Qingbei, outside the auditorium.

At this time, several cars had stopped at the entrance of the auditorium, and dozens of people got out of the cars carrying cameras, microphones and various interview equipment.

They surrounded the entrance of the auditorium and stood ready.

The security guards at the school gate were very puzzled when they saw this formation.

The attitude of these people is as if they are going to fight!

"Why are there so many interviews all of a sudden?"

Xiao Liu, the reporter assigned to Lanfang Sunday, had already ordered the cameraman to turn on the camera.

"Okay, when Cheng Feng comes out soon, slap him in the face!"

The cameraman was stunned.

"Slapping him in the face? What should I do if he's pissed off?"

Reporter Liu stared.

"All I want is to piss him off-!"

"Look at Cheng Feng's character, he is a powder keg!"

"It would be better if you start cursing someone and stop saying it. It would be better if you force him to hit someone!"

"Don't let him go to court, just scold him! Let him be unable to hold his head up in the future! Get out of people's sight!"

The cameraman nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Reporter Liu looked at the door of the auditorium, lit a cigarette, and puffed away.

The editor-in-chief sent him here this time to do such a dirty job! This is out of trust in him!

Because Reporter Liu is the best at doing this kind of thing!

No matter who he is, whether he is a celebrity or a big shot in the industry, he makes it impossible for these people to get off stage!

Reporter Liu knows very well that people are very nervous when facing the camera!

And he who controls the camera seems to have the power of life and death of the interviewee!

As long as he is more provocative in his words, such as attacking the other person's personality or exposing the other person's privacy!

The person being interviewed was immediately fired up!

And when this scene was exposed, it could lead to a fishing scandal, or it could lead to a serious loss of reputation!

The year before last, when interviewing a female celebrity, reporter Liu deliberately forced her to ask about abortion.

The female star was stunned at that time.

After the interview, the female celebrity was immediately hit by comments from the entire Internet!

So she couldn't bear the humiliation and chose to commit suicide.

Although he was rescued in the end, he also suffered from depression and retired from the entertainment industry.

Reporter Liu, on the other hand, made huge profits from the huge traffic!

Reporter Liu is very happy to eat steamed buns with human blood.

His evaluation of himself is: The uncrowned king!

The microphone is his murder weapon! Everyone must be honest in front of him!

He didn't take Cheng Feng seriously at all.

Big stars and big entrepreneurs have all fallen into his hands. He is just an anchor with no background.

It's just a mouth. Aren't you being treated as a soft persimmon by him?

Among the reporters around, some were from Lan Feng Chuang and some were from Xin Jing Bao.

They were all mobilized through their connections by those who hated Cheng Feng.

These people immediately gathered around Reporter Liu.

"Old Liu, the person we are going to interview later doesn't look easy to deal with! Did you watch his live broadcast just now? He seems to be very powerful in his words!"

Reporter Liu sneered.

"Awesome? No matter how awesome you are, can it still be better than our shots?"

"What I'm afraid of is that he doesn't have a good mouth! The more he can speak, the more flaws will be exposed!"

"As soon as he came out, we all swarmed him and shoved the microphone directly into his face!"

"Look at this Cheng Feng, he has such a hot temper, he will definitely not be able to stand this anger!"

"But asking him to speak awkwardly on that occasion, isn't that our special skill?"

Everyone nodded.

Reporter Liu looked at the door of the auditorium with disdain.

"After knocking this Cheng Feng down, the editor-in-chief said he would upgrade me to another level!"

"You all have a lot of benefits too!"

"So cheer up and don't embarrass us journalists!"

What he said was extremely ironic.

But other reporters took it seriously.

Reporters and the media don’t always look glamorous.

There is a lot of shady business behind it!

They just want to discredit Cheng Feng in front of the national audience!

The harder Cheng Feng hits them, the more delicious the fat will be in their mouths!

In the auditorium, everyone was still surrounding Cheng Feng, full of excitement.

They enthusiastically pulled Cheng Feng, took photos with him and asked him to sign autographs.

Those who get a photo or autograph from Cheng Feng are more excited than winning the lottery.

A group of teachers also gathered around Cheng Feng and praised him highly.

At this time, some students noticed the movement outside the auditorium.

"Look, there are people coming outside, they seem to be a group of reporters!"

Hearing this, many students rushed to the window.

"He's really a reporter!"

"Why are there so many people! Damn it!"

"Hey, it looks like you are waiting to interview Brother Cheng, right? Haha, Brother Cheng is so popular now. If anyone can get the headlines, he will probably become popular!"

However, the students soon discovered something was wrong.

"Look, the expressions of these people are so fierce!"

"Look at their car, the sign on it says, Sunday!"

"Fuck, there are also Xinjingbao and Lan Fengchuang!"

"Damn it, weren't these idiots just slandering Brother Cheng on the Internet?!"

"It's over, they are here to block Brother Cheng, they must have bad intentions!!"

