This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 174 Return of the Old Saint

"In the future, it will be extremely difficult for cultivators in the Three Yuan Realm to practice. They cannot enter the capital for protection. They will appear randomly in the wild. The crisis will increase significantly and there will be a cultivator gap." Some people looked horrified, as if they saw the future. The human race will usher in a relatively dark moment. "The cultivator gap is still easy to say." An old man looked solemn, "Look at what is written here? The three incomplete flowers of the embers are the species protected by the capital." "From the safe zone of humans to the safe zone of the ghosts! The capital will become a place for the cultivation and revival of the ghosts in the future?" Many people can't accept it. The capital is a strategic location. The nursery is the man-made tenth continent in the world, above the sky. It is unknown which ancient dynasty established it. But with the changes of one era after another, the great evil settled in, and the tombs of various ancient nobles accumulated over time, turning the nursery from a paradise for the common people into an extremely dangerous continent, completely polluted. Even humans gradually lost their ruling power, and the tombs drove them out one by one. In recent dynasties, the human race has cultivated and fought back little by little, and worked hard to carve out an area on the seedling nursery and build it as the capital. Now it's gone?

This historical record is at least the achievements of four or five dynasties, and it just vanished. Who can't be angry?

This is digging up the roots of the human race!

Of course, some people asked: "Can I ask, what's the matter with these flowers with more than three petals?"

"Yes, flowers with less than three petals are the ashes of the soul that grow three flowers, but what about the extra ones?"

Most cultivators have never seen flowers with more than three petals.

Four petals, five petals?

People only have three elements of essence, energy and spirit, how can there be four or five elements?

This is unreasonable. "Of course you haven't seen it, and neither have we." Someone sighed, "But history has recorded that flowers with more than three petals only come from one place." "Where?" "The imperial tomb, the three flowers from the imperial tomb grew outside, and the soul attached to the normal three flowers, only then did they appear to have four or five petals." After this, everyone was shocked. The imperial tomb was leaked. No wonder the previous rules of the capital city said that if more than three flowers were found, the capital city should be notified immediately. However, because the saint was too powerful, there had never been a case of the imperial tomb being leaked during his lifetime. So no one had seen it. Someone was silent: "In other words, the flowers everywhere in the capital city in the future are all flowers of the dead, and it has become a dead capital city." "Then, the emperor who ascends the throne will be" Some people have already guessed some possibilities. The plaque of the entire hall was inexplicably changed to [Xinjianjian]. A tall and burly man sat on the throne, silently looking at the figures in the murals on the wall. He scanned the ancient saint murals, and finally landed on the nearest one [Between the Red and the Red].

"Finally dead."

He looked at the saint's tomb that had just been built, and said lightly:

"I am finally back."

"Let you be in your prime and dominate the world, so what? I will hide in the tomb, wait for you to die of old age, and then be reborn to unify the world."

The saint of the Xinchao of the previous dynasty showed a complicated look.

Thinking back to the past, the defense of each city in the nine states of the world was extremely strong.

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The defense of the capital is even more terrible.

The defense of the capital is better than that of the nine states combined.

As long as the teleportation array to enter the capital is closed, they can only walk to the capital, and travel through it in the flesh.

And there are too many indescribable ancient mysterious shadows in the clouds in the sky.

The shadow giants who planted flowers are like giants of children laughing. Their tombs are in mid-air, upside down on the back of the nursery.

Just like a table, they took root at the bottom of the table, standing upside down and watching those who flew to the nursery.

Dharma and Sanhua, entering the capital, have no flesh, they don't care, just occasionally catch these souls and eat them as snacks.

Because Gui eats flesh and blood.

If it is a living person who rises into the air, the blood of the strong will soar into the sky, which will inevitably attract the attention of those tombs and make them crazy.

However, the terrible man in those days led the monks from Jiuzhou to rise into the air together, built a ladder to the sky, and killed through the clouds step by step, killing the sky and the earth, and blasting the ancient mysteries of the past dynasties.

Even so, the entire army suffered heavy casualties.

Finally stepped into the capital.

A war broke out completely, and the accumulated foundation of the royal family was fully displayed, but he was still defeated, so he retreated into the tomb that had been prepared for him long ago.

"Only a few hundred thousand years."

"Open up the most prosperous era in human history, brilliant, glorious, and died like fireworks, only I am eternal."

The Xinchao Saint murmured, his eyes full of memories.

Such a man, starting from scratch, sweeping the entire era, he naturally admired him very much, but after all, they were in different positions and camps.

Everyone said that he hated acquired humans, but could he not hate them?

Because he was the leader of the innate human camp, he had no choice from the beginning in this interest position.

And now, the acquired spiritual root era opened up by the Jiusui Saint will be ruled by him.

He is not stupid. Although he is an innate human race, he dare not reverse history and restore the glory of innate spiritual root humans.

Directly ruling this acquired three-flower era is the right way.

Tap, tap, tap.

As footsteps came, his eyes finally fell on the Crown Princess who had just returned.

"How could this one be so fast?" Miss Dao Yue was shocked, and suddenly felt numb all over. The breath of death made her breathless.

The saint said that there was no need to communicate at all. As long as he died, the dead old saint would appear, thinking that he was still alive, and would come back to restore the old system of the previous dynasty.

She thought that the other party would appear, but she didn't expect it to appear so suddenly and quietly.

"Greetings, Saint!" Miss Dao Yue bowed respectfully.

"Well, artificial sun and moon?"

The Saint of Xinchao glanced at Miss Dao Yue, "It's interesting to use a divine weapon as a concubine."

"The national artifact will wait for me to take a concubine again and give birth to a son. You will be my child bride. Serve the prince well and help him govern the country."

Divine weapons can't give birth to sons.

This saint is a normal person, of course he is not interested in a weapon.

Dao Yue bowed and said, "I obey your order."

The Saint of Xinchao smiled:

"I don't plan to move out of my hometown city immediately. The royal family will settle in the capital."

"I have just returned. I am afraid that some restless people will want to test the capital and seize power and usurp the throne."

He showed a hint of indifference:

"After conquering the world of this era, I will move out of my capital and settle in the capital, and then summon that group of professionals with acquired spiritual roots to see the development of this era and enfeoff each new minister."

He showed a hint of interest:

"I am very interested in the various new technologies of this era and the so-called god craftsman who forged you."

"Yes." Dao Yue said seriously.

This saint sat quietly on the throne, as if he had returned to the time when he ruled.

"A new era."

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