This is a Miracle

Chapter 164 Miracle 2 Sleep: The Mad King of Ashes

"what is this?"

The goblins raised their heads and looked at the blood moon in the sky, they were dumbfounded.

"Yeah, so beautiful."

"And the flame just now, although scary, but after turning into ashes, it is not hot at all when it falls on the body."

The cranes were flying in the air, and some snow-like ashes were still on their wings.

Little Bear Duoduo, the Ham family, and the White Eagle family raised their heads curiously, and their eyes were completely attracted by the bright red giant moon.

"It's so beautiful~~"

"Yes, what a beautiful moon."

"How can it be so beautiful..."

Most of the Adonites are in the Avalon world, and the people who stay outside are the Adonites, the original 117 slave boys and girls, and the 2,500 new arrivals this time.

They all lived in Port Town, and they naturally saw such an obvious vision clearly.

But this person is nothing, they don't have the power of miracles in their bodies, Lilith will uniformly modify the memories of the commoners and let them forget this moment.

"Stupid Feast!"

Glass looked at the scene in front of him, and he immediately guessed the origin of this thing: "How can the power of the old banquet appear here?"

"And such a big moon, and the black sun before, is it a gift of miracle power through the radiance and ashes?"

"Looking at the range, it's at least the median..."

Being able to display such a magnificent field of miracles, Glass immediately jumped out of various possibilities in his mind.

"but why"

Why did a median-level miracle suddenly appear on Adun Island?

"Isn't this Aton's miracle?"

Glass couldn't tell the source of the miracle: "Is someone trying to invade Aden?

According to Glass's observation, Aden's miracle could never be of the old banquet system, so the possibility that this blood moon is an enemy is obviously greater.

"Uncle, what is this?"

"It was suddenly dark just now, and now, wow, what a big moon, it's still blood red!"

Yuexi didn't know why, so she looked at the blood moon in the sky and was shocked by its magnificence: "Is this a unique phenomenon here? It's amazing."

"Silly girl! Come in!"

Glass quickly turned around, then grabbed the girl's hand and dragged her into the room: "Stay inside and don't come out! Don't open the window, don't look at this light, don't look!"

"Oh, um."

Yuexi had never seen Glass with such a serious expression, and she obediently hid in the room.

"Go back all!"

"All go back to the house!"

The old man ran out of the house and shouted to the residents on the shopping street of Haigang Town: "Don't look at this light, don't look at this light!!"

Known for its astonishing output, the Old Feast of Fools is the most dangerous and terrifying of the twenty-eight factions.

There is no threshold for the old banquet of ignorance, and anyone may be affected by it.

This is completely different from the power of the fairy and the power of Avalon.

But Glass is well aware that the high yield of the Feast of Fools comes at a price, and that is a 99% failure rate.

The old banquet of ignorance is either strengthened or mutated.

Once failed, beyond recognition is the lightest.

If it is more serious, maybe even the rationality of being a human will disappear and become a monster completely.

In other words, if you can't bear the power of other miracles, it's just unbearable. Even if there are side effects, it will never be as perverted as the old banquet of ignorance.

"How is this going?"

Ilona was in command of the goblin gendarmerie in Harbour Town, and he found Glass but did not stop the old man.

Ilona was given an order from above, and Glass was an advisor to the gendarmerie. If you encounter any problems, you can ask the old man's opinion.

"Let everyone hide in the house."

Glass doesn't know the situation, but he knows how to deal with the old banquet of stupidity: "This light will make people mutate, and it can't be illuminated for a long time, so everyone hides."

The miraculous realm of the old feast of foolishness,

Sometimes it is also used as a strategic weapon to erode the enemy on a large scale.

Yes, the Old Feast of Fools can ignore loyalty and directly use the power of mutation to distort and curse a large number of creatures and regions.

"it is good."

Ilona acted immediately, and more than a hundred goblin gendarmes commanded the crowd, letting them hide in their house, and then closed the door and windows.

"No matter what happens outside, as long as the blood moon is still there, you are not allowed to come out."

