This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 189: Victory or defeat, incognito visit

Ning Zheng scanned the post and was surprised by the Linmen.

"It is obvious that the Xinyi family has placed a heavy bet on us after this wave of sales in the capital."

Linmen is one of the gates of a city, and it is not open to outsiders casually.

Now inviting them to settle in may mean that they want to tie us to the same boat.

"We really need to establish a branch of our power."

Ning Zheng pondered.

Other major sects have branches in Xinyizhou City, so of course he must have one too.

This is not only a signboard for his own storefront and a symbol of strength, but also can manage many things.

Of course, his villa cannot be moved there and hidden behind the scenes.

The villa is a production line for weapons.

Linmen is his sales shop and external channel.

And he had worried before that if the Saint Rizhao in two months could not bear it, he would hide in Linmen.

"Linmen can be used as a public residence for the development of our Jiuzhou."

Ning Zheng thought secretly.

When he was about to close the forum and go to sleep, he found that someone had posted again.

This time it was the Eye Legend Four.

These people said that they were going to be rich, and finally got in touch with the core of the hidden vein: the giant blood flower.

A new synthesis is about to start.

Ning Zheng looked a little confused: There are people here too?

You have so many things to do.

After scanning a few times, this matter is really closed the forum and went to sleep

The next morning.

Ning Zheng went to the villa early.

As an old steward, he pretended to ask Jiu Cairong and Ye Kuangxiu.

"Sir, this is what we think, Linmen" These two people told him their views on Linmen. Although they saw it in the post, Ning Zheng still pretended to hear it for the first time.

"I see, I agree."

Ning Zheng nodded, "Linmen is indeed a node, connecting the villa and a transit station connecting the capital."

Then, Jiu Cairong also said: "We just communicated with the Sword Fairy once, and she said that the battle in the capital has ended."

After fighting for a day and a night, it was finally done?

Ning Zheng was immediately curious: "Who won?"

"It's still unknown."

Jiu Cairong shook his head, "There is no one at the scene. People have been sent to explore the ruins in the various states of Jiuzhou. A lot of information can be obtained based on the battle scene."

Ning Zheng nodded.

In this battle, most of the living forces did not participate.

For example, the Xinyi family of Jiuzhou and the nine great royal families, and even the various holy places and clans of Jiuzhou.

Because if these living forces appear on the scene, it will be a fight to the death.

If they participate on the scene, it will be embarrassing!

It's okay if they win, but if the saint wins, they will be labeled as traitors and wanted by the world.

This is unbearable!

So they didn't participate in public, but those ancient taboo secret realms took action.

But no one knows whether those Jiuzhou forces have a few hidden names, replaced the identities of others, and secretly joined the siege?

This is the world of scholars, reputation and rules are important.

But as long as I do bad things secretly and put on someone else's skin without being discovered, my reputation as a scholar can be preserved.

For this matter, you can refer to the great, well-known, and patriotic Xirong Divine Craftsman, who put on the skin of the Wusheng Sect to preserve his reputation as a scholar.


If the saint of the previous dynasty wins this battle, perhaps I will make a new assessment of his combat power.

If he is too strong, there is a suspicion of destroying the world.

Before, I thought that

the most likely person to destroy the world is the Jiusui Saint who died suddenly, because only he has the ability to shine the sun and moon on the nine states and completely destroy the world.

The sun and moon of other saints, just shine randomly, patrol the nine states, and see if everyone shoots your sun and moon!

Shoot your eyeballs into sea urchins with thorns.

The Jiusui Saint who returned to his heyday after death may not be able to shoot his sun and moon.

If this saint of the previous dynasty is stronger than expected, there may be a slight possibility that this saint of the previous dynasty will open the sun and moon and destroy the world two months later? Yes. He should be given a suspect position of the sun and moon. Ning Zheng felt that he was a detective who solved the case, and he was inexplicably burdened with some burdens that he should not bear at his age. Two months later Ning Zheng sighed in his heart. Some things will not be worried if you don't see them, but seeing the decline in luck value, the whole person will be unable to sleep and eat. The Ark will increase its production, which can make money and save more people. At this time, Jiucai Rong said: "The rent will start for ten years, and we have to pay at least 1 billion. Now we have withdrawn 1 billion in rewards to Xinyizhou City. We can only choose two corpses of the second-phase level of the beast." 83 latest address The price of a complete corpse of a beast is in the range of hundreds of millions. But various professions generally do not buy complete corpses of beasts. The blacksmith forging parts, bones, and tendons of the corpse are about tens of millions of magic money. The alchemy parts of the corpse, blood, and meat, cost tens of millions of magic coins.

