Two days later.

In a huge blacksmith shop as big as a building.

The giant Xin Xichen Dharma Image put down the forging hammer in his hand, with a leisurely look: "It's done, it's almost time to assemble."

Next to him is the huge Dharma Image of Xinyi Baishan, also a small giant standing tall. The huge defense tower is like a fire stick in their hands, "Your Majesty is still amazing."

"What a pity, your bloodline is too mixed." Xin Xichen certainly felt that Xinyi Baishan's bloodline was thin, and they were distant relatives separated by more than ten generations, and that was why he was a man.

"I'm so sorry." Xinyi Baishan sighed. Of course, he knew how strong the bloodline accumulated by the royal family from generation to generation was.

That had nothing to do with spiritual roots, it was an excellent race at the level of genetic bloodline.

Almost everyone was a genius with super high IQ.

Unfortunately, he was not, and could only rely on his own efforts to reach the position of the first master craftsman in Xinyizhou.

Sometimes he even wondered if he became a master craftsman because of that little bit of thin bloodline?

He heard that everyone in the royal family of Xin Dynasty was a super all-rounder who was born with knowledge and could understand everything at a glance.

After all, outsiders don't know the secret of the "Xin Family"'s civilization fire, they just think they are all-rounders, and the people of Xin Dynasty "burn paper money" for themselves in secret.

Those ancient ownerless tombs, such as the poison doctor in the [Witch Doctor Temple], are burned.

Those ancestral tombs of big families and holy places, they will not "burn" openly, but create various accidents.

It is normal for your ancestor to die suddenly because of something.

In addition, the ancestor can be resurrected, and it is a peaceful period. No one takes it seriously. They just think that the ancestor's Dharma image went to explore a secret realm and was beaten to death.

Those years of Xin Dynasty's rule have been very covert.

Even now, Xin Xichen is very covert.

He secretly burned some technical talents in 3,000 city walls in the past few days to learn knowledge in various fields of the new era.

He was too lazy to do combat talents, there was no need.

Because of the large amount of knowledge supplemented by the Xinyizhou city wall, he once again got a small increase in knowledge and became more integrated into this new era.

At this moment, Xin Xichen finally smiled:

"The defense tower has been built."

"Because it is just a universal amplifier, it moves very quickly. We can simply lay it out and wait for them to come and assassinate."

In the past few days.

After Pingchang City, cities have fallen from the sky one after another.

A thousand local cities have been completely relocated and settled in Xinyizhou City.

Because of the influx of a large number of people, the entire state city has become very lively, and the "tourism industry" of the three thousand historical city walls has exploded directly.

The various cultivators, scholars, and mortals in the local cities who have never seen such history can't help but watch and observe the historical changes over the past tens of thousands of years.

Practical classes are much more vivid than theoretical classes directly in history classrooms.

"Sister, look at the texture of this bell."

"It's an antique, but it can be seen everywhere here. Can I steal it? It looks valuable."

"Are you stupid? This is a replica of the ancient times, so there are naturally ancient government offices. If you steal things, you will be arrested."

"That's the Haichuan suit I saw in the textbook. The wide cuffs are ugly in the textbook, but I didn't expect it to be so stylish when worn in reality."

A group of women held hands and laughed happily on the ancient streets.

Traveling, shopping, and shopping are the nature of this group of girls.

Some people have great ambitions and stopped on the street. They couldn't help but laugh and said: "I can't display my talents in a small place. I believe that this adventure will definitely be appreciated by someone in the state capital."

Many people hope to be the next dazzling.

At this time.

The entire Xinyi Continent has become the center of the storm in the world.

In particular, a thousand local cities have been brought into the state capital to build various defenses.

It's like bringing everyone into the [Ark of the Doomsday Fortress] to guard against the coming doomsday.

Of course.

Local cities are only small living areas.

The real large living areas are the private cities of various major sects.

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Because of the reaction of Xinyizhou City, some smart Xinyizhou major sect forces, also called the second-phase level forces under their command, moved to their cities.

The entire Xinyizhou is in a trend of close grouping.

There are almost no people in the wild.

And fear is contagious.

Seeing that the clever human race is so scared and huddled together for warmth, the cities of various beast tribes and demon tribes followed suit and began to gather together.

This scene made other states stunned.

"Are they crazy? The economy and various traffic arteries are directly paralyzed!"

"Holding together, holding together, and still frantically building defenses, and I heard that they are still frantically producing grain and hoarding various grains and resources?"

"Is the end of the world really coming?"

The invisible doomsday threat theory is slowly spreading.

Even some major sects were afraid:

Could it be that the [Book of History] was about to explode, and something big was about to happen?

With the gods and demons dancing wildly, would the entire Kyushu itself become a super-large secret tomb?

Of course, some people thought this was a conspiracy:

It was just to scare us on purpose, to distract us, and not let us assassinate the saint.

So, they all gathered together more frequently, secretly plotting, and preparing to do something big.

Not only people from a thousand states came, but also monks from all continents came to join in the fun.

As a great monk of the second phase, Bai Xingling successfully passed the interview of Xirong Academy these days and became a temporary probationary tutor.

He was allocated staff dormitories, employee cards, and even various welfare facilities.

The monthly basic salary is 3,000 magic coins, and this is only during the probation period, not regularized.

If he is invited to teach, to do other battles, or to lead the team to the secret realm, he will have to be recharged.

Taking all factors into consideration, it will cost more than 10,000 magic coins a month.

It can be seen that it is a huge expense for those big forces to support these offerings and provide resources.

This is also the reason why they make a lot of money and spend a lot.

But Bai Xingling is still not satisfied, and sighed, "With this monthly salary, I don't know how long it will take to get back my magic weapon that was swept away by the space turbulence."

"However, money is not important here, what is important is the relationship and connections. It should be normal for you to be an offering, teacher, and provide some magic weapons to your own Xirong God Craftsman?"

I just took office these few days and have no classes.

The instructors of the second phase realm did not attend classes, but sat down to chat and get to know each other.

They were from all states.

But no one knew if there was a traitor.

Bai Xingling felt that there must be one. Maybe, except for himself, a casual cultivator, all of them were traitors sent by various forces.

But what did it have to do with him?

Although he was not a spy, he had no sense of belonging here.

Who among those present who were not cultivated from childhood would really work hard?

He remembered the sentence that he accidentally heard and made his eyes dizzy: "Shitting with pay."

At first, he thought that the saint of the Xinchao had come, but after thinking carefully, it had another meaning, not to mention, it was quite appropriate.

Soon, they looked at each other, "Since there is no class now, let's go to the capital to take a look."

"Yes, it's time to go to the secret realm." Some people couldn't sit still. How lively is the secret realm in the capital? Everyone went to explore, and it would be bad if they missed any opportunity.


They were just offerings, and most of the time they were free.

"Let's go to the secret realm of the capital. Let's go together and explore the secrets of the capital."

Bai Xingling was also very happy.

His magical power made him very good at tomb robbing. He felt that he would make a lot of money this time and earn back all the magic tools that were swept away.

After a while, these people sat cross-legged in Xirong Academy, separated their Dharma images, went deep into the nursery, entered the capital and began to explore this huge secret realm that had just been opened.

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