This is a Miracle

Chapter 163: Awakening of Covetousness, A Legendary Realm

"that's it?"

Bai Luo walked out of the cell, Senior Sister looked at the figure in the room and shook her head: "What a poor girl."

After venting, Christine hugged her legs alone and curled up pitifully in the corner.

"I thought you had some good means."

After Senior Sister finished speaking, Bai Luo shrugged: "Where can I come up with any means, just let it take its course."

Even if Bai Luo really wanted to subdue Christine, he would still use his sincerity instead of cheating. That would be meaningless.

But Mishia did a good job.

She abandoned the fool for no reason, like a tyrant who arbitrarily killed his subjects and lost the hearts of the people.

After that, it was even more extreme, and the fool was expelled from the Immortal Eagle Country.

This is no different from exile, which directly cuts off his previous relationships and makes him homeless.

Not only that, but killing people.

Mishia also gave the fool to Bai Luo and caught her enemy.

In the end, who is the bad guy?

Is it Bai Luo?

When the fool knows that it was Mishia who abandoned her, at that moment, the fool will naturally be completely disappointed with Mishia: 'So she is this kind of person, I used to be an idiot. ’

"Perfect attack."

Bai Luo: "It's not difficult to subdue the fool, it's just a matter of time."

"Well, that's not bad."

Senior Sister said: "But what I said is that you like her."


Bai Luo embarrassedly said, "No one who knows me will believe this reason. She will understand it later."

Bai Luo: As long as she's not a fool, Christine will definitely understand.

With a small excuse, the Lord of Miracles can be released, there is only one possibility.

That is the fool is worthless,

She was insignificant, just a small gift and plaything for Bai Luo.

"Next, let's meet Sigrian."

Bai Luo notified Christine, and naturally Sigrian was also notified.

"Oh, rare visitor, have you eaten, Your Majesty Aden."

As soon as he entered the door, Sigrian greeted him with such a greeting, and in the style of Adon, he asked, "Have you eaten?"

"I just ate melon."

Bai Luo sat down again: "How about you?"

"Like you, I just ate an invisible melon," Sigrian said. "That girl, must be heartbroken?"

Sigrian didn't see it, but he analyzed it.

It is very likely that Bai Luo will keep Christine, and Mishia will also let him go. Even Sigrian has already foreseen the reaction of the idiot when he finds out about this.

"But I thought before that sooner or later, that girl will be used by the Mihiana woman as a gift to other Lords of Miracles."

"It's just that I didn't expect that that person would be your Highness."

Sigrian didn't mind expressing his dissatisfaction with Grand Duke Fairy Eagle: "She is, she is going to enjoy herself."

"If you're willing to come to me, I can ask Morgan for someone."

Although Sigrian was an enemy, insidious and cunning, he was indeed loyal to Morgan.

A loyal person, no matter how cunning he is, he is also admirable.

"My father is not a Mishian woman. She has a cold nature and only cares about herself," Sigrian said. "My lord has love and righteousness, and can do anything for his family."

"So I want to give you a piece of advice to your Highness, please don't trust Mishia, she is not trustworthy."

Sigrian, or that Sigrian, the real and the fake, the real and the fake, it is difficult to distinguish between the real and the real, and it will always be so demagogic.

As soon as you seize the opportunity, it is to sow discord, and it is very slippery.

"If you don't die, you will become a famous general in the future."

Bai Luo gave Siglion such an evaluation.

In today's Aden, apart from the old uncle, senior sister, and Bai Luo himself, anyone who faced Sigrian on the sea might be led by his nose.

With such a dangerous person, Bai Luo really wanted to say, "If you don't use it, you will kill it for me."

"So you have to remember," Bai Luo patted Sigrian on the shoulder, "in the future, don't be captured by me again in the battlefield."

"Because it's time."

Bai Luo said softly, "I will definitely kill you!"


Sigrian smiled: "Okay, then I will thank you in advance, Your Highness, for giving me the opportunity to fight to the death and be loyal to my lord."


Sure enough, Sigrian was not afraid at all.

Not only was he not afraid, but Bai Luo's approval and fear made him excited.

To die in battle is Siglion's lifelong pursuit: 'I'm not afraid that you won't kill me, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to kill me! ’


Bai Luo was about to leave when he suddenly turned around and said, "I signed a covenant with Morgan. For ten years, the two sides will not attack each other. Congratulations, Morgan will send someone to take you home soon."


"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you shouldn't be like this."

Sigrian looked at Bai Luo's back, although he had already guessed it, he still sighed fiercely.

Aton, sooner or later, will become my South China Sea country's confidant, and the blue is here. . .

She is feeding a dragon without knowing it.

Until one day, this evil dragon will become dominant, and everyone will have to tremble under its bloody mouth.

"Recently, please watch Sister Aleia for a while."

Bai Luo worried that Sigrian would choose to commit suicide again, which would invalidate the covenant of miracles, thus breaking Morgan and Bai Luo.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Aleia smiled and said, "From today onwards, I won't go to church anymore, I'll just stay here."

"Thanks a lot."

