This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 188 Xinyizhou City, Letting the Wolf In

At seven o'clock in the evening, the villa officially closed.

"I think this one is good."

"This corpse of the mythical beast is also good, choose it."

The young blacksmiths looked at the list of 4 billion supplies sent back by the Sword Fairy three hours ago, and were ecstatic.

I have to say that their professional appraisers are fast.

4 billion supplies, have they been sorted?

The sorting speed is much faster than those young blacksmiths.

This made many blacksmiths secretly angry.

How can they be so skilled? More like bandits than us?

I think I should be a bandit more in the future, loot more spoils, sort more, and my proficiency and vision will improve.

Jiucai Rong took the list and told Xinyi Baishan to wait a minute, and they would pick things.

In the square, night fell, and after eating early, a group of people gathered in twos and threes, looking at the pages of orders.

"Where's the third page?"

"I've finished reading it, where's the fourth page?"

Each team held a page of paper and joined in the fun, curiously looking at the material introduction in the list.

"Fuck, don't look at the list, I'm going to go offline."

"Yes, I've taken photos, go offline, let's discuss it."

"Can you be a little more open-minded? Like a country bumpkin who has never seen the world, he is so excited that he has eaten three pounds of dirt."

After complaining, they walked back to the dormitory arm in arm, walked up the stairs, opened the room and went to bed.

And the blacksmiths continued to work at night.

These ghosts' eyes flashed with a faint green light, which was very scary. They lined up in the square to accept the night mission.

And they continued to peek at the material list.

A group of ghosts gathered together in the square in the dark, giving people a sense of horror that even horror movies don't have.

"Hehe, finally no one is competing with us for the order."

"Page 4, where is page 4?"

"Fuck, I've finished reading it, I think the beast on this page must be a hidden Easter egg planned."

"Choose him, you must choose him."

A group of strange blacksmiths were discussing happily.

Unknowingly, the Sword Casting Villa has been open 24 hours a day, and the assembly line never stops

The night is as dark as ink.

The moon on the osmanthus tree above has a sense of cold beauty, and you can vaguely see women in ancient costumes dancing, laughing, and playing.

The moonlight shines on the earth and falls on the wellhead in the yard, bringing a sense of tranquility.

I heard that the moon and the sun are now under the management of the local Zhoucheng.

In other words, those star women are the girls of Xinyi's family.

The night under the villa is quiet.

Ning Zheng, Ning Jiaojiao and others finished their meal and returned to the room.

"The saint is not still fighting, right? It's a pity that the sword fairy is not very good and can't track and watch at any time."

Ning Zheng was a little regretful.

"But this is normal. For people of that level, they will die if they get close to it."

Although he wanted to see it, he was not so careless as to drive the small cake mecha to see it. That would be a bit too stupid.

Although the assassination battle in the capital was earth-shattering, as a weak neutral professional, he was only responsible for providing them with weapons.

Without thinking too much, he opened the game forum.

The materials have been registered one by one according to the content of the screenshots.

The introduction is very detailed.

Of the 4 billion materials, Xirong Shenjiang took 30%, and the remaining three people in the team divided it equally.

Ning Zheng also took a rough look.

They were all good things that were hard to buy even with money, and there were quite a lot of them.

Not to mention the others.

What surprised Ning Zheng a little was the Tianpin Spiritual Plant Liquid!

These big guys actually took out a lot.

This is one of the hard currencies!

As the basic raw material for cultivating the Heavenly Spiritual Root, it can only be extracted from spiritual plants above 100,000 years old.

You can imagine how precious it is.

"If we take this thing down, we will be qualified to cultivate the heavenly spiritual roots that belong to our faction in the future." Ning Zheng pondered for a moment. Heavenly spiritual roots are the stepping stone to a first-class faction! In his own villa, except for his heavenly spiritual root, the others are essentially middle-grade spiritual roots, at the level of Sanyuan. "But we only have a few middle-grade spiritual farmers now, and we haven't cultivated the top-grade spiritual roots of Blood Separation Flower and Soul Separation Flower." "Maybe the heavenly spiritual roots are a bit far away?" He touched his chin. In Ning Zheng's eyes, this "far away" may be one month? Two months? In short, a bit far away is not a problem, and preparing for a rainy day is the key. Get the things first and talk about it. Moreover, now that there is the [Yin Yang Creation Furnace], the cultivation and mutation of spiritual roots are much easier. Plus with a little "luck" from himself, the top-grade spiritual roots will probably appear soon. Thinking of this, the cultivation of spiritual roots will cost another batch of luck points. The luck points in hand are always not enough. Even now, he has a high income of 10,000 luck points a day. "Maybe I'm too arrogant." Ning Zheng reflected, "My growth rate, one small realm per week, is already amazing in the eyes of outsiders." He actually felt that he was slow, which was indeed a bit inhumane. In addition to the heavenly spiritual plant liquid, he also scanned other materials. Take a general look. After knowing the situation in his mind, he didn't look at it more. He has learned to be lazy recently and listen to the opinions of the blacksmiths. Their various departments will give their own feedback, and he, the owner of the manor, only needs to make decisions and read reports. He clicked on a discussion post, and everyone was discussing it crazily. "Brothers, this is a bit too much good stuff."

