This is a Miracle

Chapter 156 To humiliate you is to humiliate me Aton!

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"In the name of Queen Avalon, I bless you."

"When you hold it, death will fear you, decay will fear you, and wherever you go, all malice, pain, and harm will be avoided."

This is a huge altar-like hall. Haierbo kneels at the very center. He holds a gorgeous envoy scepter. Queen Long's blessing.

The protection of countless laws and the blessing of the will of the world, as long as the opponent's strength is not greater than Senior Sister, no one can hurt Haierbo who is holding a scepter.

"In the name of the fairy godmother, I bless you."

"When you put on this dress, luck will always be with you, bad luck will be frightened, and everything you can see with your eyes and touch with your hands can turn corruption into magic."

Lilith stood on the left side of Haierbo. She recited the spell of the goblin, and a lot of miracle power continued to pour into the diplomatic envoy that Haierbo was wearing at this time. Elegant.

"In the name of the mother of the silver-winged Pegasus and the unicorn, I bless you."

"You will never get lost. No illusions or illusions can deceive you. Where you are must be true, and the place you stand will be calm!"

Shirley was on Haierbo's right hand. She released the silver-white miracle power as the third person to guide Haierbo.

"In the name of the greedy lord, I bless you."

"Your body and soul will not be coveted by others, and your voice will endow others with death and pain. If you are angry, disaster will turn into a fire of vengeance, sweeping all beings!"

Leon stood behind Haierbo. If the first three gave Haierbo asylum, then he gave Haierbo a special 'power'.

"Finally, in the name of King Aden, I promise."

Bai Luo: "You will represent our country, compatriots, and civilization, and negotiate with outsiders."

"If you are on an envoy, and people from other countries insult you, you are insulting me Aden!"

The voice fell, and the powerful miracle force finally gathered in one place.

They fell in Helbo's soul,

Among the flesh and blood, there are eyes and ears, hands and feet, as well as the scepter in his hand, and the diplomatic court clothes he wears.

In this regard, Haierbo was protected by the power of four miracles at the same time.

"Hierbo, I feel the gift of your Royal Highnesses."

Haierbo respectfully bowed back to them, then stood up with a scepter: "I will definitely live up to your expectations and win glory for me Aden!"

Although Bai Luo had joked with Haierbo before, saying that the cat car would pull you back.

But this is just to talk about how Bai Luo would let his people go to such a dangerous foreign country without any preparation.

"Remember your mission, and when you return, I will personally celebrate for you."

Haierbo's aptitude is really good. He has not received the blessing of the mysterious dragon, but he can endure so much miracle power by himself.

Although most of them belong to the charging type and are defensive.

But the power of the four miracles has come together, and I have to say that it is really awesome.

To do this, qualifications, loyalty, and a sense of identity are indispensable.

It can be seen that Haierbo's loyalty to Bai Luo and his sense of belonging to Aden have reached a level that transcends life and even soul.

"Hierbo, go get ready."

Bai Luo: "Just say goodbye to your friends, they should be very important to you, right?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Haierbo cherishes his relationship with Silly Tiger and Inai very much.

In addition, Ilona is his best friend. The two have similar personalities and talents, and they have a taste of mutual sympathy.

About to go to the Kingdom of Mountains, Haierbo wanted to say a few words to Ilona.

"Your Majesty, the mustache is awake."

On the other side, Gonia conveyed the news of the waking up of the Eight Character Hu to Bai Luo.

"I'll be right there."

The mustache is not an important character.

But as a chess piece that was used before, it was abandoned because Bai Luo was not so careful.

Of course, this is bullshit, and the truth is that the mustache has some uses.

"Holy, mountains, blue, starry night, iron eagle, bright, this person has trade in six major countries and more than fifty feudal territories."

It wasn't the mustache that Bai Luo saw, but the Three-Headed Dog Chamber of Commerce behind him.

The headquarters of this chamber of commerce is located in the Kingdom of Gunsan, and it is a rather huge chamber of commerce.

