This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 187 Huge harvest! Profit of 4 billion French dollars!

Ning Zheng felt that these people were just thinking about something that was not real.

Why don’t we just take a break?

Humming songs, drinking wine, eating popcorn, watching the fight in the capital.

Ning Zheng shook his head:

“These blacksmiths really have a strong desire to die all day long.”

Ning Zheng continued to watch the battle scene.


The sale completely exploded, and the surrounding streets also exploded. It was very plain and unpretentious, with all kinds of explosions. The incomparable air pressure made people breathless even from a distance.

Not for a while.


The whole scene also exploded instantly.

In the audience, everyone exclaimed and cursed:

"Fuck! Why is the picture gone?"

"No way, this is just the exciting moment."

"This TV is not working, the screen is distorted, how about knocking it twice?"

"What TV is broken? We should think in a better direction. What if it's just the Sword Fairy who exploded on the spot?"

"Oh my god, we haven't brought our things back yet."

"Before that woman dies, bring the things back to me, bastard!"

The picture stopped.

They waited for a while, and seeing that there was no result, they knew that the plot was probably over.

I thought I could watch the mosaic, but the dog planner played it even dirtier.

I didn't even watch the mosaic.


Bad ending!

Is the funding really that urgent?

Everyone grumbled for a while, and at this time Jiu Cairong also called the Sword Fairy.

After a long while, the Sword Fairy said:

"The communication equipment was too low-level and was blown up. I have successfully escaped. This magic weapon has been modified and is now a magic weapon of the Great Perfection level of the Second Phase Realm. Running away is not a problem."

There were all kinds of explosions over there, and it sounded like a war correspondent.

"Hehehe, I don't know how many flowers were killed or injured in this explosion. The three-flower realm cultivators who were watching the capital are probably all dead."

The tone was gloating, a little mean.

"No more talking! I have to leave the capital through the teleportation array. Xinyi Baishan asked someone to pick me up and take me back to Xinyizhou. I have to avoid the limelight."

The blacksmiths in the villa heard it.

That's it.

The shortage of funds was completely confirmed.

From image live broadcast to traditional text adventure live broadcast, and the escape mode was turned on?

Pyeongchang City.

The elders and the head of the Xu family opened their eyes, all in a state of shock.

The three flowers in their capital were destroyed in that instant.

Severely injured. "Sanhua is destroyed. It will probably take us a month to recover even if we take elixirs."

"The battle of the century!!" An old man sighed.

A middle-aged man showed a childlike longing and desire, "We are satisfied to witness that scene of history."

The whole family was sighing.

Even the Sanyuan Realm families, big and small, in the entire Pingchang City were undercurrents and sighing.

For small local families like them, this was a witness to a corner of the real high-end power

Sword Casting Villa.

The foster father Qizu suddenly opened his eyes in front of the well.

"Sanhua is destroyed."

He stood up and paced back and forth,

"However, this injury is not a loss. Being able to see this scene and get a lot of useful information for our Xuelihua family is enough."

In another paper house.

Routian Yujie's face was pale. After a while, she came back to her senses from the earth-shaking mythical battle.

"Damn it, the assassination of the saint has begun."

"If the world is not peaceful, we have to speed up the restoration of our family's foundation, the flesh and blood giant."

Under the paper house of Routian Yujie, a flesh and blood magic weapon of their Xuelihua family is buried.

They are good at fusion and transformation.

This giant, who led them to escape from Xinyizhou City and attacked Jiaojia Village, has been broken into pieces.

"No, I have to find a way to contact the villa."

"See if they have resources recently to help me restore the family's foundation to resist the major changes that may occur in the future!"

"By then, if there is a drastic change in Pingchang City, we can control the giant and escape from here again and go far away."

Her eyes fell on the four legendary eyes.

These four people are the latest batch of hidden vein disciples sent in.

"You four, come here, I have something to tell you."

The four legendary eyes were ecstatic.

They had been slacking off here for a long time and could not return to the villa. They had dealt with most of the hidden vein disciples through bragging and pulling relationships.

Now, it is finally our turn to have our reward?

From now on, please call us the head of the Hidden Vein Division!

"Sir, some time ago, we looted a large group of people, enough to reset the family's foundation"

They looked at this Routian Royal Sister with greedy eyes.

This woman led them to the basement and looked at the blood flower giant, buried deep underground, like a blood and flesh mountain, bright red in color, with huge bright red flowers blooming on the skin, very charming and weird.

How can this be a giant?

This is a super-large pet material.

"We must complete the task!" Yanhua's main body said: "Repair this blood and flesh giant."

"I hope it can be repaired as soon as possible." Routian Royal Sister was very satisfied, but she didn't know what kind of inner ghost she had attracted

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The next morning.

