.

"The saint has passed away."

The incredible shouts, the grief, despair, and pain of the crowd mixed into one, turning into an ocean of despair.

"The saint has ruled the world for more than 100,000 years. He conquered the world and opened up a prosperous era for us. He suffered too much and his hidden disease broke out."

"The supreme ruler of Jiuzhou who opened up a prosperous era for mortals to study, our belief for hundreds of thousands of years, has passed away."

A monk from the government wearing a white robe and carrying a bucket passed by, scooped up white water, and splashed it on the vendors, passers-by, and children in every household.

Water magic surged.

The white water soaked the clothes, and in an instant, all the passers-by on the street were dyed white.

Ning Zheng and others, even the little blacksmith, were dyed white.

Obviously, the day has come for every household in Jiuzhou to wear mourning clothes, white hats and white clothes.

The little blacksmiths were also stunned when they saw this scene in Pingchang City: "Cutscene"

"The new expansion pack is here."

At the moment when the saint's death was posted, Ning Zheng suddenly saw a terrible scene.

On the street, the elderly, children, and women could vaguely see the luck above their heads slowly falling.

"Is this going to die?"

Ning Zheng's pupils dilated, and she suddenly left this street.

In other streets, even in the entire Pingchang City, all lives, the luck values ​​were slowly falling.

Everyone in the entire Pingchang City was going to die?

"What is that?" Before Ning Zheng could speak, someone pointed at the sky and shouted.

Countless people, shop owners, and women holding children walked out of their homes and looked at the sky.

It was a new rising sun.

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