This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 172 The new blacksmith enters, Princess Xin'e plants three flowers

Ning Zheng's treatment now is unprecedented.

The forces of the Three Yuan Realm can directly enjoy the resources and circles of the forces of the One Heart Realm.

The charlatans sneaked into the imperial city and pretended to be powerful.

"However, our money is still a little too little."

Ning Zheng thought.

"Perhaps, it's not that the blacksmiths don't eat resources, the goods are good and cheap, but that they eat too many resources."

"They can't eat the economy because their potential is limited. I have to get them a corpse of a divine beast, so that they can [land] a new race and take off completely."

These tens of millions of magic money are a bit of an investment.

And I really have no money recently.

As for the purchased divine beast, what race can it be synthesized?

Will it fail?

Ning Zheng doesn't know.

In short, he knows that there must be a guaranteed [new race] of human-demon hybrids.

The human race is the most adaptable bloodline.

Divine beast + human.

Universal synthesis formula, this synthesis must survive.

Just as Ning Zheng was thinking, the little blacksmith next door also began to discuss options.

The first Jiao blood human race must be excluded.

There is no need to explain this.

It is outdated and we are about to enter the [Choose Race] option. Why do we need this?

"100 little blacksmiths, do you want to choose?"

The God of Food thinks this option is very good. With more people, his canteen will also make a lot of money.

Especially recently, he has taken a book and studied a rare profession among the rare professions, the spirit chef.

According to the cooking monster techniques mentioned above, various skills, business is booming.

The money he earns is a small profit but quick turnover.

The actual earning ability of the canteen is far greater than that of the clinic.

After all, who sees a doctor every day? The fairy aunt and the fairy doctor are crazy about cutting leeks, but they are not his opponents.

People have to eat every day, and these foodies will also enjoy it.

It's just that he earns a lot, but he also spends a lot.

Every day, he has to issue daily tasks [cooking], [washing vegetables], [cooking], hire a lot of waiters to work, prepare food for hundreds of people, and the profits are divided.

Unlike the clinic, how much you earn, the profit is basically the same, it's terrible.

"God of Food, do you want to choose more people to come to the cafeteria for dinner?"

Xian Xiaoyi touched her chin, "I think the voucher of 500 magic money is good, simple and practical."

"100 blacksmiths, 500 magic money, choose one of the two." Jiucai Rong said lightly: "The remaining reset of the number of resurrections is basically a must-choose reward."


The average number of deaths per person in the villa has been more than a dozen times.

It costs more than 100 magic money to die once.

The rich who died the most have died more than 30 times, +10 magic money each time, and now it costs more than 300 magic money to resurrect once.

1000 magic money can only be resurrected three times, who can bear it?

And who is this blacksmith who resurrected more than 30 times?

Jiucai Rong.

More than 30 times of card drawing, the normal explosion rate is: 3 babies.

But Jiucai Rong only produced one baby.

Too miserable, what should the rich do?

This is the disadvantage of the card pool without a guarantee.

Nowadays, many people ask for a card pool guarantee, saying that the planner is so conscientious that it will definitely be added, but Ning Zheng always pretends not to hear it.

It's not that I don't want to add, it's that I don't have the ability to add.

Now, Jiucairong Villa's first rich man is so poor.

Shaochai Kun looked at Jiucairong:

"This guy said before that he would recover the idle money of the little blacksmith for the owner of the villa. I didn't expect that he would set an example himself."

The God of Food smiled: "He really is, I'm crying."

Cough cough cough.

Jiucairong coughed twice:

"It's settled, reset the number of resurrections, and the remaining 500 magic coins and 100 blacksmiths will be decided by voting."

"It is worth mentioning that among the 100 blacksmiths, according to convention, 50 will be randomly selected, and 50 will be sent to various departments with invitations. You can choose your own people."

The implication is that it is your own department, you can sell the quota for money, or you can pick some masters yourself.

In fact, the two rewards are similar.

500 magic coins can be sold to the rich in the villa for RMB.

50 quotas can be sold to the rich outside for RMB.

Don't think that the option of 500 Fa coins is a huge profit.

The reason why the price of Fa coins soared to 200 yuan a piece was because a group of people were willing to bid hundreds of thousands of yuan to compete for [Artifact Baby].

