This is a Miracle

Chapter 115 Avalon

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"What are you doing back so far? Who isn't mine here?"

All three are Bai Luo's miraculous people and miracles.

As long as one person completes the task, the miracle will belong to Bai Luo.

Senior sister and uncle are also used to it, so they instinctively regard it as Bai Luo's private property.

"But I really don't know if you can help me contract miracles."

As a miracle citizen, in terms of feasibility, it must be possible.

But what Bai Luo didn't know was whether the Black Book could treat the old uncle and senior sister as his hands and feet and help him complete it.

Outsiders, it certainly won't work.

The Black Book is powerful, but it actually has a flaw, that is, Bai Luo can't go through it and find miracles for others.

Some people may ask, why is this so?

In fact, this is caused by the mechanism of the Black Book.

First of all, the black book requires Bai Luo to obtain the miracle by himself, so that the content of the miracle will be displayed on it, and then it will give a hint for the next task.

If it is given to someone else, the black book will lose its information because it is in someone else's hands.

In the same way, if after seeing the first task, and then handing things over to the other party, the other party can only complete this one task.

After completing a task, the miracle is completely bound to the other party, and Bai Luo can no longer obtain the next task through the black book.

Therefore, the Black Book cannot help people find miracles.

Bai Luo didn't try this information.

But after the power of the mysterious dragon affected the black book, Bai Luo gained a lot of knowledge from the black book that was not there before.

These things come from here.

"Anyway, just in case."

The old uncle was still reluctant to get too close, he said, "literally, it must be to make a silver cup and a golden sword."

"Passover Twilight, Holy Night, these two should be time."

Senior Sister: "Passover, dusk, the sun sets, does it mean evening?"

"The night of the sanctuary, listen, it's like the early morning?"

The old man also added a sentence and expressed his own views.

"What about the blood on the door and the square stone? How do you interpret these two sentences?"

The senior sister asked a question, and the uncle said, "I have heard of a special festival before. They will smear the blood of the lamb on the door, and then let people walk under the door at dusk, symbolizing the crossing of life and death."

"In addition to the last sentence," the old uncle said, "the first sentence may mean that we should take the forged silver cup out of the door smeared with the blood of livestock at dusk."

"Build the exact thing at the exact time, and then perform the ritualistic act."

Bai Luo nodded again and again, he thought of the mysterious dragon, and it seemed to be the same: "There are only seven days, it doesn't seem like a special day is needed, oh, are there any special days recently?"


"Tomorrow is the birthday of Feiya and the girl's father," the uncle said, "The day after tomorrow, it's his birthday."


Bai Luo looked at Senior Sister in surprise. Bai Luo once heard the old uncle talk about Feiya's father.

But this is a sad thing, Bai Luo will not take the initiative to bring it up.

The Adonites do not have the habit of sweeping tombs. Even if they worship their ancestors, they are for the general public, and they will not specifically worship one person.

"Unconsciously, more than ten years have passed," the old uncle said with emotion: "If he is still here, he will definitely be the national pillar of my Aden."

Unfortunately, my father-in-law offended Earl of Thorns and was hunted down by his miraculous troops.

The old uncle fought him desperately, but he still couldn't get over it in the end.

Before dying, his father-in-law entrusted his two daughters to his uncle.

"Xiao Sa is very good," said the old uncle, "he is ten years younger than me. We are both teachers and friends, and we rely on each other."

After retreating from the battlefield, the old uncle, the uncle, the grandpa Shan Weng, and the reeds, silver leaves and others went on adventures together.

It was their freest time.

Unfortunately, with the events of the year, the team parted ways,

Uncle really misses those old comrades.

"The Earl of Thorns..."

Bai Luo had never forgotten the sins that Earl of Thorns and King Iron Eagle had committed against them.

To Morgan, they have no hatred, only disputes of interests.

If there is a need, Bai Luo can completely shake hands with him for the interests of the country and the nation.

But the Earl of Thorns. . .

Winner takes all, loser for Kou.

Aden and the thorns, there is no so-called justice and evil, and there is no benevolence and morality.

It's just what they have to do, that's all!

"We will go back."

Bai Luo gently hugged Isefiya, he grabbed the other's hand, but didn't say much.

Because thousands of words are not as meaningful as actual actions.

This is not only to take revenge for Isafiya and Iniya, but also for the original Aden Village, the hundreds of folks who watched Bai Luo grow up since childhood.

A tooth for a tooth, blood for blood!


Senior Sister is very calm, not a little bit shaken by hatred.

"The night of the sanctification, if it's early morning, what's next?"

Bai Luo refocused his attention on the miracle on page 7: "What does the Four Square Stones refer to?"

"Square stones are square stones."