Under the banner of the Three-Headed Dog Chamber of Commerce, it includes trade in dozens of fields such as aquatic products, minerals, jewelry, textiles, and shipping. Its influence among mortals in the mountains is quite amazing.

If Bai Luo wanted to win it, he had to use the mustache as a chess piece.


The mustache was eroded by the curse before, and most of his internal organs were damaged.

Fortunately, there is holy energy and the life force of the tree elves to recuperate, otherwise even if the curse is lifted, it is estimated that the end will be death.

At this moment, when Ba Zi Hu saw Bai Luo coming, he knelt down and saluted immediately.

"Before the little one had eyes and no pearls, please forgive the great gods!"

Xiaguang Saint is a goddess in the folklore of the moustache.

The mustache did not see the communication between Avril and Bai Luo.

But if he appears here, even if the other party is not a god, it is estimated that it will not be much worse.

Anyway, in a word, the more respect the better, the more you will be ridiculed, and will not be offended.

"I'm not a god."

Bai Luo asked, "Don't you know about miracles?"


Beard's identity is low, just a small businessman. He knows monsters and sea beasts.

However, I really don't know what a miracle is.

"Then make me a god."

Bai Luo wouldn't call himself a god, but he didn't mind that others worshiped him as a god.

"I'll give you a chance now."

Bai Luo casually found a chair and sat down: "A chance to be otherworldly."

"I do!"

"Don't promise so quickly."

Bai Luo knew the little tricks of these businessmen, but he didn't hate them.

On the contrary, Bai Luo needs someone like this: "Let me ask you first, do you have anything in particular you want."

"be honest."

Bai Luo said, "You can tell you in advance, I know what you think, so don't lie in front of me."

There is another very important reason why Bai Luo didn't get rid of the moustache, that is, the moustache is not dirty in his heart, and what he said was indeed the same as what he thought.

If it is the kind of villain with one set on the surface and one set behind.

Even if it is a chess piece, you have to pick a better one, right?


Beard is afraid of Bai Luo, and he will never forget the previous pain.

But in the face of the gods, his father, grandfather, grandparents and grandsons have no noble existence that three generations have seen, how can the mustache miss such an opportunity.

There's no end to money, it's just a number.

But no matter how much money you have, what's the point of spending it?

"I, I want."

The mustache hesitated for a while, then trembled: "I want immortality, may I ask the great god, can you grant me immortality?"

"No matter what I am willing to do, please give me a chance!!"

Bazi Hu worshipped in front of Bai Luo, his desire was pure.

But this is not loyalty, because the mustache is not grateful to Bai Luo, nor does he want to follow him from the bottom of his heart.

"Immortal life..."

To be honest, Bai Luo really didn't have the miracle of immortality in his hands.

Shirley, Lilith, Bai Yinuo, Senior Sister, Leon, because they became the main body of miracles, they gained infinite lives like Bai Luo, the Lord of Miracles.

But apart from them, even if the tree elves were awakened, they could only live to be more than six hundred years old.

As for the children of Bailuo's family, after they obtain the power of miracles, they will indeed have the effect of prolonging their lives.

However, this is not longevity.

Although life is longer, longer, and physically stronger, it still dies.

In fact, only those children of miracles who can continuously break through can break the shackles again and again, and then with continuous breakthroughs, they have the vitality that is almost impossible to die of old age.

Simply put, if you can break through the legendary realm, then you may miss the word "aging" in your life.

After all, in history, I have never seen a legendary powerhouse who went downhill due to aging.

Basically, they were all killed.

"I thought it was something amazing."

"Not to mention immortality, that is, immortality and immortality, what's the difficulty?"

Blow it, whether there is or not, blow it up first.

A mortal businessman who has never seen the world, how could he know if Bai Luo has it.


There was unimaginable excitement on the mustache's face, but Bai Luo changed his words: "But why should I give it to you?"


Yes, noble God, why did he give him immortality?


Is he worth anything, and what can he do for God?

