This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 175 Wonderful analysis, stabilizing team morale


In a mansion.

"What should we do now?"

"Why did the capital suddenly become like this?"

"What about our new plan?"

Masters Xinyi Baishan, Doukouhong, and Lanzhou gathered together.

They are the new [Ark Series] team after the Sun and Moon Casting Team. They wanted to continue casting new magic tools in the capital and start the next sales.

Originally, they thought they were a "neutral unit".

No matter who takes office, no matter how chaotic the capital is, they will not make things difficult for these technical workers.

Even tyrants, cruel cults, and demon cults dare not kill them easily without reason.

The consequences of killing them are very serious.

This world values ​​reputation the most.

The circles of god-level professions basically know each other.

If you kill us professionals for no reason, who will take your orders in the future to help you cast weapons, refine pills, and plant spiritual roots?

There was a big sect before that did not keep its promise and killed people indiscriminately. How can they be easy to mess with? You can't fight, but the interpersonal relationship is terrible.

As a result, everyone excluded him. After being excluded, this holy land gradually fell into decline.

This is the lesson.

The consequences of not following the rules are very serious. No one will play with you.

Xinyi Baishan exhaled: "But now, this has become a city of dead people. The dead people go crazy and don't care about your identity."

"It's really like a scholar meeting a butcher. It's hard to explain."

They also read the new [Beijing City Rules] and came back from the city gate, feeling uneasy.

"Beijing City has turned into a dead city, a change that has never happened in the world."

Lan Zhou exhaled his pipe, and circles of smoke spread out, with a worried look on his face, "Should we retreat?"

"It's a dilemma." Doukouhong has turned into an old woman, "We are still thinking about the sale."

The sword fairy blinked beside her: "Sister Doukouhong, why are you so worried?"

Doukouhong frowned: "Sister, I am too beautiful. Beijing is not safe. It's safer to pretend to be an old man."


The sword fairy complained in her heart.

What do you mean by pretending to be an old man? You are an old man.

This is the real look, right?

She is older than the old man Xinyi Baishan, but she is trying to look young.


Doukouhong knocked the Sword Fairy hard on the head, "What are you thinking about?"


The Sword Fairy quickly retracted her gaze, "I was thinking, I am so beautiful, should I also pretend to be old?"

"That's not necessary." Xinyi Baishan said, "Show your true form, and he will play with you."

The Sword Fairy thought about it and understood immediately, "That's right, I'll wipe it off for him."

Lan Zhou was speechless.

Everyone was fine, but they were led astray by the Sword Fairy.

Nowadays, it is easy for everyone to go off topic when they are talking.

I heard that the spirits of the [Yin Yang Corpse Slashing Sword] next door are also like this, and they can lead the master to a wrong topic when they are talking.

And they never worry about their own death, they are always laughing and flattering everywhere, and none of them are serious.

"If we leave now, it will be inconvenient for us to hold the sales fair in the capital, and we will be far behind in the local area." Xinyi Baishan said: "It is better to hide the breath of living people and continue to stay here. As long as they don't go crazy and lose their minds, those high-level ghosts will also favor us high-level professional masters." After all. The benefits of the sales fair are huge, and it is a good opportunity for them to become famous all over the world. As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger. "Anyway, I am staying here." The sword fairy said: "I stay here and am the spokesperson of our Xirong God Craftsman." Everyone shook their heads secretly. Of course you can't leave. In fact, you are already a bound earth spirit rooted in the capital. You are not afraid of death, why leave? In the end, everyone discussed it and decided to stay. And took out their own magic weapons to block the breath of living people, disguised as the same kind of ghosts, and put on ancient clothes and dressed up as ancient people. Complying with the rules of the capital can make them more likely to survive here. "By the way, how is the research on the formation going." Lan Zhou said. "Open a communication and communicate with the other side." Xinyi Baishan said: "Since we are staying, let's speed up our progress."

Very soon.

They opened the communication token and communicated with Zhujian Villa.

Jiucairong answered the message on the other side.

"Hello, I am the spokesperson of Xirong Godsmith."

Jiucairong was very polite and neither humble nor arrogant: "Under the current rules of the capital, it may not be safe, please pay attention."

Obviously, after the sword fairy saw the new cg plot animation, she hurriedly told Zhujian Villa.

Their little blacksmith discussion has officially started.

And analyze the new rules of the capital, as well as the hidden meaning behind the planning.

As various analysis posts appeared, they immediately had a plan in their hearts!

"First of all, we don't think it is necessary to retreat from the capital. Risks and opportunities coexist." Jiucairong comforted everyone in his team as soon as he opened his mouth.


Xinyi Baishan was curious and asked, "Tell me about it?"

Jiu Cairong was not afraid at all. They were not good at technology, but the core of the team, communication was to increase their confidence:

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"We must be clear that the capital is a city of the dead, but the city regulations say that you can pretend to be dead, which means that living people are only dangerous. As long as you are not found to be alive, you will not die."

