This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 218: Fighting, the sense of superiority in IQ!

"Fighting started again!!" Someone shouted, "Run, run to the city wall area, the last time the city wall area was safe."

Everyone in the entire central ring area was excited.

"The saint must be visiting incognito! Could he be here now?"

"It's an assassination! It's an assassination!!"

But what they didn't expect was that the local government was faster than them, and it seemed to be prepared.

One by one, the arks that had not been sold yet, carrying the cities and families living in the central ring, quickly came to the outer ring city wall.

A circular Colosseum was formed again.

"What a bunch of trash, they have left the capital, and they don't even dare to attack my Dharma image."

Looking at this group of enemies coming, the saint's face suddenly showed a fanatical smile, "Do you still think that your original body may not even be able to beat my Dharma image?"

"Or, are you dead people? Your original body can't leave the tomb, but you just think you are still alive?"

He raised one hand, looked up at the sky and grabbed, crushing an attacking Dharma image of the mind.

Chang Wudao's huge figure pressed hard on the ground, sneering: "You are the dead man, why don't you leave the capital? I'm afraid you can't come out, you can only come out in the Dharma form, you earth-bound spirit." Chang Wudao looked at the other person with a contemptuous look. He felt that the other person was really pathetic. A dead man, an earth-bound spirit, but he thought he was still alive. A sense of superiority of IQ crushing rose in his heart. And Xin Xichen also flashed a trace of contempt: "I have to stay in the capital and can't go out, but you are the one who ignores the fact that you are a dead man. You have a logical flaw and you can't understand it no matter what I say. It's really pitiful!" Xin Xichen's tone also carried a sense of superiority of IQ crushing, "You don't know that you are dead, you live like a clown, a dead man, an earth-bound spirit, thinks he is still alive." Obviously, Chang Wudao was completely annoyed. This is obviously what I want to say to you! It seems that this last saint, logical flaws, is simply unreasonable. But it is also. What do you say to such a pathetic person? It was just a regret, a suicide note before his death.

"You are just an old saint, please look at my magic."

Chang Wudao growled.

Tsk! ! !

A blood-red beam of light suddenly shot up into the sky, and the air waves burst out continuously.

The people of the Central Ring had already evacuated, and the entire Central Ring building disintegrated in an instant, turned into powder, melted into a cloud of smoke and dust and dissipated with the wind.

Doukouhong, Xinyi Baishan, Xinyi Yun, and others had already hidden in the dark of the city wall, watching this battle.

This horrific scene shocked everyone on the circular city wall of the "Colosseum".

The huge figure broke through the heavy clouds in the sky, and countless air currents and clouds rotated around their bodies at high speed, forming vortices, and the figures were almost invisible.

Chang Wudao only fought for a few moments, and was obviously retreating step by step. He suddenly growled, "There is the way, the loss of the way, the human way, the kingly way"

As he growled, other figures of the transformation realm actually walked out.

"For countless years, these are the descendants cultivated by this deity, and then they occupy their bodies." Chang Wudao sneered, licked his lips, and a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes: "The six deities of my accumulated foundation have transformed me. How should you deal with it?" Chang Wudao's eyes were shining with a bloody red light. Xin Xichen just glanced at him, and his heart was indifferent. The existences in these tombstones are basically like this. After they die, they have almost no ability to grow, so they use the Dharma image to visit incognito, cultivate young talents, develop power, and then kill the other party to control them. In the storybooks, there are often strange encounters with residual souls, mysterious masters, and ancient powers. In fact, they really exist. These ancient tomb monsters go to lure those young talents and do these insidious things. "However, the few he has cultivated over the years should be able to burn a batch." Xin Xichen smiled and his heart was indifferent. Just a dead person. He was fishing for Chang Wudao, knowing that he was the first one to come. It was just an introductory book on the royal family. He thought that he had already forgotten the memory of his countless deaths when he attacked the royal family for the first time.

When the royal family of Xin Dynasty was at its peak, those arrogant guys who had the courage to attack the royal family basically fell into their traps!

They ambushed, assassinated, set various traps, and tricked them out.

Only those tomb owners who knew how to endure and never attacked their royal family had never killed them once!

What he had to guard against were these cunning people who endured and never killed anyone without knowing the details.

But it was precisely because the other party was forbearing that he easily determined that the other party would not dare to attack at will.

Only such reckless men as usual would attack.

"How pathetic!"

The eyes of this last saint were cold:

"Those who have a chance to kill me dare not come to surround and kill me, and those who have no chance to kill me will come. This is the logic, the inherent logic. It was like this hundreds of thousands of years ago, and it is still like this now!"

Xin Xichen slowly raised his hand and said lightly: "The dead who have been figured out are recorded in the royal archives. Why should we be afraid?"


Eight defensive towers rose again on the ground of the central ring.

Chang Wudao vaguely felt that it was not good. The other party only released one tower before, obviously to lure people over?

He has already built nine.

However, only nine towers are obviously far from being formed.

In the next second, eight of the ancestors of the outer ring city wall entered the middle ring and settled in the high tower.

The bound earth spirits have a range limit.

They cannot go to the inner ring, and the limit of their movement range is the middle ring, so these defense towers are built in the middle ring.


One figure after another settled in the defense tower.

And the thousands of ancestors of the city wall behind them injected energy into the high tower and gathered on those defense towers.

And the sword fairy also sat in the center of a defense tower.

"Open the bomb!"

