This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 219: Weird Stories about the Capital's Rules, the Secret Realm is Built by Us, the Play


The assassination lasted only half an hour before it came to an end.

The first assassination failed.

Someone was alone, and everyone was watching the show, like a clown.

The barriers inside the tombs, their own struggles, and vigilance, were destined to prevent these dead people from working together.

"That's it?"

The sword fairy put her hands on her hips, complacent, "My scarecrow king is still handsome."

"Brainless spirit is also good, highlighting a brainless one."

However, there are very few types of weapons that this kind of spirit can use.

After all, close-fitting weapons cannot be too brainless.

On the contrary, these foundation-type buildings are suitable for brainless, and can also lead the spiritual bewitching.

The Saint of Xinchao exhaled, tidied his clothes, and looked at the scarecrow in the state of transformation, "It's a pity that this scarecrow was born in the Dharma image, and it is not durable and is dissipating."

"He must parasitize the flesh and blood body, and he will completely give birth to a truly powerful scarecrow."

On the other side. Bai Xingling didn't know that after he flew up, Xinyizhou had a brief surprise attack.

He was landing outside the city gate with a few second-phase masters he had just met, and he kept shaking his head as he looked at the revised [Beijing Rules].

"The rules at the gate are just a foundation." Bai Xingling sighed, "There is a lot of secret information to explore."

As soon as he arrived outside the city, he saw a group of people shouting at the gate.

"Selling clothes, old clothes, guaranteed to let you enter the capital and disguise yourself as a native of the Xin Dynasty more than 100,000 years ago."

"A beautiful dress will allow you to defeat others in the strange talk of the rules of the capital, and even seduce the favor of the female Weird and get treasures."

"Okay, customer, what dynasty do you want?"

"Is it the Xin Dynasty? Or a more distant dynasty, the Changsheng Dynasty?"

At the gate of the city, someone began to sell all kinds of clothes, and even sold some magic tools disguised as Weird, and various talismans.

At the gate of almost every secret realm in Jiuzhou, there is a group of smart second-level merchants selling things.

Of course, there are also people who sell stolen goods, bringing out the loot from the tomb to sell.

However, no one knows whether those loot are really brought out from the tomb, or whether they are fake antiques pretending to be loot from the tomb.

"The downtown outside this secret realm is quite lively."

Bai Xingling whispered secretly.

His eyes fell on the group of fierce-looking people in the distance, "There are also bandits and robbers hiding outside the secret realm to prepare for robbery."

The situation here is mixed.

There are even people selling intelligence in the distance, saying that their forces have obtained several rules of the capital through a large number of deaths.

And the arrival of Bai Xingling and his companions was also noticed.

After all, some forces in Jiuzhou that specialize in intelligence trafficking are not vegetarians.

"Are they the new instructors of Xirong Academy?"

"Yes, they are all independent cultivators!"

"Nominally, they are independent cultivators, but who knows what's going on behind the scenes?" Someone sneered, full of disdain, "Many forces have some independent cultivators wandering around outside."

"Maybe it was Xirong Master who asked them to explore the secret realm?"

"How can a non-combat profession know about exploring secret realms? This newly established academy is probably just joining in the fun."

"Indeed, this is not their field." Someone was very rational, "It's impossible for someone in this world to be omnipotent."

The implication is obvious, in the field of combat cultivators, you non-combat cultivators should not join in the fun.

Bai Xingling ignored them.

Just come to take a look, but those people want to kidnap morals and make a big deal out of it?

It can only be said that Xirong Master has always been at the forefront of the storm, and people pay attention to every little move.

Because of the appearance of that person, the interests of many people have been violated!

No one will oppose him on the surface, they will only greet him with a smile and keep complimenting him, but behind the scenes, they may have been eager to kill you.

Bai Xingling discussed with the people around him and said seriously:

"It's not so easy to sneak into the capital now. Should we go to the palace? Or explore the outer streets?"

Another person said: "Those who entered early have identities and can enter and exit the palace freely. We are a step late. It's too easy to be discovered if we sneak into the palace now."

Bai Xingling nodded, "They are hiding in the palace. They are probably playing it safe, waiting for us latecomers to go to the palace to explore the way for them, die, and collect intelligence."

The first-mover advantage is too important.

