This is a Miracle

Chapter 162 Famous General

"Yeah, I'm finally home."

"That strange aunt is so scary."

"Yes, yes, the aura on her body is so terrifying, like Snow White's stepmother."

Senior sister used the gate of Avalon to return directly to the world of Avalon. One of her was holding the cat Sisi, and the other was carrying the bear Duoduo.

Ham Pinsaburo was standing on Duoduo's head, clutching his heart, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Pregnant woman, bad woman..."

The fairies expressed their dissatisfaction with Mishia, and felt that she was very much like the Queen White and the villain in fairy tales.

It's like the opposite of a princess, it's horrible.

"Speak ill of other Lords of Miracles in private, be careful to be heard by her, little ones."


The three little guys wrinkled their noses and bowed their heads in reflection.

"Okay, let's play, it's hard work for you."

Duoduo and Pinsaburo took out a lot of food samples in stock, and Sisi Cat made them into delicacies for Micia and Morgan to taste.

Morgan wasn't interested in any of these, but Mishia had it, and it was pretty big.

After eating a lot of food, Mishia said that her mouth was raised, and she was almost unable to eat the previous food: 'How about the first transaction in a week? ’

'Can. ’

Senior Sister agreed to Mi Shiya, this trivial matter, Aton can't wait for the sooner the better.

If the Lord of Miracles in the world can be made to depend on the crops of Upper Aden, then Aden will surely become the largest agricultural exporter.

It will feed the entire miraculous land and the dining table needs of nearly 100 countries.

And when Aden has strong expectations, he will open up the seeds and let them grow in various countries, squeezing all the originally inferior crops out of the game, and one family will dominate.

At that time, Aden may really be invincible in a sense.

"came back?"

Bai Luo has been waiting for Senior Sister,

As soon as she came back, she stepped forward.


Senior sister walked towards Bai Luo, she saw that the old uncle was not there, only Bai Luo, so she found a place to sit down, then folded her legs, posing a typical royal sister attitude.

"It's hard work, hard work."

Bai Luo didn't understand what Senior Sister meant, he immediately understood, rubbed his legs and pinched his shoulders, and praised again and again: "As expected of the queen of my Aden, she is the king of the deep sea, and the prince of the fairy eagle, she is amazing."

"Don't, don't touch that."

Senior Sister's face blushed from being pinched by Bai Luo, she wanted to stop her, but she was afraid that Bai Luo would misunderstand.

Helpless, Bai Luo can only do whatever he wants.

The dignified queen, as soon as she showed her royal sister style, lost her temper in an instant, and was treated obediently.

"I'm just relying on other people and bluffing."

Senior Sister took out the fine wine and wine glass from Avalon's private treasury, handed one to Bai Luo, and then endured Bai Luo's bullying and helped him pour it.

"That's what it is."

Seeing this, Bai Luo let go of his senior sister: "My senior sister is full of majesty. Who would dare to speak to you loudly except me?"

He sat opposite his senior sister, the King and Queen of Aden, and began to discuss national affairs.

"I dare not speak out loud in front of you."

Senior Sister looked at Bai Luo dotingly, and scolded with a smile, "I'll just make a show, and you'll bully me."

"Pay attention next time, next time, I will let you finish the score well."

The two teased each other for a while, and then officially entered into negotiations.

"I'm awake now, and when I really fight, I'm still similar to the Deep Sea King."

"However, he is only a child of miracles, not a master of miracles."

After the senior sister finished speaking, she asked Bai Luo for advice: "I plan to retreat from now on and break through the three sleeps as soon as possible."

"Don't count me, Feiya, you are my highest combat power in Aden."

Bai Luo said: "Now, Xian Ying and Morgan have allied with us. The forces near us include thorns and birch trees in the north, the King of the East Sea in the east, the Grand Duchess in the southeast, and the four dazzling princes."

Therefore, the Principality of Adun only managed to solve the two problems on the left and the bottom in diplomacy.

Above and to the right are still unknown places.

However, diplomacy is the choice of a country when it is weak, but it is also the most helpless thing.

As the old saying goes, a weak country has no diplomacy.

