This is a Miracle

Chapter 114 The Miracle Man

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Where is Aton's strongest place?

The number of miracles?

No, it's not.

No matter how many miracles a country has, if it cannot be unified, it is better to have only one.

At least one miracle, a master of miracles, he will not fight infighting because of political differences and become obstacles to each other.

All of Aden's miracles belonged to one person - Bai Luo!

This is where Aton is most powerful.

A ban, a totalitarian state.

So someone will ask, doesn't that mean that the Adonites will never get a miracle?

What if an Adonite gets a miracle?

Abandon him, or kill him?

In fact, he asked the old uncle about this question as early as half a month ago when Bai Luo and others discovered the goblin weapon.

I still remember that at that time, Bai Luo was troubled for a long time because he fell into a misunderstanding.

"Did something bother you?"

At that time, the old uncle noticed Bai Luo's problem.

"It's troublesome."

What Bai Luo was struggling with was actually very simple, that is, what would he do if someone from Adun found a miracle in the future.

You can't just kill him for the so-called unity of Aden, right?

Then if the person who got the miracle was Iniya, little Mia, and little Xiust, wouldn't they kill them too?


Yes, Bai Luo trusted them very much.

But over time, people always change.

Even if they remain the same, how can the contradiction of the power of miracles be resolved?

One country, two miraculous forces, incompatible with each other.

Just like if the tree elves and Lilith belong to the two masters of miracles, then there will definitely be all kinds of problems when the tree elves and the goblins live together.

After a long time, there will even appear who should we listen to, the seeds of this division.

Miracle derivatives, Miracle People, they obey only one King, and that is the Lord of Miracles.

Even if it was Bai Luo and Yinya, who had made Yinya obey Bai Luo as king for a long time, she was nothing, but would the miracle people under her command really have no idea?

So one country, two masters of miracles, the best way is to divide the seal.

But to encapsulate, it means to split.

"I thought it was something, that's all?"

However, the old uncle was unusually calm after hearing this, which made Bai Luo a little unbelievable: "You, aren't you worried about this?"

"What are you worried about, how many years do you think miracles have existed, and if there are such big drawbacks, how can you build a country?"

Just ask, if a miracle master has cultivated a powerful miracle child.

And the latter turned around and picked up a miracle and made himself the king, which is a fart.


"A miracle is picked up, and it is divided into two situations."

The old uncle told Bai Luo: "The first one is the person who picked it up. He is free. His heart is not loyal to anyone, and he has not accepted anyone's miraculous power."

"In this case, the miracle will belong to the person who picked it up and make him the master of the miracle."

But this situation is almost impossible in Aden.

Except for those new children, who is not Bai Luo's miraculous people?

From the moment they surrendered to Bai Luo in their hearts, it was impossible for them to become the masters of miracles.

"What if Senior Sister and you get a miracle?"

"Of course it's yours!"

The old uncle said bluntly: "We accepted your miracle power and became your miracle people. The miracle we got naturally belongs to you."

"Like this?!"

Bai Luo: "But this is too unfair, isn't it?"

"Isn't it fair, where is it unfair?"

The old uncle shook his head and said, "We only want to make you king. For us, it is an honor to voluntarily offer miracles, and we realize the slightest bit of covetousness and selfishness."

Because of this, Bai Luo didn't have to worry about this kind of split.

How thoughtful is the power of miracles,

It takes all aspects into consideration.

In the world of miracles, if there is a person with more than two miracles, then he must have obtained miracles through the hands of his own miracle people.

The more people there are, the greater the chance of getting a miracle.

"If outsiders get a miracle," the old uncle said, "there is a lot of operability here, because I haven't encountered such a situation, and I don't know how to explain it. Let's talk about it later."


The doubts in Bai Luo's heart were relieved by the old uncle, and he immediately understood and felt a lot more comfortable.

But then came another problem.

That is, according to what the old uncle said, any miracles that the people of miracles accidentally picked up belonged to Bai Luo.

In this way, wouldn't the qualifications of Senior Sister and others be in vain?

"In this case, Senior Sister's talent is still wasted."

