This is a Miracle

Chapter 130 The Aden Royal Family

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"This, is this the Queen of Aden?"

"How noble and majestic!"

"There are others," Haierbo felt like a turtle: "Is this the great warrior in Wonderland?"


Inai was also attracted by Isafiya and Bai Luo. She was full of envy and wanted to bow her head because she was afraid of offending her master.

But seeing that everyone else was watching, Ina gathered up her courage and continued to enjoy the atmosphere.

Well, there are more rural ones here.

Looking at the silly big man again, he was actually eating the steamed buns on the table just now, but Bai Luo suddenly arrived, and the silly tiger got up subconsciously, and at this moment he choked.

However, respect for Bai Luo was better than suffocation.

The silly tiger just blushed with that big face, and didn't want to move.


Bai Luo noticed the situation of the silly tiger, he secretly used some holy energy and tapped him on the back.


The silly tiger swallowed the steamed bun, then gave a smirk to Bai Luo who was looking over.


Bai Luo didn't say anything, but continued to move forward with Senior Sister, and then came to the front of Uncle and Grandpa Shan Weng.

"Everyone, sit down."

The old uncle spoke. He was the master of ceremonies, and he also represented the parents of Isefiya and Bai Luo, while Grandpa Shan Weng represented the heroic soul of Aden's ancestors.

Aton has no religion, but he still wants to console his ancestors.

"Eight hundred years ago, the ancestors of Aden came from the old world and found this new continent."

"The seven kings serve the same person," the old uncle said to Bai Luo, "he is my father and your grandfather."

At this very important ceremony,

As the emcee, the old uncle started his opening remarks.

However, what he said surprised everyone present, including Bai Luo and Isafiya.

"And you who are there!"

The old uncle said solemnly: "You are the descendants of the seven kings of Aden!"

"I'm waiting, it's the direct bloodline of Aden, and the only Aden who has inherited the name of Aden, the blood of Aden, and the inheritance of Aden!"

"Today, you are married."

"I am here to represent the Aden family, the kings of Aden, and the heroic souls of the ancestors of all dynasties," the uncle announced, "Bless you all!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"

The blood of everyone present was boiling, especially the Aden family.

Not only because of the combination of Bai Luo and Senior Sister, but more importantly, because of what the old uncle said.

Why is their country called Aden instead of taking a new one.

Why do they call themselves Adonians and say they are authentic!

Because they are the heirs of the ancient Aden, Bai Luo has royal blood, and Senior Sister, Knowles, Gonia, Imeter, John and others are descendants of kings.

So, how old did Grandpa Bai Luo, Old Aden, live?

"Master, you didn't tell me this."

Bai Luo looked embarrassedly at the old uncle, who smiled and said, "Isn't this a surprise for you?"

However, Bai Luo also knew the reason why the old uncle concealed it.

In the past, the Adonites had no strength. Knowing this, it only fueled their dissatisfaction and resentment.

But now that he has the ability, in order to increase the confidence of the people of Aden, and at the same time have a justifiable reason to take back the land, the old uncle feels that the time has come.

"Cough cough."

"This one, parent."

However, at this moment, Grandpa Shan Weng interrupted the old man's pretense. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he wanted to hit someone: "Have you been standing for too long, now it's time to hand the person over to the old man?"


The old man secretly gave Shan Weng a middle finger, but he still backed away.

Grandpa Shan Weng: You are better than the middle finger! You bitch even compare your middle finger to me! Didn't I say it was me who said these words? You old rascal! !

"Now, ask the two newcomers to put rings on each other."

After Grandpa Shan Weng finished speaking, Mao Lingling and Mao Yiyi came up from both sides, and in the arms of the little guy were holding two delicate boxes.

There are four human canines standing beside them, protecting the safety of the box.

The eight dogs are all wearing black suits and sunglasses on their faces. Their straight bodies and majestic steps are the most professional at first glance.

Hachiguu: The kind of professional who won't flip the lid.

"My king, please put a ring on the queen."