In any world, only its own strength is the foundation.

"As for Aden, with my uncle and me here, you can rest assured to improve your strength."

There should be no more wars in Aton recently. Isafiya is the head of Aton's defense, similar to the Marshal of the Three Armies.

She is the only one who is qualified to represent Bai Luo and give orders to the entire army.

This is something that everyone can accept and agree with.

But having Senior Sister do so many things is putting the cart before the horse.

Senior sister should comprehend Avalon's world law, and make self-will and Avalon's will completely unified as soon as possible.

In many cases, national security is not limited to the number of troops, but also the deterrence of high-end force.

In particular, the power of the miracle body is very important.

"how long will it takes?"

"Every day, three-quarters of the time can be spared."

Senior sister's retreat, naturally, is not to lock herself up.

What she meant was to put aside other work at hand and start developing Avalon when she had time.

Therefore, the remaining quarter of the day is when the senior sister fulfills her wife's obligations.


Bai Luo said embarrassedly, "What I'm asking is how long it will take."

Senior sister thought that Bai Luo was sticking to her, but is Bai Luo the kind of person who can't hold back?

Bai Luo: Believe it or not, I can endure it for a year, no, half a year!

"Probably," Senior Sister said, "the faster it is half a year, the slower it is a year."

Senior Sister is very confident, at most one year, she will be able to complete the three sleeps and become a crown legend.

"You break through the three senses, and I will get the same power."

In this way, Aden is equivalent to having two crown legends, Bai Luo: "Lilith and Xue Li, it's a lot slower, but you can help them if you break through."

Miracles naturally cannot help each other, but they are all Bai Luo's miracles, and the power of miracles complements each other.

If the power of miracles can speed up the strengthening of the people, is it possible for the miracle bodies to do so?

"Lilith's miraculous power is just like yours, and it's an ideal coast."

Bai Luo said, "She told me last time that she seemed to be able to absorb some special laws from Avalon, which was very helpful to her."

"And this?"

Senior Sister smiled and said, "This is a good thing!"

"However, the laws of Avalon's world are still incomplete. Lilith may be unable to determine what she needs because of this."

Therefore, we have to wait for Senior Sister to awaken again to make the world of Avalon more complete.

"Hero, master, king, legend, four levels of arms, do you have any ideas?"

When the senior sister asked Bai Luo, she was actually asking his uncle's research if there was any progress.

Aden's miracle has just started, and the structure and system of arms are very imperfect.

Just like the king class, it didn't exist before. Recently, the old uncle was officially added. After the master, a king was added.

A king is roughly equivalent to three ordinary masters.

A master is equivalent to five or six heroes.

These gaps are not very large.

But the gap between the legend and the king is not astonishing in general.

'Unfortunately, we haven't really seen a legend make a move, even if it's me, it's not easy to determine a legend, how many kings are needed to stop it. ’

Uncle alone, to study the Tianma system, the fairy system, the Avalon system and the greedy system.

He really worked day and night, never stopping for a moment.

"Heroic, the tree elves are now only Grandpa Andrew."

Bai Luo said: "His class name is [Tree Elf Elder], which is much stronger than the extraordinary-level tree elves [Sword Dancer] and [Sacrificial], and the extraordinary-level [Tree Elf Grand Druid]."

"Fairy system, Miya and the others have already started the test of the heroic class [Magician]."

"Wait until they succeed," Senior Sister said, "it will be the ultimate trial of the master class [Witch] of the goblin system."

The Avalon system, needless to say, has four heroic treasures.

As long as its power is fully developed, coupled with the enhanced physical fitness, Nors, Zyra, Aleia, and Luanya will all become heroes.

There are also master-level and legendary treasures, but the latter can only be used by senior sister and Bai Luo.

"It takes several months, or even half a year, to cultivate a hero."

"Masters, kings and legends stronger than heroes..."

In fact, the Adonites are fast enough, really, really fast.

Putting it outside, it takes nearly twenty years to cultivate a heroic level.

The reason why Aton is so fast is that Aton's people are more qualified, and there is a bonus here.

Then there is the joint strengthening of Aton's various miracle powers, which has been increased by three or four times.

