Nothing happened this week.

The second-level blacksmiths have already started to live in Ximen.

Some work as errand boys in restaurants, some buy paintings on the streets, and some even try to be matchmakers and open matchmaking agencies, saying that there is a gap in the market in this area and they can give it a try.

And they all communicate in code.

The direction of the flower pots, Morse code, and various street corner patterns are used to communicate simply.

They are like spies.

As for the communication token?

How could it be possible?

They have to make money themselves to be eligible to buy the first mobile phone in their lives.

Then, for fear of being wiped out, they should completely separate and not contact each other, wouldn’t it be better?

But they don’t want to.

They say that it is very exciting and tense to secretly connect and transmit messages like this.

In the paper house under Yujian Villa, the old lady is still studying the synthesis of flesh and blood.

It seems that it is still not working well.

This is probably the difference between Doukouhong and her.

They are all pointing and collecting data from a distance, but she is not a little bit slow.

It may also be that Ning Zheng is too arrogant.

Generally, research takes several years to lay the foundation. This ancestor is just an ordinary Sanyuan realm cultivator. How can he compare with those top bosses in Jiuzhou?

The blacksmith in Zhujian Villa has been working this week.

A few days ago, the 500 Wushengjiao female ghosts promised by the Shi family arrived, and Yujin Su Yu Niang was busy again and began to arrange manpower.

Instead, Ning Zheng began to think: "Should I borrow the channels of the Xinyi family and get a batch?"

But he thought about it carefully and decided not to do it.

Using the channels of the Xinyi family to find Wusheng female ghosts is easy to be exposed.

What's more, the saint is still in the Xinyi family.

Who knows how deep the thoughts of that gentle scholar are behind the scenes? What if he sees the clues?

"We still have to follow the Shi family's way."

"Let them rise quickly in Ximen and continue to collect female ghosts for us. This is the best choice."

Ning Zheng felt that this week was too comfortable.

Because that princess planted his three-flower spiritual roots and anchored Princess Xirong, he no longer had to spend 20,000 luck points to go once.

Now he absorbs spiritual fluid for free every day, and he feels that he will soon break through the third realm of the Three Yuan Realm: the Divine Yuan Realm.

At the same time, the luck points in his hand have accumulated to 150,000, and he did not choose to spend them indiscriminately

Blacksmith shop.

The blacksmiths are still studying the technology. More than a hundred blacksmiths have worked together to create a so-called mecha.

It was Yan Shuangying's order.

These people pulled out a small mountain of parts and piled them in the square of the villa.

Jiucai Rong expressed his opinion: "Regardless of the actual performance, looking at the design drawings, it's very handsome anyway."

Dao Jiujiu covered his face speechlessly: "Gan! I haven't introduced our masterpiece yet, and you have determined that it is not good?"

"How big is this tonnage?" Ye Kuangxiu asked.

Dao Jiujiu introduced: "More than 200 kilograms, plus the Ark magic weapon itself, it must be more than 500 kilograms."

Yan Shuangying shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, come and help assemble it!"


"Ten magic coins for each assembler, right?"

"You are really rich."

"What money can Yan Shuangying have? It's a loan! I joined the Ye Kuang Xiu Company, and there is a big boss behind me to sponsor me."

Just like the Gundam parts mecha puzzle when I was a child, the little blacksmith who helped was addicted.

It took a lot of effort and three hours to assemble the whole armor.

And even though the small parts were 3D printed and assembled on the earth through the computer, some parts were still not suitable.

They adjusted and reshaped several joints before they were completely done.

"It's okay to walk a few steps." Dao Jiujiu said.


Yan Shuangying's steps were shaky and not very steady.

The lines of this mecha are smooth, and it borrows all the handsome appearance designs of Gundam on the market. It is not just handsome.

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Dual guns are loaded on the wrists, and a longbow is carried on the back.

Don't ask why he uses guns and bows, just ask why he looks cool.

