This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 191 Plot Summary, Ning Zheng's Plan

Xinyizhou City.

The result of the battle in the capital has been completely announced to the world.

The new saint has returned and suppressed the evil existence of the ancient times with absolute force.

Facts have proved that the Xinchao Saint who was defeated by the Jiusui Saint was not too weak, but the Jiusui Saint was unreasonable.

In this regard, the people of Jiuzhou in the world do not care too much, but just think that the alternation of imperial power is the norm in the world.

It does not affect their own work to earn money and support their children's education.

And the scholars in the world are worried, and they discuss the current affairs of the world in restaurants and teahouses.


Some of the more popular cult forces, and even some righteous forces, have openly rebelled and raised a group of uprising armies to compete for the world.

In the restaurant, someone slammed the table angrily:

"Every time there is a turbulent time, those evil cults are ready to move, and now they are even more direct and openly rebelling!"

A white-haired old man said angrily:

"In the eyes of many people in the uprising forces, this is an unprecedented dead saint. How can the living people in the Nine Provinces be ruled by the dead? Therefore, they have a legitimate reason to rebel."

"This is the righteousness."

"Humph, it seems that you have the righteousness in your hands, but in fact it is not a good thing."

"That's right! Before our saint passed away, he passed on the throne legitimately, and the throne came reasonably. Even if this is a dead saint, this is the righteousness!"

"The old members of the dynasty and the nine princes have not rebelled in the Nine Provinces. How dare they rebel? It's just a sensation!" Someone sneered.

Some people don't care about the dividing line between life and death, and they have dead parents and relatives at home: "So what if the dead are dead? Why does Jiuzhou still distinguish between life and death? There is a reason why the Saint Jiusui passed on the throne, proving that this saint of the previous dynasty does have the power to rule the world and protect all living beings. Why should we care whether he is alive or dead? It's okay as long as he is useful." Many people are arguing and have different opinions. The entire Jiuzhou has almost set off a debate frenzy in the past few days, with each having its own arguments and opinions. Some people think that life and death are not important. This saint of the previous dynasty thinks that it is enough for him to be alive and still govern the world in the capital. Even with his amazing combat power, he suppressed various cults and ancient evils, which is not a piece of sky for the human race. Is the dead or the living important? If it were another saint, would he be able to suppress it? Many people hold this view. Next to him, Ning Zheng, who came to Xinyizhou City, sat in a restaurant drinking tea, listening silently, frowning secretly: "I always feel that there are water troops stirring up public opinion to make people accept this strange saint." Ning Zheng also knew the term water troops when he was hanging out in the game forum. Is this water army the remnant of the old human beings of the previous dynasty? Very likely! They hid in the city in the deep mountains, and now it is natural for them to take advantage of the situation to come back. Is it the nine major cities and major holy places in Jiuzhou? It is also possible! Because they want to stabilize the people of the world, pretend to cooperate with this saint, and manage the world. Then slowly infiltrate him and steal his core. If they fall out directly and fight, what is there to steal? What if they are forced to run back to the grave with the core, saying that they will wait until the next dynasty era to outlast an opponent. Who can wait for this? Therefore, surrender openly and then make plans. It is important to let the people accept this saint. "But, have people rebelled?"

"There are rebels in various parts of Jiuzhou, and the reason is that the dead cannot rule the country of the living."

This rebellion is too fast.

These people only saw the surface rebellion, but Ning Zheng vaguely sensed the deep meaning of those old shady guys.

This is the second test, the game.

It is to suppress the majesty of the saint in the capital.

I am rebelling in the local area, what can you do to me?

If you have the guts, leave the capital and suppress the rebels!

"This is to seduce the saint to leave the capital."

Ning Zheng took a deep breath.

In the capital, there was a defeat.

Now they are ready to seduce him to fight.

And this is also an open conspiracy. There are rebellions everywhere, and you are guarding an isolated capital, being a saint who shrinks his head?

You must come out!

How can you still be a saint?

Even if you know there is a conspiracy, you have to leave the capital, go to the nursery, and set foot in Jiuzhou.

"These people are outrageous."

Ning Zheng sighed.

However, since they have begun to plan the second wave of attempts, it means that they are sure to attack the Dharma image.

"That is to say, two months later, the most likely person to destroy the world is not the Xinchao Saint."

"Because the sun and moon are an application of the Dharma image, they also entrapped the Dharma image of the Xinchao Saint, which means that the Dharma image of the Xinchao Saint, the sun and moon, is not so strong that it is desperate, but can be besieged."

Ning Zheng felt that the suspicion of this Xinchao Saint was much smaller.