It's too easy to be exposed if you get a fake identity and sneak into the palace now.

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But no matter how difficult the secret realm of the palace is, there are a lot of people who want to rush in to win a chance. Anyway, they can't die. What if they really get the "Imperial Seal"?

"Then shall we go to the palace?"

At this time, someone in the Xirong Academy team said:

"Now, we latecomers, if we want to force our way into the palace, there are only three low-level identities."

"One is the caravan that transports daily meals. The first area we arrived at was the imperial kitchen. I heard that place is also very dangerous, and the rules to abide by are also troublesome."

"The second channel is the selection of women, which only has women. The current selection of women is also very scary. I heard that it leads directly to the harem area, with all kinds of concubines and ghost babies."

"The third channel is to be sold into the palace as a slave. Some nobles in the royal family have a built-in Colosseum."

There may be other entry channels.

But in the past few days, most people have entered the palace with these three identities.

"Then let's choose the imperial kitchen." Bai Xingling thought about it. The most important thing is to participate. It's not wrong to explore the way first.

Obviously, they are ready to become the leeks that are burned to death.

Just then.

Footsteps suddenly came from a distance.

"The downtown of the capital outside us is now lively." A beautiful woman in ancient costume walked out of the city gate and toured everywhere.

Everyone's face changed.

It was one of the princesses of the capital, Xin'e.

It is said that she is kind and generous, helping the people in the capital, and maintaining her logic in her life after death, helping the people in the capital.

Suddenly, many people's minds moved.

If this person's approval is obtained, it will also be a new way to enter the palace, and it is very safe.

But it is not easy to get this person's trust!

Xin'e looked at the eyes of the crowd, and hesitated in her heart: "Fellow believers, what should we do now?"

Because she ignored her own death, she completely ignored the logic of her appearance in the capital again.

The three flowers on her head whispered:

"Wow, this plot is good."

"I said there are black market stalls outside the secret realm. Just like we went down to the city to guard the tomb before, several noble families outside also joined forces to set up a black market."

A group of hairpin girls were chatting secretly.

"Wait, isn't that Bai Xingling? These newly recruited college tutors came here to take risks? Isn't this paid fishing?"

"Sisters, have you read books? You are using words inaccurately. Paid fishing, doesn't it refer to the flirting between the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess of Xin Dynasty?"

"No, no, you haven't read books. What is paid? It's obviously with the Crown Prince. Touching the Crown Princess in person is a kind of current crime."

"Paid fishing~~Paid fishing!!~~Crazy touching of the fish~"

"Dirty, dirty, dirty, you are so good at driving a little train."

"Don't be so vulgar, our Xin'e mother is still next to us."

Everyone talked about the topic.

They are very interested in becoming the NPC female ghosts of this secret realm.

And if they want to become the operator of the Beijing Ghost Story Secret Realm, it depends on how they deal with you, and kill you.

And squeeze out these "adventurers" who are ready to come in, stinky leeks!

In the past few days, Xin'e has not been without action.

Under the advice of the hairpins, she has continued to expand her power and unite with other princesses.

And the smart mortal princesses established a princess alliance and discussed with the Crown Princess Dao Yue, saying that they can find out those spies.

If they do well, they will be given the power to build the capital.

There is no doubt that this is the first step for Xin'e to succeed.

Her short-term goal is to become the inspector of the capital, and be dazzling.

In response, this gentle and kind Princess Xin'e started fishing, so she came to the city gate and prepared to deceive those living people who entered the secret realm.

Although she is a dead person, she has cognitive defects and sometimes can't tell the difference between life and death.

But the hairpins are alive, and those people, don't think about figuring out the logic of this princess and deceiving people!

In the eyes of the hairpin girls, the main task has been written for their hairpin girls' task bar.

[Task: Renovation of the capital]

[Content: Improve the level of ghost stories! Help Princess Xin'e to find out the spies who have sneaked into the capital, train the intelligence of the palace NPCs in the rules of ghost stories, and enable them to have the ability to identify intruders. ]

[Reward: Princess Xin'e gains greater control over the ghost stories in the capital, becomes the mother of no birth, and backstabs the saint. ]

[Supplement: The saint could not have imagined that the one who backstabbed him was his daughter who is now helping him build the capital. ]

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