This is a Miracle

Chapter 131 Strategic Layout

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The next morning, Bai Luo woke up from his deep sleep.

He lowered his head, but found that the woman beside him had disappeared.


Last night, Senior Sister handed over to Bai Luo for the first time, and the two officially became husband and wife.

"Xiao Luo."

Senior Sister's voice came from outside the door, and Bai Luo turned his head.

At this time, the senior sister changed her gorgeous dress and heroic attire. She was wearing a very simple home clothes and a lovely pink apron.

Senior Sister's hand was a tray with delicious meals on it, and after she came in, the huge door was quietly closed again.


Senior Sister sat gracefully on the edge of the bed, and then put things on the fine quilt.

She raised her hand to shape a platform of holy light in front of the two of them, and then put the things on the tray on it.

"Do you need me to feed you, my lord?"

"Cough cough."

Bai Luo is not used to this title: "In private, let's call me Xiao Luo."

"That person was called Your Majesty."

Senior Sister said, "When will you be called husband?"

Last night, Senior Sister was bullied badly by Bai Luo.

After all, this is the first time, coupled with the restraint of the miracle contract, the suppression of the miracle master by the miracle master is really amazing.

But Senior Sister was very gentle in front of Bai Luo, but her tone was colder and more indifferent.

With the breakthrough of the last layer of relationship, Senior Sister's doting and love for Bai Luo completely exploded.


"Really, really don't need to."


"Good good,

I eat I eat. "

Bai Luo shied away with his mouth, but in fact his heart was full of relief.

"His Majesty?"

"Your Highness the Queen?"

The two were eating, but Aleia's voice came from outside the door.

"Xiao Luo?"

"It's time to go, Feiya."

Bai Luo couldn't stop the king from going to court early, he got up quickly, and then summoned Lilith.

"Lilith, help me get dressed."

"Okay, master."

Lilith took it easy, and the pajamas on Bai Luo's body were changed into the formal attire that she usually wears at the office.

"And Feiya also..."

When Bai Luo turned around, he found that Senior Sister had already changed her clothes.

Where there are aprons and home clothes, that gorgeous military uniform, even Bai Luo thought it was so handsome.

"When did you change your clothes, Feiya?"

"I didn't change my clothes," Senior Sister said calmly, "I haven't always been like this."

"Is that so? That just now..."


Bai Luo noticed that Senior Sister's eyes sank slightly, so he quickly changed his words: "Maybe I remembered it wrong."


"I must be remembering wrong!"


Bai Luo looked at Lilith, who didn't understand what the two were doing: "Miss Feiya was like this when I came."


It's all like this, how could Bai Luo still not understand.

Senior Sister Gentle belongs to Bai Luo alone. Outside, she is Queen Avalon.

But think about it, senior sister's character has always been like this.

"His Majesty."

After going out, Aleia saluted to Bai Luo: "Good morning."

"Oh, early, you are early too."

Bai Luo walked in front, and behind her was Isafiya.

Aleia smiled when she saw her, which made Senior Sister blushed inexplicably.


Bai Luo: "Is the time up?"

"Well, the eldest father asked me to come to you, saying that it is time to start discussing the strategic layout of Sigrian."

This is a big deal, almost a matter of Aden's next development.

If nothing else, when the war with Sigrian is over, Adon will appear in the eyes of the miracle nations for the first time.

Aton will step onto the stage of history and begin to compete with miracle nations for the position of great powers.


The old man was waiting for them in the tactics room.

Before Bai Luo and Senior Sister and others arrived, there were already quite a few people sitting here.

Knowles, Gonia, Zyra, John, Fiora, Boya, and Abaddon, almost all the Aden family who are interested in strategy and tactics, have arrived.

On the tree elf's side, there are Luanya and Anderson.

There is no goblin for the time being. After all, Aden is not big enough to let these little guys become generals.

"Is everyone here?"

Shan Weng and Grandpa Andrew are not here. They are too old to continue to lead the army. They are more engaged in academics.

It is still up to young people to make achievements and build a career.

"Everyone, look at the chart."

Here, the only one who has experience in leading troops to fight is the old uncle.

Back then, he joined the army under the command of the Marquis of Qingquan. Although he was not a miraculous citizen, he had reached a height that many people could never imagine in their entire lives.

Bai Luo had heard Grandpa Shan Weng say these things before.