The sun and moon that can destroy the world and are strong enough to be desperate

It is estimated that it must be the Jiusui Saint in his prime!

He is the most suspicious.

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Sure enough, this person is not dead in the tomb now. He entered the tomb in advance and died in the tomb two months later, and then went crazy and started to attack the whole world?

Ning Zheng was worried.

How great he was in life, how terrible he was after death.

"That is to say, the current Xinchao Saint is actually a helper to resist the destruction of the world by the Jiusui boss. After all, he and the Jiusui Saint have a deep hatred."

"We should pledge our loyalty to this saint and let him save the world?"

Ning Zheng continued to think:

"If he can stay in power and save the people, whether he is alive or dead, we may invest in him. We can also be a founding hero."

"We can't go against him, right? Do we really want to revolt? With our background, we will die. Besides, we have to do business and sell weapons. We can't be labeled as traitors."

Ning Zheng felt that it was okay to recognize a father.

A group of blacksmiths and a batch of weapons waved flags and shouted in the court, cheering for this saint to rush to the front to kill the world-destroying boss

Today, Linmen completed a simple handover.

It is already his own land.

But he didn't have anything to move, and his background was very small.

The current situation remains unchanged.

"Let's go to the shop."

It was at this time.

In a shop.

Yu Jin Yan Hua got the communication token of the tomb owner, "Is this the communication of the tomb owner?"

"Yes." The court official said, "But his identity must be kept secret."

Yan Hua was shocked.

Could it be a great person in ancient times?

After all, the identity of the tomb owner is mostly hidden, and people who come to visit history don't know.

Yan Hua didn't suspect anything, but said seriously: "As the inspector of Linmen and the local housekeeper, I will definitely serve this owner well."

Here is the beginning of his rise to fame.

Work hard, Yan Hua!

He secretly cheered himself up.

There was a bookstore, and Su Yu Niang next to it said: "We must treat this tomb owner well!"

The Fairy Doctor looked heavy: "Yes, everything depends on you. Such a big man existed in ancient history."

The shopkeeper Jiu Cairong: "Yan Hua, it depends on you."

Ning Zheng also came back from the restaurant. When he heard them talking, he also showed a solemn look: "Yes, we have to gain a firm foothold and make a name for ourselves in the state capital. It all depends on you."

Yan Hua had not returned to the villa for a long time, and he didn't know the information about the villa, let alone the outrageous inside story of Linmen.

Suddenly, Yan Hua felt a heavy weight pressing on him.

He, a time traveler, was finally going to be taken seriously, and the protagonist of the farming style was finally going to shine.

Next, follow the traditional routine.

The farming style of other time travelers is to study glass? Gunpowder? Pavement?

He felt as if it didn't work here.

While he was thinking hard, he didn't notice Jiucairong sneaking to the back of the shop and took out the communication token.

Yanhua felt the tomb owner's communication token ringing in an instant. It was the tomb owner who sent a message!

"It's the tomb owner's message." Yanhua was startled.

"Go and answer it." The fairy doctor's face was solemn, "Don't neglect it."

Su Yu Niang pulled the little cake next to her: "Come on, Uncle Yanhua!"

"Come on, Uncle Yanhua!" Xiaogao wore the green crown of the villa, which seemed to add new plants and greenery.

Yanhua suddenly felt a strong sense of mission on his back, walked out of the door silently, and answered the call:

"Hello, I am the inspector in charge of this area."

He didn't know that Fairy Doctor and Su Yu Niang were living blacksmiths, and there were already a lot of people around in the [Observer Perspective] of their shop.

"Haha, let's start."

"The script for Yanhua's face slapping has been arranged."

"I said there should be a plot for the Dragon King, Yanhua is forbearing, and then crooked mouth, I think Yanhua is suitable."

"Don't make a fuss, it's just the traditional upgrade face slapping, being valued, going out to meet a master to teach medical skills, Yanhua himself provides strategy, he is a mystery, childhood dream is to become the protagonist of those fantasy, we follow this routine."

"Ahahaha, Yanhua himself provides advice, if this is not awakened, it is really unfair."

"I am the only one who thinks that the old steward we invited to guest star, is his acting online?"

"Hahaha, the dog planner doesn't let us watch the movie, we direct the movie ourselves."

" It is the kind of two or three people who shoot the full plot. Right, this is the position of NPC. It is the story of Xinyi family who is about to open immediately -the owner of the Zhuang will think that the saints in the future are now the Xinyi family? "" You are enough. " Terrible, the coercion of this body was sticky to my throat and soft legs. "" Isn't it? If the villa was not protected by a protective shield, the overwhelming pressure and the vast smell of corpses would have been easily discovered.

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