This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 192: The Divine Beast is in Hand, and a Meat Tank is Made

The bodies of these two second-phase beasts almost filled up half of the square. They were vast and majestic, like two creeping hills, with delicate scales the size of a fist.

They were three-headed unicorns and Yunguibao turtles.

The three-headed unicorns were not pure blood, but they were not far off.

And this turtle was a variant of some ancient turtle, with extremely strong defense.

Don't think that it was just a second-phase beast, and it was very weak.

That was at the level of heavenly spiritual roots.

With some precious materials, it could be used to make weapons at the level of one state of mind.

The status of these two beasts, in various major sects, was at the level of the son of saint!

It was very difficult to kill, because the son of the demon clan was protected by a guardian.

As for hunting a beast at the level of one state of mind?

That was at the level of the headmaster.

I really thought too much.

Humans with heavenly spiritual roots were originally weaker than beasts with heavenly spiritual roots.

Because the body of the beast was hundreds of meters long, while humans were only two or three meters long.

It's like an ant of the same realm fighting a tiger of the same level, which one is more powerful?

This is called racial difference.

Humans are still weaker than the same level beasts through artifacts, spells, magical powers, and various other compensations.

If it weren't for the low fertility rate of the major beasts, humans would have been gone long ago.

There are only two reasons why humans can dominate the Nine Provinces: they are born precocious and can give birth.

"It's a pity, we want to find two beasts with yin and yang spiritual roots, which will form a cycle." Jiucai Rong sighed and couldn't help but feel distressed: "But there are none, we can only take one earth element and one fire element."

"It's okay."

Dao Jiujiu touched the scales of the giant unicorn, and felt that it felt like cold and thorny, and it was inexplicably prickly: "But why did we choose that green-haired turtle?"

He pointed to the super-large turtle corpse.

It does look very handsome and full of pressure, but it still can't change the fact that it's a turtle.

"You don't understand." Jiucai Rong analyzed seriously: "This thing is hard, easy to use, and it has the earth bloodline. I will make a lot of money moving bricks in the future." Dao Jiujiu tilted his head, "It seems to be right. This shell is a high-quality casting material." "That's right." Jiucai Rong said: "This can be made into a meat tank, but a turtle shell can't be made. Isn't this a bargain for us? Such a big turtle shell, staying in the villa, it is super useful." Everyone's eyes lit up. Jiucai Rong is still smart, this turtle shell is a lot of money. Many people are knocking around the big turtle shell, and they are more and more satisfied. "I think we should make a swimming pool." A hairpin girl loli loudly suggested, "Bring the heating pipes of the blacksmith shop in, it will definitely become a spiritual spring, and it will be a great pleasure to take a bath." "I think it can be used as a shield for the ember giant." Yan Shuangying raised his hand to suggest. "I think it can be used as a safe house." Someone said. "Just to covet a big turtle shell, everyone has a small turtle, this is a bit outrageous." Aunt Xian looked a little speechless. "Each person has a little turtle mother, I don't think it's bad." Ye Kuangxiu retorted.

"Stop it."

Jiucai Rong coughed twice, interrupting their quarrel:

"I asked, if it is made into a meat tank, will it grow a turtle back? The big guy over there said no, the turtle shell grows year by year, and at the beginning it is like the soft shell of a newborn crab. Of course, the other side looked confused and asked us if we took the divine beast to cast a magic weapon?"

Jiucai Rong paused, "The final result of our two corpses must be a synthetic race, not for immediate use."

Everyone heard it and it was right.

Whether it is the three-headed Qilin or the Yunguibao turtle, they are not human-shaped monsters. Qilin's four legs or turtle claws cannot move bricks or forge iron.

They have to be thrown into the forging furnace for secondary race synthesis to become human-shaped.

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Therefore, the initial shape of the current divine beast is not very important.

You can remove the turtle shell when you synthesize the race.

If you like it more.

You can synthesize a race that uses the turtle shell on its head as a green safety helmet, which is not impossible.

Race is something that depends entirely on their own secondary screening.

"So what's next? How do we make a meat jar?"

Auntie Xian leaned her head over, eager to try, feeling that her business was coming: "I feel that this is a very delicate job."

"Don't make a fuss."

Jiu Cairong smiled, "Among the goods we looted before, there are meat jar magic tools. Find the old steward and use your powerful cultivation to compress the five bodies and four organs into the circulation."

Meat jars are still very popular.

The high-level life in this world can regenerate by dropping flesh and blood because of its immortality.

Similar to the golden boy, the flesh and blood drop to breed a bunch of small golden boys.

Similar to cloning technology, cells grow into clones.

Generally, cultivators buy meat jars and make them as low-level coolie monsters, plowing the land in the sect and doing odd jobs.

After all, cloned monsters split in this way have low potential, like wild beasts, without high intelligence.

So everyone uses ordinary monsters as coolies.


They don't use the money boy, but use the divine beast to make meat tanks, splitting small divine beasts to do coolies, move bricks, and forge iron. Most people only use three words to describe such people:


Do they have too much money and have nowhere to spend it?

The money boy can also do coolies, and can also swallow gold and cast coins with his fingernails.

You use the corpse of the divine beast as a coolie?

"I still love the little blacksmiths." Ning Zheng sighed.

These hundreds of millions of magic money are spent just to find a group of little sand sculptures who move bricks, dig soil, forge iron, and run around laughing.

It's really good for them.

I hope they can rise up completely with this thing.

Make a strong race for themselves, otherwise it will be a waste of time.

And waste their energy!

These two meat tanks are a bit difficult to organize and make.

If I hadn't pulled out the three flowers, I wouldn't have been able to practice recently, and I might not have had time to help them make this kind of thing.

But Ning Zheng still didn't plan to make the meat tanks by herself, and looked at the group of blacksmiths: "Cultivators who have opened the blood separation flower, please participate in dismemberment, splitting the blood and flesh circulation, and making meat tanks, and you will be rewarded afterwards."

Everyone got excited after hearing this.

Another task was issued.

"I'll do it!" The God of Food was the first to come out, "I am the orthodox descendant of the blood separation flower."

He opened the blood separation flower spirit root a while ago.

After all, this magical power of separating blood and flesh is very suitable for chefs.

Of course, if the original bandit godfather saw it.

Their blood separation flower combat spirit root was played by them into a doctor spirit root and a chef spirit root, and they mainly played a life profession, then they would be really angry.

"I'll come too. I'm a good hand in the cafeteria." Shao Chai Kun stood up and shouted openly: "I'm known as the butcher's knife."

Now the blacksmiths in the villa are basically Xue Lihua and Hun Lihua, and a few Xue Lihua monks have also stepped up to participate in the dissection work.

Ning Zheng nodded, "Separate the five body circulations and four organ circulations. Be careful not to destroy the quality."

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