This is a Miracle

Chapter 157 30 years of piling, without a single defeat

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A large cargo ship sailed on the sea, and on it, the flag representing the Principality of Fairy Eagle fluttered in the wind on the sail.

Wherever they passed, no pirates, merchant ships and fishing boats dared to approach.

Even if they encounter it, they will avoid it far away, and no one dares to collide and offend the fleet with the flag of the fairy eagle.


A caravan avoided the Eagle Fleet, and the captain breathed a sigh of relief.

"Captain, why are you afraid of being like this, what is the origin of that fleet?"

The crew didn't know why, because in their memory, the captain had never been so rude.

"What do you know, that is the symbol of the Royal Fleet of the Fairy Eagle."

The captain said: "In the past, when we saw the flag of Coral City, we had to avoid it, and the Royal Fleet of the Eagles, that is the boss of Coral City!"

Dare to offend it, don't want to live? !


For these merchants and hawkers, the Lord of Coral City is already a legendary figure.

Grand Duke Fairy Eagle, what kind of fairy is that!

"I remind you that you must memorize the flags on this sea in the future, especially these flags, no matter which one you see, as long as they appear, if you don't want to die, run as far as you want."

"Yes Yes Yes."

On the land of miracles, great powers are more like alliances, and the real country is still dominated by territories.

For example, Fairy Eagle Country, Thorns Territory, Birch Territory, etc.

For many native peoples, these vassal states give them a more sense of identity.

"However, is it really that scary?"

A sailor said: "I thought the nobles of Coral City were scary enough."


The captain sneered: "What kind of nobles are they?

Real nobles never show up. Have you ever met the Lord of Coral City? "

"I heard that Haitang, the Lord of Coral City, lived to be over a hundred years old."

"Wow, that's not becoming an old woman."

"You know shit."

The captain said: "The water in this sea is far deeper than you think. Does the king of the South Sea, Morgan, know?"

"Is that the master of the deep sea who controls the sea monster and drags ships to the bottom of the sea? Isn't that a myth and legend?"

"I've seen Sigrian before."

The captain talked eloquently: "That's a monster-like man. I will never forget the glances in his eyes in my life."

The relationship between the miraculous nations and the miraculous suzerainty is like that of the emperor of Zhou and the princes of the Spring and Autumn Period.

Of course, not the princes of the Warring States Period.

In the Warring States Period, Zhou Tianzi basically had no right to speak, so the iron eagle, the mountains, the starry night, and the blue in the miracle land, their influence is still more inclined to the Spring and Autumn Period.

Azure is a parliamentary alliance, and the three princes and kings have equal rights.

On weekdays, it is also through consultation and discussion that the direction of the country is decided, and it is unanimous to the outside world.

But the lives of the Fairy Eagles are too long, and the time of human beings has long since lost their conception.

The big figures in the eyes of mortals, the legendary figures, that is, Sigrian, Begonia, and even the idiot Christine.

Dummy: I'm also super powerful, okay? Why do you say I'm like a scumbag who doesn't make it into the stream? !

Dummy: Ah! I am angry! Another bowl of cat rice!

In short, mortals only know who can't be offended, but why they can't be offended.

Most of the high-ranking people are silent, even if they know the existence of miracles, they do not dare to take huge risks and leak the secrets of miracles to ordinary people.


"Back to Coral City."

The captain seemed to feel the undercurrent surging under the sea: "It may be about to change, these days, don't go out to sea for now, wait until the limelight passes."

Azure is the most peaceful one in the surrounding countries.

The name of a permanent neutral commercial country has indeed made it stand firm on the land of miracles.

Moreover, the Weilan Three Kingdoms have not had friction for hundreds of years, which not only makes the relationship between the three publics extremely close, but even the Weilan people are almost integrated.

Apart from the fact that the people of miracles cannot be completely unified because of the power of miracles, most of the blue people actually don't care much about whether they are people of fairy eagles, people of Shennong and Yangbo.

Everyone is from the blue people, and the most is the difference in the birthplace, such as the people of Coral City, the people of Thunder City, and so on.

There is no racial discrimination, at most regional discrimination.

However, urban people look down on rural people, and this is no exception anywhere.

"Uncle, where are they sending us?"

