This group of players is more cunning than cunning

Chapter 244: Offer benefits and win over by force

The essence, qi, and spirit of a normal person are the three normal flowers.

The ashes of death with incomplete souls can only be incomplete flowers with one or two flowers.

For example, Qi Zu and Rou Tian Yu Jie, they all had incomplete three flowers when they came to the capital before, and the rule of the capital is to pull out these weeds!

What about the three petals?

They are basically the flowers that are leaked from the imperial tomb and possessed by ancient ashes!

The one flower, two flowers, and possession of the three flowers of normal creatures by the ancient ashes also form four flowers and five flowers.

You can tell a person's general footsteps by looking at the flowers on his head.

The Seventh Elder is a plump and beautiful woman who seems to be very good at socializing, otherwise she would not be sent to lead the charge.

But at this time, she was panicked:

"The surrounding circle is all possessed by the existence of the ancient tomb, four flowers, five flowers."

"This person is obviously possessed"

"Not only does he have the fierce and strange aura of the dead, but he also has a complete six flowers. Could this person really be a ghost king?"

The Seventh Elder still didn't believe it.

In the current Jiuzhou, there are only two ghost kings in the open.

Jiao Wuyu is a dragon of the demon race, and Xu Huan is a congenital human race.

Did our Wusheng Sect also secretly produce one?

Completed the obsession and awakened unconsciously?

Perhaps, this was originally a good thing.

But this ghost king seemed to be hostile to their contemporary Wusheng headmaster, and simply and directly expressed strong dissatisfaction.

What should I do?

The seventh elder thought in his heart.

The other party is an ancient elder, and his status is higher. In this era of knowledgeable scholars, you must respect your elders.

What's more, they are all a group of respected elders in front of them.

If I talk back, I will go against these ancient predecessors. How can I complete the task assigned to me by Wusui Old Mother?

She wanted to refute, but she didn't dare to refute, and her face flushed.

Even the hairpin women behind her thought that this move had an explanation.

Fairy Aunt: "The performance of the plot by the owner of the manor is of high standard! Just now, he used his power to suppress others! In the name of the ancient elders, does she dare to say anything?"

Su Yu Niang: "The current situation is no different from when we go back to our hometown during the New Year and the holidays, and the three aunts and seven uncles will be tried in three courts! You can only shrink like a quail."

Medical Fairy: "When you say that, the sense of substitution comes all of a sudden, and the sense of oppression is instantly full."

Lin Meimei: "This Seventh Elder is so miserable. The owner of the manor pretends to be an elder, and she dares not refute in front of so many elders."

Ning Zheng looked at the Seventh Elder whose face changed several times, and listened to the conversations of the hairpin ladies in her mind. In her heart, she felt that their ideas were not bad and their logic was clear.

At this time.

Let them hear and see, so that they can gain experience.

Now, it is the first time for me to disguise my identity, but the second and third time in the future, I will let them disguise themselves, assist Princess Xin'e, and be responsible for the plot of the Wusheng Sect!

I can't always do it myself, right? ?

This is a teaching session for novices. They will take over in the future. A force cannot have its leader do everything. The disciples under his command must learn to share the work.

The Seventh Elder had a stiff expression on his face, but the seniors of the Wusheng Sect around him had a pair of beautiful eyes shining.

Ghost King?

They felt that there were dead people around them, and only they were still alive.

But among this group of dead people, there was actually a promising dead person who actually awakened?

Even the Wuxin old mother in the gauze tent showed a hint of surprise: "Our Wusheng Sect has a ghost king?"

Ning Zheng smiled faintly:

"How I awaken, we will talk about it later."

"It's just that I want to prove that among a group of dead people, I am flexible and completely autonomous."

After that, Ning Zheng glanced silently and looked at them one by one.

That expression seemed to say that only me and "you" are alive, and the others are dead people without autonomy.

All the ancestors present suddenly had a thought in their hearts: This person is not bad! It actually realized that there were only two living people present, me and it, and the others were all dead!

The sense of substitution came up all of a sudden.

There was even a strong sense of superiority that me and this ghost king secretly formed a group in this meeting and played tricks on other dead people.

Ning Zheng ignored their hints and glanced at them seductively, and suddenly said seriously:

"Our current Wusheng Sect is bloated and corrupt. If we don't reform and heal our wounds, we won't be able to rise again in this turbulent era and compete for the throne again."

The beauties nodded one after another.

If a dead person talked about a new plan, everyone would just think it was funny. An old antique who died in the past, with rigid logic, what kind of knowledge could he have?

But if a ghost king spoke, they would take it seriously, whether it was status or knowledge and vision.

Wuxin's mother nodded and smiled, "You can tell me more."

"First of all, this group of people are too slow to reform our Wusheng Sect."

Ning Zheng glanced at the Seventh Elder kneeling on the ground. His cold and cruel eyes made her, a great master of the Second Phase Realm, sweat.

"Reform, management, and doctrine, all have problems."

Ning Zheng sneered and talked freely.