Glass warned, but he didn't dare to stay here for a long time, so after he finished speaking, he hid into the room to avoid being irradiated by the light of the blood moon.


On the sea, the water-dwelling fairies found the shadow under the sea, which was the sea fish used as food in this sea area.

"What happened to these fish, stupid or crazy?"

"They're biting me!"

"Damn, get out!!!"

The aquatic fairies found that the sea fish was crazy, and they had to choose to shoot and kill them all.


In the forest, a large number of bees, beetles, and centipedes swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye under the blood light.

"The creatures on this island are mutating."

Not only these insects that cannot be affected by the power of the fairy, but also those domestic animals who are ordered by Bai Luo to not be able to impart the power of miracles.

Except for the favored horses and cows, others such as chickens, ducks, pigs, and sheep are all crazy.

Pairs of blood-red eyes stared greedily at the fairies present.

"Is this going to eat us?"

"What a joke!"

"Can't you kill them, your majesty's order, where is your majesty's order?"

In the face of these poultry and livestock, the goblins are quite helpless, and they really don't know how to deal with them, whether to kill them.

"Get out!"

The witches felt that they cast the blue mist shuttle developed from the cute cat family, inserted into the battle as if they were teleporting, and cast spells to separate the poultry with high rock walls.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

On the other side, Sheila, who was already very close to Leon, looked at her brother who suddenly revealed his true body, and was extremely worried.


As if he had found a living person, Leon opened his mouth wide at his own sister and roared angrily.


But the next moment, Leon showed a confused look, and in his sight, Sheila's appearance gradually became clear.

younger sister.


Can't hurt, can't hurt comrades.


"No, you can't."

Leon shook his head vigorously, the clarity in his eyes gradually disappeared, and when he raised his head, he roared again.


Leon's appearance was still terrifying, but he restrained himself and did not attack Sheila.

'I can't hurt her, no. ’

Even if he became a mad king, Leon still adhered to Bai Luo's laws.

Don't hurt the Adonites!

This is one's own person, one's own person should love and not hurt.

love. . .

Leon looked at Sheila, he no longer regarded her as an enemy, but as a companion and family.


Suddenly, Leon opened his claws at Sheila.

"elder brother?"

"What is this, brother, what are you doing?"

At this moment, Sheila only felt that the blood moon in front of her suddenly approached.

Infinite blood light slammed into Sheila's body in front, and a lot of miracle power, like a turbulent torrent, strengthened Sheila's body.


Sheila clutched her heart in pain. She had never been close to such a huge power of miracles.

I saw the girl kneeling on the ground, gasping for breath, dripping with sweat.

However, this is not harm, it is a gift, it is the power of greed that Leon bestows on his compatriots, subjects, and family!


Sheila's eyes turned red, and sharp tiger teeth grew out of her mouth.


The clothes on Sheila's back were torn, revealing a clean back, and a pair of dark wings bloomed with blood mist.

The power of the fairy is merging with the power of the world.

A brand new species is about to be born under these two god-like forces!

At the same time, the three spirits of fighting saints in Sheila's body began to compete with the power of covetousness, which made Sheila's consciousness return to clarity.


Gradually, one wing seemed to be unable to withstand this force, and a crack appeared.

A coke-like blood clot fell, and under this wing, a white wing with golden patterns appeared behind Sheila.


Lilith arrived at the first time, but looking at Sheila's appearance, she was still stunned: "Well, what's going on?"

The dark wings are like the bat wings of demons and vampires, but the wings with pure platinum patterns are as sacred as angels.

Two completely different, even contradictory forces are displayed in Sheila, but they are perfectly integrated.

"Hu~~ huh~~"

"I am..."

Sheila opened her eyes, her eyes, the starlight of Avalon's magic shone on the left, but the right side was as black as ink, with only a little blood staring ahead.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Compared with her own situation, Sheila is more worried about her brother Leon: "You didn't hurt me, brother, did you see that you didn't hurt me, you can control your power."