Taverns, teahouses, and various areas were frantically passing on news from the capital.

Although the location of the nursery is random, only occasionally it can go to the capital.

But the population base of Jiuzhou is too large!

Many three-flower monks witnessed the incident in the capital, and the three flowers were broken, which seriously injured a lot of people.

But this group of people with broken three flowers are proud of it.

The life span of monks is very long. Sacrificing a short month of three-flower repair time to witness this scene is a great blessing in life.

"It's interesting that the new saint ascended the throne."

"Hehe, I heard that it was a saint from the previous dynasty."

"Why is it the previous dynasty?"

"You don't understand. I heard that the saint of the previous dynasty was defeated and entered the tomb with a core to suppress the capital."

"The core, could it be the imperial seal that suppressed Jiuzhou?"

"I don't know."

"In short, now that this person has returned, everyone wants to defeat him. Whoever gets the mysterious core can get the world of Jiuzhou!"


"I hope it won't harm the people of Jiuzhou."

The capital has now turned into a dead place.

It has completely become a real empty city. No one knows the specific situation of the battle.

Some cultivators also tried to enter the nursery, grow three flowers, and try to grow randomly near the capital, but most of them were shattered.

"This fight took a long time? Immortality is strong, and each one is terribly fleshy."

At the Sword Casting Villa, Ning Zheng heard the news and looked a little strange:

"Well, my three flowers are gone, and many of the same level of Sanyuan Realm cultivators in the capital also have no three flowers, let's go on strike together."

Xinyizhou City.

Xinyi Palace, in a courtyard.

"Alas! I came back again, but now, things have changed and everything has ended."

The Sword Fairy sighed, "The entire Xinyi Palace building was broken and rebuilt, and Jian Xin has left me."

The fight in the capital is still going on, and many people are waiting for the result.

"Now, we are famous all over the world."

Xinyi Baishan doesn't care.

It's none of their business whether the battle has a result or not, anyway, as long as they, a group of neutral professionals, have a result.

At this time, Xinyi Baishan was basking in the sun on a chair next to him, smiling, "The Ark series will be completely famous all over the world. This year, it will be recorded in history forever!" He was very satisfied with this sales conference, worthy of being the think tank of Xirong Master. There is something. The publicity conference model is very novel. Especially it involves the major topic of "the history of human weapons". It is too radical and sublimates the intention! It has overcome the two century-old problems in history! The style has come up all of a sudden. If it were them, they would not have thought of such a special and novel method. If they were in charge of the organization, they would just sell weapons seriously. How could they paint big pictures, brag about historical significance, and talk about changing the human lifestyle? ——The first magic weapon of the younger generation. ——The last magic weapon of the older generation. This advertisement is excellent. "It's OK." Sword Fairy said, "We have a mature publicity team."

"Well, we can't be too complacent."

Doukouhong said, "We are going to launch more arks."

She also ran to Xinyizhou City and restored her image as a beautiful and mature beauty.

What made them even more excited was that.

They had served the saints of the previous dynasty and the Saint of Jiusui in succession.

This is a rare honor in history!

As for them fighting? What does it have to do with us? They are not fighting monks, and they are not fighting for the world.

They are not on the same track.

Their dream is very simple, to study their own technology, become famous all over the world, and promote the times.

"We should share the money we have earned." Lan Zhou stopped everyone who was happy.

Forging materials, spiritual materials, natural materials, various sacred waters, sacred fires

Everything is available.

Eight arks, one of which is a contemporary saint as one of the purchasing customers, and the others are also various ancient secret realms, with unimaginable deep heritage.

In terms of conversion.

Each ark was sold for about 500 million magic money.

As a magic weapon they jointly created, they used a lot of materials.

The cost of the Ark was 60 million, including materials, weapon spirits, and the labor costs of various divine craftsmen and divine farmers.

In the past, this product was probably a top-notch magic weapon sold at a price of 100 million, with a net profit of 40% to 50%.

Now it is sold at around 500 million, almost ten times the profit, which is a very amazing figure.

Of course.

This is the first batch of weapons, and they are so overpriced in order to seize the initiative.

"Let's make a list of 4 billion materials and everyone will allocate resources." Soon, Xinyi Baishan called the appraiser and began to sort out various materials.

A list was quickly sent back to the villa.

In the housekeeper's room.

Jiucai Rong suddenly became happy:

"Fuck, the last saint business order, 10 billion Tianling roots have made a lot of money, and the current business order has returned nearly 4 billion worth of materials."

Everyone was boiling.

"Where is the list?"

"I want to see, I want to see."

A group of people were extremely excited, and their favorite moment was counting the spoils.

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