The teachers in Qingbei also leaned outside the windows and looked around.

They all realized the seriousness of the situation, and their faces gradually darkened.

In particular, Principal Song, Qian Kun and others looked directly at those people huddled in the corner, falling into the wind.

Their social experience is very rich.

I already know what happened.

Pens can kill, this is no joke!

Especially for a hot public figure like Cheng Feng!!

This group of people saw that their repeated suppression of Cheng Feng was ineffective!

Just play around!

They are very clear about the tactics of these unscrupulous media people!

For traffic, they will do anything!

Even Qingbei was harassed by them before!

What's more, they are no longer here to eat Cheng Feng's traffic this time!

They plan to use their long guns and short cannons to knock Cheng Feng off the altar and ruin his reputation!

Cheng Feng's fans, who had just finished partying on various video websites and forums, suddenly learned about the news in Qingbei.

They flooded into the live broadcast room again.

They were immediately outraged!

"Damn it, are these villains finished yet?!"

"Damn it, I know that reporter from Lanfang Sunday. I don't know who he took money from before. He stopped us at the school gate and asked us questions. He led us to slander the school and made our female classmates cry!!"

"A bunch of wild dogs must kill Brother Cheng to death!!"

"Brother Cheng has done so many good things for us, why do we still have to be wronged like this!! Damn it! I don't accept it!!"

The actions of the unscrupulous media aroused their huge anger!!

Principal Song looked very bad. He walked to Cheng Feng and said.

"I know that reporter from Lan Fang Sunday. He is like a mad dog. Teacher Cheng, let's avoid the limelight. There is no need to be angry with them."

0Please give me flowers.

Another teacher also said.

"Teacher Cheng, let's take the fire exit of the auditorium and go around a little bit to the door, but let's avoid unnecessary trouble!"

"Yes, Brother Cheng, let's go from the back!"

Upon hearing this, the surrounding teachers and students came together and advised Cheng Feng to go to the back door of the auditorium to avoid the media.

They all know how powerful this group of people is!

Even Cheng Feng would definitely not be able to withstand the bombardment of so many shots!

What's more, with Cheng Feng's temper, if something happens to him, it will end badly!

At this time, people who hated Cheng Feng gathered around him.

The editor-in-chief of that newspaper said gloomily.

"Principal Song, didn't you say that after the lecture, everyone would have a meal together? What are you waiting for? Let's go out now!"

Several alumni from Qingbei also said.

"Old principal, don't keep us alumni waiting in a hurry!"

Principal Song's face was terribly dark!

Qian Kun was so angry that he pulled Cheng Feng to leave through the fire escape.

A teacher pulled him and asked him to look out the window.

Outside the window, reporters surrounded the entrance of the auditorium, paying close attention to what was going on inside.

When they saw that Cheng Feng wanted to go through the back door, they set up a camera and planned to follow him!

Everyone gnashed their teeth!

There is no way to hide from these mad dogs!

They even thought that if Cheng Feng really left through the back door, these people would have more to say!

They can preach that Cheng Feng is as timid as a mouse and doesn't even dare to face the camera!

These people are like flies that are everywhere!

The editor's eyes were very sinister.

"Mr. Cheng, aren't you afraid of the reporters outside the door?"

"Your lecture is so exciting, it's normal for reporters to watch you! We journalists all have a very sensitive sense of smell! Mr. Cheng, don't be stingy about giving us a bite to eat! Haha!"

Others followed suit.

"Yes, Mr. Cheng, you are the center of attention now! We will not steal the limelight from you!"

"Haha, I really look forward to Mr. Cheng giving another exciting speech in front of the media!"

Cheng Feng looked at the gleams in these people's eyes.

Look at the teachers and students around them again, the anger and fear in their eyes.

The anger that had just been extinguished in his heart was revived again!

He didn't even think about taking the fire escape!

In Cheng Feng's eyes, just a few cameras are like a child's toy guns!

These vile maggots!!

Since we are so looking forward to him facing the camera!!

I look forward to him facing the camera and saying something else!

Then give them an unforgettable speech!!

Cheng Feng shook off Qian Kun's arm and strode towards the main entrance of the auditorium!

All the teachers and students looked at him and his appraising expression!

Everyone knows that Cheng Feng has made up his mind! With his character, he will definitely not be timid!

They were furious!

They felt extremely wronged by Cheng Feng!!

Many people’s eyes were red!

As for those who hate Cheng Feng, they all look like they will get their revenge, and they wish they could fart loudly!

Under the gaze of everyone, Cheng Feng walked to the door of the auditorium.

Push the door open with a bang!!

Click click click!

The dazzling flash light made it difficult for the people behind Cheng Feng to open their eyes!

Wait until you come to your senses!

Looking over Cheng Feng's shoulders, they saw the dark crowd of reporters at the door of the auditorium!

Dozens of cameras and microphones were aimed at Cheng Feng, like a pitch-black muzzle! One!.

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