"You wake up quickly."

Unfortunately, no matter how Sheila shouted, Leon just stood there, quietly, standing.


Senior sister also rushed here. She looked at the girl in front of her who was both holy and coquettish: "The power of covetousness is integrated into Sheila's body, and it didn't hurt Sheila, this..."

Leon is crazy, but he still retains Bai Luo's will: 'I can't hurt the people of Adon, and I want to develop in the direction I want. ’

Therefore, the power of greed did not distort Sheila, but strengthened her positively.

"Sheila, are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

Sheila has not lost her mind, she has a very high affinity with the power of greed.

Leon can be suppressed, and so can Sheila.

"Has Leon controlled himself?"

Lilith was waiting to be happy, but the next moment, a terrifyingly cruel gaze fell on her.

"what happened?!"

As soon as this thought came to mind, a behemoth had already enveloped Lilith.


Almost in an instant, Lilith set up a fairy barrier and resisted this unimaginable terrorist attack.


Pitch-black flames emerged in the forest, like storms and tsunamis, engulfing everything in the shaking of the earth and mountains.

"Ah ah!"

The goblins looked at the black flames in horror: "Help!!!"


However, as the surprised eyes opened, the little guys looked at each other, and then they were surprised to find that these black flames were not scorching hot, and they didn't even feel at all.

"How is this going?"

The cat spirit is also here: "Is this an illusion?"

However, when the fairies looked around, they were completely stunned by the sight in front of them.

The original dreamy forest has disappeared, replaced by a piece of scorched earth, a piece of land that looks like a curse.

Dry trees, rotten flowers.

The stream dried up and there were corpses everywhere.

These corpses were not of human beings, but of animals, those who were not sheltered by the power of goblins.

In other words, they belonged to beings who were not recognized by Bai Luo as Adonites.

"Leon's power has no effect on the Aduns."

Senior Sister understands that he is bound by the law and will subconsciously avoid all Aton people: "Xiao Luo, can you restrain him?"


Over there, Leon kept attacking Lilith.

His tricks are cruel and domineering, as if to swallow the fairy godmother alive.

The ember fire spewed, and the blood light squirmed.

Leon's greedy power collided with Lilith's fairy magic.

"not good!!

It was just one blow, but with that power, even Senior Sister Rao was frightened and immediately launched the Avalon Barrier.


Senior Sister felt the pressure from the enchantment, and her face was solemn: "You can't let them fight here, if this goes on, Aden Island may be sunk by them!"

Aden was not destroyed by the enemy, but was destroyed by his own miracle.

Is there anything funnier than this?


The speed of the two sides is too fast, senior sister dare not intervene, for fear that her joining will bring more pressure to the Holy Light enchantment.

"The spirit of nature!"

Also at this moment, Lilith waved her hands, and the fluorescent light condensed in the air.

They fell on the ground, and the originally pitch-black cursed place was immediately dispelled by the power of blessing, the flowers bloomed, and the tender seedlings grew into towering trees at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Tree people rose from the ground, and a large number of fairy spirits floated out from the dead corpses, like the projection of colorful small animals.


Leon was also not to be outdone. He raised his head and screamed, only to hear a 'bang', and the dead wood that had died quickly twisted.

The rotten tree spirit was entwined with jet-black flames. Above the animal corpses, a large number of maggots spewed out. They were densely covered on the bones, forming disgusting flesh and blood that was constantly wriggling.

Soon, bloated, twisted and strange creatures stood up from the ground.

Lilith and Leon confronted each other, and the ground beneath their feet was like a torn photo.

On the left, it is like a fantasy fairyland, and on the right, it is a terrifying world.

"All come back!"

Bai Luo's voice sounded in Lilith and Leon's mind at the same time.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared at the same time.



Leon seemed to be unresponsive to the changes in the surrounding environment, but his strong fighting instinct still made him look for Lilith's breath for the first time.

"Give me quiet."

In the Avalon world, Bai Luo, who had initially mastered some power, appeared in Leon's sight.