The person who spoke was a little girl of twelve or thirteen years old. She was short in stature, and her stature was also poorly developed due to the perennial malnutrition.

If you use Bai Luo's words to describe it, it is the kind of airport + being run over by a tank, and the film has no air bubbles.

The girl's name is very complicated and tongue-in-cheek, but when translated into Adon, it means 'Tide under the Moon', or 'Moon Tide' for short.

"I don't know, I don't know what to expect."

Here is one of the slave cargo ships. An old man with gray and white hair leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.

"But you were right last time."

Yuexi looked at the disheveled old man in front of him and said, "You said that our ship might be inspected, and it was inspected."

Yuexi: You also said that you won't know what to expect!

"That was my wild guess."

The sloppy uncle's name is Glass, he is over fifty years old, and his relationship with the girl has nothing to do with it.

Arguably, this shouldn't be the case.

After all, what Bai Luo wanted was a family combination, that is, parents and children, or grandparents.

But how could Grass and Moonshine, who are not related by blood, be a team?

There's really nothing special about this.

When Yuexi was stealing, he was caught, and the sloppy uncle happened to be a slave, so the two were locked in a cell.

It just so happened that the man with the mustache came to buy slaves.

Glass heard the other party's needs, and immediately discussed with Yuexi, they lied about father and daughter, and got out of trouble as soon as possible.

It is impossible to escape, and they are all branded as slaves, and it is estimated that there will be no chance in this life.

In addition, the girl did not have any skills, so she continued to be a thief when she went out, and then waited to be caught and beaten to death.

Becoming a slave, of course, is miserable, but at least you can still eat.

Maybe luckier, with the girl's beauty, if you meet a big family, be a concubine for them, a bed-warming maid or something, it's not bad.

At least when the time comes, I can have a full stomach and a warm bed to sleep, not to mention the beauty.

"You, I don't think you can warm the bed."

"Why can't it be warm, me, I'm a beautiful girl!"

Looking at the girl's dirty appearance, Glass shook his head, and they spent several months together in the cell.

Without Glass, Yuexi would have died long ago.

Yuexi knew that Glass was protecting her, and even taught her to read and told her anecdotes from other places.

However, most of them are regarded as myths and legends by Yuexi, and they are very unreliable.

What a fountain of immortality, a city that can fly, a giant with one eye that can walk in the sea.

It is even said that when a person is dead, the body can jump out of the coffin.

Hehe, is this the legendary burial?

In short, apart from these strange delusions, Glass is a very good person, very stable, especially the fate of the prophet, which almost made Yuexi think that he is a god.

After spending these days with Glass, Yuexi really had feelings for this old man.

"But old man, you are amazing. You can get along with the slave traders in just a few words. Even the guards will occasionally give him food and drinks."

Thinking of the other party's appearance, Yuexi almost didn't laugh: "Are they being fooled by you and lame?"

"Freeze said."

Glass: "We are called sympathy."


Yuexi was full of curiosity about this sloppy uncle and thought he was a man with a story.

"Speaking of which, how did you know we were going to be arrested before?"

"It's Xiaguang."

"What is that? You can see the problem from Xiaguang?"

"That's not an ordinary glow."

Glass said: "You grew up on the starry night side, so you haven't heard of it. That kind of thing only appears when the Saint of Xiaguang appears."

"Xiaguang, Saint? What is that?"

Yuexi: "Is it your delusion again? But this is quite interesting, tell me in detail?"


Glass chose to be silent and did not explain much. He was like an old man who had experienced vicissitudes of life, leaning on the cabin and closing his eyes to rest.

"Oh, it was my fault last time. You shouldn't have interrupted your storytelling. I was wrong and I was wrong."

"Don't be so stingy, old man~~~"

"When you know what a miracle is in the future," Glass said, "you can ask me what the Saint of Xiaguang is."


Yuexi didn't know why, so she curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Hmph, it seems that she is very powerful, so she is mysterious, and the little girl doesn't want to know about the Saint of Xiaguang."

"Little girl has something to eat."

After speaking, Yuexi took out a cake from her arms with a smile, and ate it happily: "Envy, if I don't give it, I won't give it to you!"

Bai Luo: Ah, this is still stuffed!

"Ignorance is a blessing."

Glass likes the innocence of Moon Tide.

