This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 243 True and False Descendants

"Greetings to the Wuxin Old Mother!"

Everyone stood up and bowed, and Ning Zheng also bowed among them.

Ning Zheng obviously came at the right time.

It happened to be the battle in the capital, and the imperial mausoleum was leaked.

The current branch of the Wusheng Sect in the capital is probably more valuable than the main branch.

This Wuxin Old Mother looked around, and fell on Ning Zheng, who had a strong aura, showing a trace of surprise, and then said lightly:

"Where are the Wusheng Sect leaders of this generation from the ancient imperial mausoleum?"

A high-level Wusheng Sect leader gradually walked out of the crowd. It was a tall woman in a black robe. "Greetings to the ancestor! I am the seventh elder of the contemporary Wusheng Sect!"

Ning Zheng looked strange.

All the people present were dead.

This woman should be the only living person besides herself!

This generation of Wusheng Sect sent out seven elders to try to communicate with these ancient ancestors and recognize their ancestors.

They want to take advantage of the situation.

The current Wusheng Sect is not strong.

They have already curled up in Xinyizhou.

At its peak, it was a large-scale demon sect that spanned the nine states! A major concern for the imperial court! There were even several times when they were on the verge of rebellion!

At the same time, they have a long history, and from generation to generation, some of their hidden men occasionally entered the imperial mausoleum to be buried with the emperor. Now they have all come out of the painting wall, piled together, twisted into a rope, and are also a very strong force.

"The contemporary elders are so weak?"

This Wuxin old mother frowned secretly: "You are only at the level of the great perfection of the second phase realm?"

"You are so ashamed of us elders. How did my holy sect become like this in your hands?"

The majestic aura crushed over, as if it was overturning the rivers and seas, and was going to crush this elder to death.

The elder knelt on the ground, not daring to say a word, begging for mercy:

"The rise of Saint Jiusui has led to an unprecedented concentration of imperial power, and he has been ruthless in killing and suppressing various sects. We have been severely suppressed!"

"Besides, in order to adapt to the changes of the times, our Wusheng Sect has developed a method to transform the spiritual roots from innate to acquired."

"However, it is difficult to develop an acquired spiritual root technique. We only started to get on the right track 30,000 years ago."

"So, we have a certain degree of discontinuity, and the number of headmasters is far less than that of the innate mythological era before Xinchao."

"It's not just us, other sects are the same!"

"Even some sects that were once prosperous and long-standing, such as the Forgetful Sect, were directly destroyed! They don't even have the qualifications to continue to this acquired spiritual root era."

The face of this Wuxin old mother changed several times, "The Forgetful Sect, it's actually dead?"

That sect is not weaker than theirs, with overwhelming power, and even much stronger than them!


These two words even cast a psychological shadow on many ancient tombs, and people turn pale at the mention of them.

Such a powerful sect is gone now?

Wuxin Old Mother was delighted and smiled charmingly:

"It's good that they are dead, it's good that they are dead! After countless generations of fighting, they are finally gone! As expected, this world is about who can live longer!"

"We entered the tomb to hide, and when we came out again, we finally outlasted them!"

Ning Zheng: ""

This is popular in the whole world.

I am not dead, I am hiding in the tomb, outlasting the enemy and then coming out!

At this time, Wuxin Old Mother is no longer angry about the words of this contemporary elder.

It does make some sense!

They are dead, we are just declining, and obviously stronger. After all, how can the number of powerful people with acquired spiritual roots accumulated in just a few hundred thousand years compare to the old days?

The Wuxin old mother showed a trace of caution:

"In such a weak budding era, it seems that the Nine-Spike Saint alone raised the level of the entire era."

"Fortunately, he is dead!"

The Wuxin old mother sighed, looked at the believers around her, and finally got back to the point, saying earnestly:

"Everyone, our Wusheng Sect has a long history."

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"Wusheng Sect has always been determined to overthrow the imperial power and build a great prosperous era of equality for all and eugenics!"

