"It's the sun!"

"It's the new sun, it's rising."

Countless people shouted, the warm sunshine sprinkled down, and it even felt that the ice and snow in Pyeongchang City in the cold winter were melting.

The blacksmiths also saw this scene and couldn't help whispering secretly.

"Why isn't it the sun and moon we thought of?"

"I don't know."

"We won't pass the trial?"

"No way."

But soon someone saw the notice posted by the government.

The new sun and moon rose, and there were a total of nine suns and moons, each reflecting the nine states of the world.

The tenth state, the nursery, is not known to ordinary mortals. They are at the level of those high-level monks, but it is more harmful than beneficial.

"The new sun and moon rose, but the saint died."

"Perhaps, the sun and moon have been reshaped long ago, but they were released when the saint died, so as to give us enough confidence."

"No, perhaps the saint died of heart failure in order to raise the sun and moon again."

"Woo woo woo!~"

Countless people were discussing.

Ning Zheng didn't listen to their whispers, but was still immersed in the heads of these passers-by.

Their luck

is still falling!

Calculating the approximate ratio, it will probably die in 2~3 months.

"This is a local city, will there be a city destruction incident?" Ning Zheng thought, after the death of the saint, this chaotic world came, but it was too chaotic, a city next to her was suddenly destroyed?

Not a moment later.

"Sorry, sorry."

Zhang Huaping, dressed in white, also hurried over.

Her luck value was also slowly falling, and she was about to die.

Unlike the little blacksmiths who had already had internal information in the capital and were mentally prepared for emergencies.

Zhang Huaping didn't expect that her short life would witness this historic day.

The saint ruled the era for more than 100,000 years, and she was just a little monk who lived for a few hundred years at most, and she could actually encounter this scene.


Everyone thought that this was still a fairly young era.

With the unprecedented power of the saint, the common people once thought that he would rule for at least another 100,000 years.

Not to mention Zhang Huaping, even the three major families in Pingchang City were not qualified to access the inside information of the capital.

The invited team from the capital was already the top group of people in various fields in Jiuzhou.

The little blacksmith fished in troubled waters and entered it to get all kinds of high-end secret information.

"Do you still want to visit Pingchang City?"

Zhang Huaping couldn't help asking, after all, such a big thing happened today.

"Is it not possible?" Ning Zheng asked, he wanted to go around Pingchang City more and see what crisis this city encountered, not only to see if he could help, but also to find the source of the crisis, so as not to affect his villa.

"Of course not."

Zhang Huaping shook his head, "It's just a requirement to wear white clothes, there are no other rigid requirements, and the work of various industries in the city will not stop."

"Even those who get married today can continue, but I think most people will not continue to get married."

The little blacksmiths looked excited as they watched the animation performance of this scene.

Sure enough, today when we came to Pyeongchang City, the planner wanted us to see a big plot process!

The whole city was in mourning, which was a bit shocking.

"If you choose to continue, our nurses will perform their duties." Zhang Huaping was followed by more than 30 nurses in white robes.

There were men and women, old and young.

But without exception, they were all disabled people with withered hands and feet, or missing arms and legs.

The life of the lower class of casual cultivators was not easy.

"Then continue." Ning Zheng was not hypocritical.

The shops on the street were still open, and people were more discussing, mourning, and meditating.

Because the saints were too high and seemed a bit illusory.

They were more emotional. The death of the mythical hero at the top of the human pyramid that they had heard in textbooks and legends since childhood would have what impact on their subsequent lives.

Most people were upset, but they did not lose their appetite or sleep, and continued to work.

This is reality.