The girl lost her parents when she was a child, and she struggled every day to survive. She is lonely and helpless, she has tried her best, but she still can't fill her stomach.

"Poor child, if there wasn't that war ten years ago, maybe her parents wouldn't have died."

"At least it won't become a slave like it is now."

"Is there a day to pay off my sins..."

Glass missed the days when he was young. He closed his eyes, but a tear fell down his cheeks at some point: 'I really want to hear that child call me brother again, and Teacher Reed, Brother Shan, Xiao Ye. . . ’

It would be great if you were still alive.


Inside the Avalon Castle, Bai Luo looked at the old uncle playing with the tortoise shell, he frowned slightly: "That, you, you still play with this?"

"Didn't you tell me about it before? It's called divination, right?"

"Suddenly I remembered it, and I was bored and bored. It felt quite interesting."

The old uncle poured out the copper coins, silver coins and gold coins in the turtle shell, and then began to sort them to see what they represented.

"This thing is unreliable."

"Just try."

Uncle: "Just for fun."


Bai Luo never believed in this, and neither did the old uncle.

But it doesn't prevent him from dabbling in a wide range of fields. He is bored and always likes to develop some areas that he has never played before.

For example, this, divination and fortune-telling, is still quite an ancient tortoise shell divination.

"I've mentioned that before, right?"

Bai Luo remembered that when he was a child, he told his old uncle a few principles of fortune-telling: 'Are you good at fortune-telling, such as watching stars, making horoscopes, and tarot cards and so on. ’

"Uncle, why are you suddenly interested today and remember it?"

"do not know."

The old uncle looked at the coins on the table carefully: "I just feel it."

"So what do you see?"

The old god Bai Luo was there, and he beckoned Mao Yiyi to pour himself a glass of Sprite.

This thing was not researched by the old uncle, but the work of the little witches.

When they were in a potions class, they helped Bai Luo extract something similar to baking soda.

So, Sprite, Fanta, Coke. . .

These familiar flavors in Bai Luo's memory were restored by Lilith's magic.

"Well, there are results."

The old uncle nodded and said to Bai Luo, "A friend has come from afar. This horoscope shows that I may meet an old friend today."

"Pfft hahaha."

Bai Luo smiled and said, "Uncle, I know you're very arrogant, but this is unreasonable."


The old man said: "Most of the prediction methods are actually psychology, and the comprehensive application of logic and analysis."

"You know still..."

"But when I was playing just now, I added some fighting methods."


Bai Luo was stunned: "Can it still be like this?"

"The power of miracles is mysterious, Avalon's magic, there are indeed some means of destiny," said the old man, "but I just try."

What the old uncle was talking about was the astrologers. Their abilities made the old uncle seem to have opened the door to a new world.

Of course, the old man is not proficient, nor will he study it. He is just trying to find a way to help astrologers open up new fields.

"I thought you were successful, I was shocked."

If the old uncle can even handle this, Bai Luo said: 'You really want to go to heaven. ’

Uncle: Am I not enough to go to heaven?

Bai Luo: Enough, enough, enough, take it easy and be careful to fall.

Uncle: This place is only a few meters high.

Bai Luo: There is an old witcher who is very similar to you, and he thinks so too.


Suddenly, the old man said, "I seem to have succeeded."


Bai Luo: "What do you mean, what you said just now about having a friend from afar is the result of the foreknowledge of the law?"

"I don't know if it's right or not."

"But it's true," said the old man.

"Okay, I just play it once in a while," the uncle said, "but I think I might not be suitable for this. Next time I plan to try the night sky, or try the tarot cards and crystal balls you mentioned. "

Uncle, this is the rhythm of changing careers to become a magic stick! !

"Haha, you can't do it, right?"

"His Majesty."

Bai Luo was about to make fun of the old uncle, saying that he finally capsized,

But at this moment, Gonia, through Little Miya, reported the news that the second batch of slaves felt to Bai Luo.

Miya stood aside and began to concentrate on putting Gonia's figure in front of Bai Luo and Uncle.

As a witch, her current strength has broken through the extraordinary, and many spells are becoming more and more pure.

Lilith felt that Mia, Elsa, Sheila, Fiora and others could already begin to accept the practice of magicians and break through to a higher realm.

