In the past few days, the Internet has been exploring how to run this "Ximen" city, what is the management policy and management style.

Modern style, cars, streets, street lights, high-rise buildings, unique?

Ancient style, carriages, bluestone floors, small bridges and flowing water, Jiangnan water town?

Future style, mechanical cars, cyberpunk style wasteland civilization, give these natives a certain degree of visual impact?

The concept of running a city is colliding wildly.

Many people think that this game cannot be ruined by sand sculptures, and the ancient style is the best choice.

Some people also say that to play a game, you have to be innovative and give the native NPCs a little shock of other civilizations.

What is the difference between building a traditional ancient city and other towns?

There is no differentiation at all!

Players generally believe that their second-turn babies will go there to adventure, and it is their new city area, and they are very concerned.

In particular, the sword fairy has received their tracking news from time to time, and it is obvious that they have begun to accept tasks.

In the end, they unanimously decided to build a car first.

Moreover, we build all kinds of strange style series, and let the customer group make the style choice.

So a vigorous activity of collecting car design manuscripts on the game forum began.

A post appeared:

[We will build your car].

It said that as long as the design drawings are not spoofs, we will build them!

After all, it is just a text adventure game. It is just a word to the Ximen next door. Isn’t it easy to build as many cars as possible?

This wide-ranging model made this post instantly top, and the number of clicks exceeded more than 100,000 in a short time.

Even some outsiders came here to throw design drawings one by one.

Netizens were full of imagination.

"Somersault Cloud", "Mechanical Sports Car", "Pumpkin Carriage"

Various film and television works, various brain hole designs, were all thrown in.

Even Ning Zheng was enjoying it.

After looking at these vehicles, Ning Zheng leaned on the chair in the yard and felt more comfortable than ever before.

That's right!

This is the booming development that our villa needs!

The construction of Ximen is becoming more and more perfect.

This kind of peace is exactly what Ning Zheng longs for.

In fact, the calmness during this period of time makes some major forces in Jiuzhou feel that the dust may have settled.

This time, the transfer of royal power, the throne of that saint, no one can shake it!

Because the King of Jiuzhou still did not make any moves, the implication is very clear, they support this reasonable and legitimate new saint.

The Saint of Jiusui personally passed on the throne, and they, the King of Jiuzhou, naturally supported it!

In this way, Jiuzhou and the Imperial City are connected as a solid iron plate, and the rebels in various places, large and small holy land forces, are not enough to look at.

The Jiusui Dynasty, the court is composed of the capital + Jiuzhou, and now they are all solid iron plates. Who dares to come and touch the porcelain of the largest force?

At this time, the Xinchao saint looked peaceful, looking at the guests from Jiuzhou, Doukou, Bi'an, and Qiangwei.

"Jiusui Saint is smart."

"He gave up his throne to me for the sake of the people of the world, so that I can continue the prosperity he opened up."

"From this point of view, I have to admire this former opponent. His overall view is admirable."

The visitors from the Jiuzhou Palace in front of him were all silent.

Perhaps this was the layout of Jiusui Saint from the beginning.

He was too afraid of turmoil!

In order to prevent the emergence of a chaotic world, the imperial power must be peacefully transferred, and the new king must be handed over in an almost bloodless way.

Giving the royal power back to this last saint is the best choice.

"Since you have all surrendered, I will not embarrass you."

Xin Xichen said lightly: "Send some of your ancestors and Dharma images here, so that I can increase my knowledge and become the contemporary number one in the entire Jiuzhou."

Everyone was silent again.

The magical skills of the Xinchao royal family are confidential.

But they overthrew each other and knew the truth.

Only the King of Jiuzhou knew it.

In front of them was a pledge of allegiance, sacrificing their ancestors to show their sincerity of loyalty.

Like the Doukou family, they all sighed in their hearts and silently gave up a statue of the Doukou family's ancestor, allowing the other party to burn books

Hua La La! ~~

With the swallowing of one statue after another, the eyes of this last saint were full of wisdom and he completely possessed the top knowledge of this era.

He has become the undisputed first person of this era!

