This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 227 That year, she smiled like a flower

"We won't talk about this furnace any more."

Under the complicated gazes of the crowd, Auntie Xian smiled lightly and said concisely:

"If you have the intention to cooperate, you can contact us."

They only exposed the synthetic organisms, not the synthetic ore.

But this is enough!

The synthesis alone is enough to make some veterinarians and doctors collapse their faith.

The knowledge of grazing, cultivation, and breeding that they have learned for a lifetime has been replaced by this brand-new fairy weapon.

They are even thinking: What is the meaning of their lives?

But some professions are not eliminated, but have more advanced technology and better laboratories to assist human progress.

The sword fairy felt that she could not attack the other party anymore:

"Of course, because of the huge gap in bloodline, some synthetic life will not live long. After you place an order for synthesis, you can buy the origin spirit liquid to help some synthetic life survive."

"This is a small advertisement. The origin spirit liquid has been in short supply recently! It is also a product of our fairy weapon."

Everyone became more jealous and thought of it instantly.

Isn't that spirit liquid refined by the alchemist, but also produced by the fairy weapon?

This time.

Not only the beast farmers turned pale, but also the faces of the alchemists became extremely ugly!

Originally, the origin spirit liquid began to be sold in Ximen, and the supply was in short supply. These divine alchemists were still thinking about analyzing and studying this formula, replicating it, and believed that this was a more universal spirit liquid than the spirit plant liquid, which could benefit the public.

But now, this is not made by the divine alchemists of Xirong Divine Craftsman at all!

It's a machine! We were fooled by the machine!

In an instant, the brilliance in the eyes of some divine alchemists disappeared!

The sword fairy was also watching this scene quietly.

She seemed to see the Go world of the year, when Alpha Dog killed the human Go champion.

Countless Go masters lost sleep and cried bitterly that night.

They even doubted their beliefs. What was the purpose of their lifelong research on chess records, specializing in chess strength, and working hard day and night?

Incomprehensible chess paths, even some completely illogical and seemingly inexplicable moves, could actually overwhelm them steadily.

But they, humans, don't even understand the principle of "the other party".

The Sword Fairy looked at the silent old men in front of her and understood their inner hesitation.

"Everyone, immortal weapons are just tools, don't forget your original intention."

The Sword Fairy shouted coldly,

"You must know that any functional immortal weapon is rare in the world, and it is afraid that it can suppress a big family for thousands of years."

"They are the treasures of every profession."

"You should not be afraid of him, but pursue him."

"Just like a chef pursues kitchen utensils, and a swordsman pursues a magic sword."

"I believe that you can come to this day with enthusiasm for the dreams you pursue. The great changes in the times are also an opportunity to pursue higher fields."

"Why exclude them? We should integrate with them."

"With better tools, in the future, divine craftsmen and divine doctors are not the end, immortal doctors and immortal craftsmen are the future!"

The silence below was deafening.

In a trance, the people, civilians, and countless high-level and low-level monks in the entire square felt that this sentence was the anchor of the times, opening a new chapter of civilization.

Mantian Shou watched quietly and took a deep breath: "Yes, we should not lament that we were born in the wrong era, but be glad that we were born in the right era."

"The new era begins with our generation."

His eyes flashed with amazing brilliance: "I am the real first master craftsman in Jiuzhou, the closest to the legendary fairy craftsman, and I am the most likely to be the first to step into that field."

His competitive spirit was ignited again, and he was full of energy

"Let's talk about the next project."

Xian Xiaoyi smiled and stepped back silently.

Shao Chai Kun stepped forward and explained with a smile, "Next, let's introduce our last project."

At this time, a line of words appeared on the big screen.

[New cultivation system: weapon cultivation]

Everyone's face became more silent, and an idea suddenly popped up in their hearts.

This time, which profession will suffer again? ?

This third sales meeting, Xirong Master Craftsman is obviously here to smash the rice bowl and kick the scene.

"Weapon cultivation! What is this?"

"Is this a system? A new cultivation route?"

"But, aren't traditional cultivation methods limited to innate spiritual roots and acquired spiritual roots?"

"Is this going to open a third cultivation method?"

Many people had a vague premonition.

This time, the sale will overturn the times and bring out many new things.

In the final analysis, the other party has mastered a technology:

Immortal weapon.

Immortal weapon technology is the underlying technology.

It affects all fields.

The alchemy furnace was replaced with an immortal weapon, which overturned the alchemy world.

The magic weapon was replaced with an immortal weapon, which overturned the combat monks.

The travel tools were replaced with the immortal weapon ark, which overturned the movement mode of the forces.

It's like when people were still in the Stone Age, someone suddenly developed iron tools, which were used to build iron houses and make iron hoes, which affected other professions.

"Immortal weapon!" Someone clenched his fists, his mind tense.

"We should join forces. All the masters of various families should set up a research institute together and must research the weapon-spirit fusion technology of two spiritual roots." Someone couldn't help it at all.

One step slow, every step slow!

They are too jealous, the realm of immortal weapons is a vast blue ocean.

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Shao Chai Kun had a gentle and polite face:

"Some people ask, what is weapon cultivation? Is it a new path of cultivation? Is it the third path of cultivation besides acquired and innate spiritual roots?"

"Our answer is, yes and no."

The people below showed puzzled expressions. The other party's speeches before were concise, but now they deliberately kept people in suspense.

