The voices on the Internet have overwhelmingly come to Li Tong's side!

The situation is getting worse and worse for Momo!!

All Li Tong's connections were put into action!

There are articles published by serious media on the homepage of the website, and there are also some spam marketing accounts that post some dirty and dark articles!

Teacher Ma from the Writers Association also jumped out at this moment.

I quickly posted an update on my scarf.

"As a veteran of the Writers' Association, I feel very sad when things have developed to this point!"

"Editor-in-Chief Li is such a good person, how can you have the heart to throw dirty water on his head?!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted a lot of curses in the comment area!

"You old guy, how come you are so adaptable to the wind!!"

"I was scolded just now so much that I couldn't open my mouth, and now it comes out again!!"

"Damn it, you are all in the same group!! Li Tong is not a good person, and you are also a sanctimonious scumbag!!"

Teacher Ma calmed down instead.

"Isn't Editor Li's article convincing enough?! You young boys have all been deceived!!"

"I believe that upright people will not be defeated by you and will definitely seek justice!!"

"Can you still turn the world upside down like you bunch of bastards?!"

All fans of Cheng Feng, see Teacher Ma, this old man is actually very upbeat!

They were all so angry that their faces were livid and their whole bodies were shaking!

Not only were the people on Li Tong’s side no longer annoyed by Cheng Feng’s rebuke just now!!

They are still thinking that this is the best moment to counterattack Cheng Feng!!

Under their slander, Momo became more and more troubled!

The image of the perfect victim in the video just released has been completely destroyed!

Some articles said she had mental problems!

Some articles said that she was green tea and seduced Li Tong!

Some articles said that she had no respect for herself and resorted to such despicable means in order to attract traffic and attract attention!

There were even articles linking Momo and Cheng Feng, and they spread all kinds of rumors. Rumors were flying all over the place for a while, saying that Cheng Feng and Momo had an affair, and the two even made a deal to "make the Ji Tongzhi flow area!"

The overwhelming abuse and attacks were like a mountain, pressing heavily on Momo's body, leaving her breathless!

She huddled in the corner of the small bed in the bedroom, huddled under the quilt, facing the wall and whimpering!

This time, she finally knew how terrifying the person she was facing was!

Without leaving home, just typing a few words on the Internet is enough to kill her!

Outside the bedroom door, Xia Xia's parents knocked anxiously on the door.

"Momo, don't be silent! Open the door!"

"Momo, if you have anything to tell your parents, what's wrong with you?!"

Momo covered her head with a quilt, tears streaming down her stomach.

Qingbei, in front of the auditorium.

The students were very excited!

Not only was he angry at Mo Mo, but he was also furious that these old men had attacked Cheng Feng!

"Look! This article actually says that Brother Cheng and Momo are having an affair!"

"They actually posted a photo! You see, they even dare to use such a blurry photo! This is nonsense!"

"Spreading rumors to stir up trouble! Catching rumors! These people are doing everything they can!"

"I really can't figure out why such a poor girl like Momo is insulted like this? Why is a decent person like Cheng Zhuan subject to all kinds of slander?!!"

"It's so unreasonable! These people are so arrogant! They really think they are the gods!!"

The students were filled with anger.

Even the teachers around me were so angry!

Lao Song and Qian Kun looked at each other and could see the anger and helplessness in each other's hearts!

Everyone was beaten by Momo and Brother Cheng, but there was nothing they could do!

They can only watch the situation develop in the direction of Li Tonghao!

I can only watch the news on the Internet being flooded!!

Cheng Feng looked around, already making plans in his mind.

He spoke.

"Teachers, and students from all over the country."

"I feel very honored to be able to come to Qingbei University and give a speech to everyone.

Hearing Cheng Feng speak, the restless crowd calmed down.

They looked at Cheng Feng with admiration in their eyes.

"Brother Cheng, thank you for your speech, thank you for standing up and speaking for us!"

"Yes, Teacher Cheng, it should be our honor to listen to your words instead of studying for ten years!"

"Mr. Cheng, the people of Sheep are lucky to the society and lucky to the nation!"

"Brother Cheng, please ignore the rumors on the Internet, those people are just a bunch of scum!!"

At this moment, someone suddenly saw news about Li Tong coming out on the Internet.

Lanfang posted another article on Sunday.

"Starting from the Cheng Feng swearing incident: What kind of public figures do we need?"

This article is naturally another slander against Cheng Feng.

Only this time they captured a new angle.

From beginning to end, this article clings to the image of Cheng Feng just scolding Reporter Liu, and I won’t let go!

