"Green grass on the soft mud.

"Slick and swaggering under the water."

"In the soft waves of the River Cam."

"I'd rather be a waterweed!"

Hearing this, everyone at the scene had expressions of intoxication.

Cheng Feng's description made their hearts melt.

"The pool under the elm shade."

"It's not a clear spring, it's a rainbow in the sky."

"Crushed among the floating algae."

"Precipitated with rainbow-like dreams."

Cheng Feng's words were very picturesque and captured everyone's imagination.

Cheng Feng suddenly asked a question.

"Looking for a dream?"

"Support a long wormwood."

"Go back where the grass is greener."

"Singing in the starry sky."

Cheng Feng's face became a bit melancholy.

"But I can't play the song."

"Quietness is the shengxiao of farewell."

"The summer insects are also silent for me."

"Silence is Cambridge tonight!"

Cheng Feng looked at the students affectionately and said the last sentence of the poem.

"I left quietly."

“Just as I came quietly.

"I wave my sleeves."

"Don't take away a single cloud."

Cheng Feng's words ended without causing a huge shock this time.

But everyone was caught up in his depiction.

It's like admiring a beautiful oil painting.

Cheng Feng, used a modern poem to express his emotions at the moment.

"Wow, wow, this is so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect that Brother Cheng could actually write poetry and use poetry to express his current emotions."

"Brother Cheng, he really... I cried to death! Why does a poem sound like I'm admiring a painting!"

"Not only are the words and pictures beautiful, but they also sound so rhythmic!"

"I know, this is called synesthesia, which is a literary expression technique that allows words to mobilize the reader's other senses!"

"Brother Cheng is so talented, right? Only poems like this are worthy of being included in Chinese language textbooks. Look at that Li Tong, how can he compare with Brother Cheng's poems?!"

Cheng Feng's poems allow everyone to see another side of him.

Cheng Feng can not only write magnificent and domineering critical articles!

When he becomes gentle, he can make everyone cry!

Qian Kun rubbed his red eyes.

"Mr. Cheng, what is the name of this poem?"

Cheng Feng said.

"Farewell Cambridge".

Qian Kun murmured.

"Goodbye Cambridge, Farewell Cambridge"

Only a literary master like him can understand what this poem means.

Not only in terms of the language of the poem, "Farewell Cambridge" also has the ultimate beauty in terms of structure and music.

The whole poem reaches a full harmony.

In the history of Qian Kun's research, this kind of harmony is unique.

Cheng Feng's talent once again refreshed his knowledge.

On the Internet, Cheng Feng's song "Farewell Cambridge" has spread to various places.

It made many people shed tears.

No one expected that Cheng Feng, a sharp knight who uses his pen as a sword, also has such a tender side.

For a time, there was a huge clamor for Cheng Feng's "Farewell to Cambridge" to be included in middle school Chinese textbooks.

The response was overwhelming, and countless people posted videos of themselves reciting the poem on video websites.

On site D, there is a video titled "A Love Poem for the World", which features a female student from the School of Liberal Arts at Shanghai University of Arts and Sciences reciting Cheng Feng's "Farewell Cambridge" affectionately.

As soon as the video was released, it received tens of thousands of likes and was on the hot list of the website.

In the bedroom, Momo burst into tears after listening to Cheng Feng's poem.

After a while, she wiped her tears.

There was a hint of unwillingness in his desperate eyes.

This is not only for himself, but also for Cheng Feng who stood up and spoke for them.

"Thank you, Brother Cheng~~."

Mo Moqiang cheered up, picked up his phone, and started searching for materials.

The communication records between him and Li Tong, as well as various related documents, are being sorted out.

She couldn't bear Cheng Feng ending up in such a lonely position.

The scope of "Farewell Cambridge" is still expanding.

Lan Fang panicked and deleted the article they just posted on Sunday.

Teacher Ma and others from the Writers Association also choked and shut up due to Cheng Feng's poem.

Li Tong looked disheveled in the editorial office.

But he comforted himself that this meant Cheng Feng had failed.

So he could only come up with such a disappointing poem to express his loneliness.

He’s out of moves!!

"It's useless to write any poems!"

"Work overtime tonight, and fill up all the places involving Cheng Feng and Momo!"

"In pursuit of victory, I will scold them completely this time!!"

The students from Qingbei looked at Cheng Feng and felt very uncomfortable in their hearts.

Thinking about it, those who hate him are still doing despicable things, targeting him and slandering him.

It felt like a stone was weighing on my heart.

After saying this, Cheng Feng waved to all the teachers and students.

All his emotions are contained in this poem by Xu Zhimo.

It's time to leave.

Cheng Feng walked out of the Qingbei University campus through everyone's reluctant eyes.

Mr. Chen and others quickly followed behind him.

They escorted Cheng Feng into their special car and drove to the airport.