"In the future, if you capture prisoners, you really have to look at the situation," Bai Luo said. "People like this can't be killed, but they can't be killed, and they're not easy to shut down. It's really troublesome."

She's still much more cute, at least she's stupid and easy to fool.

"Dummy, I'm going to go on a hunger strike."

"Let her go."

Bai Luo smiled: "I see how long she can last."

People are iron rice is steel.

If the idiot is still from Mishia, then she has faith as support, and she may really choose to starve to death.

But Mishia didn't want her anymore.

Dummy is stupid and cute, but she is stubborn and stubborn, and she will never die with regret.

"This person can see through at a glance."

Bai Luo said indifferently: "Wait, at most half a month, she will definitely come to me again."


Just as they were talking, Bai Luo and Senior Sister suddenly staggered under their feet. The two of them looked at each other with puzzled expressions.


The sudden change was felt not only by Bai Luo and Senior Sister, but by all the Aden people in the Avalon world.

"what's the situation?"


"Is it because of the power of miracles, Your Majesty has discovered a new miracle again?"

Tree elves, the Aden family, and fairies, all kinds of thoughts poured out.

However, outside the world of Avalon, in the center of the tree elf forest in the center of Aden Island, Grandpa Andrew raised his head and looked at the sky.

"This, what is this..."

Grandpa Andrew, the old tree elf widened his eyes, and in the sky, the sun was disappearing.


A terrifying miracle force is swallowing the sun in the sky! ! !

"what happened?"

Bai Luo hurriedly asked, "Someone attacked?"


Senior Sister sensed it and said, "There is a huge miracle force that is pouring into my Avalon world from the entrance!"


"Not the enemy!"

Senior Sister was a little surprised, she discovered the source of this miraculous power.


Almost at the same time, Bai Luo also felt it.


Bai Luo slammed into his heart. He gritted his teeth and staggered. Senior Sister quickly helped him: "Xiao Luo, what's the matter with you?"

"Kill them!"

“Delicious stuff!”

"Flesh and blood! Where is the strong one?!!"

"Eat it! Eat it all!"

"Hungry, so hungry, why so hungry!!!"

Brutal, restless, bloodthirsty, ruthless, crazy. . . . .

A lot of negative emotions poured into Bai Luo's body almost like a torrent. He only felt that the world was spinning, the whole world seemed to turn blood red, and everything he saw was like a purgatory on earth.

"Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo?!"

With buzzing in his ears, Bai Luo faintly heard Senior Sister's voice: "Quick, get out, Leon, Leon's state is not right."


"I'm fine!"

Bai Luo raised his head, one of his eyes had turned blood red, and in the original white part, pitch black was spreading to the whole eye.


Bai Luo felt that his head was about to explode, countless black and red veins appeared on his skin, and his eyes were even more congested, covered with red blood lines.

"Xiao Luo!"

"This power is swallowing his will?"

Senior Sister realized Bai Luo's current situation, and hurriedly invoked the laws of Avalon's world: "The power of miracles, you are so bold!!!"


Gold, crimson, and azure rose from the triangle of Avalon's world.

"In the name of Queen Avalon, I order you!"

"The law of the whole world, go to your king!!!"

Isafiya raised her hands, and the three energies converged in the air, and then fell suddenly, covering Bai Luo.


Bai Luo opened his arms, his entire body suddenly swelled and increased in height, and a lot of hair grew out of Bai Luo's body.

He fell to his knees, his claws dancing wildly.


As the minions passed, the air, and even the space of Avalon World was easily torn apart by it.


"Master, are you alright?!"

Shirley and Lilith appeared at the same time, and even Bai Yinuo felt it. She wanted to come over, but found that it was too far away, so she could only helplessly worry: "Master..."

"What a terrible power, how crazy."

Bai Luo lowered his head and gasped violently: "I can restrain myself, you go to Leon first, hurry up."

"I, can, control!!"


After Bai Luo finished speaking, his eyes went crazy again, but the next moment, Bai Luo pulled back his sanity.

"Whoo~~ whoo~~~"

Bai Luo is tugging at this miraculous power: "If you want to control my emotions, you are still far from it."

"I'm fine!"

Bai Luo said to Senior Sister again, "There's no time, um..."


A surge of tyranny rose from Bai Luo's heart, which made him stretch his arms and let out a long howl toward the sky.

"Gela la la."


In the sky of Avalon, countless cracks appeared in this sound.

There are two huge forces in Bai Luo's body now arguing, one is Avalon's three qi from his senior sister, and the other is the power of greed for the world.

The former accounts for about 50%, the latter only 30%.

The remaining 20% ​​belonged to Shirley's transcendence power, but it was very quiet and did not participate in any battles, and even faintly helped Avalon's power to guide the direction and suppress the world-greedy power together.

The power of covetousness is only 20%, but these 20% are even more frantic.

Its terrifying aggression is like eating the Dou Sheng method as food and then turning it into one's own.


Senior Sister was furious, her clothes turned into a golden queen dress, and the noble and sacred emperor crown of all races appeared on top of her head, and even the entire Avalon world seemed to wake up at this moment.

"It's up to you," Senior Sister: "You also want to stand up to me?!"

