This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 196: The Sword Fairy comes to the shop and the awakening script begins



In the tunnel of Zhujian Villa, the five-man team wore helmets and guarded the place strictly.

A blacksmith held a painted sign and hid in the underground bunker, with a solemn expression: "The enemy has placed a bomb in area B, requesting support! Requesting support!"

"We are rushing here, be careful of enemy fire!"

In another tunnel, a blacksmith wrote by hand while hiding behind the bunker to avoid the enemy's flamethrower.

As we all know, the only part that can be seriously injured in the Five Body Realm is the abdomen.

And now the Qilin boy has a high initial value of the race, and he is born with the Five Body Realm.

They all wore the robes produced by the hairpin lady to protect their abdomens, and they were not afraid of fighting at all.

In the barrage.

"What the hell!? Are we watching the CF live broadcast room?"

"Damn it, these animals thought of this kind of gameplay."

"Before, they were timid because the money boy was too heavy and couldn't fight at all. Now the bloody bellicosity of the fourth disaster has finally erupted!"

"Oh my god, all the tunnels and houses built in the past two months have become their gun battle sites."


The Qilin boy is indeed much cuter than the money boy, and he also has a pair of cute little horns and a little calf tail.

It's so cute that it makes you want to vomit blood.

In addition, now that the gun battle mode is turned on, it can only be said that the entertainment of the entire villa has increased a lot.

Jiucai Rong, who was passing by, also turned into a Qilin boy. He was very happy. He was about to go down to the mine for exploration work, but suddenly he was sprayed with various flames on his body, and it smelled like burnt.

"What the hell is that?"

He was thinking about hiding in a hurry in the house next to him, and suddenly he was blown away by the explosive pack at point B. The pain made him fly several meters away and hit the wall with a grin.

The other blacksmiths saw that they had gotten into trouble and hurriedly carried the man up.

"Send him to the Fairy Doctor, Aunt Fairy."

In the clinic.

Aunt Fairy took a look at Jiucai Rong's injuries. His limbs and head were fine, but his abdomen was pierced.

"The internal organs are completely necrotic. In order to save people, it is recommended to implant artificial internal organs."

The Fairy Doctor said with a serious face: "High-level professionals all rely on artificial internal organs after their internal organs have rotted. They live to the theoretical eight hundred years of the Five Body Realm."

Jiucai Rong: "Get lost, you really treat me as a normal patient, I choose to commit suicide."

After a while, Jiucai Rong died on the spot.

Then he ran out of the resurrection point angrily, called out the blacksmiths, scolded them, and fined them.

He also called Yan Shuangying and asked him to be more competent as the security captain and stop slacking off all day.

"It's really hard for me!"

Jiucai Rong felt that if he continued to manage this group of idiots, he would be seven or eight years older sooner or later.

Especially when a new race appeared, because it was too interesting, a group of people were studying it crazily.

Not only are they playing gunfights here, but they are also playing barbecue in the cafeteria. A group of people are breathing fire, studying barbecue, and even holding competitions.

Jiucai Rong sighed: "We are indeed going to build a combat training ground. You can fight in it and do all kinds of modes."

Thinking carefully, this is another activity venue.

After all, there are basketball courts in various factory assembly lines for workers to relax and play.

It's not bad to build a [combat venue] for them to relax in their spare time, and they can also charge admission.

Another thing is that the villa is still very large.

It was originally a long mountain of more than 5,000 meters, and a section of the top was cut off. Now the building complex does not even occupy one-third of the land.

Ye Kuangxiu, who was called over, also ran over. After hearing the news, he said, "I think it's okay. With the resurrection point, it's not a problem to have a gunfight."

"We can even make a moba game in the future. There are just two resurrection points, one for the fairy camp and the other for the mechanical camp."

"Make a group of brainless monster meat tanks, and send out soldiers in three lanes. Both sides have junglers and shooters, and fight against each other."

"It's a bit interesting." Jiucairong shrugged his shoulders after hearing it. "Qilin boy, this hero is obviously a shooter, and turtle boy, this hero is a meat shield hero in the confrontation lane."

It's a bit difficult to make, but not big.

The business building still has several meat tank magic tools. They can buy some weak monsters to make meat tanks and they can do it themselves.

"If you have time, you can indeed do it as an event."