No matter how much power of miracles, how can it be compared to real miracles? If Senior Sister can have miracles, she will be so powerful.

"Then you have to work hard to make us your miracle people."

Before, Bai Luo had never heard of the Miracle Man.

At that time, the old uncle could not be absolutely sure that Bai Luo had the ability to find miracles.

Therefore, the miracle person has little meaning to Bai Luo.

But at that time, Bai Luo possessed the three miracles of Pocket, Shirley, and Lilith, and also found the tree elf.

The old man knew that it was time to tell Bai Luo about the miracle man.

"Real miracles don't count derivatives, miracle people, miracle creations, and miracle species." Uncle said, "There are mainly the following types."

"Marvel creatures, marvel worlds, marvel people, marvel things, marvel buildings, marvel resources, marvel races."

Although the old uncle had traveled south and north before, the information about the miracle he knew was incomplete after all.

Simply, after meeting Grandpa Andrew, the old uncle and him studied the books left by the tree elves from ancient times, and found a lot of useful information in them.

"The man of miracles, didn't he do something unbelievable and inconceivable by himself, and then turned into a miracle?"

"of course not!"

The old man said, "The man of miracles is the only miracle that was not found."

"how to say..."

The old uncle told Bai Luo: "Sometimes, the Lord of Miracles gets a miracle, and this miracle is not necessarily something they can use."

"Is this still the case?"

Picked up a miracle and won the lottery ticket, but found that the lottery ticket could not be redeemed and could not be used by himself.

"Yes, the emperor and queen of the extreme north empire, this is the case."

The old man said: "So, in order for the miracle to be awakened, the Lord of Miracles will find the person with the highest qualification and complete loyalty to himself, and turn him (her) into a miracle person."

Miracle people do not become the masters of miracles, nor do they have the right to use them.

Rather, he and the miracle are one, one!

Yes, humans have become miracles.

Miraculous people are very similar to miracle creatures. Miracle creatures are the awakening of creatures, and miracle people are gifted by the king and become new miracle creatures.

But this kind of miracle creature, although it is still a miracle creature in essence, is generally not called a miracle creature, but a miracle person.

"Miracle people have exactly the same characteristics as miracle creatures. They are absolutely obedient to their masters. If their masters don't die, they are immortal and can be resurrected indefinitely."

"On the contrary, if the master falls, the miracle person will follow."

In short, you don't need to treat the miracle person as a vassal or a minister, and treat him as a new miracle after fusion.

Because the most crucial miraculous powers are unified with each other.

Just like if Bai Luo had 10 miracle people, the miracle derivatives they created would not have any quarrels.

Going back to the source, their miraculous power all came from Bai Luo alone, and only Bai Luo had to obey absolutely.

"It can still be like this!!!"

Bai Luo was stunned and also very surprised.

Because in this way, if he finds miracles that he can't use in the future, he can use these miracles to turn senior sister and others into his miracle people.

"And most importantly."

The old uncle showed an expression that a man could understand: "A man of miracles does not have the shortcomings of a miracle creature."


Bai Luo felt that the old uncle was driving, but he had no evidence.

"In the past, Xiao Luo, your miracles were few, and most of them were miracle creatures. It's meaningless to say these things, but now, it's time."

Miracle looks at the master's aptitude, but Bai Luo is only one person, and his energy is limited.

Miracle creatures are the best miracles, because they have a mind of their own, and even if they don't have a master, they will continue to grow stronger.

Therefore, the miracles of miracle people cannot be living things.

Organisms cannot be fused.

In fact, all miracles with self-awareness cannot be integrated.

"Since the time has come."

The old uncle said: "Then let me go beyond that, when Xiao Luo encounters a miracle that you can't use, you can try to make Feiya a miracle person."

"Next thing, next thing I'm sure..."

"Miracle, it doesn't mean that it can be merged by fusion, it has a degree of fitness."

The old man said: "If the qualification is very low and very low, integration will cause danger."

Miracle fusion, the birth of miracle people.

But if the qualification is too low, the fusion failure is the second, and it may even directly take the opponent's life.


