Zhao Decheng's speech immediately received a huge response from the elderly group in the live broadcast room!

"Okay! That's very well said, Professor Zhao!!"

"Professor Zhao is the one who truly cares about young people! He is earnestly advising you to stay calm! Stay on your toes! Don't be unconventional!"

"You young people have been led astray by Cheng Feng! He made you mistakenly believe that standing up and shouting when something happens is speaking out for justice! In fact, you just have excess hormones! You are just trying to be cool!"

"You don't have enough experience and knowledge at all. When you encounter something, you shouldn't stand up in a hurry! You should wait for us experienced seniors to solve it!"

"Yes, come back to the right path, children. If you continue to be "hot" like this, you will only add burden to society!"

The young people in the live broadcast room were so angry that they gritted their teeth!

They didn't agree with what Zhao Decheng said at all!

What is law-abiding, what is calm, and what is unnecessary ~ be unconventional!

It’s all farts!!

All along, Cheng Feng has been setting an example for them!

It was Cheng Feng who taught them that they should bravely stand up and speak out when facing injustice!

Stand up and be the light that illuminates society!!

But Zhao Decheng's manuscript refutes all of this!

He wants young people not to be unconventional, but to inherit the bad ideas of the older generation and become like them!

He wants young people to remain silent, because young people are fools who are blinded by passion and will cause chaos to society!!

He wants young people to wait! Wait for these old people to stand up and solve the problem!!!

It’s just fucking bullshit!!!

Whether it was the catering incident or the national football incident, which time did Brother Cheng not come forward? Stand up without hesitation?

And what about these elderly people who claim to be social elites? Where have they gone?

They can't be seen at all!

They are all fucking idiots!!

Are you still waiting? By the time they come forward, the day lily will be cold!!

They may say nice things, but when they encounter injustice, they always tactfully avoid it!

Just like that, he acted like a teacher and scolded them!

The faces of Zhao Decheng and these old people make young people feel sick!

They were full of anger, and except for a few scoldings of those old people who had succeeded, everyone remained silent!

They are all afraid of causing trouble to Cheng Feng! After all, it is Cheng Feng who is being targeted now!

They can only endure it!

In the auditorium, the leaders and teachers in the front row who supported Zhao Decheng applauded enthusiastically!

"That's very well said, Mr. Zhao!"

"Yes, what you said is the path that we, the older generation, want to lead the young people on!"

"You are the leader of society! You are fighting back hard against those unhealthy trends in society! We all support you!"

"The level of Mr. Zhao's speech is so high! He quoted so many famous quotes! It's so easy to pick it up!"

"Yes, I think the literary level of this manuscript is probably unmatched by anyone! Haha!"

They clapped triumphantly.

The Qingbei students sitting behind them, as well as the teachers and students in primary and secondary schools, were either furious or helpless!

They could all hear that this was clearly aimed at Cheng Feng!

They are saying that Cheng Feng is an unhealthy trend in society!

Zhao Decheng also mentioned Cheng Feng’s words, “Let me be the star that sets off a prairie fire”!

It is a big mistake to say that they listened to Cheng Feng!

This is complete nonsense!!

If society were full of people like them, it would be really doomed!

Cheng Feng's deeds infected each of them, but in the eyes of this group of old rotten people who were afraid of having their right to speak taken away, Cheng Feng was a bad element!

He is leading all their young people into corruption!

All the students clenched their fists, feeling that the fire in their hearts was getting colder and colder!

They lowered their heads and felt that the world was gradually getting colder!

But they have weak voices and are powerless.

Zhao Decheng was very satisfied with the response at the scene!

He believes that the Internet must be praising him now!

He glanced at Cheng Feng proudly, feeling full of confidence in his heart!

This time, we must seize the opportunity and crush Cheng Feng under our feet!

Zhao Decheng cleared his throat and continued.

"So, I am standing here now to appeal to all of you!"

"Save our young people! Let them escape the taint of unhealthy trends!"

"Extinguish the unsettling fire in them [suppress the aura in them!"

"Young L is also here, tell me!"

"You must be patient and accept the teachings of your elders!"

"This may be painful and goes against your fashionable nature! But everything we say is beneficial to you!"

"You don't want to be unconventional, you have to follow our footsteps, because you can't surpass our decades of accumulation! Only when you grow like us can you contribute to society!"

"Don't just stand up when something happens! Don't rush up in a hurry for everything! You must sit down and do your own thing with peace of mind.

"When you encounter problems, you should exercise restraint, don't be impulsive, and don't be fooled by others! You should leave the problem to experienced elders to solve!"

0Please ask for flowers......

"If you see someone standing up, if you think you are responsible for the progress of society, then you have to stop him! You have to tell him that this is wrong! This will only cause more trouble!"

"You don't want to be hot, you want to be cold!"

"You don't want to go up, you want to go down!"

"You have to wait! Wait for truly capable people! Don't blindly cause chaos to society!"

"You must be silent!"

"Our society has been turned into a mess by this unhealthy trend!"

"We need silence so much now! We need to cool down so much. Think about what has led you young people so bad!"

Zhao Decheng took a sip of tea and then said the most proud sentence of his article.

“Eloquence is silver.”

"And silence is golden!"

"Thank you everyone, that's it for my speech!"


Zhao Decheng Qi Yu shook the manuscript with a victor's face.

In the audience, people who supported Zhao Decheng burst into huge applause!

"Okay! Okay!"

"A good eloquence is silver, silence is gold! It has to be Mr. Zhao!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhao is indeed an academic. The literary standard of this speech is too high!"

"Mr. Zhao, your message to the young people [Simplicity and emphasis are the benchmark of society! Young people, have you heard it? You must keep it in your heart, don't let Mr. Zhao's sincere words live up to it! Don't let us, the older generation, hold you down." Looking forward to it!”

Seeing this scene, the students in the auditorium felt extremely angry!

This crappy manuscript can't even compare to one word of Brother Cheng's "The Story of Young Takiguo"!

What nonsense "eloquence is silver, silence is gold", there are many golden sentences in "The Story of Young Taki Kuni"!

Is this even worth bragging about? These people have no shame in order to suppress Cheng Feng! They are telling lies with their eyes open!!

Students, don’t mention how cold they feel!

This is completely treating Cheng Feng as a social scum and condemning him to death!

Eloquence is silver, obviously satirizing Cheng Feng!

Irony Cheng Feng can only speak "eloquently", but without a trace of gold! He will only cause trouble to society!!

After Zhao Decheng’s suppression and the advocacy of these elderly people, one can imagine the pressure Cheng Feng will face next!!

Once Cheng Feng's speech fails to withstand Zhao Decheng's criticism, then Cheng Feng will usher in a strong counterattack from these senior citizens in the media!

They are determined to sweep Cheng Feng into the garbage heap!

The students were restless, their hot hearts gradually turning cold!

No one thinks that Cheng Feng's speech can reach the level of "The Story of Young Takiguo".

This time, it's really going to be over for a long time. .

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