But now that this option is selected, the price of recycled Fa coins is estimated to plummet.

After all, a large amount of Fa coins have been integrated into the market. Do you think the rich are fools if they have 500 coins per person?

These sand sculpture blacksmiths will inevitably compete to sell to the rich, and the price will be lower than the other.

Exchange rate collapse is normal.

And as the blacksmith's ability to make money increases, Fa coins will inevitably fall more and more.

The economic system of a game will inevitably become cheaper and cheaper as the game is operated and the brick-moving party works crazily.

The same is true for the currency law of the villa.

In the end.

After a wave of voting by the blacksmiths, 100 blacksmiths won.

After all, selling quotas can also make money, and there are 100 blacksmiths coming in as leeks, which is obviously more cost-effective.

After selecting the reward, a group of people danced in place with joy.

"From now on, we will have 500 little blacksmiths."

"Hehe, it's reset, the resurrection is reset, the initial resurrection becomes 10 magic coins each time again, I want to die."

After receiving the reward, a group of people are happy.

Ning Zheng looked at their cheers and joy, smiled knowingly, and turned to go down the mountain.

No words were spoken all night.

The next morning, Ning Zheng went to the villa early.

"Fuck, I finally got in."

"Woo woo woo, the fifth batch."

"Fifty krypton gold tycoons, fifty random European emperors."

"This is called balanced combat power, understand? The tycoons draw cards with money, and the European emperors draw cards with their mothers. Who knows who will win and who will lose."

"Amazing! I'm going to combine pets."

"Where does the money come from?"

"Hehe, I supervised several stealing leeks in [audience perspective], and recorded the magic money. I'm going to collect it as start-up capital."

A group of new and cute little blacksmiths stood at the door, looking around curiously, with excitement on their faces.

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Someone took the lead in eating dirt, lying on the ground and chewing, trying to cheat people

Everyone looked at him with a look of idiots, and their eyes were full of: Eat quickly, eat quickly. ? ? ?

Why don't you cheat with me?

It's over, I've become a clown.

The new blacksmith who tried to cheat people became the new idiot.

Ning Zheng skillfully opened the gate of the villa and let the blacksmith in.

The group of people rushed in, and several young blacksmiths of the sect held up [Recruiting newcomers, 2 magic coins per time], ready to receive guests.

Everyone was quickly settled in the dormitory building.

Today, the villa dormitory has two buildings, accommodating 500 people. The area is not small, and there are dormitory management and hot water pipes.

There is also a laundry magic tool developed by the blacksmith shop, 1 magic coin per time.

If people outside Pingchang City saw it, 1 magic coin per time to wash clothes, even Zhang Huaping would probably want to run to the villa to be a laundry lady. These leeks blacksmiths are really easy to make money.

After Ning Zheng watched them settle down, he asked them to gather in the square and gave a speech:

"Everyone, our villa is opening a new [Yin Yang Ark Series] weapon, please work together to create a better tomorrow."

"And, in order to welcome newcomers today, our villa has special Easter eggs, please work hard to dig."

Hearing this, everyone began to speculate.

"Easter egg?"

"Hush, I think I guessed it."

"Maybe the explosion rate is high today? I'll try to combine pets."

"I'll go forge iron."

"I'll go draw spiritual roots."

Ning Zheng smiled knowingly when she heard the voice behind her. The easter egg is of course Xin'e's dungeon secret route.

One hundred thousand magic coins opened a magical power.

These days, I praised another 40,000 luck points.

You can give them +20,000 luck points, and +20,000 for yourself, and go to Princess Xin'e's mansion together.

This is the main storyline for female blacksmiths.

As for the storyline of male blacksmiths?


The battle storyline of male blacksmiths, ten boss side quests, have long been opened to them

Nursery, Emperor's Tomb.

In Princess Xin'e's mansion.

The pond is surrounded by spiritual mist, smoke is curling, and Xin'e is taking a bath.

It can be seen that this person's behavior before death was very logical, and can even be described as boring.

It's just the daily life of a young lady.

Reading and writing, bathing and chatting, occasionally going out to help the people, accumulating merit for the father who was called a tyrant by the world.

In the eyes of the people, she was a gentle and kind princess.