"This wave of huge profits is a lot of money. 4 billion, and the Sun and Moon Casting of the saint next door only gave more than 1 billion. It's a bit stingy when you think about it."

"It's not that simple. Things like the Sun and Moon, huge glory will bring a lot of chain benefits! Just like some stars pay money to walk on the red carpet in order to become famous, get fame first, and the money will come quickly."

"That's right, we have the resume of the casting saint's business orders, and we have the official casting identity of the high-end circle in Beijing that the saint tacitly allows us to integrate. Otherwise, we wouldn't be here today."

"Besides, 4 billion is the first purchase, and everyone is paying a premium. I estimate that the normal price may be more than 200 million per ark, and the actual profit will not be so exaggerated."

Many people are discussing excitedly.

"The planner is so handsome."

"That's right, this is the first time I've seen such a handsome planner."

Before, everyone scolded the planner for the bad ending of the movie, but now that the reward has been received, they immediately changed their faces.

Although the planner said that the ending was bad today.

But his ending was reasonable and smart.

Although the problem of insufficient funds, the planner's excuse was that the camera was broken, you can't say he is wrong.

Then, everyone started discussing what resources should be moved back to the villa.

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Xian Xiaoyi: "I've seen the list, you must take the heavenly spiritual plant liquid! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~"

Ouching mud craftsman: "Hahahaha! Not only heavenly, high-grade, and medium-grade, the other party also provided a lot, we can also take it, after all, the weapons in our villa are all made of spiritual roots, and spiritual plant liquid is always in short supply."

Shao Chai Kun: "What about the material of the corpse of the divine beast? (~ ̄(oo) ̄)ブ"

Shi Shen: "Stupid! Of course I will take it, but not only do we want it, but they also want it. This thing is the scarcest. We can't take it all, we have to pick it. I saw three unicorns and a stepping cloud demon tiger in the list."

Medical fairy: "It's so cool. In the future, it's not the money boy full of the smell of money, but the unicorn boy and the cute tiger loli."

Su Yu Niang: "666! That picture is super cool at first glance!"

Dao Juju: "A new era for the villa, a new era for the race!"

Dai Xia Hu: "Love it!"

Blacksmith cheered.

New materials are coming soon.

This filled everyone with a strong sense of anticipation. Many people were posting to look forward to the future, thinking that their villas were amazing.

The plot was getting more and more exciting.

Of course, some people were chatting about other things:

"By the way, I wonder how the battle in the capital is going?"

"The Sword Fairy said that it's still going on."

"So fierce, didn't the previous battle in Xinyizhou City only last a few hours?"

"How can it be the same? That was a surprise attack on the state city, a blitzkrieg, not a decisive battle, so naturally the main focus was on speed."

"That's true, the old ancestral artillery in Xinyizhou City fired crazily. If you don't run away quickly when fighting in someone's base camp, who can withstand it? But there are no city wall artillery in the capital, so they naturally fight to their heart's content."

"That's right."

Ning Zheng scanned the posts and saw that they were more concerned than himself, and couldn't help showing a very gratified look.

Since he had this group of little blacksmiths, he has become more and more fond of slacking off.

Just as Ning Zheng was thinking about exiting the forum and going offline to sleep, he suddenly discovered a problem.

How did Jiucai Rong and Ye Kuangxiu, the two pillars of the villa, who were usually very active and good at posting, disappear?

Just when Ning Zheng was confused, they posted.

[Jiucai Rong and Ye Kuangxiu jointly posted: Must read!!! Important matters! A big preview of the villa plot, deeply revealing all the intentions of the planner, and closely related to every blacksmith! ]

Obviously, they played a big wave.

And the words used were very serious and heavy, as if they had discovered something extraordinary about the planner?

Ning Zheng was shocked: "What plot foreshadowing did they discover again?"

Jiucai Rong:

[The thing is, today, when Ye Kuangxiu and I were discussing the order with the Sword Fairy, the Xinyi family across the street hinted to us once that we could buy their Xinyizhou station. ]

[As we all know, the top forces all have sects stationed in Xinyizhou City. ]

[We have been recognized and allowed to enter the high-end city circle. The other party gave us a map and asked us to choose a station and open a branch. ]


In the picture.

The bird's-eye view of the entire Xinyizhou City is very huge, even comparable to half of the earth.

The walls of three thousand provincial districts surround an elliptical outer circle, with a middle circle and an inner circle inside.

I have to say that the area alone is quite impressive.