Merchants pay attention to equivalent exchange, you can play leverage, you can use tricks, but the essence is still trading.

Do you want to deal with God?

This is God!

Noble, powerful, God who cannot be disobedient and deceived!

"Do things for me, do well, and I will reward you."

"On the contrary," Bai Luo said, "if you dare to betray me..."

"Small dare not!"

Ba Zi Hu shivered: "Little wishes to follow in your footsteps forever and be your pawn!"

This sentence does not lie, it is the same as the surface.

Not just fear, but desire, the quest for longevity, and eternal pleasure.

Beard is a hedonist, and he doesn't actually have great ambitions.

As long as you can continue to play and eat and drink constantly, the mustache will be satisfied.

"Then try it first."

Bai Luo said, "Are you a member of the Three-Headed Dog Chamber of Commerce?"

"Yes, uh..."

"Just call me Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please be blunt," the mustache said, "The Three-Headed Dog Chamber of Commerce doesn't seem to have anything that you can take seriously, right?"

"I need its connections, its market, and its large number of traveling merchants."


"I have a crop in my hands that I need to ship to all parts of the world."

Of course, it's a good thing that only Aden owns these crops.

But Bailuo wanted to hold the emperor to command the princes, so he could only give up the child and go to the wolf.

Of course, Bai Luo wouldn't take it all out. What he wanted to take out was actually just potatoes.

Potatoes are an artifact in disaster years.

In the land of miracles, although the kings are powerful, any miracle has its own domain.

Many miracles of the Lord of Miracles actually have no way to improve people's livelihood.

The power of miracles can produce powerful derivatives, but their output is limited, and it is not enough for their confidants. How can they raise some waste?

However, as the population increases, the probability of the birth of people with high aptitude will also increase proportionally.

Therefore, if the masters of miracles have a way, they must hope that they have thousands of people, and then select the children of miracles (people) from them, and cultivate them into powerful heroes, masters, kings, and legendary arms.

"This, my status in the Three-Headed Dog Chamber of Commerce is not particularly high."

"With my support behind you," Bai Luo said, "What's the point of a mere chamber of commerce?"

"You, you mean..."

"You want to be rich, this is just a trivial thing for me," Bai Luo: "As for the first thing you have to do, take this kind of crop and promote it to the whole world. ."

Bai Luo wants to make potatoes the staple food of this world, and make it a powerful output, little by little, it will become something that people in this world depend on for survival.

"I will also provide you with enough spices to ensure that your capital chain will always be stronger than anyone else."

The spices that are as precious as gold are worthless in Bai Luo's hands, worth nothing.

So money is not a problem. With Bai Luo around, the mustache will have inexhaustible capital.

"And what I want, first and foremost, is the surplus population."

When the world's population grows, the population trade will become easier and simpler, and Bai Luo will harvest more slaves.

Some people may ask, why is there more food and a better life, but there are still slaves?

First, the more food there is, the more people there will be, but in turbulent years, there will still be refugees.

Second, never underestimate the greed of those in power. The problem in this world is never lack of things, but uneven distribution.

"I want to support you and capture the so-called three-headed dog chamber of commerce."

"And then, this name is too ugly," Bai Luo said, "change the name when the time comes."


Although the moustache does not know why he wants to sell crops.

But the great god has requirements, and the mustache is the answer.

"Please rest assured, I will not disappoint you!"

Immortal life, eternal pleasure, such a business, his father and grandfather have never done it.

"As for slaves, you continue to find me."

"As your strength becomes stronger, my demand for slaves will also increase."

Bai Luo: "Life is too hard and persecuted. I, Aden, are willing to open the door of convenience for them."

What Aden lacks is the population, and the base must be large, so that the children of miracles can be better screened out.

For other countries, the most redundant population is what Bai Luo needs most.

In a word, as long as you want to come, I will help you immigrate, I want all of them!

"Take this."

Bai Luo threw a ring to the mustache, and the latter took it, not knowing why: "You can use it as an artifact that can offset damage for you, and even save your life under a fatal attack."