"We were founded in the early days of the Changsheng Dynasty. We were all rebels and allies with lofty ambitions. We overthrew the imperial power together with the First Emperor of Changsheng, but in the end the other party attacked us as allies in the battle of the capital, so we lost and he established the Changsheng Dynasty."

Speaking of this, this old ancestor showed a trace of sadness:

"Our ancestor wanted to kill such traitors and Changsheng, so he was named Wusheng!"

The hairpin women in Ning Zheng's perspective were silent.

These rebels like to take advantage of the name.

A classic example, to destroy the Yuan Dynasty, so it was named "Zhu Yuanzhang".

The Wuxin Old Mother continued:

"Then, the ungrateful Changsheng Dynasty perished, and our era came again. We once again raised an army in the troubled times to quell the troubled times."

"But this time, our war with the First Emperor of the Xin Dynasty still failed. We lost to that Xinzu, but we were still not discouraged. In the Xin Dynasty era, we were called Wuxin Old Mother."

"Now it's your generation, and you still lost to Jiusui. The name of this generation of Wusheng Old Mother should be called Wusui Old Mother, is it so?"

The Seventh Elder hurriedly said: "That's right, that's right!"

Ning Zheng frowned secretly.

In his mind, those hairpin women were also whispering.

"This generation of Wusheng Sect Leader, Wusui Old Mother, is too wicked."

"I can't beat Jiusui. The only achievement during my time as the headmaster was that I took a rebellious name - Wusui. I'm not doing my best, but I still want to recognize my mother?"

"That's right, that's right!"

"You trash, can you recognize these mothers? That's our mother!" A hairpin lady screamed, very angry, Ning Zheng didn't know why she was angry.

A hairpin lady sneered: "Their lineage is fake, our lineage is worthy of these ancient ancestors!"

"Hmph, I've guessed the next plot, let's make it clear to the other party."

"The weak don't deserve to have parents!"

"We are the orthodox Wusheng mother of this generation!"

Ning Zheng listened to the hairpin ladies' rebellious remarks, and her heart was instantly speechless.

Are they going to worship the ancestors and start recognizing their mothers?

Is this the rhythm of true and false descendants?

Ning Zheng sighed and suddenly stood up.

Everyone looked sideways, wondering what this silent believer wanted to do.

Ning Zheng glanced at the living representative, the Seventh Elder, and said calmly:

"Don't be fooled, fellow Taoists from the ancient Wusheng Sect. These young people only know how to fight against each other. It's ridiculous to run the huge Wusheng Sect into this state!"

Everyone was silent, silently looking at the living elder.

The elder immediately said: "This old ancestor, you don't know about this era"

This elder could also feel the death energy on Ning Zheng, as if he was possessed by the Three Flowers. I'm afraid he came out of the ancient tomb like the Four Flowers and Five Flowers old ancestors.

Of course, she could only speak respectfully.

"Deceiving the superiors and the subordinates, the sect has become so dirty now, and they only know how to fight internally, and they still want to cover it up?"

Ning Zheng glanced at her coldly. There will be internal fighting in the evil cult, which is absolutely correct. She glanced at the old ancestors around her, "This generation, I have cultivated a new branch of the Wusheng Sect and fought a beautiful battle in Xinyizhou City."

The elder was stunned.

Even the beings in the ancient tombs showed strange colors.

They had been out for a day, and they naturally knew about the big event of the Wusheng Sect in the battle of Xinyizhou City.

"That's my disciple."

Ning Zheng said lightly, "I'm hiding in the dark to teach."

After that, Ning Zheng's aura spread, and a six-flower suddenly appeared on his head.

The ancient beings looked at it, all showing incredible colors, "How could it be a six-flower?"

The complete three flowers mean a complete soul, which means that the ember being in front of him

is an awakened Wusheng Sect ghost king!

There is actually a being in our sect that has awakened secretly? ?

The seven elders sent by the living opened their mouths wide, and couldn't believe it.

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