Under the complicated eyes of everyone, the guests took their seats.

Zhao Decheng looked impressive, picked up the tea cup and started drinking tea again. After taking a sip, he spat out the dregs of tea leaves.

After ignoring Cheng Feng, Zhao Decheng became more confident and returned to his mature and steady appearance.

On the other side of Cheng Feng, Qian Kun sighed and whispered to Cheng Feng.

"Mr. Cheng, in fact, what you have done is good enough! One of your poems about Young Takiguo is enough to win the literary world!"

"No matter what others say, this is a fact that cannot be denied!"

"So the following message to the youth, you don't need to feel pressure, even if you say something casually, the youth friends will be very supportive of you!"

Cheng Feng nodded unsurely.

Mr. Qian, the lecture will begin soon. "

Qian Kun could only sigh when he looked at Cheng Feng's calm look.

Cheng Feng's demeanor really moved Qian Kun. If another person knew that he had just set off a hot discussion on the Internet, if he knew that he was being stared at by hundreds of millions of people at this moment, "many of them are waiting for themselves to make a fool of themselves."

I guess I wet my pants!

Qian Kun was very aware of the pressure Cheng Feng was under, but he couldn't speak anymore.

Because the host has announced that the second round has begun.

"Okay, dear viewers of the live broadcast room, welcome back to our lecture!"

*The theme of this lecture is ‘Dialogue between Two Generations’, and the interlocutor is Professor Zhao Decheng, Vice President of Qingbei University and Professor of Western Literature!”

420 Zhao Decheng waved and questioned the camera, his face filled with confidence.

"And the popular anchor of Shark Platform, Mr. Cheng Feng!"

Cheng Feng nodded towards the camera.

The host continued.

"So, the first round of dialogue just now, a message for the young man, has come to an end."

"In the second round, two interlocutors will be invited to send messages to young friends across the country!"

Zhao Decheng straightened his clothes and picked up the manuscript with a smile.

The audience immediately burst into applause, and those who supported Zhao Decheng rallied with all their strength.

The leading teacher and students all looked listless.

Zhao Decheng pressed his hands to suppress the applause.

Then, he shook the manuscript, picked up the microphone and said.

"I also saw the debate on the Internet just now."

"I have a lot of thoughts about whether young people should be cooler or warmer, and I want to tell all my young friends.

"In this manuscript of mine, I actually already have the answer to this question!"

As soon as Zhao Decheng said these words, the audience in the live broadcast room became speechless!

"What nonsense are you talking about! You already have an answer?? It was obviously changed in the rest room just now!"

"Returning your manuscript, isn't that the fruit of the collective labor of your entire Western literature group?! How funny!"

"Professor Zhao is so humorous. He doesn't even turn red when he lies, and he doesn't forget to peek online when revising the manuscript! He is so approachable!"

Netizens know that Cheng Feng (cade) will definitely not be able to accept Zhao Decheng's manuscript, and they have no confidence to spread the anger, so they can only be angry.

In the auditorium, the students all looked disdainful when they heard this.

Even the college students in Qingbei have a plummeting impression of their vice-chancellor!

Cheng Feng's article about the young man Long Guo directly forced Zhao Decheng to reveal his true colors!

Obviously the manuscript was revised in advance, so it was written like this long ago!

He obviously mobilized all the teachers in the Western literature group to help him revise the manuscript, claiming it was his own!

It's simply shameless!

Zhao Decheng remained unmoved and continued as if he hadn't heard.

"And my attitude towards this issue has always been clear!"

"That is, you young people, under the instigation of a bad trend, have become too hot! It is a hot-headed fever!!"

"If I don't pour cold water on you, you will get into big trouble sooner or later!"

The people in the live broadcast room were so angry that they cursed Zhao Decheng!

"Damn, this old guy is really stubborn! He used that tone of lecturing a child again with a straight face!!"