There is also the mysterious dragon, which charged everyone with energy at once, not only enhancing the potential of aptitude, but also awakening its power.

In this way, it still takes half a year for Aden to become a hero.

"I'm greedy."

Bai Luo laughed at himself: "Half a year, ten years of achievements, what's not to be satisfied with."

"Xiao Luo, you don't need to be in such a hurry."

Senior Sister stroked the hair on Bai Luo's forehead, and gently helped him arrange his clothes: "Dad also said that within ten years, what we want is stability, and after ten years, we can ask for more."

"I just think that it may take us ten or twenty years to cultivate a legend. In ten years, we probably won't have many legends in our hands."

Compared with Fairy Eagle and Morgan, Bai Luo was confident.

But Aton wants to challenge a big country by himself, especially a kingdom like Iron Eagle, ten years is definitely not enough.

"I don't think it's that simple."

Senior Sister said: "I saw a person beside Mishiya."


"It's not someone I know, I mean, I noticed that he is very young," Senior Sister said, "As far as I can judge, he is only sixteen or seventeen years old at most, and at such an age, his strength has reached the legendary realm, which is incredible. "

"What do you mean, someone has broken through the legend for more than ten years by relying only on his own talent, and then relying on the strengthening of a miracle power?"

Bai Luo frowned slightly: "This person is very talented."

"Yeah, and I can see that Mishia takes him seriously."

Senior Sister said: "But if this kind of emphasis is only because the other party is talented, I don't think it's reasonable."

Mishia has been awake three years for many years, and if she wants to sleep four, it will take at least another six hundred years.

Even if that young man has reached the legendary pinnacle, is there really no legendary pinnacle combat power under Mishia?

Naturally impossible!

She must have!

Under the circumstances, still bring him out to see the world, instead of hiding it as a trump card, then the answer will come out.

"Does this young man have the talents of the Deep Sea King and the Wolf Yu Sword Saint?"

Only with the qualifications of a 'famous general', Mishia will pay such attention to it.

In the land of miracles, legendary powerhouses are precious.

But more precious are the famous generals.

Famous generals are not rank, but a real record, that is, how many battles you have fought, how many times you have won, and how famous you have been.

These are the criteria for evaluating whether a strong person can be called a 'famous general'.

Aton, if you say that there is a lack of famous players, it must be lacking.

But Aden also has his own famous generals, and he is still the famous generals among the famous generals!

The old uncle fought many battles in those days, and his reputation is known to all generals on the land of miracles.

"When I break through the three senses, the upper limit of the legendary arms will be opened, and the physical fitness of me, Shirley, Lilith and Leon will be strengthened together." Sister said: "As long as you can cultivate a legend Famous players, our pressure will be much lighter."

Just like the Xiaguang Saint and Hailongji.

They each lead an army, representing the will of the Lord of Miracles, to patrol the territory.

And the Deep Sea King and Wolf Yu Sword Saint, who are better than them, are the famous generals under the command of Morgan and Shen Brew.

Today's Aden, although he has obtained 2 million square kilometers of sea territory, can Aden really manage these territories?

the answer is negative.

Aton's dominance over this sea area is almost zero.

To put it badly, the king of the west, south, and east, the king of the three seas, is galloping and looting in the territorial waters of Aden, what can Bai Luo do?

This is not a declaration of war, nor does it violate the covenants of various countries, and it is a reasonable act.

However, with Aden's naval power, he couldn't stop it, and he didn't dare to chase.

If you catch up, you have to fight, but you can't beat it!

Is there anything more embarrassing than this?

"Nols' aptitude is good, and Elsa is also very high."

"They should all have the aptitude to break through the legend."

Not as long as there is enough time, everyone can break through the legend, it depends on the limit of potential.

Even if the mysterious dragon gave a gift, if the Adonites themselves are too poorly qualified, then the Adonites, who could only reach the hero level, would not be able to skip the master, the king, the legend, and even reach the third level after receiving the gift. .

A person's aptitude can actually be calculated through the feedback of the power of miracles.

This requires the support of big data, that is, past experience.

Generally speaking, the probability of error is extremely low.