But at that time, Bai Luo only regarded the Marquis of Qingquan as an ordinary lord and didn't care too much.

After all, in terms of popularity, Qingquan is not as good as thorns.

Because the thorns are nearer.

"Before we decide on tactics and strategic layout, we have to figure out one thing first."

The old uncle stood on the high platform, where there was a light blue platform, which was constructed by Avalon's magic.

"What are we fighting for?"

The uncle's tone was calm, as if he was chatting at home.

But his question caused everyone present, including Bai Luo and Senior Sister, to frown and think carefully.

Thinking about it carefully, the question of the old man is indeed very important, that is, why are they going to fight Sigrian?

Worried about Sigrian finding them, so preemptive?

No no no.

There is always only one purpose in war.

"I have taught you before that any shot must have a purpose."

Listening to the old uncle's words, Bai Luo remembered the experience of hunting monsters without sleep for several days: "For profit."


The old uncle knew that Bai Luo would understand: "We are fighting for profit."

"So I want to ask everyone, what is our interest in going to war?"

Fighting on the battlefield, is it only for petty profits?

The soldiers threw their blood, but they did not benefit the country, so why did they fight?

Of course, if it's a fight for dignity, that might outweigh any interests.

"But in this war, we are not for revenge, and there is no humiliation in dignity." Uncle: "We are for interests, benefits, and indispensable things for the country and the family."

"I Aton, what do I need most now?"

The old uncle threw a second question, and this question, whether it was Bai Luo or Senior Sister, could answer him: "Time!"


The old man nodded and said solemnly, "What we need most is time."

"We don't need foreign resources, we don't have a shortage of food, and we don't even need people. To some extent, we don't need it."

"Only time is what we lack the most."

To put it in a bad way, as long as Knowles and the others can break through to the legendary level, it doesn't matter if there are fewer extraordinary ordinary soldiers.

But if you want to become a legend, it will take at least a hundred years.

Take Norse as an example, even if he received the gift of a high-ranking miracle, as well as the blessing of the mysterious dragon, plus yesterday's sister's miracle bloom, and the assistance of the fairy's blessing, the strengthening of the black horse.

The four powers of miracles come together, which is equivalent to four times the acceleration plug-in.

But even so, Knowles is still very, very far from the legend.

"His Majesty has already possessed seven miracles, but the best development among them is only the second stage."

"Not enough, not enough at all."

The old uncle said: "On this sea, the four pirate kings in the south, south, and northwest have reached the third stage of their miracles, and they are all old-fashioned third-order ones."

"How many troops they have and how much they have accumulated, that is far beyond our Aton's imagination."

Even if Bai Luo had 100 miracles, if they were all Tier 1 and Tier 2, it would not be as good as a well-developed miracle.

"I didn't grow the ambition of others and destroy my prestige."

"I want to tell you," the old uncle looked at the children in front of him, they were all still young: "Aden needs time, ten years, or even a hundred years of accumulation, before he can confront them head-on."

What is a head-to-head confrontation?


Destroy the opponent with military strength?

No, it's not.

The so-called head-to-head confrontation is just that I am not afraid of you.

Because I'm not afraid of you, you dare not hit me.

If you hit me, you have to pay a huge price, an unbearable price.

Therefore, we will not use war to solve problems.

Instead, use diplomacy, politics, economy and culture to compete with each other!

"The head-to-head confrontation I Aton needs is confidence, self-confidence, and a sense of security."

"But we don't," the old man said, "we have nothing."

"Now there is a sacred covenant, protected by the agreement of the nations of the East, Aden is temporarily safe."

"Safety under the shade is no different from being under a fence."

"It's good."

The old man said, "We have Avalon."

"Avalon is a high-ranking miracle world. Even if we encounter danger, we can hide in it. It will not be a problem to hide for a lifetime."

In this way, the Adonites are invincible.

But the Adonites have been tortoises with their heads shrinking for 200 years, do they still want to be mice that have been hiding in Tibet for 200 years?



"But if we can live under the sun," the old uncle said eloquently, "why should we flee, why should we hide, why should we be afraid?"

The old man really didn't want Aton to hold such a good deck of cards in his hand, but ended up playing a sloppy game.

What's more, the development of miracles still needs people after all.

If you hide in the Avalon world, the population development is too slow, so the Avalon world is the last step when there is no way to retreat.

What Aton needs is to move forward, to go out, not to close the country.


Bai Luo asked, "What should we do?"