[We can choose the middle ring or the inner ring, and it is determined according to the purchase price. The land area is very large, and a group of mountains, towns, and fields are directly marked out. ]

[Do you remember the Fang family, the previous inspector of Linmen? The owner Yujin attacked their station, which was also a group of mountains and various fields. ]

[We can pay to choose one, or even move the entire villa over. This is not complicated. A statue of Dharma, holding a mountain in his hand, just move it over. ]

[Of course, I don't recommend changing the map. Moving the villa to the state capital will expose your identity and you will definitely end up in trouble. ]

[But the station branch still needs to be purchased. How can an ancient force not have a branch? The inner ring is the best and safest land, and the branches of various major religions are stationed there, but the inner ring was just destroyed a few months ago, so I don’t recommend choosing it. 】

【The middle ring is the area for ordinary people. The Fang family lived there before, but it still has no special features. I used some crazy tricks here, hinting whether there is any better land. They hesitated for a while and gave us a reply. Linmen can also be chosen by us. 】

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar.

I immediately knew why Jiucai Rong was so serious.

"Hidden branch?"

"Fuck, you two know how to play, I asked specifically."

"This is normal, okay? When you meet NPCs, you have to ask around and ask if there are any hidden tasks. This is a high-level player."

"Really? Hidden location: Linmen, as our base?"

"Normally, this is a range that cannot be selected. The bases of various major sects are all in the inner ring. How can they give their vital points - the city gate, to other sects as bases?"

"This Xinyizhou City is the next It's a huge loss."

"So you think we're the best?"

"Fuck, is this really going to be a marriage? Becoming the son-in-law of Xinyi's family, hahaha, the owner of the manor will have a wife."

"The son-in-law of the owner of the manor is not welcome, his daughter actually lives in a tomb, his mouth is crooked, and 30,000 blacksmiths shout that the Dragon King has returned!"

"This plot is great, let the owner of the manor become a son-in-law quickly, mop the floor, wash dishes, and wash jailers, swallow his anger and keep silent, we will help the owner of the manor to show off! Crooked-mouthed Dragon King.jpg"

"Cry, cry, cry."

A group of people complained crazily.

Everyone found out.

This matter went around, and they circled back to the scale gate.

If they hadn't blown up the scale gate and knocked over the owner of the tomb, leaving the scale gate ownerless, they wouldn't have given them a chance to take advantage of!

If there hadn't been a chance to take advantage of, there wouldn't have been a dazzling pursuit of victory, and afterwards a group of thorny scholars held a parade demonstration there, which was very difficult to deal with.

If Yan Hua hadn't taken advantage of the victory and turned the Linmen into a bunch of thorny and troublesome junk assets, the Xinyi family would not have thought of renting it to Xirong God Craftsman at a low price.

After all.

The Linmen now has a very bad reputation, a bunch of thorny scholars, and are still there to do what "Mingmen" is.

They chose to give it to Xirong God Craftsman.

They used him to make artifacts at the sales meeting, targeting the good reputation of Wushengjiao, and dealt with the bad reputation left by Wushengjiao, so as to solve the problem and show goodwill.

"It's all linked together."

"Hahaha, we made this ark targeting the deputy leader of the Wusheng Sect. They thought we hated the Wusheng Sect and led us into the Linmen."

"They never thought that this was a wolf in the house. They wanted to deal with the Wusheng Sect, but we are the real Wusheng Sect."

"We are forcibly whitewashing ourselves. After all, no one knows that we are targeting ourselves."

"Who would have thought that as long as the price is right, we would sell the rope to hang ourselves (sad)"

"You are crazy! It's getting more and more excessive. How can you really think of yourself as the Wusheng Sect?"


Everyone also knows the hidden plot of the plan.

It's all linked together!

Linmen, before Yanhua, also competed to be the steward of the tomb and serve the new tomb owner who might appear.

But now.

We are the new tomb owner.

This is a bit exciting!

It just so happens that Yanhua is in charge of construction.

In the future, as the tomb owner, we will develop tourism and various industries.

Xinyizhou City will also become more lively due to the arrival of Xirong Master Craftsman, attracting a large amount of foreign investment and tourists from other continents.

This is a win-win situation.

Then, Jiucairong's post continued:

"Linmen, the lease term is 1 billion for 10 years, starting from 10 years."

"This is already quite cheap. You have to know that this is a walled living area, including mountains, countless towns, and several sects, including the buildings of the original holy land, which is very huge."

"However, after paying 1 billion, the business order resources we got this time are estimated to only take two divine beasts and some other spiritual plant liquids."

"But this doesn't matter. The resources we need are just the corpses of divine beasts. The rest will come when the next batch of artifacts are sold."

"The most important thing is that Linmen has secretly belonged to us, and Yanhua's housekeeper doesn't know. We can set up a script to help Yanhua awaken! Let Yanhua be the protagonist of destiny."

"This wave of side plots is super cool."

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