Teachers, college students from Qingbei, as well as primary and secondary school students from all over the country who were invited to attend this lecture, followed Cheng Feng's footsteps and flocked to the gate of Qingbei University.

Watching Cheng Feng's vehicle fly away in the dust, his eyes were full of reluctance.

After several hours of flight, there was no conversation.

Cheng Feng left Qingbei and returned to his villa in Shanghai.

At this time, Cheng Feng's mind suddenly heard a system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the event and receiving a popularity reward of 250,000 points!"

"Based on the degree of spread of the incident, congratulations to the host for receiving an additional 270,000 popularity points!"

After hearing the system prompts, Cheng Feng was not surprised to receive so many popularity points rewards.

After all, this lecture is aimed at audiences across the country and has a very wide range of dissemination.

That's why he was given a popularity reward of 520,000 points at once.

Plus his remaining 80,000 popularity points reward.

Cheng Feng now has a total of 600,000 popularity points.

It's enough to draw one black wheel and one purple wheel.

During the time when Cheng Feng returned to Shanghai from Qingbei, the Internet was already in turmoil.

Because Momo posted another video as a response to Li Tong.

In the video, Mo Moyi listed strong evidence against Li Tong.

It exploded quickly!

Not to be outdone, Li Tong mobilized all his connections and resources in an attempt to continue to throw dirty water on Momo, and then took random quotes out of context to refute Momo's evidence!

He is already in a desperate fight!

Angry netizens scolded Li Tong, which made Li Tong feel very embarrassed. This is the first time he has been in such a predicament for so many years in the industry!

However, despite being accused like this, Li Tong is already completely stinky in the eyes of many people!

But after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

Coupled with the support of many people for him, their mad dog offensive still achieved results!

Many melon-eating people who don’t know the truth are now confused and don’t know who to listen to!

This is the purpose of Li Tong and others!

The news on the Internet is false and true. As long as it can confuse the public, Li Tong is confident that Momo's voice can be completely extinguished!

How could she, a young girl who had just graduated, defeat a giant Buddha like him?!

Zhao Decheng, Teacher Ma from the Writers Association and others responded crazily!

They and Li Tong have a mutually prosperous and mutually destructive relationship!

What if Li Tong was really brought down because of the momentum created by Cheng Feng!

Then it might be their turn next time!

They absolutely cannot allow this to happen!

During this period, Cheng Feng did not express his position for several hours.

It seemed unnaturally calm.

So many voices are attacking him and Momo!

With Cheng Feng’s character, how could he not say a word?!

This is equivalent to giving Li Tong and the others a signal!

Cheng Feng is really dead this time!

"Farewell Cambridge" is his swan song!

They immediately cheered up and worked harder!

And all the people who stood on the side of Cheng Feng and Momo, although they didn't express any opinions on Cheng Feng, felt very strange.

But they all understand.

This time, Cheng Feng shouldered too much pressure during the entire Qingbei lecture incident!

He can scold these people away again and again with just one mouth!

This is already incredible!

It is quite difficult for him to stand up and speak out again and again!

If they continue to entangle, Cheng Feng will not be able to defeat them!

At this time, I chose to quit, and with Cheng Feng’s popularity, I even did something else casually, started a live broadcast, and brought goods.

Maybe it won't take many days before the heat can be transferred.

Although there will be a lot of criticism during this process, it is undoubtedly a wise way to deal with it.

He has been at the forefront of the storm for too long. This is a precarious height! (Can it be done)

Cheng Feng's fans understand Cheng Feng's silence.

Magic City.

In Cheng Feng's villa.

Cheng Feng was not in a hurry to get the popularity points lottery given to him by the system.

He looked at the noise online.

Look at the ugly faces of Li Tong and the others.

He even laughed angrily.

Do you really think that Cheng Feng will avoid controversy?

Do you think he will turn a blind eye to Momo who was infected by him and chose to stand up bravely?

Do you think he would really say nothing?!

Cheng Feng opened his scarf.

Posted an update.

Soon, the Internet, which was as noisy as a vegetable market, calmed down.

Cheng Feng's fans were immediately excited.

Holy shit! Brother Cheng actually gave out a scarf!"

"Brother Cheng is going to talk again, brothers! Look what Brother Cheng said!!"

Every time Cheng Feng opens his mouth, it must be shocking!

Moreover, since Cheng Feng opened the pass, he only posted updates the last time he faced the national football team!

So everyone is looking forward to what Cheng Feng has to say in his posts!

Li Tong, Zhao Decheng and others saw Cheng Feng and wanted to speak again!

My heart skipped a beat!

Li Tong is sweating, after all, Cheng Feng’s power is still there!

They were very confused when they saw the dynamic content!

In the dynamic, there are only three words enclosed by the book title:

"The Legend of Wukong" Fu!.

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