"Looks cool, right? This is not a magic weapon. It was designed and made by our blacksmith shop. More than a hundred people worked together to cast it."

Dao Jiujiu laughed proudly, "This is the first large-scale magic weapon we designed in person!"

Anyway, it's quite a sense of accomplishment.

Yan Shuangying's embers gradually became proficient, driving a mecha back and forth, having a lot of fun.

"Brother, let me ride you."

"Can I get into the cockpit?"

"Don't be reluctant, your mecha is sponsored by our boss, what's wrong with riding it?"

"It will be our vehicle in the future."

A group of local tyrant bosses looked at the captain of the Night Mad Patrol Mecha they sponsored, and they were very satisfied.

They all expressed that they wanted to get on the car and take a stroll to have fun.

And now that the mecha has been built, he should think about building a car!

The cultivators in this world all travel on flying swords. Those with stronger magic power don't need to use magic tools and can directly fly into the air.

But Ximen does not allow flying.

So, getting a tourist car to take you around, wouldn't that meet the market requirements?

Su Yu Niang also walked out of the bookstore to join in the fun: "Wow! Your blacksmith shop has such a big mecha?"

"Isn't it not as profitable as your bookstore?"

Dao Jiujiu complained, "You have another 500 beautiful female ghosts, and those damn leeks are eager to try again."

Su Yu Niang covered her mouth and chuckled:

"Isn't that right? With the help of me, a love expert, they write love letters in the bookstore. Some of them have become masters of love, and some have several relationships. They use their superb emotional intelligence to deal with girls and become masters of time management."

The vomit mud craftsman next to him was also tempted.

Could it be that he can really exercise his emotional intelligence and find a girlfriend?

It seems that after Su Yu Niang came back from the shop over there recently, she returned to guard the bookstore and taught them how to fall in love. There were indeed several amazing achievements.


The bookstore is developing rapidly.

It sells stamps and drinks crazily, and even adds several "phones".

And two days ago, it also introduced the projection of video calls, which can communicate face to face with the girls on the other side.

"Is it really that easy to conquer?" The vomiting mudsmith thought secretly: "Then I'll go to the bookstore to order some milk tea later and see how other sand sculpture blacksmiths write love letters and talk on the phone for a long time." The prison of the demon tower. In the classroom. Yu Jin Su Yu Niang is teaching 500 new female ghosts. "You read this love letter first, how should we respond?" "Also, some people who are two-timing, I specially took out the love letters and read them together, so that you can learn how to respond." "Let's look at this first, Shao Chai Kun, who is three-timing, thinks he is very good at it. His girlfriends haven't noticed it, so we have to pretend that we haven't noticed him!" "Let's read his three love letters first." Yu Jin Su Yu Niang began to read aloud. Occasionally, there was laughter from below, and the sound of Yingying and Yanyan fighting, laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. Shao Chai Kun died on the spot. Even Ning Jiao Jiao was listening to it with a smile in the classroom, thinking that she should ask her brother to come here to attend class today. "Well, the above are his love letters to his three girlfriends."

"We give him a sense of satisfaction, but occasionally stimulate him, pretending to be about to find out, making him worried, and then let him go through this Shura Field in danger again and again!"

"We are a service industry, an online couple, providing spiritual comfort and satisfaction!"

Su Yu Niang gave a long speech to the new prisoners.

After she finished speaking, she began to organize the next event of the Villa Prison.

Go to Princess Xirong's Mansion.

However, a new female prisoner didn't quite understand, raised her hand and asked: "Sir, why are they afraid of having several girlfriends? As long as they are strong, they can find many wives or husbands."

The new female prisoner was also puzzled.

Those blacksmiths are real rich people, making a fortune every day, and it is normal to marry a few concubines. Too many poor families sell their children.

"Because they are like this." Su Yu Niang said nonchalantly: "I like Shura Field."

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