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"I will open up a new path, such as the immortal root, to lead you out of a new prosperous era." Xin Xichen raised his mouth, ambitious.

With the recognition of the King of Jiuzhou in front of him, he is the real return of imperial power!

He is already a well-deserved new saint.

Who in the world can stop it? ?

He dispersed the people from the Jiuzhou Palace and looked at Ximen in the distance. "Xirong, after all, is a neutral blacksmith, too cautious." He stood up slowly with his hands behind his back: "Since I was born, I have calculated hundreds and thousands of steps, all kinds of changes, and made countermeasures based on the personalities and identities of the owners of those tombs." "Now, the situation has developed as I expected. At the lowest cost, I have taken back the real power that the saints should have. The prosperous era is coming." "But they are still so defensive." He shook his head and laughed. Collecting thousands of cities and gathering Xinyi is destined to be a useless effort. With him in person, who dares to disturb the prosperous era he is in? On the other side.

In Xirong College, after a week of adventure in the secret realm, Bai Xingling and others all turned pale and returned silently.

Apparently, the Dharma image was killed.

"Damn, the gravekeeper's note obviously has fake rules." Bai Xingling exhaled, "I originally thought that there were rules prepared for us by our predecessors. We tried it a few times and it was all right, but the result"

Too outrageous.

Indeed, they were all right, but there were also some misleading rules.

[Rule 7: The mirror is the personal property of the guard. The guard does not allow others to use any of his personal property. 】

They can understand.

There was a person who was obsessed with cleanliness before he died. He didn't like others to use it. He would show a bad face when others used his things.

But after death, if you use his things again, he will go crazy and start eating people!

How can the strange emotions be stable?

They followed this rule at first, until they were chased by something in the tomb and accidentally passed by the mirror facing the window of the guard room.

The mirror reflected on them, and it was actually considered that they used the mirror and secretly used his personal property, which made someone furious.

They had to kill the guard, after all, it was just a small trick.

But it caused a chain reaction!

They killed the guard and attracted the patrol army of the capital, which violated the patrol team's killing rules - no killing in the capital, and they also started to go crazy.

This time, they really couldn't bear it and died suddenly!

Someone next to them analyzed: "This mirror, placed in the window directly opposite the guard room, is obviously a trap. We should have lied down and slid over when we passed the guard room window."

Bai Xingling shook his head, "No, the mirror should have been covered with cloth from the beginning. We are stupid. The mirror is a personal item. We should have thought that we couldn't look at it. We should have dealt with the safety hazards first."

They were silent in their hearts.

It was the first time I saw such an outrageous trap, and it was very sophisticated.

They rested for a while and walked outside. Classes had already started in the college.

The newly recruited students were studying.

There were both junior and senior students.

Some students were even allowed to visit the defense towers and study the internal structure.

The transfer students in the senior year were almost all in their twenties, and many of them were middle-grade blacksmiths. There were a lot of them, and they all came here because of their reputation.

At this time, they were in class.

"Everyone, please look, this is the running vehicle we are going to design, which will be tested in Ximen."

"Please work hard on the design, show your talents, and contribute to our Ximen!"

The design drawings of netizens were sent one by one.

It was obvious that they were going to use them as free labor.

The magic weapon carriage in this world is used to transport goods, which is a must for caravans. The technology has long been mature, and it can be modified into a car.

And the level of this magic weapon is not high, it is only a middle-grade magic weapon, and most people present can refine it.

The blacksmiths were immediately excited:

This is a test!

To test our skills, I must make a perfect work and stand out.

A blacksmith took a design drawing of a "somersault cloud" and studied it: "Well, a cloud? It is obviously a water-based magic weapon that carries people? It's very difficult!"

In this way, a group of people began to build cars vigorously.

The whole Xirong Academy became lively.

At the same time, a piece of news soon spread throughout Ximen again, a new sale will be held tomorrow.

And a new sales model will be adopted.

This news made the whole Xinyizhou City excited.

Zhang Huaping was in the school, explaining to the low-level monks how to hunt monsters and dissect them, and her heart trembled: "I can actually watch the legendary sale."

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