Leon felt Bai Luo's breath, and the originally violent power suddenly stagnated.


The terrifying Mad King was forcibly pressed to the ground, Bai Luo grabbed the back of Leon's head and suppressed him.


Leon resisted desperately, but Bai Luo glared at him sharply, then snorted coldly, "What are you doing, Leon, wake up soon?!"


The majesty of the master suddenly shattered the madness in Leon's heart.

With great fear, the greedy wolf king made a whimpering sound when a canine animal was bullied.

And with Bai Luo's order to the Miracle Man, Leon immediately lost all his strength, and could only crawl on the ground in anxiety, shivering, and there was no earth-shattering aura of the world-destroying wolf king.

"How is this going?"

Bai Luo looked at Lilith: "Why did Leon attack you, Lilith?"


Lilith was also at a loss: "I don't know either."

"It should be your previous order, Your Majesty."

At this time, Senior Sister's voice came from above her head: "Let the two misunderstand."

Senior sister didn't come back, she needed to stay in Aden to solve the sequelae of Leon's covetousness.

Median miracles, their miraculous powers are like radiation and special particles in the air.

This kind of thing has a very wide range of influence and pervasiveness, and it is really difficult to deal with.

"His Majesty's order is that he can't hurt the Adonites, but Lilith and I, we are not Adonians."

Senior Sister looked at this strange forest. She tried her best to dispel Leon's greedy power, but found that this power had already been integrated into the grass and trees.

Lilith can make the power of greed in the air disappear, but there is no way to strip the power that has been absorbed.

Just like Sheila, she has obtained the power to covet the world, and to take it back, only Bai Luo has such a right.

"Me too, how could I forget you."

Bai Luo: "In the name of the Lord of Miracles, I order you, Leon, to live in peace with my miracles."

Recalling Leon's previous reaction, before Lilith didn't appear, although he was crazy, he was like a wild oss ​​who couldn't find the enemy.

Because there were no enemies, Leon went into a hang-up state and stood there calmly.

Even if Sheila approaches, Leon only bestows the power of covetousness.

This is because Bai Luo has issued an order so that Leon cannot harm the Adonites.

However, is Lilith from Adon?

she is not!

She is Bai Luo's miraculous creature. Although she is very close to Bai Luo, she is not Aden, she should be Aden's goddess.

So, embarrassed.

Leon sensed an aura that was not within the law, and the worldly greed in his body ran wild, launched an attack frantically, and the pitch-black greed of the world was even more frantically vented.

In fact, it is possible to destroy only the forest and the earth without harming the fairies.

Bai Luo couldn't say that Leon was wrong, he really tried his best to control his power.


Bai Luo sighed, he looked at Leon who was suppressed by him: "It's my problem, luckily Aden Island is fine."

Although Leon's miraculous power is extremely shocking, the power is also terrifying.

But under Bai Luo's suppression, Leon was unusually docile and obedient.

It's like a vicious dog grinning at outsiders, sticking out his tongue in front of himself to please himself, rolling around and showing off his cuteness.

"I can't get angry."

Bai Luo only loves Leon, and doesn't want to blame at all: "But calm down, Leon."

Bai Luo let go of Leon, and then a large number of chains appeared out of thin air, directly binding the greedy mad king into a zongzi.

【Cinder Mad King Leon】

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Grade: Median

Type: Man of Miracles

Faction: Old Feast of Stupidity

Stance 1: The greedy giant wolf

Stance 2: Cinder Mad King

"Leon, can you hear my voice?"

Seeing that Leon's emotions have calmed down, and the blood of greed has been suppressed, Bai Luo then guided: "Be awake, don't let the blood of greed control you, you are the master of this power, you are the greedy King of the world!"

"Your Majesty, go ahead and suppress me."


Although these words are normal, Bai Luo still feels a little weird: "Want me to keep pressing you?"

"I mean chains."

Leon: "It's not tight enough, please tie it tighter."


Bai Luo was very embarrassed and secretly asked if we could talk properly next time. . . . . .

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