"Fuck, he is just relying on Brother Cheng this round, and he will definitely not be able to give a wonderful speech like the young Takiguo said, so he is desperately trying to save face!! Step on Brother Cheng!!"

"How disgusting! We are fucking young people, not children who have been on the bed! Is this old guy addicted to giving lessons?!"

However, those old people who supported Zhao Decheng also flocked to the live broadcast room, and they were all very excited!

"Okay, Mr. Zhao, that's well said! This is what we want!!"

"It's time for someone to stand up and pour cold water on you! Otherwise, why don't you go to the sky?!"

"You all should calm down and listen carefully to Professor Zhao! You guys don't know how to respect your teacher!!"

On the stage, Zhao Decheng continued.

"So, why should our youth be colder?"

"First of all, at the beginning of my manuscript, I would like to quote a sentence from the famous conservative writer Boland.

Dear elder, if you see a young man who is too angry, what you have to do is pour a basin of cold water on him!"

Hearing that Zhao Decheng started quoting foreigners again, and he was some kind of conservative writer, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately started to curse!

"Fuck you uncle! I think you are just a conservative old stubborn!"

"Still watering! I want to water you!!"

In the auditorium, the Qingbei students in the audience [were very absent-minded when they heard this!

What does it mean for a conscientious elder to pour water on the heads of young people?

Are you fucking raising flowers???

Many students in Qingbei clenched their fists. They had a hunch that Zhao Decheng's next words would only go further!

Sure enough, Zhao Decheng spoke.

"I fully agree with what Mr. Boland said."

"No elder with a clear conscience will look at his young people like a barrel of explosives, ready to explode at the drop of a hat!"

"What he has to do is to cool you down and calm you down. Only in this way can our society enter a healthy state."

"As Karl, the poet of the Lighthouse Country, said."

"The crowd grows in gentleness and perishes in restlessness."

"Urland's essayists also left quotations worth pondering."

"Uneasy young people, if they do not stay safe under the guidance of their elders, they will destroy everything in their own uncontrollable anger!"

"I think the reason why these famous people are called famous people is because their thinking has had a huge impact on us even in the past hundred years!"

"And I convey these words to you precisely to tell you young people this truth!"

"You are out of control! You are out of control in a bad but fashionable trend!"

"You mistakenly think that with your childish passion, you can change the world!"

"You mistakenly think that you can light up the world by imitating certain bad elements and burning like a flame!"

"You mistakenly believe that you are the prairie fire set off by the power of some star!"

"You are wrong! You are absolutely wrong!"

"As young people, your most important responsibility is to take over the valuable experience passed down to you by us as seniors!"

"Our experience contains inexhaustible wealth for you!"

"You should keep your feet on the ground and learn from our experience with peace of mind! Don't think wildly!"

Any injustice that happens around you is naturally justified! This is not an excuse for you to stand up and cause trouble!"

"Your blind venting will only make things worse!"

"When facing these things, you should remain silent and always remind yourself that I am just a young man and I do not have the wisdom to handle these things well!"

"You have to close your eyes, cover your ears, and ignore what is happening outside the window!"

"You have to tell yourself that it has nothing to do with you!"

“Don’t be unconventional!”

"Only in this way can you develop a gentle nature and digest the knowledge we have given you!"

"Only when society can return to peace! Instead of being like a pot of messy porridge, exuding a rotten smell!"

Zhao Decheng's words caused a huge shock!

The quality of his manuscript has obviously gone up a notch compared to the first round!

Of course, this is not his credit, but the work of all Western literary groups!

And this manuscript no longer praises Western literature.

Zhao Decheng also has a long memory, after all, he was just slapped in the face by Cheng Feng's boy Long Guo!

But the whole article still quotes a lot of famous quotes from Western writers!

Used to express a point of view!

That’s why young people are impatient! They are like hay that is lit on fire!

This is harmful!

Young people should not speak out when they encounter injustice!

Cover your eyes and ears to avoid adding too much!!

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