"Speaking of which, we are about to celebrate the New Year in reality, so we can treat it as our New Year's Eve event."

Just when the villa changed drastically, a large number of new Qilin boys and a small number of turtle boys were adapting to their new bodies and studying the combination of Qilin people + turtle people.

Linmen welcomed a new guest.

"Is this Linmen?"

"Damn it, when those animals attacked the tomb owner at Linmen and acted crazy, I was in the capital."

"This scenery is so beautiful, the ancient buildings and costumes from 280,000 years ago have a kind of exotic beauty."

The sword fairy transformed into a beautiful girl, looking at various historical scenery along the way, her eyes were a little glued.

Although Beijing has also gone out to play.

But Beijing has no city wall history, and she can't see the historical customs and customs for tourism.

Of course.

[History of the Years] The painted wall is much more powerful than the city wall, but she is not qualified to go in to travel in the dynasties inside.

Because the city wall area here blocks the breath, no one finds that she is a weapon, and she is very happy to play.

After a morning of fun, she finally remembered her business. She wandered around and came to a shop.

As soon as she entered the door, the Sword Fairy said lightly:

"I heard that you do that surgery here, and it looks promising."

There were quite a few people in the shop.

Many people came to buy spiritual rice wine, and Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong was collecting money at the counter.

"I'm afraid the medical beauty service will be postponed."

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong didn't recognize the Sword Fairy who had changed her face, and quickly stood up and said, "Sir, you need to make an appointment for medical beauty surgery because our doctor has gone home."

And Su Yu Niang also lay beside her to tease Xiao Gao, while Yan Hua ran out to build the city and make plans.

Recently, their medical beauty reputation is still good.

Some college students in Xinyizhou City have come to them for medical beauty.

What a pity.

The natives of this world are particularly good at plagiarism.

It's okay that the previous magic cultivator Shi family plagiarized their brick-moving technology, but now the natives in this city are also plagiarizing them for medical beauty.

Recently, they have also taken away part of their business.

However, the business market is not big, and some big families are unwilling to compete for it.

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After all, it can only serve young cultivators in the five-body realm, and the four-organ realm can already adjust their body shape.

Yu Jin Jiu Cai Rong said: "But medical beauty surgery needs to be booked. The spiritual rice wine in our store is very popular. Do you want to buy it?"

The sword fairy looked at this group of familiar people and felt very emotional. She was finally back!

Returning home in glory.


I can't recognize it.

She is the spokesperson of Xirong God Craftsman.

In front of him is just a weak local family of Xuelihua, a small shop opened in Xinyizhou City.

A local family has nothing to do with the famous God Craftsman in Kyushu.

But it did not prevent the Sword Fairy from taking out a warrant openly:

"I am the new owner of the Linmen, the spokesperson of the Xirong Master. Do you know me? I heard that the inspector of the Linmen, the Dazzled Scholar, often comes to your shop. Where are the others?"

At this time, the customers who sold wine and made appointments for medical services in the shop were all surprised, and they were silent for a moment.

This is the power of the Xirong Master!

Although Xinyizhou City has recently begun to reveal that Xirong, the hot and popular fried chicken in the capital, will open a station in Xinyizhou City.

But it's just a rumor.

The "big star" on the TV now appears in front of them, which is extremely shocking to them.


I thought that it would be stationed in the inner ring of the state city, the safest area, like other holy places and big sects, but who knew that it would be stationed directly in the outermost Linmen?

"What!? You are the legendary spokesperson of Xirong, the magic weapon brought by Jian Xin?" Yu Jin Jiu Cairong made an extremely exaggerated gesture with a look of admiration.

Su Yu Niang also ran over, like a fanatical little fan, covering her mouth in shock:

"I heard that Xirong Master Craftsman, in order to show his unique skills, used anthropomorphic magic weapons as spokespersons. It turned out to be true! Are you really a magic weapon?"

"Of course."

The Sword Fairy smiled proudly, "Using the commercial weapons made by yourself as spokespersons is the best publicity. Other master craftsmen can't do this easily."

This singing and echoing made many guests around suddenly realize.

Also secretly aroused a feeling of "so that's it", and felt that Xirong Master Craftsman's skills were more powerful.

I believe that soon, this statement here will be spread.