The sword fairy shouted.

The energy of the outer ring city wall was injected into the nine defense towers in the middle ring. The nine defense towers formed a circle again, and the light prisms rotated and gathered on the sword fairy.


With a sword light that shook the earth and fell.

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Originally, a joint attack would at most cause serious injuries to the Huawo realm.

Even a group of headmasters at the Yixin realm with a group of artifacts could resist.

But now the power is so strong that it can kill a Dharma image of the Huawo realm directly.

"These nine defense towers have raised the level to a higher level"

Just when Chang Wudao thought that this was the end, a scarecrow quickly covered the Dharma image of the fallen Huawo realm and took over the place of the magpie.

An unprecedented scarecrow king stood up!

And not only that, the weapon spirits of the nine defense towers were still flashing with terrifying whispers, hiding, and roaring.

This defense tower has no weapon spirit at all.

It is the sound of crazy chaos.

The reason comes from a suggestion from the Xinchao Saint:

"Although the anthropomorphic technology of this weapon spirit is excellent, have you ever thought about the opposite, not being so human, and making it very unlike a human."

"Making the weapon spirit crazy, injecting a lot of resentment, regret, and hatred to lose reason, this may not be very humane, but it is also a way."

Players learn from experience.

Aren't these the elders and villagers when the three flowers bloomed?

Crazy and mad, talking about "three flowers", "opening the gate of immortality", "I am a Taoist priest".

They are going to make a player version of the elders' mumbling.


They made a player's weapon spirit crazy!

They stuffed the weapon spirit's soul with the pain, torture, and mumbling of each player before death.

The nine towers actually share the same unconscious weapon spirit, chanting madly.


"Swim, swim!~"

"Brother, you smell so good."


"Who am I? Who am I?"

As if it were the eighteen levels of hell, the turbid air and remnant thoughts of the players before they died on the nine towers seemed like an extremely gloomy picture of resentment.

The black smoke billowed, and the nine monks on the nine defense towers accumulated energy again, and seemed to be nurturing the next wave of attack.

"Not good!"

Chang Wudao's face changed slightly.

"I know you are all watching the show. Take this opportunity to help me!"

Unfortunately, there was no response from the entire battlefield.

He was left alone to fight in the dark.

Several powerful ancient tombs silently watched this scene.

"Chang Wudao, it's so sad. He is already dead, but he still thinks he is alive."

"The last saint is the same. He was dead when the dynasty fell, but he was still alive with resentment, thinking he was not defeated yet."

"Two beings are mocking each other for being dead. It's so funny!!"

These beings in the shadows have a sense of superiority in IQ and are high above.

I feel crushed.

Only I am still hiding in the tomb, watching the changes of the times, the clouds rolling and the clouds spreading, and even witnessing these two dead people, just two earth-bound spirits, performing a ridiculous farce!

And why do they know that Chang Wudao is dead?

Because in the Xin Dynasty, they hid in the dark and saw Chang Wudao doing the same thing today, rushing out recklessly.

In the end, he was surrounded and killed by Xinchao!

"Just a pathetic logical creature."

Someone sneered: "If his mind is known, he will be trapped once and he can be trapped countless times."

"Only I am different."

His voice was majestic and ancient, "I witnessed him being surrounded and killed with my own eyes. How do I know that this time it was not a trap?"

"He was deceived, but I will not be deceived."

"He just lost a group of Dharma images. If we ignore him, we will not lose anything. It is better to let these dead people explore the bottom of this saint."

They were unexpectedly steady.

But they didn't know that they were scolding the other party's inherent logic, but they themselves were not following the inherent logic.

Some people were rushing according to logic.

Some people were hiding according to logic.

They were cautious and did not dare to act easily, and were also guessed by this Xinchao saint.

The major Kyushu holy places.

The real living people of the contemporary era watched this scene silently.

The old ancestor of the Doukou family laughed and said, "I can already guess that many ancient beings are now in joy, with a sense of superiority, watching the dead fight while they are still alive." "And this sense of superiority belongs only to us living people." An ancient being of the Bi'an family said.

Xinyi in white robe laughed and said, "We can't just act casually. We are a family of living people and have ties. If we are labeled as traitors, it will be difficult for this saint to encircle and suppress us afterwards."

Everyone looked at Xinyi, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "You are clearly speaking for your family."

Xinyi smiled, "You don't want to attack either, do you? Our Xinyi family has reached the top, old friends, we are still the king of Jiuzhou, why do we need to make such a mess?"

The families of the other eight continents did think so.

It is not impossible to change a saint!

This saint is from the Xinyi family, and we know everything about it, so why bother?

Big families almost always choose to be steady rather than reckless!

What's more, they are already at the top now, what benefits can they get by recklessly?

To compete for the position of saint?

But that's too slim.

It's better to continue to be one of the nine kings in the world!

What they have to do is to defend the foundation that has already stood at the top, and even to resist the rebels.

At this time.

Everyone saw this scene, and they were all laughing and crying, looking at the group of dead people full of superiority, feeling that their IQ crushed them, and their brains occupied the high ground.

At this moment, a handsome young man from the Qiangwei family spoke quietly:

"You laugh at the superiority of those dead people, but how do you know that we are not dead now? We are just a superior clown who thinks he is still alive?"

Suddenly, everything was silent.

The sense of superiority in their hearts disappeared immediately, and the few people present returned to the dilemma of whether I am dead or not.

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