This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 195: Divine Weapon Communication Circle

As a city wall, it is reasonable to have a defense mechanism, right?

The city wall is originally an attacking turret.

It is no problem for them to build a new tower defense.

They will definitely build the Linmen into a new iron bucket kingdom, with tower defense everywhere.

This kind of Tianliu tower defense game is a waste not to play.

This defense base can also be used to deal with the doomsday plot two months later.

Building the Linmen must be their next main line.

"By the way, Xiaogao has been eating and drinking well recently, and there is no change?" Su Yu Niang suddenly thought of something.

Jiu Cairong shook his head.

Xiaogao is still so cute, like a smart child.

But no matter how smart he is, he is just a child, and his childishness is overflowing, becoming very naive.

After all, it is like this after being suppressed.

It is impossible for you to keep a clear mind all the time.

Su Yu Niang and Yu Jin Jiu Cairong discussed it for a while, and suddenly received the victory message from the villa.

"What? They succeeded?"

The two people in the shop suddenly envied the current villa. A new race has been created next door.

They had so much fun!

The beast Fairy of Medicine can go back to participate in this event again.

Those who study medicine are in a hot industry.

Blacksmiths, spiritual farmers, and doctors are indeed the three giants of the villa.

On the other side, Xinyi Palace.

The Fairy of Sword rolled on the bed, playing the communication token, and chatting with the Ark series and Yin Yang Corpse Slashing Sword series:

"I am in Xinyizhou City. Does Linmen know? It will soon become a city under our management."

"Our product sales will be released here in the future, and we will welcome guests from Jiuzhou."

Ark Burning Chai Kun: "Fuck!"

Corpse Slashing Sword Coder: "Fuck!"

Ark Food God: "Hehehe!"

In fact, each weapon spirit can only appear once. If a weapon spirit with a duplicate breath is sold, there will be big problems.

In other words, the five hundred blacksmiths in the villa are destined to only sell five hundred magic weapons, distributed throughout Jiuzhou, as clones of the blacksmiths in the villa.

Even if all the living blacksmiths in the villa disappear in the future, when the server of "Sword Forging Villa" is shut down, the copy blacksmith team managed by Ning Zheng will be distributed all over Jiuzhou.

Their five hundred magic weapons are the real natives!

And five hundred magic weapons are considered few?

This is already a lot. I don't know how long it will take to forge them completely.

What's more, the number of blacksmiths will increase in the future.

The Sword Fairy said: "By the way, how are you living now?"

Fangzhou Shao Chai Kun: "You ask me, I don't know, I don't even know where to sail, I only know that I was tied up and dragged by two big men, it was very exciting."

Zhan Shijian Coder: "So strict?"

Fangzhou Shao Chai Kun: "Very strict! How are you doing over there?"

Zhan Shijian Ou Mujiang: "Not bad! We are now, the sixteen weapon spirits of the Zhan Shijian series, and we have been chatting every day. We each farm, make clothes, play with hairpins, and put pressure on the master to make him practice crazily to bring us a better life."

Fangzhou Shao Chai Kun: "Your management is loose over there, after all, it is a weak youth version of the magic weapon. By the way, you don't go to the secret realm?"

Zhan Shijian Dai Xia Hu: "The next ghost secret realm, our weapons are at the level of the four internal organs, and the owner is also a young Tianjiao in the four internal organs, still a young seedling. According to ordinary families, they may have started to practice, but these big guys have to be in the three yuan realm before they start to go out."

The more powerful the family, the later the young generation goes out.

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For casual cultivators, the Five Body Realm can earn resources.

For example, Xue Lihua and the Shi family, the Four Organ Realm can go out to earn resources.

For more advanced ones, they have to go out to the Three Yuan Realm, but that is not to earn resources, but more to experience, and there are protectors.

Fangzhou Shao Chai Kun: "You are too bored, you can't go out and play, and you put pressure on your masters every day, urging them to study. You are learning machines!"

Zhan Shi Jian Dai Xia Hu: "What about your Fangzhou series, the clan treasures of the major sects, how are they?"

Fangzhou Shi Shen: "It is probably in the probation period, observing us, but after a long time, they will definitely gain trust. With the network of relationships we have built with these weapons, it will definitely take off."

Their current situation is far less good than expected.

After all, the various holy places and major sects are not fools, and they trust you without thinking.

It is normal to have a probation period and an observation period!

Fang Zhou Shao Chai Kun: "Our network of relationships cannot be ignored. It is worth mentioning that the Crown Princess is watching me from the side. We cannot show them our network of relationships, but the court said it wants to supervise us." Fang Zhou Shi Shen: "Trash? Trash?" Fang Zhou Shao Chai Kun: "She can't understand! But according to gossip, the Nine Spike Saint has awakened her, and her memory should be sealed or erased." Dao Yue saw that they were chatting openly and talked about herself, so she was not angry. After all. She was once one of them. The saint had indeed awakened her, but he used the special technology of the royal family, using illusions, and artificial awakening. This awakening is not a natural ghost king, it will be weaker. And after awakening, the saint sealed and cleansed her memory. Maybe in the distant future, when she becomes a powerful person, she will remember this dusty memory of hers, but it doesn't matter anymore.

It's like a 100-year-old person suddenly remembering his childhood memories when he was one or two years old.

That short life span, less than 1% of his past, will not affect her too much.

It's just a scene in life.

Perhaps, she just smiled knowingly, thinking of her childhood embarrassment and her childhood self.

Her personality will be completely formed in these hundreds or thousands of years, and will no longer be disturbed by the past.

Sword Fairy: "Now the world is full of rebels. In an instant, uprisings broke out everywhere, just as if they had agreed. Some of them have even attacked local cities. What are you going to do, Saint?" Fang Zhou Shao Chai Kun: "I really don't understand the capital's affairs. I'm just a boatman. I only know that the capital is sailing." Sword Fairy: "I don't know anything. That's fine! Xinyi Palace is also quite boring. I went to the city wall to play, see the history, visit the scenery, and go to Linmen by the way. Let's talk about it another day." "By the way, the next weapons sales will be at Linmen. If you have the opportunity, come and visit. I'll take you to have fun! Super fun things, we will direct a certain plot, it's not convenient to say it!" In order to prevent being monitored, they never talk about key content in the communication token, they only talk about some well-known things, and chat about their recent lives. And what they want to direct is obviously the dazzling male protagonist plot. If they come, it's not a problem to arrange a few extras. After all. Their current status is very noble, and the young master is the core of each faction. Isn't this the protagonist's adventure? A background board for show?

Increased the protagonist's opportunities!

All parties came to support him, shaping him into another Xu Huan, and the Nine Provinces' Tianjiao came to Xinyizhou to make friends with him.

As for Xirong God Craftsman, why did he help this one for no reason?

Of course it was not because he knew him.

It was just that after settling in this Linmen, he found that his housekeeper was conscientious, honest and hardworking.

There is a possibility of awakening again.

So he planned to cultivate him, isn't this normal?

Xirong God Craftsman, occupying Linmen, no one would have thought that it was related to their Pingchang City Sword Forging Villa.

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