The moustache was stunned, there is such a thing in this world.

"But the premise is that you are loyal enough to me."

"If you feel betrayal..."

"Don't dare!"

Beard once again firmed his mind, he must hug Bai Luo's thigh and never let go.

Betraying him is so stupid.

Being able to be valued by the gods, if you don't catch such luck, you are a fool.

"He still doesn't have much loyalty."

Lilith said: "The ring is in his hands, it is no different from trash."

"I know."

Bai Luo actually knew very well in his heart that it was not impossible to subdue these adults and old fritters whose three views had already been established, but the cost-effectiveness was too low.

So Bai Luo never thought about it, he must subdue the mustache.

He's just using him.

If it succeeds, it is best to have an experienced businessman. It is good for Aden.

On the other hand, even if the moustache betrayed one day, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Kill him, then find someone to replace him and grab everything in his hands.

This is the second-hand preparation made by Bai Luo.

If you betray, then everything you have is just a wedding dress for others.

"Okay, this guy's business is over."

"If he can succeed, give him glory and wealth. If he can't, then replace him."

Prosperity and wealth, this thing is too cheap in the eyes of the Principality of Aden today.

The next day, at noon, in the seaport town of Aden Island.

"I'm going for a long trip. When I'm not here, you have to work hard."

Haierbo said goodbye to Yinai and silly tiger. The silly tiger didn't know why, so he just said: "Brother Haierbo, come back early, I'll treat you to buns, the buns are delicious."

"it is good."

Haierbo smiled and said, "But Tiger, don't push on the quilt at night. I'm not here, so I don't know how you'll sleep."

Haierbo was worried about the silly tiger, so he asked him to move in with him.

His brother did his best.


Haierbo was quite worried about the silly tiger.

But Bai Luo is a virtuous king, and he will not treat stupid tigers badly.

And as long as he makes a few more missions, the military merit from diplomacy is enough to bring him more resources and attention.

As for Ina. . .

"Inai, you're very smart, but I'm just as worried about you."


Ina's inferiority complex is slowly improving, and she has become more and more confident recently.

"Recently, an old man taught me a lot of things, like a dick."

Although Haierbo was only under his uncle's door for a few days, what he saw and heard made him astonished.

To say something humiliating, Haierbo really knelt down.

Kneeling directly in front of the old uncle, begging him to accept him as a disciple.

As long as he can worship him, even if he is only an apprentice, Haierbo will be satisfied.

‘Although I only taught you a few days, you are indeed talented in this field. ’

The old uncle gave him a lot of his own writings and said: 'After reading these, if you have any experience, you can be called my student when you go out. ’

A student who could call himself an old uncle, Haierbo was so excited that he almost cried: 'What kind of student can you do, teacher! ! ’

Well, shameless place, Haierbo is also excellent.

"There is a saying that, when things are extreme, they will be reversed."

Haierbo was very concerned about Inai, and he persuaded: "You didn't have the capital to fight for something before. Now that you have the capital, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to satisfy."

"So I'll send you two words, although it's inappropriate, it might help you."


Inai admires Haierbo very much, and he will never harm her: "Take a step back, the sky will be vast, I will be lucky if I get it, but I will lose my life."

Ina: "..."

"Okay, I won't say more."

Ina couldn't understand anyway, but Haierbo believed in Inai's talent, and she would understand it in the future.

"Although I don't understand."

Inai is a kind girl: "But you must pay attention to safety, Brother Haierbo."

"Don't worry, I am the best in your class!"

Helbo shook the scepter in his handshake.

This thing, Queen Avalon told him, as long as you take it with you, you can save your life.

Having been on the battlefield, Haierbo knew the strength of the queen, who was the goddess of war who destroyed the world.

What she said, Haierbo did not doubt at all.

What's more, even Lord Shirley and Lord Lilith have blessed him.