In the sky, countless phantoms emerged from the astral world, as if they were kneeling on one knee in the galactic void, paying homage to the angry queen.


Senior Sister raised her hand: "Kneel down for me!!"


The power of Avalon defeated the power of covetousness, Bai Luo turned into a giant wolf, but his hair turned into a noble three-color gold, silver and silver, and only the ankles and wrists were in the dark.


Raising his hand, Bai Luo punched down as if to vent his previous madness.


The next moment, the entire Avalon world, including the holy lake, holy beast forest, gardens, courtyards, castles, and proving grounds, all shattered.

Even the star realm in the sky is full of cracks like broken glass.

Legendary power!

Crown Legend!

The entire Avalon world felt the majesty from their masters, they did not dare to resist arbitrarily, but used their own bodies to bear Bai Luo's catharsis.


Senior Sister heard the screams of Avalon's world, but the world was broken, but it didn't hurt her.

Because this world was originally created by her, and if it was destroyed, she created another one.

Then, Senior Sister looked at Bai Luo: "Xiao Luo, how are you now, Xiao Luo?"


Bai Luo opened his eyes, the deep blue streamer gradually dimmed, but he could still faintly see the starry sky, and there were countless bright rays of light intertwining and flickering.

And his two eyes, one is like a burning black sun, and the other is bright red like a blood moon.

The hair gradually retracted, and Bai Luo put on the noble Avalon royal robe again, but compared to the previous noble and sacred, he was a bit more wild and domineering at this time.

Senior sister, the crown king, the world of miracles.

Shirley, the crown king, the next miracle creature.

Leon, the crown king, the median miracle creature.

The three crowned kings, the infinite power of two-sleep miracles gathered here, and finally let Bai Luo break the boundary and reach the realm of legend.

Not just an ordinary legend, but a crown legend!

With three crowns behind him providing infinite miraculous power, Bai Luo's legendary realm is also infinite.

"Thank you, Feiya."

Bai Luo calmed down completely, the power of Avalon overwhelmed the power of covetousness, which made the two completely merged in Bai Luo's body, regardless of each other.

"But, it's really a terrible force."

Bai Luo felt the power of covetousness in his body, which was the power Leon shared with him after his second sleep.

This power is different from Queen Avalon, she is equal, the two sides are the same.

With Leon's words, Bai Luo felt that he probably got 70% of his miraculous power, while Xue Li only had about 40%.

"not good!"

"Get out!"

Bai Luo clenched his fists, he immediately realized the problem: "Leon is outside, his state is not right, Lilith, Shirley, go and stop him!"


Bai Luo also wanted to go, but as soon as he took a step, the ground shattered, and he directly stepped out of a gap.

He got the power too fast, and now he can't control this power at all!


"leave me alone."

In fact, Bai Luo has not yet mastered this power. He can't move at will now, otherwise, once it descends on Aden Island, it will be a natural disaster in human form.

"Xiao Luo."

"Feiya, you go too," Bai Luo said, "Take my order and lock him up!"

"it is good."

Senior Sister stepped out, the environment changed, and she had already appeared on the White City Tower on Aden Island.

"This is!"

The sister looked at the sky in surprise.

There, the sunset that was supposed to hang has disappeared, replaced by a black sun so big that it almost covers the entire sky.


It was covered in pitch-black flames, and it fell from the sky towards Adun Island.


Tens of thousands of skyfires fell, as if a million bats and a million crows rushed towards the earth like a dark cloud covering the sky.


Senior Sister shouted, Lilith hurriedly flew into the air, she opened her arms, a barrier rose from all directions like a tsunami, and quickly gathered at the very center of Aden Island.

"Puff puff puff."

However, the black fire collided with the enchantment and was not completely blocked. They turned into ashes, and in this dim world, heavy snow fell.

"What is this?"

Lilith was shocked, she couldn't stop this: "This is not an attack, this, this thing is the power of miracles, this is the power of miracles of Leon!"


Lilith: "I can't stop it, it's not the enemy!"

Companion, this is the power of companion, Lilith's miraculous power, like it, belongs to Bai Luo, they are one and can be fused.


Just when Lilith was anxious, Senior Sister's heart sounded Bai Luo's voice: "I use the name of Bai Luo Aden..."

"I take the name of Bai Luo Yaden!"

Senior sister raised her head, and in the center of Aden, a golden beam of light poured out like a spring: "Order you, the power of greed that devours all the world, you are not allowed to give your power to the people of Aden, and you must not harm them."

However, when the senior sister's order was issued, the setting sun also happened to sink to the west.


Senior Sister raised her head and saw that the dark sun had disappeared, and in its place was a larger red blood moon.

The blood moon shone on the earth, and under the red light, the entire Aden Island was covered with a terrifying and eerie atmosphere.

Tranquil, lifeless.

The forest is like a blood basin that opens in the dark, the lake is deep, and there seems to be an abyss underneath. The wheat ears, farmland, and all the plants on the ground are slowly withering under the blood moon.

And under this blood moon, Senior Sister and others saw a figure, it was Leon.

Completely devoured by the power of covetousness, Mad King!

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