Take the fool Christine as an example. The biggest reason why Micia, the Grand Duke of Fairy Eagle, gave her to Bai Luo was that the fool was not suitable for Micia's miraculous power.

Twenty years, breaking through the hero level.

Excellent indeed.

It's definitely better than Sigrian anyway.

But Mishia still sensed the limit of the fool's potential, and she couldn't break through the master level.

Therefore, such a person is destined to become a chess piece, to be used by Mishia at will.

"The dummy is not suitable for the miraculous power of the fairy eagle. It can still break through the fourth stage in 20 years," said the senior sister. "The basic qualifications of the dummy are estimated to be not low."

In other words, Aton has so many miraculous powers that there is always one that suits her.

Even if it doesn't work now, it will definitely work in the future.

A child of miracles encounters the power of miracles with the highest degree of fit, and his aptitude explodes in minutes.

That perverted breakthrough speed is enough for the Lord of Miracles to love him like a heart.

"So, Mishia is the enemy?"

Only a fool would do such a thing by giving his excellent son of a miracle to others.

Is there any special purpose?

But sending a fool, isn't it a little too contemptuous?

"She probably doesn't care at all."

Senior Sister said, "Our family has only 1 hero class and 4 quasi-heroes. I went to Fairy Eagle..."

"Let's not talk about fairy eagles," Senior Sister said, "there are nearly ten heroes under the command of a small Sigrian."


Bai Luo shook his head with emotion, but said nothing.

This is reality, you have to admit it.

"Did Mishia say to come to us?"

An international friend, or the king of a country opposite.

If this is to come to visit, the Principality of Aden must not lose its courtesy.

Although Aton is small, he still needs face.

"I didn't say it."

Senior Sister said: "Even if she really wants to come, Aden can't receive these big people today. Let's wait for it later."

Bai Luo nodded, feeling that what Senior Sister said was right, they had to find a way to reject foreign friends first.

"Come on, let's go tell the good news to the fool first."


Senior Sister smiled: "I'm afraid you will scare her to death."

"how come!"

Bai Luo and Senior Sister walked one after the other on their way to the prison: "If it succeeds, wouldn't it be beautiful to be a bed-warming maid in Aden?"

Bai Luo was just joking, a fool is not qualified to be a bed-warming maid.

"Is there still watermelon?"

"Cantaloupe is also good."

"Strawberry, delicious~~~"

Looking at the dummy in the one-way barrier glass, with watermelon rind in one hand, cantaloupe rind in the other, and a plate of strawberries in front of him.


At this scene, the corners of Bai Luo's mouth twitched slightly: "What a foodie, it's really coming to me to enjoy it."

The idiot was well trained by the senior sister, but the effect was not good, so he was released.

These few days, it is delicious and delicious.

But the fool is also big-hearted.

She is afraid of senior sister, and she is afraid to die, but as long as senior sister is not there, she will look like this immediately.

Arrogant! Very arrogant!

"I'll help you, take care?"

"never mind."

Bai Luo waved his hand and said, "She is about to experience the most tragic events in her life, so let her have a good meal first."

"Cat ears."

Mao Er Er, who was delivering food to Christine, immediately sensed Bai Luo's call. She turned her head and couldn't see the figure outside the one-way glass, but she still judged the arrival of Bai Luo and Senior Sister.


"Hey! Don't go!"

Dummy: "Sit down and eat together!"

A burst of blue fog flashed, and Mao Er Er appeared in front of Bai Luo and Senior Sister.

"His Majesty."

Mao Er Er respectfully saluted the two of them, Senior Sister nodded, and Bai Luo picked up the little female cat: "That fool, do you eat like this every day?"

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty, am I being too kind to her?"

"It's okay," Bai Luo said, "I just order food, I Aton is not so stingy yet."

"Er'er, go and get me a plate of watermelon."

"Okay meow, Er Er will go now."

Seeing that Bai Luo didn't mean to blame himself, Mao Er Er happily went to the kitchen to get the watermelon.


Mao Er Er left, Bai Luo calculated the time, he let Senior Sister stay outside, and walked in alone.