The scene of Mr. Lilith snapping her fingers and turning the Fortress Emperor Lizard into nothingness was something Haierbo will never forget.

Not to mention Xue Li, Bai Luo rides Xue Li and turns into a god thousands of meters high, which is shocking.


Cat Lulu jumped behind Haierbo, and the boy stopped: "I'm going to see a friend, you go with me, are you alright?"

"It's okay, Lulu-meow can turn into a meow that looks like a normal cat."

"After all, I want to bring your cat cart back. If someone finds out, Lulu Miao will be in danger."

"Can you stop saying the word cat car, I'm afraid I will kick you."

"You can't beat me, little handsome guy."


Haierbo thought of the strength of the high goblin: "Uh, well, you are indeed very powerful, but my artifact..."

"That's just outsiders."

Cat Lulu: "Meow that is useless to me."

The Adonites cannot kill each other.

Many abilities, miracle bodies have already issued orders, and they can't hurt each other at all.

Unless there is a miracle body that can represent Bai Luo's will, he personally takes action.

Otherwise, at most, they can only be bound and captured, and it is almost impossible to kill or destroy them.

Haierbo's abilities are all in this blessing equipment, but they are useless to Cat Lulu.

And Haierbo himself, his physical fitness is not strong, so there is nothing wrong with saying that he can't beat Mao Lulu.

"But after a while, Lulumiao may not be your opponent."

Cat Lulu: "Because this dress will constantly transform your physical fitness, you will become stronger and stronger."

"At that time, Lulumiao won't be able to help you, it can only be a cat car."


Haierbo: Sister, eldest sister, can you stop talking about the cat car, what you said, I feel like it will definitely hit the street this time, hey! !

"Cat car female driver, get ready!!"


Haierbo spurted out a mouthful of old blood.

After that, Helbo said goodbye to Ilona and Junono, and at the same time gave Ilona a lot of hints within the scope of permission.

"Has your body been reused?"

Ilona didn't expect to see him for a few days, and Haierbo changed his outfit.

And, looking at it feels like a big shot.

Well, very temperamental, super handsome.

More importantly, it seems like a messenger from the heaven, full of mystery, nobility, and majesty.

"That's it."

Standing in the port, in front, Aden's ship is about to go to sea, and there is a mustache standing on it.

This ship, which Aden gave to the mustache, is a good big merchant ship, with the kind of high-end goods blessed by goblins and Avalon.

The Eight-character Hu returned to the mountains this time, not only to do business, but more importantly, to bring Haierbo to the mountains.

The speed of the elf warship is very fast, and it can reach the mountains in a week at most.

If you count the time between Haierbo and the Lion King, it is estimated that it will be half a month.

Once the way on the Lion King's side is opened up, the Principality of Aden will have initial backers and allies in the mountains.

This will bring a lot of advantages to Aden's international position.

"Come on, come on."

Haierbo said to Ilona: "It's the same sentence, don't think too much, this world is far more complicated than you think."

Nearly two months after arriving in Aden, Haierbo went from the shock of seeing the White Eagle Fairy at first to the incredibleness of entering the Dream Forest.

Then it is to go to the battlefield, which is an eye-opener in the true sense.

Ilona, ​​like Helbo, is a talented person.

Their problem is that their hearts are too small and their knowledge is too shallow.

"I'm going to meet someone now, a big man you can't even imagine."

It is impossible for Haierbo to say who it is, but this information is not a problem: "To be honest, it is like a dream."

The heroic epic only in the original story, but he became the protagonist of the story.

"Not much to say, you must not betray this land, Ilona."

Helbo didn't want Ilona to do things that would harm Aden, in that case, he would have to kill Ilona.

"Let's go, Lulu."


Cat Lulu followed Haierbo's footsteps, and with the youthful spirit, walked onto the deck of the elf battleship.

"It's time to go, Mr. Beard."


The moustache only noticed Haierbo at this time, and he heard the sound and looked over.

But at this sight, the mustache immediately widened his eyes: "You, you, you are..."