At this moment, Bai Luo was face to face with Senior Sister. He reached for it, but found that the ring box was too low.


Mao Yiyi hurriedly floated up a bit, allowing Bai Luo to get the ring.

The cat Lingling on the side will float up in advance.

"Queen, please put a ring on my king."

At such a sacred moment, everyone present could not take their eyes off it, as if to engrave this scene in their minds forever and ever.


Grandpa Shan Weng saw that the two had completed the ring exchange ceremony, and then gave up his seat: "My king, you can kiss the bride."

Senior Sister's face was slightly red, she was a little shy.

But at such a sacred moment, Senior Sister must not have stage fright.


Bai Luo looked at Senior Sister, then stretched out his hand, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lowered his head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa~~~"

At this moment, the audience cheered and applauded.

At the same time, Lilith raised her hand, and outside the castle, the endless mushrooms applauded vigorously.

There are also tree people, ancient trees, and even every little grass and every flower, all cheering for this sacred moment of Aden.


Grandpa Shan Weng saw tears in his eyes, he quickly wiped it off with his sleeve, and then said hoarsely, "Now, please sit down."

"Please bring out the crown!!"

This time, it was no longer the cats who appeared holding the crown, but the White Eagles.

Bai Yingyin was very excited at this time, because they finally raised their eyebrows and had the opportunity to show in front of Bai Luo.

And standing around Bai Ying Yin is no longer a dog with sunglasses, but a crane holding an umbrella sword.

Although Bai Luo had previously held the founding ceremony, the real ceremony of wearing the crown had not been implemented.

Exactly through this time, the king's posture is more complete.

"Finally, it's this moment..."

Looking at the crown that was getting closer, Grandpa Shan Weng took a deep breath, but at this moment, the old uncle stepped forward and took them.

Grandpa Shan Weng: What the hell! ! ! !

"Here, in the name of my Saros, I will wear the crown for His Majesty."

Seeing that the two old men refused to give in to each other, Bai Luo smiled knowingly. He really didn't think this was a serious ceremony.

How can marriage be serious.

Be beaming, laughing and laughing, this is the wedding.

"I will live up to your trust."

Bai Luo solemnly responded to the old uncle, and then put on this gorgeous crown made by the power of Avalon, tree elves and goblins.

On the other hand, Grandpa Shan Weng had already helped Isafiya put it on while the old uncle was not paying attention.

Shan Weng: You bastard, you don't talk about martial arts!

Uncle: Believe me? You actually believe me? Is it so naive?

"Cough cough."

Bai Luo was speechless to the two old urchins, he stretched out his hand to the senior sister beside him, and stood up together with her.

"Today is my most festive day for Aden."

"Everyone here, without exception, is my family, my people."

"You don't need to be restrained, you can drink and enjoy the food," Bai Luo said, "and those who want to toast me can come forward."

Hearing this sentence, everyone was eager to try.

"Etc., etc."

Bai Luo raised his hand to indicate, "I haven't finished yet, let me finish, let me finish first."

"Ha ha ha ha..."

In front of the Adonites, Bai Luo was very easy-going, even if he made a joke with him, it wouldn't hurt.

Just like the little monkey who threw Bailuo's stone before, he didn't know each other without fighting, and now it has become a member of Aden Castle.

Looking at Haierbo and Inai again, the two nervously grabbed the wine glasses, and their consciousness was still stuck on Bai Luo's phrase 'family and people'.

‘We, are we too? ’

‘Does His Majesty consider us family too? ’

"Oh, right."

Bai Luo remembered something, he looked at Yinai, Haierbo and silly tiger: "After more than half a month and nearly 20 days of inspection, we Aden have welcomed three new friends."


Bai Luo greeted the girl to step forward: "And Haierbo, and the silly tiger."

"Silly tiger? Silly tiger, uh, oh, Tiger, I'm calling you Tiger."

Bai Luo called out his nickname, but the silly tiger didn't react for a while, but now he knew that he still had a name, the silly tiger.

"Your Majesty, are you calling me?"