When the door was opened, the fool thought it was a jailer, but when she saw Bai Luo, the melon in her hand was frightened.

"You, you, what do you want to do, I, I won't say it, I will never say it!"

However, Bai Luo ignored the flustered idiot, and calmly moved a chair and sat down.

"Your Majesty, here comes the watermelon."

The watermelon sent by the cat ear ear was all cut, and the cut was very beautiful.

When Bai Luo touched it, it was still ice.

Frozen watermelon, cat ears have a heart.

"Thanks, let's play."

Bai Luo let Mao Er Er leave, while he picked up a piece of watermelon and looked at Christine: "Want a piece?"


The vigilant look in the fool's eyes was quite happy.

"If you don't eat it, you don't mind if I eat it, right?"


After Bai Luo finished speaking, he took a bite: "Well, sweet and juicy, my Aton's watermelon is indeed the best in the world."

Nonsense, there is only watermelon here in the world, of course, the world's first.


Although the dummy ate a lot, it was still greedy.

"Really not?"

"don't want."

A fool is a principled person, and he will never eat what he wants, unless he is hungry and can't stand it.


Bai Luo took a few more bites, and then he said, "Do you know that there are three major disasters in life?"


The fool didn't know why, so Bai Luo explained: "The bridal chamber candle, you are next door; the title on the golden list is just a dream; the happy son is not yours."

"What are you talking about, why can't I understand?"

The culture is different, so Bai Luo expresses his meaning in azure language.

"It's miserable anyway."


With a puzzled look on Dugua's face, Bai Luo was speechless: "Since you don't know, then I'll let you feel it now, the three major misfortunes."

"First miserable, you were fired."


Dummy looked at Bai Luo suspiciously, she subconsciously picked up the cantaloupe and took a bite.

Dummy: I'm sorry, please forgive me for not understanding what you're saying.

"Grand Duke Xian Ying doesn't want you anymore."


Dumbfounded, Bai Luo hurriedly added: "Didn't you find out, you no longer have the power of miracles."

"Do not believe?"

Bai Luo raised his hand to release the Avalon seal on the fool, and at this moment, the fool was completely free.

"What, who doesn't want me anymore, what are you talking about?"

Although the fool is a little stunned, it doesn't mean that she has no brains, otherwise it is impossible to become a hero-level powerhouse.

"My miracle power?"

"No, why is my miracle gone," the idiot said angrily, "what have you done to me?"

It was suppressed by the power of Avalon before, and the fool didn't feel anything.

But now, as soon as Avalon's power retreated, the fool immediately noticed his situation.

The Lord of Miracles has fallen, and the Miracle Powers of the Miracle People can be preserved for a while.

But now, it was Mishia who took back the power, and this was a momentary thing!

No matter how deceitful you are, as long as the master says a word, you can be knocked down from the world and returned to your original shape.


Christine stood up, she was in a very wrong state.

The miraculous power of the child of miracles can never be deprived by outsiders. If the miraculous power disappears, there are only two situations.

The owner dies, or. . .

He doesn't want to be himself.

"Your Majesty can't give up on me, she can't give up on me!"

Christine was stunned, and she shouted piercingly: "I am so loyal, you have done so many bad things to me, and I have not leaked any information."

"I didn't reveal it at all, I didn't reveal it at all, I didn't betray you, Your Majesty!"

"Why is this, why..."

Dummy held her head, she found that she had lost a lot of memory, and the information she knew about the Fairy Eagle Kingdom had disappeared for no reason.

"I want to see Your Majesty, I want to see her!!!"

Mishia withdrew the fool's miraculous power, along with the fool's knowledge and some memories.

Basically nothing but common sense, experience, and some relationships and feelings.

"Calm down, fool."

Bai Luo's voice used Avalon's aura, and this shocking ability made the idiot who had a tendency to collapse suddenly quiet down.

Today's fool is no longer a miracle citizen, she has become an ordinary mortal.

"Suddenly I can't bear it anymore."

Bai Luo found that Duo Gu's condition was very bad, her face was pale, her lips trembled slightly, and she bit out a bloodstain because she endured the pain in her patience.

"never mind."