"Let's talk about policies first. The way the Wusheng Sect spreads in our era is very problematic."

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Ning Zheng had no idea about the internal situation of the Wusheng Sect, but it did not prevent him from saying some seemingly reasonable principles in a "rational" way.

Next, he explained in detail the rules and regulations that the young blacksmiths had planned for the "New Wusheng Religion".

They had come up with a new Wusheng Religion operation plan for Princess Xin'e, how to establish a new doctrine, how to preach, and be more covert!

Now it was just right to use it.

After Ning Zheng briefly explained the general situation, seeing that they listened with relish, she knew in her heart that this was not enough.

Theory is theory after all.

I must show my true background, show my fist, and let them see the actual value of myself as a descendant of the "Wusheng Religion"!

I want them to think:

Now, it is two future Wusheng camps that are fighting for power.

Then, let them choose their own potential branch of Wusheng Religion and abandon the useless branch of Wusheng Religion.

Ning Zheng said calmly:

"My lineage has developed a new method, not flesh and blood reproduction, but soul reproduction!"

"As for the specific ability, you have heard that in the battle of Xinyizhou City, even those ancient city wall ancestors were forced to split and forced to reproduce wildly."

The high-level leaders of the Wusheng Sect were still thinking, and the Seventh Elder immediately retorted:

"It's impossible. We are the inheritance system of Yang Linggen! Flesh and blood reproduction!"

"It looks like soul reproduction, which is similar to ours, but it is a completely different path. We can't have the accumulation and technology in this area!"

This is very pertinent.

It seems that flesh and blood reproduction and soul reproduction are the same.

In fact, there is a world of difference. Others are Yin Linggen inheritance, and what I have is Yang Linggen inheritance.

"Why is it impossible?"

Ning Zheng sneered, "Why, the aura of our Wusheng Sect, the soul mother with complicated souls, can this be fake?"

The Seventh Elder's face was stiff and he couldn't answer.

This aura is indeed true, and it is too strong!

This is a unique disguise that only Ning Zheng's special spiritual root can make. He used thousands of followers of the Wusheng Sect to make a soul clone. This is more like the Wusheng Sect than the strong men of the Wusheng Sect!

You are a fake yourself, and you dare not say that this person's breath is fake.

Moreover, the Wusheng Old Mother on the soul is crazy about giving birth, which is in line with the aesthetics of their sect.

The battle of Xinyizhou City is even more rooted in their hearts.

At this time, when everyone looked at each other and the scene was a little quiet, the Wuxin Old Mother behind the pink veil finally spoke:

"The breath of this spiritual root is indeed full of the flavor of the Wusheng Sect, but how can we, the Yang spiritual root, get out of the way of the Yin spiritual root so quickly?"

The charming beauty in the veil had a beautiful voice, but she was suspicious:

"Since someone has doubts, then naturally we have to solve the doubts, so as not to leave a knot in everyone's heart. Can you tell us?"

Although Ning Zheng has a huge Wusheng Sect aura and is of the same origin as them, if she can't come up with a specific explanation, I'm afraid she can't leave here.

Of course, Ning Zheng was just possessed by the three flowers, and if the lie was exposed, she would die.

The cost was not high, so Ning Zheng was bold enough to come to the Beijing branch to try it out.

But it didn't matter if Ning Zheng died.

But Princess Xin'e died, and if she was resurrected and reset, the three flowers she had planted before would disappear.

Princess Xin'e would have to return to her initial state and win her over again, which would be a huge loss.

Therefore, in Ning Zheng's eyes, this trip was quite risky.

If he lost, Princess Xin'e would die.

If he won, Wushengjiao would have a place!

Ning Zheng smiled, but he was not panicked. At most, he would die. He had experienced too many things like walking on the tightrope on the cliff. He said lightly:

"We got this mysterious Yin Linggen, and there were some adventures. You must know that the high-level people of our Wushengjiao have always liked to lurk everywhere."

Everyone nodded.

All of them present were hidden chess pieces!

They were loyal to the saints of different times, with different identities and forces. Now they were the vanguards, exploring this world!

This person in front of him, the inheritance was taken from someone, and then the Wusheng Sect was improved, so it can be explained.

Ning Zheng continued:

"And our lineage had a chance before, lurking in an ancient family of a hidden master craftsman."

Everyone's face changed, and it seemed that an amazing idea came up.

Master craftsman family?

"Yes, it's what you think."

Ning Zheng's words were really shocking:

"We found that they were very ambitious, hiding their identities, sneaking into the inside, trying to steal their inheritance, and our spiritual roots came from stealing this force."

Ning Zheng said lightly:

"And the soul splitting of our Yin spiritual root, didn't you find that the method of splitting and merging the spirit of the instrument of Xirong Master Craftsman is very similar?"

"Our Wusheng Sect attacked Xirong Master Craftsman and stole their inheritance!"

When these words came out, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

Many powerful people who were waiting to see the explanation could no longer sit still and stood up in shock.

Our lineage of the Wusheng Sect actually attacked the Xirong Master and stole their fundamental magical power inheritance?

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