"Uncle, you said that you have friends from afar, aren't they slaves?"

While waiting, Bai Luo chatted with the old uncle again.

Bai Luo didn't think Uncle's friends would be among these slaves, but Uncle has always been magical and unfathomable.



Bai Luo patted the table: "This time, I'll bet with you!"

"I like your confidence."

Uncle: "If you lose, before the end of this year, you have to let Feiya girl get pregnant."


Bai Luo said, can you still play like this?

If the senior sister heard this, she would have to carry her sword and hunt down the uncle and nephew.

"Don't worry, I have been researching secret formulas with Brother Shan before. I have two children in a year, a football team in three years, and an experimental class for you in ten years."

The old uncle gave Bai Luo a look, and Bai Luo was speechless.

Senior Sister: I was stopped, I'm going to chop up these two idiots! !

"She drinks?"

"you drink."

Bai Luo was unhappy: Ah, do I need this kind of thing? do i need it? Lao Tzu is young and strong, can he fight a hundred times a night?

"Does it work?"

However, Bai Luo really likes children very much.

What the old uncle said was a bit exaggerated, but Bai Luo also expressed his expectation if he could have children in groups and Cheng Huan's knees.

So for this amazing recipe. . .

"Ancestral formula, your grandfather, your father, have used it."


Bai Luo said that the wisdom of the ancestors still has to be trusted: "Hey, it's not right, it's not right!"

Bai Luo: "My grandfather, how many sons?"

"Me and your father."

"Where's my father?"

"I heard that there was another daughter, but she died," the uncle said, "if you include her, there are two in total."


Bai Luo: "I feel like you are playing with me."

"Oh, an improved version!"

Uncle: "I'll take action, what else do you have to worry about?"

The old uncle dreamed that someone would call him uncle, and he wished that Isafiya would give Bai Luosheng a bunch of them earlier.

"This matter, let it go first."

Bai Luo: "What if you lose, Uncle?"

"If I lose," the old uncle said, "then I will give you the treasured secret book."


Bai Luo immediately agreed with the old uncle: "Whatever you say, man, you can't be rude."

"I, Saros, came out to hang out, and what I said was a letter," the old man said, "I have been in the world for 30 years, and I have not lost a single defeat. In the future, you will have to inherit this prestige."

Bai Luo: Must!

"Your Majesty, Sister Gonia got in touch."

"Cough cough."

Bai Luo hurriedly coughed, looked at the old man again, and immediately regained the attitude of a steady old man, serious and unsmiling.

"Are they all here?"

Bai Luo looked at Gonia: "How many people?"

"2,500 people."

"so much?"

Bai Luo did not expect that the number of detained slaves would be so huge.

"It was originally 1800, but 700 people were added later."

"Make up seven hundred?"

"It was sent from the fairy eagle," Gonia said. "It can't be said to be the fairy eagle, there are some."

"However, most of them have no concept of nationality. For example, some fishermen in our surrounding waters are homeless due to pirates attack."

"So they were sent to us as slaves?"

Bai Luo: "Is it voluntary?"

There are many sources of slaves in this world. Refugees without food are actually no different from slaves.

When slaves at least live, refugees, starve to death no one cares.

"Basically, it should be voluntary."

Gonia has made witches cast memory spells.

On the one hand, it is to identify spies and undercover agents, and on the other hand, it is also necessary to look at the specific situation of the other party.

"Then it's fine."

If they can't survive and become slaves voluntarily, it means that they will not have a rebellious mentality, but are prepared for a hard future.

Bai Luo felt that he could try to assimilate such a person.

Today, the Principality of Aden is very short of people, so as long as it is not bad and malicious people, Bai Luo is willing to accept it.


Leon stood outside the door, and when he heard Bai Luo calling him, he immediately walked in and saluted respectfully, "Your Majesty, please."

"You go there for me."

Bai Luo said, "I don't want you to take action, but to maintain order."

The miracle body under Bai Luo's command, Lilith has a lot of things, and Xue Li is not a humanoid. As the queen's senior sister, not long ago, she followed the Saint Xiaguang to Jingtao City.

Leon is a powerful fighting force.

With him there, even if something happens, he has the ability to suppress it in an instant.

"As ordered."

Leon respectfully resigned.