Compared to Inai and Haierbo who knelt down on one knee as soon as they got up, the stupid tiger not only didn't kneel, but also asked stupidly, "I'm not called Tiger, am I still called the stupid tiger?"

"It's a nickname."

After Bai Luo finished speaking, the silly tiger seemed to notice the two companions beside him.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he knelt down on his knees as if pushing a golden mountain down a jade pillar.

"One knee, one knee, one knee is enough."

"oh oh."

The silly tiger changed his posture again, and then the crowd burst into laughter.

They didn't mean to laugh, but thought the silly tiger was innocent and cute, very interesting.

"Ina, you are quite talented in spells."

"Hierbo is also a very good boy," Bai Luo said, "and according to Knowles' report, you seem to be very interested in naval battles?"

"You, you all know?"

Haierbo was flattered, he was not a fighter for his position.

A soldier who does not want to be a general is not a good soldier.

The same goes for Helbo.

He is enriching himself all the time, just so that one day, Bai Luo can look at him differently.

"I'm paying attention to your efforts."


Haierbo was excited, and so was Inai.

Silly tiger, uh, he doesn't understand very well, but he's right to be excited!

Silly Tiger: Get excited if you don't understand, I'm really a genius

"And now," Bai Luo said, "I officially announce that I will grant you Aden's quasi-citizen status."

Why a prospective citizen?

Because Bai Luo wanted them to go to participate in the next war with Sigrian.

Bai Luo doesn't need much of their merits, as long as they have been on the battlefield, it is enough for Bai Luo to promote them to become citizens of Aden, and enjoy various benefits of Aden from now on.

"You will definitely not be disappointed, Your Majesty!"

None of the three were afraid of the battlefield, stupid tigers were unaware of fear, and Yinai would do anything for Bai Luo.

As for Haierbo, as a practitioner of the philosophy that those who do not work must not eat, he is eager to immediately go to the battlefield to kill the enemy and make contributions.


Bai Luo looked at the crowd: "Nols, get out of the queue."


"In the name of King Aden, I appoint you as the vanguard general of this naval battle."

This time, Bai Luo definitely wanted to lead the expedition in person, but the commander-in-chief of the three armies was not Bai Luo, but Senior Sister.

"Fiora, you ride the silver wing and command the air force."

Aden's current air force is headed by two extraordinary combat powers, Fiora and Lia, as well as five quasi-extraordinary Dawnguards and 25 quasi-extraordinary White Eagle Swordsmen.

Their strength has improved very quickly. If they continue to practice during the voyage, when they fight with Sieg, it will not be a problem to stabilize their extraordinary and extraordinary combat power.

In addition, the Air Force has a large number of Feathermen.

This batch of teams is relatively large, there are ordinary ranks, and there are extraordinary ranks.

There is no transcendence, even if the cat spirits are included, they are still only extraordinary levels.

Fortunately, the total number of high-level flying feathers and high-level fairies that can fly exceeds 50, plus more than 200 ordinary fairies, this is a small air force that is not weak.



Abaddon's strength has grown rapidly recently. In just half a month, he has begun to reach the extraordinary threshold.

A large number of fighting saint skills have been mastered by him, and Abaddon seems to have developed the extraordinary-level Mingguang infantry armor to the extreme.

"I appoint you to be the vanguard of the infantry."

In terms of infantry, there are many velvet tribes, and the number is staggering.

If you put it together, you can also make up about 50 extraordinary level, and two or three hundred ordinary goblins.

In addition, the extraordinary level 25 bright light infantry and 25 Luo Li shield guards, and 5 extraordinary level dragon head guards.

"Luanya, Anderson."

Bai Luo was flexible to the two dryads again: "I appointed you as the commander-in-chief of the tree elves' backup force and the long-range force of the tree elves."


The current number of tree elves is 81, and this data has not changed much.

However, don't underestimate this power.

When he is an extraordinary tree elf and wears Avalon treasures, his strength is not astonishing in general.

However, because the population of Aden is too sparse, more than half of the tree elves are included in the Avalon warriors.