"Let's go separately. We have cards for communication." A caregiver said, "They are all cards from the same group. Don't worry about us getting lost." Soon, Ning Zheng asked the caregivers to take them and the embers around. "Where is the vegetable market? I'm going to the vegetable market. The materials for synthesizing babies are very low." "I'm going to the antique market to shop." Seeing that the pockets of these little blacksmiths are full, they obviously have their own plans. They are either going to the vegetable market or the antique market. Ning Zheng didn't care after seeing it. They have professional caregivers to accompany the embers. It is already a mature mechanism. No matter how crazy the little blacksmith is, he has a mental stamp and will not tell the secrets of the villa. Ning Zheng is quite confident about this. What's more, he has luck value. If something goes wrong, his luck value will be aware of it. This is why he seems to be quite "heartless". Ning Zheng felt a little heavy in his heart. After thinking about it, he walked around and took a look. "My lord, I will walk with you." Next to him, the embers of Burning Chai Kun and the God of Food followed carefully. The shifty look in his eyes seemed to indicate that some hidden plot was about to unfold.

Ning Zheng ignored him and walked around a few streets to learn about the prices of the shops on the ground floor and the atmosphere of the market outside.

Then he found a restaurant and sat down.

He ordered some side dishes and listened to the discussions around him.

A wine table next to him:

"It is perhaps natural that the saint passed away. No one in this world can survive death. Moreover, it is said that any emperor who founded a dynasty would not live long after ascending the throne, because they suffered too many hidden injuries in the process of building a country."

"I don't know if it is the crown prince who succeeded to the throne?"

"I heard that the crown princess is currently in power in the capital and is in charge of the funeral affairs."

"Who is the crown princess?"

"I don't know. It should be secretly cultivated, or a marriage of an ancient sect?"

"No, I heard that it is not the crown prince who succeeded to the throne, but abdication? Ready to give up the throne to someone?"

"Is it one of the kings of the nine continents, a king of a different surname who founded the country? After all, no one knows who is dead and who is still alive, but there must be someone alive."

"Whether it is true or false, no one knows, it is all kept secret."

"Who will give up the throne to, we will know when the time comes."

"Yes, every generation of saints is personally fought for."

The whole restaurant is discussing the general situation of the world.

This is a special hobby of scholars.

But with their cognition, it is impossible to get the real news of the court.

"Publicize it to the outside world, give up the throne?" Ning Zheng pondered.

Ning Zheng didn't know the specific truth of the fake death.

Xinyi Baishan didn't know.

Sword Fairy didn't know.

Even the whole Jiuzhou knew the truth, only the saint's confidants and the group of seed players who were thrown into the secret realm of the imperial mausoleum [Xinjian] by the saint.

I just think that the saint's death was too abrupt.

You just died after forging the sun and the moon?

It is speculated that it may be a fake death.

And the various forces in the world, big sects, and evil cults, will probably be at a loss and at a loss.

Fearing that the saint is fishing, they dare not make any big moves.

For a time, all the forces in Jiuzhou froze.

At their level, who doesn't have wisdom?

It's an open conspiracy.

You don't know whether I am dead or not. This is like a sword hanging over your head, so you dare not be too presumptuous.

Even if it is a fake death, the era of the saint must have passed.

It is impossible to return to the position. It has been announced to the world. Real death or fake death means that you can't come back alive in front of the world.

Of course.

No matter who succeeds, it has nothing to do with Ning Zheng.

He is just a small local force, and the tall man will hold up the sky when it falls.

Therefore, all god-level professionals will remain neutral.

No matter who takes office, they will not take action against them. Neutral professions are popular.

Shao Chai Kun next to him was also discussing:

"We will just watch the coup in the court. We are neutral ministers. As long as we are not involved in the vortex of power grabbing, everything is fine."

"Well, sit on the shore and watch the fire." The God of Food said.

Ning Zheng continued to drink tea and eat.

Others in the entire restaurant are anxious about the possible chaos, but Ning Zheng has always had good luck and can survive both chaos and prosperity.

"The people in the entire restaurant are losing their luck and their lives are not long. It seems that this city is really going to be gone."

He looked at the sky. It was just afternoon, and he went to the mortal vegetable market again.

He didn't go to the monks' shops. It felt meaningless.

Various vegetables and animals were placed on the stalls of various markets. Occasionally, a few ember babies were seen bargaining with the vendors, spitting everywhere.

The people here were also losing their luck points.

Ning Zheng was completely sure at this moment that the entire Pingchang City would completely become a dead city in the near future.

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