The old uncle said: "This is also a custom I encountered somewhere when I traveled around the world before."

"It's a literal square stone!"

Bai Luo had guessed, but the Quartet here may also be the Quartet in all directions geographically.

"It should be a square stone."

The old man said: "Where I have traveled, the local people will use huge square stones to pay homage to the dead to comfort the Holy Spirit, and they are also used in some sacred ceremonies as a platform for placing sacred objects."

"As for the square stone, it may be said that the sword should be placed, or inserted into it."

"A sword on a stone?"

Suddenly, Bai Luo's mind popped out of a legend he had heard in his previous life: 'Isn't this the sword in the stone? And that silver cup, does it mean the Holy Grail? ’

Legend has it that the Holy Grail is the holy vessel used for baptism, symbolizing the divine right.

The sword in the stone is naturally the representative of kingship.

"Halloween, Christmas, Christmas Eve?"

Naturally it can't be Christmas Eve, there is no so-called Christmas in this world, and it is impossible for the Black Book to publish tasks that cannot be completed.

If the seven days are really related to a specific time, then this day must be within these seven days.

The old uncle and the senior sister carefully discussed the special days in these seven days.

I really didn't find anything special. The only special thing was Uncle's birthday and death day.

Speaking of which, Bai Luo and her senior sister Yisefiya should be told about their engagement.

Although the uncle has been dead for many years, this opportunity is extremely coincidental.

"Just choose these two days."

Bai Luo planned to forge a silver cup and a golden sword, and comforted the uncle's spirit in heaven: "I, Aden, will never be bullied by anyone again."

Afterwards, Bai Luo told everyone the news of his engagement with his senior sister.

This sudden good news made the Aden people completely boil, and their joy also diluted the sadness of Senior Sister.

As for Inya. . .

Inya: Dad? Isn't daddy here?

"Congratulations, Feiya."

Aleia had long guessed that this day, the days of the Adonites were getting better and better, and there were more and more happy events.

Under the leadership of Bai Luo, the sadness, pain, and poverty of the past have gone out one by one, and they are no longer what they used to be.


"Congratulations, Senior Sister."

Gonia congratulated her senior sister, Bai Luo and her are the best match. If you want to choose a queen in Aden, it must be senior sister.

Only she can convince everyone, justifiably.

"Sure enough, it was Sister Feiya who took down Brother Bai Luo?"

"What do you call a handle? It's obviously Brother Bai Luo who brought Sister Feiya home!"

"Are you looking down on girls?"

Shivering cold, when will our girls stand up?

"It's obvious that you look down on boys!"

Super is shivering and cold, when will we boys stand up.


The little guys were divided into two factions as to who took who.

One boy, one girl.

They competed against each other and both held their own.

Aden advocates equality between men and women, and there is no custom that women can only teach their husbands and children. After all, Aden's women are no worse than men.

But in the end, the girl won.


There are many of them!

"Wedding, what is it?"

Bai Yinuo looked at Yinya in confusion, she could feel the joy in Bai Luo's heart, but Bai Yinuo didn't quite understand what a wedding was.


Iniya thought for a while, and she said, "It's like when I became a general."

Bai Yinuo: "..."

Seeing that the girl didn't understand, Yinya changed her words: "Imagine that you can eat a thousand steamed buns and a thousand buns today."

"Oh oh oh!"

Bai Yinuo suddenly realized that he was really happy: 'The wedding is to eat steamed buns and buns, all you can eat. ’

"I like weddings."


Yinya: "What's the point of getting married? Being a general should be our lifelong pursuit. Xiaobai, you have to work hard and become a general like me as soon as possible."

In a word, if Yinya chooses the position of queen and general, Yinya will choose to be general without hesitation.

Iniya: The queen changes to the general, you can make a lot of money, okay? !

"Ding! Ding!"

A wedding is a big deal, but finding a miracle is more important than that.

The old uncle asked Bai Luo to find the miracle first, and he would arrange the wedding.


In the sultry blacksmith shop, Bai Luo was shirtless and sweating like rain.

Forging gold and silver utensils is different from pure forging. It is more delicate. If you are not careful, you may fail.

In addition, blacksmithing is extremely important in this world.

Therefore, since Bai Luo was very young, the old uncle taught him all his skills.

How to make gold and silver jewelry, how to forge weapons, these are the most basic things.

Of course, the crystal and glass craftsmanship, this Bai Luo really never learned.

"Ding ding ding."

Bai Luo carefully sculpted the silver cup. It took a day to forge it from the evening when the gold and silver were found. Until now, Bai Luo has finally completed this work.


Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Bai Luo looked at the exquisite silver cup in his hand: "It's done."

Counting the time, it seems that it is dusk.

