This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 223 Simulating a city, building cars, and building toll booths

"Don't worry, sir."

The Sword Fairy was still mumbling some inexplicable words:

"They are like exhibition phones connected to ropes in a mobile phone store. They are displayed to people and have a certain range of activities, but they cannot be stolen casually."

Because recently they are popular with the old steward AI, always saying some inexplicable modern words and all kinds of incomprehensible jokes.

Ning Zheng has always pretended not to hear it.

And thinks it's good for them to do so.

I can get a side view of the situation and customs of their current world.

"But it's good to lock the magic weapon."

Ning Zheng knows that this tourist scholar looks well-behaved, but he is also stealing and cheating behind the scenes.

The more scholars there are, the more treacherous they may be.

For this point, you can refer to the royal family of the previous dynasty, which is known as the strongest scholar and academic family in Kyushu. That polite saint always feels very wrong!

And those little blacksmiths always think they are hiding well.

In the previous hide-and-seek competition in the villa, the one who was in charge of catching people, the dazzled eyes, had never caught me.

But now, the one who caught them was not the weak dazzled eyes.

"I hope they can hold on."

"Don't expose the first batch of Easter eggs so early."


A group of young blacksmiths took the task, walked around and looked around, and were full of joy.

"That task bar is like a, full of recruitment information." A blacksmith touched his chin, "It made me dizzy and my eyes were full of stars."

They put their arms around each other and whispered, "By the way, brothers, do my passers-by look like people? Will no one find me?"

"Very like people." Another person gave a thumbs up, "In this hide-and-seek game, we will definitely hide to the end."

"Don't worry, our acting skills have been tested." Another blacksmith said proudly.

The passers-by occasionally looked at these little blacksmiths with strange expressions.

I saw that they had a stiff and weird smile on their faces, and nodded to the stiffness of these passers-by from time to time, which inexplicably gave a creepy feeling.

Even several female cultivators from small sects who were traveling in the distance were so scared that they hid in the distance, "Sister, sister! Look, could that be an evil cultivator? His smile is so scary."

A straightforward little female cultivator said it in front of her.

Several blacksmiths: "???"

Another beautiful woman was also startled, and quickly covered her mouth and shrank back, "When the ghosts go crazy, they all laugh like this. They must be crazy."

Ah! Several timid female cultivators were immediately scared and ran away.

Several blacksmiths: ""

What ghosts are crazy? We are obviously human beings, living people!

They all know that Ximen is a tomb in the city wall, and this is a ghost city, but because of the suppression of the formation and the sufficient food, the ghosts here rarely go crazy.

But there are exceptions.

In front of him, that smile is probably an exception.

In view of these suspected crazy ghosts, the monks around them quietly moved away.

They fell into thinking. "Why did they run away?"

"So far away from us? Our smiles and movements should be very human."

Before, there was only one NPC, Zhang Huaping, and the other party pretended to be calm, so they didn't think there was a problem.

Now with "big data", they finally began to realize that they might have been on the wrong path from the beginning.

If the sale of blind box eggs had not been announced yet, giving them some time to hide, just based on the abnormalities of several people now, they might have been targeted by someone with ulterior motives!

"It seems that we are different from the Novice Village. The NPCs here are very intelligent." Someone said with a serious face, stubborn.

"Yes, the NPCs here are very smart. We need to observe and imitate human expressions again." A blacksmith whispered.

"Everyone!" Another blacksmith was obviously a high-level player, "We need to build a hidden camp to prevent the enemy from discovering our identities."


"I've imagined how they would be so angry if they couldn't catch us."

"Yes, we have a heavy responsibility to open up this place and lay the foundation for the brothers who come later."

"Wait for our team to open up the land in this large map! Once we have established a solid foundation, we can lead new companions to leave the novice village in the future!"

They are all very motivated.

Such a large sandbox online game, NPCs everywhere, and this kind of main storyline with hidden identities, it's so cool!

The first batch of second-level professional blacksmiths successfully settled in the sandbox on the second day.

The sword fairy secretly observed a wave and found that there was no big problem with the little blacksmiths.

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They all moved bricks, worked, went to work, chatted with NPCs, and boasted, maintaining a logic similar to the original villa.

And, they have completely become like humans.

Although they occasionally go crazy and their actions are a bit inexplicable, they are no different from the local ghosts, and the ghosts here are also neurotic.

This group of ghosts is considered to be perfectly integrated into the local ghosts.

From this, the sword fairy also imagined in her heart.

In the future, more and more companions will walk out of the novice village and come to this big map to build a new city together!

Let's build Ximen together, just like building a villa.

"That will definitely be very happy."

"And build various new blacksmith shops, clinics, and high-tech facilities here for guests to visit and make money from them."

The sword fairy's eyes were bright.

Virtual city management, officially debuted!

According to the virtual city management she played, being a contemporary Heshen can make more money.

When I played before, there was a toll booth every few meters, and all kinds of luxury stores, and they went around the road for more than ten times, trying every way to charge crazy fees.

"You can try here." The eyes of the Sword Fairy burst into light.

Ning Zheng learned the general situation of the blacksmiths who settled in Ximen from the projection information transcribed by the Sword Fairy and ignored it.

They are all the same.

Moving bricks, accepting tasks, looking for NPCs to issue tasks, and chirping about looking for places to hide.

But the things he didn't care about were more lively on the forum than the previous incidents.

He simply glanced at the post.

[Discussion: After the Novice Village Villa, the second map is officially open! Will this Ximen map evolve from a text map to a scene map with the version update? ? 】

"I don't think so. The technical ability is too great. The setting of Ximen is too huge, with billions of people."

"That's right. Maybe a street will be opened?"

"I don't know. Maybe after the production team has money, they will make a real Ximen map and make it a second extremely real villa."

"But the design requires us to build a virtual city."

"Toll stations, build tens of thousands of them, isn't that too much?"

"Indeed, I used to increase city taxes in this way."

"Those NPCs are tricky and have low IQs. There shouldn't be any problem, right? They won't remember how many toll stations they passed during their work?"

"Toll stations, we have to open the road. Do we have to build cars?"

"You are poisonous. In order to make money from toll stations, you actually build cars. What's the difference between me having a mouse and preparing to buy a computer?"

Ning Zheng actually didn't quite understand what the "simulated city" they were talking about was.

But these days, I have believed in their level. Anyway, when they come up with a charter, they have to ask me for approval.

The days passed like this day by day.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

This made Ning Zheng a little overwhelmed.

"If the assassin is so spineless, why don't you come?"

Ning Zheng felt that this seemed too plain.

Have those guys given in?

It was a little different from the apocalypse he imagined, and there was no sign at all.

He began to wonder if it was his butterfly effect that changed some things, causing the apocalypse to disappear.

So Ning Zheng went to Xinyizhou City to take a look, and found that many people's luck had not fallen.

Is the city okay?

He couldn't help but go to other states through the long-distance teleportation array.

The other side of the state.

The first time he came here, there were indeed feminine beauties everywhere, and the yin energy was extremely heavy.

The ratio of men to women on the street even reached a terrifying ratio of one to nine.

This time, Ning Zheng saw that their luck value was falling.

"Sure enough, it's still on a large scale."

"Other states are still in trouble, but our state is generally safe."

"It seems that after two months, the tower defense of Xinyizhou City will be built and the ark will be pulled up, and it will be considered safe."

Ning Zheng pondered.

It was indeed a wise move to gather most of the human living areas in Xinyizhou City.

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