Afterwards, Bai Luo carried out canonizations one by one, and then granted them the positions of this war.



Senior Sister got up, and at the same time, she summoned a silver cup.

"Here I am using the first Miracle Blossom belonging to Avalon."

Senior Sister held up the silver cup: "In the name of Queen Avalon, I wish you all eternal youth and invincibility!"


The Holy Grail radiated a warm white light, then turned silver, then gold.


The endless power of miracles poured out from the Holy Grail and was released under the control of the senior sister. In an instant, it swept the castle, the sea of ​​flowers, the forest, and even the entire star world like a storm.

"The power of Avalon..."

"Fighting Saint Law!"

Knowles clenched his fists violently, and all the Adonites present felt that the power of Avalon in their bodies was skyrocketing.

Miracle Blossom is definitely the best way for Miracle people to become stronger quickly.

Not only Knowles and others, but also Haierbo, Inai and Silly Tiger.

They have not practiced the holy fighting method, so their power cannot be improved.

But their bodies were transformed by the miracle bloom, and this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity gave them unimaginable benefits.

Not to mention other things, just being able to adapt to the power of Avalon and become a warrior of Avalon is already a great gift.

"This power."

Senior Sister took back the Holy Grail: "It has been hidden in your body, develop it, and then turn it into a part of you."

"Aden needs your strength."

"Thank you Her Majesty the Queen!"

Everyone salutes Ysefiya, and the elder sister is the elder sister, who will always protect them like the white moonlight.

"All right."

Seeing that everything was arranged properly, Bai Luo said, "Tonight, let's have a good drink before we set off on the expedition!"

The voice fell, and the audience was boiling.


"His Majesty!"

"I'm the first, don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

Seeing the three of Haierbo join Aden, and in front of their own people, everyone no longer has any scruples, and all of a sudden it is revealed.

"Who stepped on my foot?"

"Stop for me!"

"The first to toast to His Majesty must be me!"


Haierbo was stunned for a moment, but soon laughed.

Aden's atmosphere, Haierbo likes from the bottom of his heart.

In addition, Haierbo adapted very quickly, I saw this kid immediately took two glasses of wine, and then shouted: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I have two glasses, I have two glasses!!"


Knowles ran the fastest, but only after hearing Haierbo's words did he realize that Bai Luo had no wine in his hands.

"Little clever ghost."

Bai Luo smiled and shook his head, then raised his hand and a glass of wine appeared in his hand.


Haierbo was a little disappointed at first, but then he found that the wine glass in one of his hands had disappeared.

"Ha ha!"

Haierbo laughed and said, "I have a share too!"

Haierbo knew that he couldn't be the first to toast, so he called out to remind everyone.

'This is a thoughtful child. ’

The old man paid more attention to Haierbo, and he seemed to have some ideas.

After that, Bai Luo drank heavily with many Aden people, and with his current physical fitness, as long as Bai Luo didn't want to get drunk, he really couldn't get drunk.

As for Senior Sister, she was still wearing a wedding dress at this time, which was very inconvenient.

But as the bride of the wedding, the senior sister can't change it, and then put on the heroic swordsman uniform.

After a round of drinking with everyone, Senior Sister retired first.

Today was a special day, so Senior Sister went back to her bedroom, where she was waiting for Bai Luo's arrival tonight.

"How about it?"

After almost all the rounds, he looked at the old uncle, only to hear the old man say: "Very clever, such a talent is suitable for that job."

"which one?"

"On a mission to another country."


Bai Luo was stunned for a moment, but he did not agree, but toasted the old uncle: "I toast you."

"There's always a trade-off."

The old uncle didn't say much, he patted Bai Luo on the shoulder, as Aden's uncle, he has this qualification.

On the other side, Bai Yinuo and Iniya looked at the 300-pound boy in front of them, and then at the clean plate that was almost eaten.

The two of them were a little confused.

Inya: Which is this?

Bai Yinuo: My steamed buns, and steamed buns o(╥﹏╥)o

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