The clothing and array parts of the corpse, fur, cost tens of millions of magic coins.

"Please choose two complete corpses of divine beasts."

Jiucai Rong said.

Because there was not much money left, most of them could not be selected. Jiucai Rong handed several divine beast options to Ning Zheng, looking pitiful.

The little blacksmith in the distance was muttering.

"Hurry up! Planner, activate your magical secret modification probability and card drawing ability! [○`Д○]"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry.~(^_^)~"

"Old manager, I believe you!ヾ(°°)"

Ning Zheng: ? ? ?

Because the coincidence of some data is too obvious, they have already determined that they are secretly changing it.

Ning Zheng looked at the situation and found that the changes in the luck after choosing several beasts are similar.

The effects should be similar.

There is no possibility of picking up leaks.

Ning Zheng felt a little regretful and thought: That's right, this is the most normal, how can you pick up leaks every day.

Under normal circumstances, I am quite normal. Only when my luck is off the charts, I will sit at home and magic tools will fall from the sky.

"You can choose by yourselves, I think it's okay."

Ning Zheng handed the decision-making power to them. Anyway, they are basically the same. It depends on their aesthetics and hobbies.

Ning Zheng turned and left. Jiucai Rong looked at the back and touched the back of his head: "Ah? The explosion rate will not be changed this time?"

Ye Kuangxiu analyzed in depth again: "It shouldn't be. According to the extent of the planner's favor to us, they are not all good things, and they have all been secretly changed, right?"

Jiucai Rong's eyes lit up: "I think you are right!"

Very soon.

Jiucai Rong made a wave of communication, handed over to the sword fairy over there, and sent the things over.

There is no fear of being discovered.

Because the court officials have exclusive benefits of shielding their feet, and will not let outsiders spy on the court secrets.

They use communication tokens and teleportation arrays, all of which go around the ground veins of the capital and then send them to the destination-the villa.

Communication is easy to say, it is not troublesome to go around the "network cable" of the capital and come back.

But the teleportation array is different.

The special circle of Jiuzhou, and then transmit it back, the load is very huge, which seriously reduces the life of the teleportation arrays on both sides.

Only official members can use it in this way.

If this goes on, the teleportation array of the villa will probably be scrapped in a few times, but Ning Zheng doesn't need the money.

Go around the capital? Go around most of Jiuzhou? Go as far as possible.

His blacksmiths are too wasteful, and he is too afraid that someone will hunt him down.

As for what you said:

The new saint has taken over, and the previous communication rights are invalid?


The saint of the previous dynasty entered the tomb and took away the core of the [Book of Years].

The Saint of Jiusui entered the tomb and also took away the core of the [Jiuzhou Ground Veins].

This Xin Pi Saint can't control the ground veins of Jiuzhou now.

After all, communication is the most important.

If the Saint of Jiusui doesn't take this thing away, how can the inner ghosts in the court communicate secretly in the court?

How can the inner ghosts in the court use the communication token to chat secretly and use the teleportation array to do things secretly?

That will definitely be seen by the Xin Pi Saint! !

Therefore, the Saint Jiusui brought the things into the tomb, which was obviously a hint:

"I will help you encrypt the communication, you can openly set up dozens of private chat groups, you can completely empty his court, assassinate him, and get the core of [History of the Years]."

That thing is now like the imperial seal of the dynasty!

The person who gets it and masters the [History of the Years] will have the opportunity to completely become a new generation of saints.

So, the saint arranged a group of young seeds to assassinate the Saint Xinchao and get the "Imperial Seal".

No matter who fights for the world, they must first get that core

On the other side.

Just when the villa and Xinyi Baishan and others were dividing the profits of this time.

The capital was in ruins.

"Your Majesty." Dao Yue said, "We have won a great victory, and it is time to move out of our capital."

"Yes, I should move the capital out."

He pondered for a while, "However, after killing their Dharma images, they will have to stay quiet and recuperate for a while."

"But this is not enough, I will go to the nine states below and subdue each state capital."

The Saint of Xinchao pondered for a while, revealing a trace of nostalgia.


"Get ready, in a few days, our first stop in the nine states, Xinyizhou City."

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