The Sword Fairy looked around and landed on Su Yu Niang:

"Little girl, let me ask you, I heard that the temporary inspector of Linmen was previously the Fang family, but they did something worse than pigs and dogs, and were exposed by a cult of the Wusheng Sect."

"Now, the inspector has fallen on the scholar who led the parade, Yan Hua, is that so?"

Su Yu Niang said respectfully: "That's right!"

The Sword Fairy said lightly: "I won't let you become the second Fang family. As the inspector family, you will only support Yan Hua. Let's make this clear in advance."

Su Yu Niang's face flashed with a trace of helplessness, and finally nodded:

"We are indeed unworthy. Our family is a small local Sanyuan family, unlike the Fang family, which has a second-phase realm strongman."

The Sword Fairy nodded: "What about him? He paraded through the streets and established the Dark Gate. He is not afraid of power. I heard about this and admired it!"

Su Yu Niang hurriedly said: "Then I will call him back."

The Sword Fairy smiled slightly: "That's great."

The Xirong God Craftsman is to draw a clear line with this shop, so that the other party will not try too hard, and only accept the inspector of the Linmen.

This is essentially to distinguish the boundaries between the two and hide oneself more deeply.

At this time, outside the entire shop, there are already some passers-by and tourists who have heard about this and come to watch secretly.

"My lord, my lord, I'm here!"

At this time, Yan Hua ran over and saw the new owner of the Linmen.

Before the main plot of [Attack Xinyizhou City], Yan Hua had already been disconnected from the villa and came here.

In his version, he still sold painting cards in Pingchang City, and then was driven to develop the Xinyizhou market.

In addition, Su Yu Niang and Medical Fairy, the two living people in the shop, did not talk to Yan Hua about the various progress of the villa.

Yan Hua, who jumped through several major versions, did not know that the villa was already in the neighboring capital, and was famous all over the world.

After all, this is outrageous.

It's only been a month or two, and it has reached this point in an instant. Who dares to believe it?

"Well, boy, I admire you very much. Come with me." The Sword Fairy turned around with a serious face.

The Sword Fairy took him to walk on the street, and the people and guests around were talking about it in the dark.

Even the news spread to the restaurants on both sides, and everyone looked out with envy.

"The Xirong Master Craftsman who shines so brightly in the capital city is really going to move into Xinyizhou City, and it turns out to be Linmen?"

"Damn, that Yanhua, how lucky! I'm afraid he is the protagonist in the storybook. Becoming the Linmen Inspector of Xirong Master Craftsman's local area is a step to heaven!"

"Yes, thinking back then, the only plot that was so similar to the storybook was Jianxin! A ten-year-old mortal child entered the Red Mansion and overwhelmed the evil courtesans with poetry, shocking the world's Xinyi forces to come, even the royal palace came, and promised to give him a heavenly spiritual root."

"The recent Xu Huan is also a protagonist similar to the storybook. He has become a ghost king with a promising future. He broke free from the cage in the painful falsehood. His experience is very legendary!"

"This Yanhua's experience is also very interesting. I'm afraid he may soar to the sky like the storybook!"

Some people compare Xu Huan, Jianxin, and Yanhua.

Yanhua was shocked when he heard it, and couldn't help but spread ecstasy all over his body.

Think about it carefully.

His own experience is really legendary.

Only I know that I am a time traveler, a classic protagonist who travels through time through games.

Afterwards, he was tortured, abused, and cultivated his character. Then, as a scholar, he led people to parade in the streets, which was the beginning of his soaring to the sky and being appreciated by others.

This experience was tortuous, comparable to Xu Huan and Jian Xin.

Yan Hua's mind was turbulent, and an involuntary thought emerged:

I am afraid that I am not the third protagonist, destined to be turbulent in this era?

At this time, passers-by were still saying:

"Yes, in addition to Linmen, there are other [Old Human Breeding Areas], and those walled areas are also in turmoil, and several thorny scholars have been promoted, but this place was chosen."

"Damn it!"

"Xi Rong, that is a person who is destined to be remembered in history, and he can actually follow."

Everyone was extremely envious.

Yan Hua walked all the way, holding his head high, feeling the cheers from the streets on both sides, envious.



It's my turn to appear.

I, the protagonist of the time travel, am finally going to take off!

A hidden breath slowly surged again, as if trying to break through the shackles of the building.

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