Although Bai Luo had a lot of miracles, he didn't know anything about the international situation in the world of miracles and the means of operation.

The old uncle is his brain, giving him advice.

Before Bai Luo grows into a real king, the old uncle will do his best to help him.

"We need allies."

Forming an alliance was the first strategy that Uncle proposed for Bai Luo, and it was also the basis for the Principality of Aden to stand on the land of miracles.

"Far and close attack?"

Knowles came up with the word he had heard from Bai Luo.


Bai Luo said: "The old man said that he should be a distant friend, and a close friend."


Knowles scratched his head and thought to himself, how is this different from the art of war he learned before?


"The art of war is dead, and people are alive. Little Knowles, you can't be too rigid in theory."

"The strategy we're going to use this time is to be friends with anyone."

The old man said: "In the land of miracles, no country can exist independently of everyone."

"Even if it is invincible in the world, it should not use brute force to put itself in the position of the public enemy of the world."

The world of Avalon gave Uncle a lot of confidence, which made him change his plan and use a more advantageous route: "So, we have to find allies, more than one allies."

"We have the budding holy bag, and there are countless high-quality crops."

"With them," the uncle said, "we are the sweet pastry in the eyes of the miracle kings."

"Who wouldn't want to ally with us and get these delicious treats?"

And once they got used to these things, they would never touch Aden easily again.

Even if Aden does not show any military strength, he will be protected by major forces.

Even, the old uncle once proposed a 'crop change' plan, that is, a large number of excellent seeds will flow out and allow them to grow all over the world.

And after decades, hundreds of years later, the world's food crops have been replaced by pocket seeds.

At that time, as long as Bai Luo said a word, the seeds in the world will only be eaten, not planted.

Countries that have long been accustomed to pocket seeds can no longer find those ancient inferior crops, and the huge population they have developed by relying on abundant food will also lose 70% to 80% in just a few years.

The more people there are, the more people die!

Of course, because this plan is too cruel, it is no different from a nuclear weapon button, so it can only be regarded as a self-protection method for Aden to threaten the kings.

"However, we have to grasp the degree here."

"Using other countries to strengthen our country."

"Time is with us."

The old man said: "The awakening of a miracle will take longer as it progresses."

"They have already reached Tier 3, or even Tier 4," the old man said. "If you want to go further, it may take thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years."

"At this time, we are struggling to catch up."

This is what the uncle wants to tell them, the importance of time and the importance of accumulation.

"And now what we have to do is to find the first ally."


Bai Luo asked, "Three Dukes of Wei Lan?"



Not only Bai Luo, everyone was stunned.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion below, and everyone was stunned.

"Father, this wave of you," Senior Sister said, "I can't understand it a little too."

"That's because you don't know the man Morgan."

The old man smiled and said, "I've dealt with Morgan before, and I don't know what to say, but I still have confidence in what he will do in the face of some actions."

"Morgan is a pirate, of course he's not a good man."

"How can a country be distinguished from a country by good or bad?"

Miracle world, any country, which is not stained with blood.

The word country itself was established in a sea of ​​corpses.

"So, how do we ally with Morgan?"

"It's simple."

The old man said, "Catch Sigrian alive!"

"My original preparation, because Your Majesty, you have obtained too many miracles, and Feiya's breakthrough, it is no longer needed."

The old uncle's original plan was not to confront Sigrian directly, but to form an alliance with the Duchy of Azure.

And then by constantly marginalizing Morgan, the grand strategy of forcing Morgan to form an alliance.

What does that mean?

"The Blue Principality, although it claims to be a permanent neutral country."

Uncle: "But it has always wanted to seek opportunities for breakthroughs."

"This is also the reason why I let Your Majesty reveal three miracles before," the old uncle said, "When Wei Lan knows the existence of the Duchy of Aden, they will definitely try their best to win over them."

"In this way, the three miracles of Weilan and the three miracles of Aden, as long as Morgan compromises, seven miracles are enough to establish the Kingdom of Miracles."

The potential of the kingdom is several times worse than that of the principality.

And with the help of such a covenant and power, Wei Lan can officially take over the entire South China Sea.

"This alliance is stable," the old man said. "As long as the Holy Empire exists, the Eastern Seven Nations Alliance will not be divided, and the pressure of the Eastern Continent's powers will also make Wei Lan feel at ease as our umbrella."