"Haven't you met my lord, then you should understand, what is my status now?"


The moustache was stunned. He didn't expect that the insignificant little slave before had now become the messenger of God that he needed to look up to.

Is this life, is this fate?

"Jealousy is meaningless. Loyalty is what you want."


Haierbo's words awakened his mustache, and he nodded quickly: "You're right, you're right, right."

Since Haierbo can, why can't he?

There's no reason not to! !

"lets go."


Beard looked around, but found no one, he said embarrassedly: "Here, how do we start, the people haven't arrived yet?"

"No one else, just the three of us."


Beard wanted to ask where the three came from, but saw Haierbo lift the scepter in his hand, and then put it down.



When the sail fell, the mustache only felt a stagger, and quickly supported the thing beside him, so he didn't fall down.

At the same time, Hybor pointed the scepter forward slightly.


The elf battleship moved without wind, then accelerated sharply and left the port directly.

"This, I..."

Although the moustache has already seen the Saint Xiaguang and some of the units of the fairy eagle, he has also felt the terrible curse.

But such a miraculous thing still opened his eyes: 'Is this the world of gods, and can I live in such a world in the future? ’

Unconsciously, the ring on the moustache finger gave out a little light.

The light is weak, but it does shine.


Cat Lulu felt the fairy power on the ring, and she smiled.

"No, we are just two of us, even if we don't need to sail, but what about the food?"

The moustache is a rich three generations, he is pampered and can't cook at all.

This is a man who has nothing but enjoyment in life.

"You can cook?"


Haierbo: "But my current status does not allow me to do such a thing."


"That's why I said, the three of us are enough."

"Are you right, Lulu?"

Haierbo said, looked at the cat next to him, and saw that under the mustache's gaze, the cat Lulu started to stand up, and her body swelled as if it was inflated.



Cat Lulu jumped lightly, turned around a few times in the air, and landed on the second deck.

"It's noon, meow."

Cat Lulu pulled out two matching blades, and collided twice in front of him: "What do you want to eat, meow."

"Stewed vegetables, boiled fish, grilled steak, grilled lamb chops, grilled whole chicken, or noodle dumpling buns."

"Lulu meow knows a lot of dishes."

"Oh, I want to eat fried noodles."

"Okay meow, I'll prepare it for the little handsome guy right away."

"The cat is talking!!!!"

Beard is still in doubt in his life, and he feels that his world view has been subverted once again.

Why, why do cats talk?

The cat is grilling the fish!

The cat is still grilling the steak!


The mustache was eating the steak grilled by Cat Lulu, and it was so delicious that he almost cried: "Why, it's so delicious."

The spice, unheard of, is far superior to the spice of black pepper.

Plus superb craftsmanship.

"Is this what the gods eat?"

"Hey, can you calm down," Haierbo ate the fried noodles, and then took a sip of Coke: "You are also a big businessman in the mountains, right?"

"Can you eat God's food with money?"

"You're right, but I'm speechless."


Beard looked at the happy fat house water (Coke) in Haierbo's hand: "What is that?"

"Drinks, like wine and juice, don't you usually drink them with meals?"

"Drink, but this one has never been drunk."

"Hey~~ Miss Lulu, give this unseen person a Coke."


Cat Lulu likes to cook very much, and she just waved the cute cat's paw, and then, a cup of Coke appeared out of thin air in front of the mustache.

"It's amazing! How did this happen? How did this cup of thing come out of nowhere?!"

The magic of magic once again shocked the mustache.


"Can you not make a fuss?"

"good to eat!!"

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

So, in the boundless surprise of the mustache, Haierbo finished his lunch.

And this meal directly ate the three views of the moustache for a lifetime.

Only after enjoying it will he understand how narrow and stupid the previous days were. He even told His Majesty that he wanted to be prosperous and rich.

That kind of mortal wealth, after 10,000 years, what is the meaning?

After making up his mind, Beard decided to work hard under Bai Luo, and then climb up, he must use his talents to get more rewards.

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