This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 171 New Villa Rewards, Choose Two from Four

Jiucairong and others were very happy.

Noah's Ark.

They remembered an anecdote:

A mortal named Noah built a huge ship according to the instructions of God, so that all kinds of land creatures in the world could avoid a flood caused by God's punishment.

"Hehe, we are the mortals who built a huge ship." Daojiujiu's eyes lit up.

Those formations, protection and isolation, aren't they the ships that survived the flood?

The more they thought about it, the more excited they became. In the villa, they built a great achievement that was destined to be recorded in history, the Ark of Salvation!

This next main line is very exciting.

"It's so cool! My God, the Ark of Salvation, it's very missionary!"

Jiucairong looked longing, "The plot design of the planner is awesome, I feel so happy."

"No, my heart is so happy that I can't hold it." The God of Food pretended to faint.

Shao Chai Kun said: "God ordered a mortal named 'Noah' to build the ark, so we are mortal blacksmiths who built the ark, so isn't the god who ordered mortals to build the ark the old steward?"

Ye Kuang Xiu: "Praise the great god-Old Steward, save the people of our Jiuzhou!"

Everyone rolled their eyes.

My God, this flattery is quite good.

We secretly learn some skills, so won't we be another crazy rising Ye Kuang Xiu in the future?

Ning Zheng ignored their cheers, took the communication token, and nodded:

"Okay, we agree here, but the defense strength of the formation should be as high as possible, and the output of the finished product should be fast."

"That's natural."

Old Man Lan was eager to try, "After all, this demand market is the largest now. After a while, everyone will find that nothing happened, and they will not make money."

It's just like a group of people rushing to the supermarket for salt when a major accident happens, so they stock up first.

The price of salt has soared, and every household buys it to prevent accidents.

When everyone finds that nothing happened, no one will rush to buy salt.

Therefore, he must seize the business opportunity. He does not think that the saint will really have an accident. There must be many back-ups. If he does not let himself leave the tomb after death, it is probably a false alarm.

Old man Lan was a little excited: "Then we have to recruit more people to form a team."

"Doukouhong is responsible for selecting the spiritual roots suitable for the array plate."

"Xinyi Baishan is responsible for forging the array plate."

"In addition, Xirong Shenjiang is responsible for the weapon spirit."

"I am responsible for the operation of the array diagram."

"Our four parties will cooperate to produce a large protective array, which is guaranteed to be no weaker than the defense of the city wall, and even break the traditional tomb wall model."

In the eyes of old man Lan, the times are developing.

In the future, it will not be that each profession will study independently, but a composite cooperative forging.

The sales fair in the capital attracts countless people.

Now he can also mix in and participate in the next sales fair, which will soar to the sky.

Sitting on a wave of reform that opens up an era.

Later, when everyone thinks of this change, the teacher will also teach in the textbook:

"Led by Xirong the God Craftsman, Xinyi Baishan, Lan Zhou, Doukouhong, this group of martyrs, opened up for our descendants"

A few hundred words:

"This is a must-test question in the imperial examination, all scholars must remember it."

Lan Zhou was a little happy when he thought of this.

There are not many God Array Masters, but definitely not a few. After a period of history, who will still remember him?

But what about now?

"Don't worry, we are a family of array masters." Lan Zhou knew that his array master, as a last-place profession, also had a moment of soaring.

Thinking back then, wasn't the spiritual farmer also at the end of the era?

The Doukou family also rose in that way!

He felt that it might be his turn.

Next, Ning Zheng didn't talk much, leaving it to Jiucai Rong and others to communicate specifically, and decided the general direction of the villa development by himself.

After they finished talking about the general cooperation situation, they hung up the communication

Sword Casting Villa.

A group of blacksmiths were a little dissatisfied.

"It's cooperation again, four people cooperate."

"We are just soy sauce again."

"Damn it."

"When can we replace Xinyi Baishan, Doukouhong, Lanzhou and other big guys and kick them out."

"Xinyi Baishan depends on Daojiujiu, Doukouhong depends on Auntie Xian and Fairy Yi, and Lanzhou, well, I guess we need to build a formation area."

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"Then I will be the person in charge."

"Why do you think you can do it?"

"I majored in painting, and I think I can do it."

Ning Zheng was speechless.

These people are crazy.

Replace those top big guys, slowly kick them out, and eat alone?

Dream on.

My current share of work is less than 5%, and a slacker has the nerve to say it here.

Ning Zheng got it and stood up and said to everyone:

"This time, we completed the order of the saint, and the owner is very satisfied."

"We give you four options, choose two from four."

As soon as these words fell.

Everyone cheered directly.

The main storyline of the Saint's Order is completed, and the next main storyline is opened.

Now it is indeed their turn to settle the rewards.

"Choose two from four, can I say this is super conscientious?"


"The owner of the manor is very satisfied with our main storyline. The owner of the manor has always been a background board, right? Has he been in seclusion for two or three months?"

"The owner of the manor has a giant god phantom, who said he was a background board."

"My God, it rises every day under the villa. Are you sure it's not the same as the prison, but a dynamic wallpaper background?"

"Fuck, it's true, the owner of the villa lives in the background story."

"What do you know? It's normal for a real strong man to be in seclusion for a few years. Look at Jian Xin, who can easily stay in seclusion for thousands of years. I guess most of the time he is practicing."

"That's right, Jian Xin is a straight man at first glance. He entered the Red Mansion at the age of ten and had no reaction."

"Can you react?"

"What do you know? Bring back a group of courtesans and make them child brides. What's the difference between this and Sun Wukong pointing at the seven fairies and knowing how to eat peaches."

"I think it's normal for the owner of the villa not to appear. The background board of the main line is like this."

"Sometimes, the dog planner always has various small bugs to give benefits."

A group of people chattered.

Cough cough cough.

Ning Zheng coughed twice to indicate silence and announced the options.

1. Mermaids.

2. 100 blacksmith places.

3. 500 magic coins of business building vouchers.

4. Reset the number of resurrections

To be honest, it's not that Ning Zheng doesn't want to give more resources, but only gives these blacksmiths 500 magic coins.

After all, there is not much cash in hand, but there are too many resources to give them.

The business building is full of them, and they can be used to buy large quantities of monks passing by.

But giving these resources to blacksmiths is useless.

What kind of elixirs do they eat, what kind of cultivation resources do they need, what kind of weapons and armor do they need?

They are just a group of cheap and easy-to-feed laborers.

They don't even eat resources.

A group of five-body realms, eating resources is useless.

The only resource they need is a storage bag to show off.

But this will not improve their work efficiency at all. The storage bag is better used to keep them as a driving force.

"Well, it's not necessarily that they don't consume resources all the time." Ning Zheng thought, "They don't consume resources now because their realm is low, and their normal cultivation speed is too slow. They don't have potential. Later, when they create a new synthetic race, they may consume resources." In the final analysis, you still have to buy a corpse of a divine beast as a meat tank, or use it for synthesis. But the magic money spent is relatively high, tens of millions. Money seems to be really not enough. The reason is that the level of my own force is too low. What kind of treasures do small forces in the Three Yuan Realm covet? The top treasures in Jiuzhou. One Heart Realm formation. The corpse of a divine beast. The big forces in the One Heart Realm have to weigh it. If other Three Yuan Realm forces at my level see it, they will call it a daydream! 83 latest address Read the latest chapters of this group of players are more weird than weird Please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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