Even if Senior Sister is to become his own miracle person, absolute safety must be guaranteed.

"In addition, if the other party's qualifications are suitable, but they are not all about you," the old man said, "If there is even a little bit of hatred in the heart, miracles cannot be integrated."

So it's like the relationship between the power of miracles and the child of miracles.

First of all, the Son of Miracle must be spontaneously loyal to the master, and the power of miracle will choose the other party, but the non-Miracle Child will choose the other party and brainwash him.

The power of miracles has no brainwashing power, it is just a means of discernment.


Recalling what the old uncle had said to him in his mind, Bai Luo rode Shirley, under the protection of Lilith, to a river valley in the east of Aden Island.

And there, Bai Luo saw a small lake.

"is it here?"

The pointer on the black book turned her head, and Bai Luo knew that Xue Li had turned her head: "Xue Li, Shirley, over, over."


This is not the first time for Shirley, she is a mature Pegasus and naturally knows how to find things.

I saw Shirley hovering in the air, from a large circle to a small circle, step by step to determine the location of the miracle.

"In the lake?"

Bai Luo looked carefully and found that this was a large oval pond with a width of 100 meters.

The water is very shallow and clear, and you can see the bottom at a glance.


Suddenly, Bai Luo noticed something glittering on the bottom of the water: "Lilith, help me salvage that thing."

Miracles and Miracle tokens are like the hands and feet of their masters, so unless Miracles have special rules, let Lilith help, it doesn't matter.


Lilith waved her hand, and the thing reflecting the light was enveloped by an invisible force and flew out of the water.

Before awakening, miracles are just ordinary things.

"What is this?"

Bai Luo rode Xue Li and asked Lilith to move the thing in front of him. Bai Luo looked at it carefully: "It looks like a rock."

While guessing the identity of the unknown metal, Bai Luo looked at the black book, and sure enough, new words appeared.

[Passing over the twilight, smearing blood on the door, the left hand of God, holding the silver cup]

[On the night of the holy fall, on the square stone, the king's right arm holds the golden sword high]


Bai Luo rested his forehead, this time, he really had a headache.

When each sentence was singled out, Bai Luo still couldn't understand part of it.

Putting it together now, Bai Luo rubbed his brows: "Beyond the dusk, does that mean literally? What does it mean to be smeared with blood on the door?"

"The night of the sanctuary, it looks like time," Bai Luo said, "so according to the neat symmetry, does the Passover Twilight in front also refer to time?"

"On the square stone, the square stone, is it a square stone?"

"The left hand of the god, the right arm of the king, the silver cup and the golden sword."

Bai Luo looked down at the metal in his hand: "Most of them are wrapped in dark stones, but the black book is written in gold and silver, could it be..."

"Lilith, use magic to remove the stone from this!"


So the stone disappeared and was replaced by a very exotic piece of metal.

Half of it is brilliant gold, and the other half is silver.

"Half gold, half silver?"

Bai Luo thought of the silver cup and golden sword on the reminder, and he understood one thing, that is, to obtain this miracle, he must need a silver cup and a golden sword.

Looking at this piece of metal again, it is clear that he was asked to use it as a material to create these two things.

Even if the others don't understand, he should understand this, right?

However, Bai Luo didn't immediately change Lilith, because there might be the problem of 'hand-made'.

"For safety's sake, let's forge it yourself."

What's more, Bai Luo still didn't understand the passing of the dusk and the night of the holy consecration, and it was too unwise to act rashly.

"Go back first."

Bai Luo planned to go back and let senior sister and uncle analyze the meaning of these two sentences. He started the furnace to create a silver cup and a golden sword, and first bound the miracle task to himself.

"This is the new miracle?"

In Bai Luo's administrative hall, the old uncle, senior sister, Lilith and others surrounded the piece of gold and silver, communicating with each other.

"Well, that's the thing, but I haven't finished the mission, just found it."

Hearing Bai Luo's words, the old uncle and senior sister subconsciously kept a certain distance from the piece of gold and silver, fearing that what they had done would cause the mission to fail.

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