Accused Cheng Feng of being morally corrupt and not paying attention to public influence!

Then he repeatedly emphasized from the side, what a well-educated journalist Li Tong is!

He is said to be well-educated and gentle.

The article also boasted that Li Tong could write poetry on weekdays and was a gentle poet.

Claiming that only such public figures can bring good influence to everyone.

Only in this way can we truly benefit society.

At the end of the article, I also posted several poems by Li Tong, which attracted praise from a group of people.

Teacher Ma from the Writers Association hurriedly went to compliment her.

“These poems compiled by Chief Li are so delicious!”

"Based on my many years of literary experience, I think we can use Chinese textbooks from roadside middle schools for all children to read!"

After seeing this article, netizens were once again in an uproar!

Outside the auditorium, the students wanted to spit in Li Tong's face!

"This scumbag is getting more and more excited, and he just touches Brother Cheng's face?!"

"What's so great about being able to write poetry? Isn't Brother Cheng's classical Chinese and vernacular writing convincing enough???"

"Get the hell out of here! Who the hell is reading your bad poetry! I feel so embarrassed even if I wipe my ass!!"

"Even Brother Cheng's behavior can be attacked. These people are really capable of biting!!"

Everyone feels worthless for Cheng Feng!

The atmosphere was a little sad for a while.

Feeling the restlessness around him, Cheng Feng remained unmoved.

When the surrounding teachers and students saw Cheng Feng making another move, they all raised their heads and looked at him.

What is Brother Cheng going to respond to?!

Cheng Feng said.

"This trip to Qingbei was also an unforgettable experience for me."

“When I was young, I came to the campus in Qingbei to observe.

“It left an unforgettable impression on me.”

"Especially that Cambridge bridge has become an eternal image in my memory."

Following the direction of Cheng Feng, people looked towards Kangqiao.

That is a landmark building on the Qingbei campus.

The name Kangqiao means health. It is the founder of Qingbei in this world and the blessing he places on the students.

It is located on a small spring, connecting the roadside corridor and Lover's Slope.

It is a common place for student couples in northern Qing Dynasty to have night dates.

The afterglow of the setting sun gradually fell and fell on the sparkling spring water. The picture was very moving.

Cheng Feng continued.

"Children, I am very honored to be able to give you such a speech."

"I said from the beginning that I can convey my thoughts to everyone."

"If I can use my energy to have a positive effect on everyone and society, I will live up to my mission!"

"I'm leaving."

Hearing Cheng Feng's gentle words, many people shed tears.

Think of everything Cheng Feng has done, and then think of the harm he suffered.

People's mood became sad.

No one expected that Cheng Feng would end his trip to Qingbei and leave this campus in such a state.

The students all felt sorry for Cheng Feng, and there was nothing they could do for the insults from Li Tong and others!


"Brother Cheng, we can't live without you, we really don't want to let you go."

Choked cries came from the crowd.

The students and teachers looked at him with red eyes.

In the live broadcast room.

Cheng Feng’s fans can’t stand it anymore either.

"I really cried, brothers, why did Brother Cheng end up with such an ending?!"

"He really doesn't deserve it!!"

Momo, who was huddled in the corner of the bed, looked at Cheng Feng on the screen and wet the sheets with tears.

Her heart contracted and became colder and colder.

Cheng Feng said.

"Before I leave, I have some last words for you."

People looked at Cheng Feng with tears in their eyes.

Although I don't know what he will say.

But as long as it's Cheng Feng's words, they will keep them in mind.

When Li Tong and others saw Cheng Feng's sudden calmness, they thought he had given up.

"I want to see what else you can say!"

Li Tong sneered in the editorial office.

Cheng Feng looked at Kangqiao, the clouds in the sky, and the setting sun hitting Kangqiao, with no joy or sadness in his eyes.

"Gently I leave."

"As I come gently."

Everyone was stunned when they heard Cheng Feng's whisper.

I left as quietly as I came?

This is, this is...

Qian Kun's old face trembled.

He seemed to realize what Cheng Feng was going to do next!

Cheng Feng was uncharacteristically, with a look of detachment and relief on his face.

The peaceful tone made everyone intoxicated by his next words.

Cheng Feng stared at Kangqiao, as if his eyes were no longer disturbed by the noise of the world.

He expressed his feelings for this school and all the students word for word.

"I waved gently."

"Be a farewell to the clouds in the western sky."

"The golden willows by the river."

"It's the bride in the sunset.

Colorful shadows in the waves.

"Ripples in my heart."

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