The next moment, black flames poured out from under his feet, they enveloped Leon and devoured him in an instant.

The flames dissipated, and Leon disappeared.

"This child is getting more and more respectful."

"Is this necessary?"

Bai Luo was helpless: "It's all my brother, I still hope he's cute."

"They will grow up too, you have to treat them like adults."

"Ah, I suddenly feel like a child has grown up," Bai Luo said with emotion, "Is this old?"

Miya on the side: I still have me, brother Bai Luo still has me, little Miya has grown up quickly.

In the church in Harbour City, Leon stepped out of the shadow of Bai Luo's sculpture.

Elegant gentleman's clothes, holding a cane, Leon held up the black hat on his head, he walked out of it quickly, but found Aleia sitting on the prayer chair, sitting and meditating.

"Sister Aleia."

"Little Leon."

Aleia spends her days in the church, she likes this place, it makes people feel inexplicably calm.

Leon also liked it, but he still admired Bai Luo's heroic appearance more.

"This sculpture has quite the charm of His Majesty."

Leon praised: "Every time I look at it, it's as if His Majesty is there in person, which makes people intoxicated."

"After all, it was carved by the eldest father."

Aleia smiled: "I like it too."

The old uncle produced it, it must be a fine product, you can't accept it.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," Leon: "The newcomers at the port have arrived. Although there are Big Brother Knowles and the others, as well as the more than 100 civilians before, but Your Majesty asked me to go to the town."

Don't look at the gentleness and elegance that he said, if he really needs to take action, a thug in a proper suit, brutal and ruthless.

"Be careful of showing mercy, they can't stand your scare."

Aleia has a special status like a saint in the Aden family.

If Bai Luo is everyone's eldest brother, then Aleia is everyone's sister.

For some children without parents, Aleia is the mother in their hearts, so every new generation of Aden respects and loves her very much.

Why not Isafia?

As far as Senior Sister's cold appearance is concerned, she is almost a strict father, and a loving mother is definitely not a role.

"Don't worry."

Leon's performance is hardly reminiscent of the terrifying wolf king.

However, only in front of the Atons.

Aleia guessed some of Leon's situation. In fact, he has been suppressing the blood of the world in his body.


As Leon approached the harbor, the blood in his body began to quiver.

Although forcibly suppressed, Ke Leon still showed his greed: "Delicious flesh and blood..."

The subconscious that Bai Luo gave him was that he couldn't eat people.

But what the greedy giant wolf wants is not to eat people, but to devour each other, that is, to kill, destroy, and destroy everything.

His Majesty asked him to protect Aden, including this land, the people here, and even every grass and tree.

Then, Leon's power will be controlled, and he will instinctively limit himself not to hurt anything here.

But these new slaves, they should be outsiders, right?


Leon shook his head, his eyes that had already started to turn black and red, returned to their original red eyes: "This power is really difficult to control."

Bai Luo sent Leon out, not necessarily without the idea of ​​training his willpower.

Bai Luo might not care too much if he really extended his minions to a certain slave, but Leon, he would definitely feel very humiliated.

Because he lost to the blood of greed for the world, and to the madness of the old banquet of ignorance.


"Big Brother Knowles."

Soon, Leon found Knowles.

"It's all practiced."

Leon glanced around and found more than 50 teenagers and girls, wearing the primary fairy weapons provided by Lilith, like the most elite warriors, standing around the square.


Knowles watched them control the scene and said: "One group is maintained here, and the other 50 people, I let them go to the port to bring the slaves here.

"So, they are members of the security department of the port town from today?"

"No way, we have to work hard in Avalon," Knowles: "Let the newcomers do these chores."

"Usually leave a few people to take care of the security department."

Aden's real world is Avalon, and Aden Island outside is considered the mortal world of the Duchy of Aden.

"People are coming."

Knowles shouted, "All of them!"


The boys and girls stood up in military postures almost like a conditioned reflex.

With that handsome goblin armament, it really looks like the tree spirit warriors they were so envious of more than two months ago.

Perhaps life has become more and more moist in the past two months, with fish and vegetables, everything.

Many children, especially boys, suddenly entered a state of development and grew a lot taller.

Although most of them are still a little childish, the power provided by the junior goblin armour really gave them a lot of confidence.

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