This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 226: Facing the unknown and desolate times

It has to be said that the limited edition conferences held regularly, this marketing method has captured everyone's mind.

Every sales conference will bring out new cross-era technologies, and now the threshold of expectations is getting higher and higher.

Everyone guessed that the defense tower might be one of the items in this conference!

But it should be more than that.

It may have brought out a brand new trick.

Because an insider secretly "leaked" in advance, saying that this sales conference will bring out another major breakthrough in human history.

It is said to be a new revolution that transcends races!

It is said to be a major breakthrough that changes the qualifications of human practice!

The several "confidential pictures" and more than ten seconds of "hazy video" leaked by those insiders shocked everyone's heart.

Because in the picture.

There are several new unknown races.

Water-spraying turtles, mutant unicorns

Many people have made extensive speculations about this, and even some scholars in some restaurants have talked about it.

"The picture is blurry! Could it be that it is another species of scarecrow?"

"According to my guess, it seems to indicate that humans will enter the 'Genesis' era."


"Did you see the video of those ten seconds? Perhaps, humans will become true "gods" and have the ability to create races."

Everyone was shocked.

The Xirong Godsmith not only created a spirit of soul splitting and fusion, but also created a synthetic life of flesh splitting and fusion?

It is worthy of being the light of mankind, the only force dedicated to promoting human civilization.

Everyone just felt glorious and great.

There is a group of idealists in Xirong's force who silently contribute to mankind.

"And the defense tower is probably a new type of city wall that can amplify the ancestors of the tomb."

"Wouldn't it be too small for the ancestors to sleep in such a high tower?"

"You don't understand, the standing coffin is stylish!" Someone blushed and argued, because of faith, fanatical fans have begun to appear.

As long as it is the other party's product, they will immediately support it.

Their senses instinctively lean towards the other party, even if they may be wrong, they tend to believe that there is something else going on.

This is the so-called fan effect.

Someone said speechlessly: "What kind of standing coffin is this? It's just a turret base built outside the tomb, so that you can stand on the tower to attack."

"That's right, you don't even know that this is not a tomb, but you are praising it."

"You are so ignorant."

Under various true and false speculations, the continuous hype in the past few days has made people look forward to coming to Ximen City, the third sale that belongs to their territory.

Ximen is even more lively!

And this storm is getting more and more intense in this city.

The opening of the sale is expected in the eyes of players.

Their goal is to create the leader of human civilization-Ximen City.

Nearly twenty days have passed since the last sale, and they have worked overtime to produce 8 more arks, which have been mass-produced.

If it weren't for the research on mass-produced defense towers, the number of this ark would have to double.

"Are you almost ready?"

In the Sword-Forging Villa, Ning Zheng inspected the blacksmith shop.

Well, it's a bit inappropriate to call it the Sword-Forging Villa now. According to the blacksmith, this is the novice village and the assembly line workshop, and Ximen City is their external camp.


Every sale they hold is a god-making movement.

Consolidate the reputation of Xirong Godsmith as the first person to open up the era, and deepen people's impression: the first academic person who set off the wave of change in the era.

However, looking at the preparations for this sale, Ning Zheng was still a little dazed:

"I have always warned myself not to get on the pirate ship and listen to their bragging, but now it's inexplicable that our villa has begun to lead human civilization through sales meetings and so-called false PPTs!"

I don't know when, under their promotion, I have gone further and further on the road to fame.

I was pushed by them to start the biggest god-fighting scam in human history!

The next morning.

The sun was shining.

The much-anticipated Xinyi sale officially opened.

Ning Zheng did not go on stage to give a speech, because he was not good at lying and did not like being watched by thousands of people.

The male and female hosts of Xian Xiaoyi and Shao Chai Kun did a good job. Every time they were given the task of being the host, they happily ran to prepare.

Ning Zheng even suspected that if he did not issue the task and let them pay for it, they would happily run to "show off".

"Hello, everyone, welcome to our third sale."

The Sword Fairy was holding the microphone and smiling.

In front of the gate of Xirong College, the huge super square has been transformed into an open-air circular sale site.

The square was noisy.

Although the Sword Fairy is already famous, this is the first time to meet her.

"Welcome, friends, you have come from afar today."

"I believe that everyone has been looking forward to our sale for a long time. We will not say much and get straight to the point. Let's watch the big screen."

After a gorgeous cutscene behind him, four words appeared respectively.

[Earth Vein Ark]

[New Defense Tower]

[Biosynthesis Technology]

[New Cultivation System: Instrument Cultivation]

There was a silence below.

"Biosynthesis Technology?"

In the crowd, a white-haired master craftsman, Mantian Shou, from Mantian Xingzhou, sat on a seat.

Mantianxing was originally the first forging continent in Jiuzhou, and was as famous as the first spiritual farmer family in Doukouzhou.

And Mantianshou is now the nominal first master craftsman in Jiuzhou.

Xinyi Baishan? A first master craftsman in Xinyizhou, a mediocre continent with no forging culture, how can the gold content of this first in this continent be compared with him?

But now, they are crushed by the forging technology of Xinyizhou.

This makes Mantianshou angry every time he sees the smug face of Xinyi Baishan.

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He can't stand the guy who was originally weaker than them, taking the lead.

He has a stubborn temper. He was determined not to come to the sales meeting. He didn't go to the first two sessions. This time, after the family persuaded him, he was willing to come.