Bai Luo nibbled the watermelon clean, then put it down: "There are two big misfortunes left, or I don't want to talk about it, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it."

"Why did Your Majesty abandon me?"

"Why did His Majesty abandon me?!"

"I didn't do anything wrong, did I not kill myself, did I eat what's here?"

"Don't abandon me, Your Majesty..."


Bai Luo grabbed Christine who wanted to hit the wall: "Stop making trouble!"

"Don't stop me!"

"It must be that I am not loyal, it must be like this, Your Majesty will not want me!"

"I'm going to die now, as long as I die, Your Majesty will definitely let me go back!"

Everyone is dead, what's the point of going back?

This girl is really broken.

"I want to see her, I want to see her," Christine grabbed Bai Luo's arm and begged, "Let me see her, please, please let me see her!!"

The name of the fool has changed, and he abandoned it without any reason, causing the relationship that has lost the power of miracles to be maintained, and a crack has appeared.

If Mishia told the fool in advance, even if she was allowed to have a political marriage, the fool would never betray Mishia.

Loyalty to Bai Luo, and not betraying Mi Shia, this is not a violation of peace.

So although an outsider can quickly become stronger and become a ready-made combat force, you can't use him to fight your own country, this is too much.

"Although I don't want to hit you," Bai Luo said, "but you were abandoned by the fairy eagle. I mean, you can't even go back to the fairy eagle, she doesn't want you anymore."

"you're lying!"

"You are lying to me!!"

"Impossible! Impossible!"

Christine grew up in Fairy Eagle since she was a child, Fairy Eagle Country is her home and her only homeland: "I want to go back, let me go back, I was wrong, I apologize to you, I beg you to let me go Go home, please, please..."

"Do you really want to go back that much?"

"is it okay?"

Christine seemed to have grabbed the last straw to save her life and begged: "Let me go back, I will go, I will come back, I will definitely come back!"

Christine, although Bai Luo called her a fool.

But this is because she is really simple and kind.

From a personality point of view, she is a good person as bright, holy and warm as the dawn.

It's a pity that she was unlucky, and she got Mi Shiya and Bai Luo.

If the Fairy Eagle did not abandon her, the fool would still have feelings for her.

In this way, if she is loyal to Bai Luo in the future, this is called loyalty.

One day in the future, she is unwilling to attack the fairy eagle, this is love.

A man of integrity, what can you blame him for?

What Mishia did was indeed a bit too much.

She didn't say anything to the idiot, and directly withdrew her miraculous power.

Dummy worked very hard and wanted to be a useful person so that Mishia could see her.

But what is the result?

She doesn't know herself at all, and she doesn't care about her at all.

"Feel sorry."

Bai Luo pulled away Christine and grabbed his hand: "No."

"You, devil."

Killing is no more than nodding, Bai Luo's remarks made the already bewildered idiot grit his teeth.

"You haven't heard the third worst thing I'm going to say next."

"When I'm done, you should cry too."

Bai Luo still decided to finish his words: "Misiya gave you to me, now, you belong to me, you are mine."

"Clap clap clap clap."

Christine was stunned, her heart ached, but with extreme anger on her face: "I won't be with you, even if I die, I won't betray Xian Ying, get out! Get out of here!!! "

"Too arrogant."

The cat ears broke in, and she pulled out the matching blade around her waist.

"Kill me if you can!"

Dummy is really tough. She is not afraid of death or torture, and even angered Bai Luo, just to anger the miraculous people like Mao Er Er and let them kill her.

"You are here, take a good rest."

"If you want to go out, you can tell Mao Er Er and she will take you out for a walk."

The fool has lost the power of miracles, and Bai Luo will never let her go.

The acceptance of the power of miracles is imperceptible, when one day the fool sees its beauty and adapts to it, she will naturally become a part of Aden.

So Bai Luo was not in a hurry, not at all.

The dummy is just an experiment, used to prove that the old uncle's words are right, and other people of the Lord of Miracles can also become Bai Luo's capable soldiers.



Christine suddenly became furious. She pushed all the dishes and bowls in front of her away and overturned the table: "Get out of here! Ah!!!"

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