In this way, the Duchy of Aden will be like a vine, entwined on the inherent power of Azure, constantly absorbing its nutrients and thriving.

Wei Lan wouldn't know that Bai Luo possessed more than three miracles, and even by the time they discovered it, it was too late.

Don't say anything else, just say that Bai Yinuo grows up, and the three masters of Wei Lan have to be afraid of this nuclear weapon-like existence.

So as long as Aden can survive until that day, he can fight for power with the three masters of Wei Lan, forcing them to give up the position of the leader of this alliance to Bai Luo.

Bai Luo didn't want to destroy Wei Lan San Gong, but to ensure that the leader of this group was him.

"Until then."

"We have the endless South China Sea to defend. If we go in, we can map the kings of the continent."

"Even if we launch an attack on Iron Eagle, the three masters of the blue will help us resist the pressure of the mountains and sacred parts, and then Morgan will stalemate with Ogelsell."

"Once your majesty, all your miracles have reached the third and fourth orders, I, the people of Aden, will be united. As long as you say a word, the army of miracles will gather, no matter against any miracle master, it will be five times or even ten times. gap!"

"Even if there are three or four Lords of Miracles united, they will never be our opponents."

At that time, whether to fight, to make peace, or to force them to pay tribute and become ministers, it was all in Bai Luo's mind.

The Lord of Miracles would not be so stupid, seeing such a situation, they knew what to do.

"This is..."

The old uncle said solemnly: "With the general trend, it is like a tiger going down the mountain, swallowing the mountains and rivers with anger."

With such a strategic layout, there are naturally many operations in the middle, and the old man naturally has some backhands, and there are countless.

"But right now, the plans are not keeping up with the changes."

"We have to think long-term."

During this time, the old man has been preparing a new plan, and has completed a new strategic layout: "The first step in the new plan is to capture Sigrian alive, and then directly sign a peace covenant with Morgan."

"Does it have to be caught alive?"

Abaddon asked, "What would happen if it were done?"

"In the short term, it's a short period of time."

The old uncle said: "But in a few months, we will usher in Morgan's revenge. He will bring ten times, or even a hundred times, Sigrian's army to attack me Aden."

"He will definitely come!"

The old uncle looked at Bai Luo and asked, "If someone killed Abaddon, what would you do, Your Majesty?"

Without Bai Luo answering, everyone knew what Bai Luo would do.

"Sigrian is to Morgan what Knowles and Gonia are to you."

They had no grievances with Sigrian himself, and there was no need to take a huge risk to kill him.

What's more, if Sigrian was so important to Morgan, then he was no ordinary valuable.

With such an enemy coming, the value of life is much greater than that of death.

"Sigrian, is he strong?"

This question is very important, Bai Luo can't take risks and do such a thing.

"rest assured."

The old uncle said: "When I saw him back then, he was a hero. Now, there are most masters, but more likely they are quasi-masters."

Because if it is a master, Sigrian cannot continue to lead his troops, which violates the sacred covenant.

"What about us?"

"We haven't signed the covenant yet," the old uncle said roguely: "It's none of our business."


"The old man is good or bad."

"So we are in a blank period and can do whatever we want?"


This news is very important to Aden. Bai Luo said, "Does that mean that we can do anything before signing the contract?"


The old man said, "So this is our chance."

Sigrian's strength was absolutely no match for the Big Three under Bai Luo.

Xue Li, Lilith, Senior Sister, even the current Bai Luo, can defeat him.

So catching Sigrian alive, there is not much pressure.

"But the real difficulty is not Sigrian, but the sea monster army under his command."

"Sea monster?"

Bai Luo has heard the old man say that Morgan's miracle derivatives are the sea beasts under the sea: "These sea monsters..."

"Can't judge."

The old uncle couldn't make an accurate judgment: "That's why we have to make a plan."

"If Sigrian has 10,000 troops, what will we do?"

"What about 100,000? So what?"

"Whether there are, millions, tens of millions, these situations must be considered in advance," the old man said, "So in the next days, I will tell you one by one, various tactics to deal with different situations."

In this way, from this day on, the old uncle carefully analyzed various situations with everyone.

According to the layout on the chart, how should they prepare, how to raid, how to capture Sigrian alive.

But the war is changing rapidly, they can make adequate preparations, but in the end they still have to rely on Bai Luo and Senior Sister to adapt.

On this basis, the old uncle will teach them all, as well as his own experience.

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