"Father, why does this biosynthesis technology feel like it has been biased towards doctors?" said a majestic middle-aged man next to him.

"Well, please let us take a look." Mantianshou said. If the first two weapon series were announced two months ago, mass production of two powerful immortal weapons would definitely attract people's attention!

But now, everyone's attention is on biosynthesis technology.


Those leaked pictures, aren't they fictional?

Man Tianshou pondered for a while, "Why are their sales going off the track? Isn't it the power of the Godly Artisan?"

You know, many spiritual farmers and beastmasters in the whole Kyushu are studying the hybridization, synthesis, and cultivation of monsters.

Biosynthesis hybridization is not uncommon.

Even some agricultural colleges in large colleges are conducting various hybridization and breeding experiments.

For example, the new river monsters, reindeers, cattle and sheep eaten by some people in Kyushu are all excellent varieties after they find wild monsters and breed them.


Now that the other party is talking about this biosynthesis, it means that a new technology has been made.

Man Tianshou sighed:

"Not only our Mantianxing Continent has suffered the most, but the Pansy Continent is also expected to be the same."

Pansy, the continent of physicians.

What is three colors?

Flesh and blood, soul shell (embers), soul consciousness (turbid air).

Three colors combined into one is life.

This is the fundamental concept of doctors.

Now, there is a powerful doctor in the Xirong faction who has studied the splitting and fusion of souls. Now that the flesh and blood have also made such a method, it is reasonable.


At this time, the sword fairy was beaming with joy and said:

"Each of these four technologies can be used to open a sales meeting alone, and even promote a major change!"

"And today, we have brought them all out in one breath, which can be said to be full of sincerity!"

There was a sudden applause from below, and countless people applauded and cheered, extremely excited.

"We never operate falsely, we are engaged in industrial development!"

"We are not like some technical masters in some fields, who are just in name but do not do real things!"

"Next, let our two hosts introduce our new projects to them."

The sword fairy pointed to the big screen behind her.

On the screen, Shao Chai Kun and Xian Xiaoyi decisively appeared on the stage and introduced everyone to a wave of sales of the Ark series and the Defense Tower series.

There was no crazy boasting, no long and boring introduction, all concise and to the point.

Between the lines, he was extremely humble and introduced the two series.

Everyone knew that these two magic weapons were necessities for every new era force.

Ark for travel.

Defense tower to enhance the ancestral city wall.

But they were more concerned about the latter two introductions.

Shao Chai Kun did not disappoint everyone and said straight to the point: "As everyone knows, we accidentally got the casting project of the sun and moon before, and we have some alternative suns and moons with yin and yang heavenly spiritual roots left."

In the picture, a yin and yang furnace appeared.

Because the synthesis technology was too slow, it seemed that it was not very good to rely on Routian Yujie's research, so they began to think about the big guys in Jiuzhou.

Trick them to help with the work.

"Please look, everyone, this is the immortal weapon that was eliminated at that time."

Two monster corpses were thrown into the furnace, and then synthesized and gradually turned into an egg.

Then the egg was soaked in the spiritual plant liquid, and it quickly hatched and turned into a hybrid of two monsters.

"I believe you have also understood that this ability is: forced breeding!"

"It allows two different species, even organisms with reproductive isolation, to breed."

Auntie Xian smiled and said:

"This fairy weapon is unique and we will not sell it."

"But we will take some of your orders and help you synthesize it."

"I believe the great powers of various agricultural colleges know how much help this thing can bring to your research!"

The eyes of the crowd could not help but fall on the professional existence of the animal farming branch among the group of spiritual farmers.

It was found that the faces of the animal farmers were red, and their eyes were shining brightly when they looked at the Yin-Yang Creation Furnace.

But this group of animal farmers looked at the sword fairy, and their faces were as ugly as if they had eaten shit.

The technology team was knocking over their artificial team.

Man Tianshou looked into the distance and chuckled: "Haha, now seeing their ugly faces, the depression in my heart disappeared instantly."

Now, not only the animal farmers, but also the doctors who study flesh and blood in this Pansy Continent are going to suffer.

Let those damn doctors laugh at us before and say that our forging technology is poor.

This era is definitely an era of super explosion.

Although the previous Nine Spike Saint opened the post-natal myth era, it was already a big explosion era.

In the hundreds of thousands of years since the founding of the country, various technological updates have never stopped.

Even every few hundred or thousands of years, the basic teaching in the textbooks was overturned and recompiled.

But now.

It's like a pony pulling a cart for hundreds of thousands of years, and at this moment it suddenly speeds up, and a Kunpeng takes off with the wind and pulls it up to the sky!

The post-natal myth era, from the seedlings and buds, instantly entered the period of high-speed growth of the big tree and leaves!

Even this kind of biological synthetic fairy furnace appeared, as if the myth era was completely kicked off by the sword fairy on the stage.

"This era is changing with each passing day, incredible!"

The sword fairy watched quietly from a high place, and understood their shock in her heart.

What the future of this era will be like is no longer something that the big guys in their field can guess.

Just like on Earth, two hundred years ago in the Qing Dynasty, looking at the various technologies of modern people, it was like looking at the gods in the sky. Who can predict the future?

It's the same in front of us.

They were shocked, afraid, and terrified by the unknown.

However, they could only passively welcome the unknown!

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