This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 217 The assassination is coming!

"Those college instructors, have they gone to the capital?"

In Xirong College, Doukouhong and others looked at the sky.

"Hmph, they went to slack off!" Sword Fairy snorted coldly, not knowing what to say.

Just like these worshippers have no sense of belonging, Sword Fairy actually has no feelings for these people.

If it weren't for a college that really wanted to recruit some instructors, she wouldn't bother to pay attention to them.

And the worshippers just recruited are not slaves.

They are free most of the time.

It's just a little funny that they went to the capital to steal the palace in front of the owner.

"What do you think?" Sword Fairy couldn't help asking.

Xin Xichen smiled, "Just ignore them."

Now everyone is keen to explore the capital, but they don't know that this is also in the calculation of this saint.

These spies are exploring the palace. As long as they are exposed, the main body can also burn these heretics who come one after another, which will become his knowledge base.

It makes his Dharma image in Xinyizhou City stronger!

The Saint Jiusui is really smart and misguided.

He sent so many geniuses from various major sects to be spies. If they were burned to death by himself, he would master the most advanced technology of various major sects in the era of acquired spiritual roots.

He would also become the first person of this era.

Open up new fields and create the latest prosperity of mankind.


It would even surpass the era when he, the Nine-Spiked Saint, ruled.

At this time, the Sword Fairy gave a thumbs up: "Your Majesty, you are really amazing, especially the latest defense tower spirit reform."

Xin Xichen: "It's okay. Anyway, I see that your spirits are so anthropomorphic, so I will give you a new idea and make it less anthropomorphic!"

The Sword Fairy nodded, "I've learned from you."

Doukouhong, Xinyi Baishan and others beside him all had a stiff look.

Speaking of spirits, because the saint led the Sword Fairy in the past few days to carry out a new type of spirit transformation, which changed the sneaky spirits into a more thrilling and scary appearance.

This saint smiled and set his eyes on several people: "We should build the towers."

"There are only a few, aren't there still many more?" The Sword Fairy asked curiously.

"It's okay." The saint said, "I have my own plan. We continue to build, and the opponent's assassins are also preparing." "Both sides are preparing, and our advantages will become less and less. It is better to release the towers we have built first, so that they will be afraid that we will build more and attack us immediately." The sword fairy did not say much. Although she loves to chatter and act as a live treasure to liven up the atmosphere, she will not make a fool of herself at a critical moment and stop some big guys from making decisions. "Then let's start installing the defense tower." Boom! Soon, several giant spirit-like Dharma images inserted a tower on the middle ring. The lighthouse stood tall, like an eternal watcher, sweeping the outer and inner rings in this middle ring area. "What is that?" "So tall, so huge!" On the ground of Ximen, countless people looked curiously above the nursery. In a cloud garden. It seems that there are several people looking down at the pond. This pond is extremely strange. It is a small map of Kyushu, with clouds and mist, rushing rivers and mountains.

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All kinds of information are collected on it.

"According to the latest information, all the cities in Xinyizhou have gathered together. Are they preparing to take refuge?"

"Who in Xinyizhou City actually built a high tower?"

A white-haired old man in a silk gown sighed.

His face was full of wrinkles, and his pupils were actually golden, as if the sun and the moon were flowing in it, as if reflecting the stars in the sky.

This is the realm of transformation, and the deterrence of the eyes can be like the sun and the moon.

Qianzhi Sect, known as the first sect selling information in Kyushu, the leader is: Chang Wudao.

No one knows that the founder of this neutral sect that sells and collects information everywhere is actually an ancient existence in a tomb.

Someone nearby spoke up: "Lord Chang Wudao, he built a high tower, he must have invited the Xirong master craftsman, look at the scene, I'm afraid it will surround the entire Zhoucheng." Chang Wudao smiled: "If we are a little later, I'm afraid the defense will be even more terrible, we must take action!" "Immediately?" Someone pondered. "Yes." Chang Wudao put his hands behind his back, his face proud: "No matter how strong he is, he is just a Dharma image, his body stays in the capital, a mere eliminated person from the old era, how can I be afraid of him." "If it weren't for those people in the dark, who were wary of each other and refused to use their full strength, and only the Dharma image went to surround and kill, how could he be so arrogant?" "I originally wanted to let him go for a while, but that kid actually went too far, and left the capital with the Dharma image, and fought with our Dharma image on an equal footing to seek death." He came from the previous dynasty of the previous dynasty, and the person in front of him was just a junior. I don't know how much older I am than him. He witnessed the founding emperor of the Xin Dynasty and even assassinated the founding ancestor of the Xin Dynasty. He was just the last saint of a fallen country.

How dare he be so arrogant?

He witnessed the rise and fall of two dynasties, so how could he be afraid?

"But our ally, the female poison doctor who claimed to be able to poison saints, has already..." A powerful man frowned, "Besides, we are not fully prepared."

"We continue to prepare, and the other party will continue to build the tower." Dao Wuchang smiled, "Now, he only has one defense tower, can it defend us?"

"The last saint is dead, and the only thing we fear is the Xirong Godcraftsman who has infinite possibilities and is creating the mysterious fairy tower."

He shook his head and said, "We can't let him continue to build like this."

After that, he looked at some existences in other secret realms.

What a pity.

Other cultivators in the transformation realm also have small groups, thinking of waiting for an opportunity to move.

"They hide in the shadows like mice and dare not take action. Then watch me kill him and promote my name Chang Wudao."

Chang Wudao laughed loudly, and a huge three flowers rose from his head. The golden sunlight gathered on his golden flowers. A war god in golden armor and robe condensed on the lotus platform of the flowers, as if a god had descended.

"Follow me!"

The war god on the flower seat jumped up, flew down the nursery, passed through heavy clouds, and fell into Xinyizhou City in the howling wind.

A quick assassination did not require any words at all. In an instant, it fell into the center of the inner ring of Xinyizhou City, Xinyi Palace.

Boom! !

The terrible air wave seemed to overturn the world and exploded.

The people of the thousands of cities in Xinyizhou were immersed in the joy of just moving to a new house, and suddenly felt a thunder in the sky.

The people who were traveling around the city gates looked up in a daze.

In the originally cloudless sky, suddenly there stood a giant in the clouds, with his face surrounded by clouds and mist, reflecting rainbows.

"What is that??!" Someone screamed.

All the people in Ximen were stunned.


Some tourists dropped the snacks they were holding in their hands.

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