"Secondly, the shops in our capital are empty, and we can try to develop some industries. This is a reshuffle." Xinyi Baishan smiled and suddenly asked: "What do we need the shops of the dead? This place can't accommodate living people." Jiucai Rong smiled knowingly: "The capital has become a city of the dead, which is still of great significance." "In the rules of the capital, the saint told us some information from the side. Normal three flowers are not allowed to enter. If they are found, they will be torn off. Then think about it the other way around. Normal three flowers that are not discovered will not be torn off." "We sneak into the capital of the new saint, develop some industries, shops, mansions, etc., secretly guide the living three flowers of our descendants, and secretly practice in our own mansions. As long as they are not discovered, nothing will happen." In this way, although the safe zone is still greatly reduced, there is still a safe zone. Xinyi Baishan and others all smiled when they heard it. It is almost the same as what they guessed. Every major force has a think tank to plan and consult. The other side's power seems to have a good foundation, otherwise there would not be such a mature think tank team.

Then, Jiucai Rong said: "Finally, we are not alone."

"Oh?" Doukouhong was curious: "What do you mean, is it possible that if we stay in this new capital of the dead, we will have internal support?"


Jiucai Rong said confidently: "Do you remember that when the saint was alive, he allowed a large number of young geniuses, as many as seventy or eighty batches of people to enter the historical painting wall?"

"Of course I remember." Lan Zhou said: "Does this matter?"

"Of course it matters. They have not appeared yet, left the historical painting wall, and returned to Jiuzhou."

Jiucai Rong said: "According to normal logic, the saint treats them as seeds and gives them opportunities, but before he dies, he should send them out."

"Now that the saint has passed away, he hasn't sent them out yet. Isn't it a strange thing? They can't get out of the [Book of Years], and they are trapped in it for life. Isn't this saint killing the most promising group of geniuses in our Jiuzhou?"

"Some people will say that they all It is a law, and you can come out by suicide. You ca n’t send it out, but this is a stupid saying. " It means that the saints of Jiu Sui know that there will be other saints who will send them out after their death, and who is this person? " This distant sage was born again, and the court was filled with the younger generation of Tianjiao, each with identity. The new saint, a lot of geniuses and traitors have entered the house in advance, and many people in the new capital are from our era!

This is called advance layout.

Although the little blacksmiths are closed to information, they can guess who this strange saint is, his identity and significance.

The saints of the previous dynasty, because they got the information summary in Princess Xin'e's mansion.

Even Doukouhong was secretly surprised that these people were actually of some level.

Xirong, the god craftsman force, is indeed not to be underestimated.

In their eyes, this force is becoming more and more mysterious, and the think tank is good at strategy. I am afraid that their big show in the capital this time is also calculated step by step.

Jiucai Rong said:

"Next, our ancient capital city from hundreds of thousands of years ago will be born and restore the old system of the previous dynasty. We have an insider, and we can pretend to be dead, and maybe there will be a great opportunity."

"Even now, the world is focusing on the capital city. If we hold a sales meeting, this limelight will surely be famous all over the world!"

"I don't know how many ancient powers will take a seat and show their support."

"Everyone, don't you want this opportunity?"

Jiucai Rong looked at their different expressions, and was vaguely moved, and was immediately very satisfied.

This wave of analysis, we pretended to be very handsome!

As the leader and decision maker of their team, we have to come up with means to appease the team members!

This is obviously another main line and a trap arranged by the planner.

Hidden task: [Persuade teammates].

Otherwise, they will give up assisting you in executing the next main line [Casting the Ark] plan and saving all living beings because of fear.

Luckily, Ye Kuangxiu saw through the conspiracy of the planner at a glance.

Otherwise, the first link of the main line will be unsuccessful, and we will not be able to save the people of the world.

Only we know that the future is bound to collapse, the sun and the moon will rise, and the tide of destruction will come.

We are the saviors of the players of the classic online game, the brave men in the mouth of the old king, and we have the great mission of defeating the devil and saving all living beings.

Outside the housekeeper's room, Ye Kuangxiu was laughing in the square of the Sword Casting Villa:

"Hahaha, planner, I am so handsome this time, I see through you, I just made a small mistake last time, but now I am showing off."

All the blacksmiths in the square were cheering.

"So handsome."

"【Beijing Rules】One wave of analysis shows the hidden meaning of the saint."

"Jiu Cairong's words shocked Xinyi Baishan and others, who felt refreshed. The world is about to fall. Our analysis this time to stabilize everyone is the beginning of turning the tide."

"Yes, it reminds me of those lords in troubled times, who didn't encounter difficulties? That's how they appeased their generals and stabilized the morale of the army!"

"Oh my god, this main task is too hardcore."

"But after conquering it, it was also refreshing, wasn't it?"

"Fortunately, there is Brother Pian, otherwise we would have fallen into a big trap of the planner at the beginning, and might have lost a few teammates who saved the world, and had to spend time to recruit people urgently again. That would be a hellish start."


"Look at us creating a miracle."

"There is no doubt that we are geniuses."

"Planner, do you think we will be fooled this time, like the last time we attacked the boss, and fell into the trap without analyzing the boss's psychology?"

"Planner, we have seen through you."

Ning Zheng was silent for a while.

What's wrong with them being so inexplicably proud?

This is another inexplicable trick I designed to increase the difficulty of the game and trap his teammates?

They broke through the game with great talent and completed the [Task of Appeasing Teammates] perfectly.

He sighed in his heart, it really wasn't me.

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