The lamb's blood had already been smeared on the door of the blacksmith shop. Bai Luo asked Xue Li to calculate the time. Stepping on the moment the sun went down, she stepped over the door with the silver cup held high in her left hand and walked out.

[You found it and completed a part of it, now, it belongs to you, go, take the other half of it, and return to the throne]


In this way, Bai Luo did not sleep, and for the next two days, he devoted himself to forging the golden sword.

Such high-intensity work, even Bai Luo and Rao couldn't bear it.

But time was running out, so I didn't use Lilith's magic to create a golden sword.

If it was an old uncle, it might only take half a day, but Bai Luo's experience is not rich enough, so he must concentrate fully.


Bai Luo looked at the golden sword he had built. It couldn't be called a weapon at all, because it was a work of art that had only ornamental value, but no actual combat capability.


Bai Luo raised the golden sword in his hand, he closed his eyes, and swore to himself: "Feiya will hand it over to me in the future, don't worry, as long as I am here, I will never let her suffer in the slightest."


The words fell, and Bai Luo calculated the time. In the early morning, he used his skill to insert the golden sword into a polished square stone.

【You have completed it, you have obtained it, its door will be opened only for you】

[These two holy relics are immortal and eternal, let the things in the left hand return to the lake, and put the things in the right in front]

[Theocracy and kingship stand side by side, whoever draws this sword will unite the two powers, tell it your name, and open the way to that world]

"This time, it's a lot easier."

The previous riddles were slightly more difficult, Bai Luo had to ask the old uncle and senior sister, but Bai Luo understood this in seconds.

"The thing in the left hand returns to the lake, it should be for me to throw the silver cup into that lake."

"Put the thing in your right hand in front, and then combine with the person at the back who pulled out the sword," Bai Luo said, "It should be by the lake and pull it out."

As for the reminder after that, it is not difficult, just let Bai Luo tell the other party his name and open the 'road'.

"This miracle has so many links."

Bai Luo called Shirley, brought Lilith with him, and went to the lake where the gold and silver were found again.

But now it is basically certain that the other party should not be a miracle creature.

As for what it is, Bai Luo now has no clue of guessing: "Keep doing it, anyway, we will start the third ring task, and you should know what it is soon."

"Master, here we are."

Xue Li took Bai Luo to the lake, Bai Luo held the silver cup in his left hand, and asked Lilith to put the square stone and the golden sword by the lake.

Here is a crisp grass, the moonlight shines, and the lake reflects the stars, showing a dreamlike beauty.

"First, return the silver cup to the lake."

Bai Luo intends to throw it first. If it is not enough to simply throw it into the lake, but it must be picked up at the place where the gold and silver are found, then Xue Li and Lilith can also help.

But Bai Luo felt that it was impossible for the Black Book to undertake such a disgusting task.

The silver cup just fell into place?

Without magic, it's almost impossible.

How do you make sure that when the cup sinks, it is exactly where the gold and silver are?

Is this probability really going to be so perverted?

"Record the location for me, Lilith."

After Bai Luo finished speaking, he threw the silver cup with all his strength, and then fell into the vicinity of the lake with a 'pop'.


Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, but he didn't feel any special changes: "Could it be that you really have to put it back in place?"

Just when Bai Luo was about to ask Lilith to bring back the silver cup, under the lake water, the silver cup sank to the bottom of the lake, and the cup collided with the sand on the river bed.



Bai Luo raised his head, he heard a dull sound, like a drum beating in his heart.



Bai Luo asked Shirley and Lilith to be quiet. He looked at the lake in front of him: "I, I seem to feel it."

In Bai Luo's heart, there was a special connection inexplicably.

Somewhere, out of sight, out of touch, but real, was calling him. . .

No, waiting for his awakening!

"What miracle is this?"

The type of miracle body mentioned by the uncle gradually flashed in Bai Luo's mind: "Could it be..."


Bai Luo lowered his head and grabbed the hilt of the golden sword.


"I go?"

Bai Luo wanted to pull out the sword, but with his strength, he was unable to succeed: "Why is it so strong all of a sudden?"


Bai Luo clenched the hilt of the sword, he took a good posture, and then suddenly exerted his strength.


The body of the sword trembled, and the part of the doomsday stone of the blade kept shaking slightly.

At the same time, golden rays of light bloomed from the gap. Bai Luo knew that this was another test of the miracle, and he needed to use all his strength to pull it out.

He didn't know how he knew it, but he just knew it.

"Give me, get up!!!"

Bai Luo gritted his teeth, and his arms were even more bruised, but he did not use his left hand, but according to Miracle's request, he used only one arm to pull out the king's sword.

"Ge la la."

The sword body gradually separated from the square stone, and countless golden cracks spread in all directions.