"In short, the principle is to transform a person and implant magic weapons one by one."

"This can allow some non-combat professions to have combat power comparable to combat monks and be able to protect themselves."

There was silence below, listening quietly to Shao Chai Kun's explanation:

"Of course, our Jiuzhou has been full of talents since ancient times, and some people have thought of implanting magic weapons."

"The most common point is that if you have not cultivated the five bodies and four internal organs, you can implant artificial organs and magic weapons to prolong your life."

Everyone understood.

Why are these implanted organs not widely popularized?

Why don't some monks even implant magic weapons?

The reason is very simple.

Because magic weapons have a service life.

How can you be transformed and fully armed?

If you implant it in your body, you will keep using it, and the magic weapon will be worn out all the time. This is a very low cost-effective behavior.

But now the times are different!

Eternal magic weapons, magic weapons are not afraid of wear and tear, or the cost of wear and tear repair is very low.

One by one, the eternal magic weapons, implanted in the body, can not only make people become "eternal divine bodies", but also greatly improve combat power.

"Everyone, imagine that every fiber, bone, and skin of yours is a magic weapon. How powerful is that?"

"Of course, this is not as good as a purely natural combat monk. External force is external force after all, but it is better than some monks who have no combat power and don't even have external force."

"And we didn't choose to start this project before, why?"

"Because everyone thinks about it, every part of your body will shout and talk."

"The heart, skin, large intestine, small intestine, can talk and chat. You can even open a chat group for them. How terrifying is that?"

The crowd below laughed.

Even some scholars suddenly had an idea in their minds and were ready to take advantage of the popularity.

The story of opening an internal organ chat group, the protagonist's organs can chat and practice by themselves.

The five bodies cultivate themselves, the four organs cultivate themselves, and the three elements cultivate themselves. They will chat with each other and compete with each other. Today, the heart develops a magical power, and tomorrow the small intestine studies a secret method.

The subject matter of this story is very novel, and it will definitely attract countless storytellers in restaurants and teahouses.

"The internal organs can talk, which makes people feel very insecure and insecure."

Shao Chai Kun raised his hands and slowly clasped his fists towards the sky:

"But after the current saints developed the brainless spirit, we started this plan, just to prevent the magic weapon on our body from becoming a hidden danger."

"The brainless spirit in the body has no consciousness. In your body, there is only your consciousness!"

Everyone remembered the introduction of the brainless spirit, and the more they chewed the meaning, the more shocked they were.

This is a change of an era.

The Sword Fairy said at this time: "All this is thanks to the newly appointed Xin Pilgrim, who provided us with all kinds of powerful help and helped us open up the era."

"But this technology has just been opened. Bones, skin, internal organs, these organs have no brains, they can only make indescribable babbling. Even if they are simplified, there are thousands of them. This major project of the human body cannot be completed in one day."

"Today, we invite a group of great people from all walks of life to come and participate in our project."

"Especially the physician family who makes artificial organs and magic tools at home."

There was a commotion below.

Obviously, they encountered a ppt presentation for the first time.

Only ppt, no technology, no funds, no manpower and material resources.

Getting something for nothing.

But below, these simple technical masters, who have never encountered this kind of "Ponzi scheme", feel that they have encountered a great opportunity to study unprecedented things together.

Instrument repair!

This instrument repair, this "eternal divine body", is truly a one-instrument inheritance for generations.

The sword fairy showed a look of compassion:

"I have a dream."

"Let weak humans also have powerful combat power."

"This weapon, implanting a divine weapon is equivalent to implanting a heavenly spiritual root, and implanting an immortal weapon is equivalent to implanting an immortal spiritual root."

"And my weapon will be the core brain of this eternal divine body."

"I am willing to take risks and let everyone build bones, skin, and body for me to anchor various immortal weapons and magical powers for matching."

Zhang Huaping was dazed watching from below.

I vaguely felt that the sword fairy above, who was dancing with joy, overlapped with the vigorous medical fairy at the Sword Casting Villa.

At that time, the youthful girl at the Demon Cultivation Villa also had light in her eyes, and the conversation at that time passed through her mind like thunder.

"Our family's Blood Separation Flower is not used for violence."

"Blood Separation Flower is used for dissection, flattened into a flesh field, and implanted with various magical instruments."

"Flesh and blood are weak, and machinery ascends."

"I want to make people in the world not restricted by spiritual roots. As long as they are implanted with weapons, they can also become true masters."

In the distance, the Sword Fairy, who was in high places and was in high spirits, overlapped with her former friend, the Medical Fairy.

Same dream, but different ending.

"They have the same dream, but they are not the same person. I am hallucinating." Zhang Huaping's expression gradually recovered from the trance: "Yes, the girl with the dream is dead." They are two people after all. Zhang Huaping looked at the sword fairy above, and felt the wonder of fate in her heart: "But if that girl knew that someone proposed a similar ideal in Jiuzhou shortly after her death and wanted to realize it, she would be very happy, right?" She remembered that noon, under the fragmented sunlight, the girl put down the scalpel for dissecting the river monster, and waved goodbye to her figure at the door of the clinic, which was a farewell and a farewell forever. That day, the beautiful and gentle young girl had a bright smile, as bright as a flower. 83 latest address Read the latest chapters of this group of players are more weird than weird, please follow the Xiake Novel Network (

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