In the eyes of the monks, she was just a mortal. Even if she used natural materials and treasures, she would only live for a few hundred years. Sooner or later, she would die of old age. She was just an insignificant wave in the eyes of the long-lived father.

She might die in a closed-door practice.

She even saw her father only a few dozen times in her life. The welfare she received now was just the treatment that the royal family should have.

"Perhaps, the only value of my life is to be buried with him."

Xin'e originally thought so in her heart.

Princesses, princes, and even princes who failed to ascend the throne in the courts of all dynasties basically did not have their own separate mausoleums.

The mausoleums of their royal family members shared one, that is, the imperial mausoleum of the saint.

Only a small number of princes with land and territory, and kings of different surnames, would be buried in the continental city they ruled.

Being buried with the emperor after death and entering the imperial mausoleum was the fate that Princess Xin'e could imagine, but with the arrival of the "travelers".

Her fate changed.

The future was turned upside down, and acquired spiritual roots appeared. She, a mortal, could actually start practicing and take over the world-famous Wusheng Sect.

"But didn't they say they were going out to explore the news? Why haven't they come back in more than ten days? Nothing happened, right?"

Princess Xin'e was worried, stood up, put on her bathrobe, and sat down next to the pond, "Xiaoyu, is there any news recently?"

The maid Xiaoyu wiped the princess's back and said, "There has been no news from the mortal world recently. The group of travelers disappeared, leaving only the spiritual root-opening skills, and the people are making a fuss."

This tomb has the descendants of the living people who were buried with the emperor that year. Many of them don't have spiritual roots, so they are naturally competing to open spiritual roots.

"However, the time traveler is fine, but His Majesty seems to have something important to do." The maid Xiaoyu said: "His Majesty seems to be preparing to move the capital back to the capital in the nursery." "Ah?" Xin'e was stunned: "Going back? Then my father must be very busy." "Princess, we are moving the capital back to the capital." The maid was a little worried. The two chatted for a while, and when they had nothing to do, Xin'e said: "Let's play Landlord." The last time the time travelers' disciples taught them to play Landlord, saying that this was the favorite board game of her, the future Wusheng Old Mother.

It implicitly coincides with the courageous spirit of overthrowing the world, overthrowing the innate spiritual roots, and the peasants and common people criticizing the immortals.

Not to mention.

Xin'e thought it was quite fun.

After playing several games with Xin'e, the maid, and Sanhua, the three of them became familiar with each other, and the believers were very polite to let her win all the time.

After a while, the two maids accompanied her to play Landlord.


At this moment, a flower suddenly emerged, and countless Wusheng sect muttered, and thousands of Wusheng sects kept saying "not as good as Wusheng" and "praise Wusheng".

But there were also some messy noises.

"Fairyland on earth."

"Not as good as Wusheng." Wusheng believers shouted enthusiastically.

"Sister is so beautiful, sister kill me."

"Can the little newbie who just appeared really participate in such a large-scale event?"

"Praise Wusheng!" Wusheng believers shouted together.

"Ah, ah, this little foot, so bitter and domineering, come and step on me."

"Who, who is talking, is there a male blacksmith mixed in with our crowd?"

"No, there is no function of transgender login yet, all are girls."

"Which sister is so rebellious."

The countless voices of the Wusheng Sect, mixed with some inexplicable voices, came.

This made Xin'e a little happy and ecstatic.

"Sir, we came back this time and found the spiritual root of the three flowers for you." Yujin Su Yuniang shouted.

"Praise Wusheng Old Mother!"

"When the spiritual root is opened, let's play Landlord! We must use this activity to swear that we are determined to fight the class!"

A group of hairpin ladies and embroiderers next to them also happily echoed.

This group activity is really fun, this scenery, this pond, these beautiful legs, this beauty, love it.

As soon as the voice fell.

A three-flower also grew next to it.

With the help of a group of hairpin and embroidery ladies, Princess Xin'e quickly pulled out the three flowers and began to close her eyes to rest and practice.

After a long while, Xin'e directly followed the three flowers in the process and opened the immortal gate.

A huge yin energy rose from her body, making her eyes bright:

"I succeeded."

"I, a mortal, actually stepped into practice."

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