The square stone was broken, and what followed was the vibration of the entire island.

“Boom rumble~~~”

"what happened?"

earthquake? Another earthquake?

It is not the first time that the Adonites have encountered such a thing, but the new children, they are completely panicked.

Fortunately, the earthquake came and went quickly.

And because they didn't cause many casualties and losses, they didn't pay much attention to it, they just thought that, like some volcanic areas, it was the daily life of Aden Island.

However, for those Aden people who know the secret of miracles, there is no earthquake in Aden Island. If there is an earthquake, it must be the power of miracles.

"Could it be that that mysterious miracle is going to give us gifts again?"

"Isn't it?! It's been less than a month since the planting, and the harvest can be harvested again?"

"Is this too powerful?"

A group of Adonites got up in the middle of the night and ran to the farmland, but they waited and waited, but they did not see a bumper crop.


Seeing this scene, the old uncle shook his head: "It should be the change brought about by the new miracle, Xiao Luo, found the seventh miracle."


For the sake of miracles, Senior Sister and Uncle had very little rest these days, almost all accompanied Bai Luo.

And at such a critical moment, they were naturally waiting for good news from Bai Luo.

"I'm going to appease them."

Senior sister is now the preparatory queen. When Bai Luo leaves, she has the responsibility and obligation to maintain the stability of the Duchy of Aden.


Yinya and Bai Yinuo live together, and they stick together every day.

In the courtyard, Bai Yinuo raised his head, looked at the place where the power of miracles emerged, and calmly took out a bun.

Bai Yinuo: Watching fireworks and eating buns, I am happy.


In Haigang Village, the boys and girls got up in surprise and looked flustered.

And some of them, who had never encountered an 'earthquake', shouted nervously for a while, at a loss.

"Everyone calm down, all calm down!"

Fortunately, at this time, Aleia, who originally lived in the church in the harbor village, arrived in time. She brought the tree elf warriors and immediately comforted the children: "Don't be afraid, this is a very normal phenomenon."

"You see the house is all right."

Aleia motioned everyone to look at the house, and sure enough, none of the houses were knocked down by the earthquake: "We Aden have already prepared for this. Everyone gathers in the auditorium first, Mr. Forest Fairy, please count the number of people."


Forest Fairy: "Also, my name is Billy, thank you."

"Okay, Mr. Forest Fairy," Aleia: "Excuse me, Mr. Forest Fairy."

Billy: So who is Mr. Forest Fairy? ! !


The square stone was completely shattered, and endless golden light poured out from the gorgeous cross sword in his hand.

It is like a blade, splitting the lake in front!

The sacred rays of light soared into the sky and poured out in all directions. Wherever they passed, the forest was adorned with sparkling fluorescence, like thousands of fireflies flying in the air.


Lilith quickly shot, and an invisible barrier caught up with this energy, completely shrouding Aden's vision within the forest.

"This is..."

Bai Luo didn't have the energy to pay attention to this dreamy beauty.

Because all his attention was attracted by the things in front of him.

It was a gate, a gate made of gold that covered almost the entire surface of the lake. It lay flat on the lake, but it was tightly closed. The patterns on it flowed. There were dragons, elves, and humans, each of which was lifelike.

"What, what is this..."

Shirley was very surprised, and Lilith stared at the gate: "It has a power of miracles very similar to mine."

"Tell it, my name, and open the way to that world."

Bai Luo read the words on the black book, he held the golden sword, then shoved it in front of him, and then declared with a slightly old emphasis: "My name is Bai Luo, Bai Luo Aden!"


The voice fell, the door rattled, and then it moved towards the lake and slowly opened.

However, what surprised Bai Luo, Lilith and Shirley was that below the gate was not a lake, but a place where the fragrance of birds and flowers was fragrant, and the beauty could not be described in words.

It's like the overlapping of spaces, making the lake a gate to that world.

"I, is this a mission completed?"

Bai Luo hurriedly looked at the black book, and sure enough, what he did was right, he got this miracle!


Contract: Bai Luo Aden

rank: superior

Type: Wonder World

Faction: Ideal Coast

Ability: To be awakened


Bai Luo clapped his hands vigorously, and he wanted to laugh now: "Seven, seventh, and it's still a miracle in the upper ranks, upper ranks!"

This was the first high-ranking miracle that Bai Luo got.

Count down the miracles that Bai Luo has now: the lowest-rank miracle item pocket, the lower-rank miracle Pegasus, the middle-rank miracle goblin, the lower-rank miracle race tree elf, the unknown miracle creature, the mysterious dragon, and the unevaluable miracle creature Shilong Tianzu Bai Ino, and then, this one.

The superior world of miracles——Avalon!

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