This is a Miracle

Chapter 171 Military Alliance

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Can stand, and dare to overlook the world.

The arrogant statement is very arrogant, but it happens that King Aolai likes Haierbo's unruly appearance.

Just like when he was young, he was arrogant and arrogant, and he challenged the mighty Northern Empress when he was only three years old.

However, not all the Lords of Miracles can accept and be so provoked by others.

If it wasn't for the preparations that Uncle had prepared more than ten years ago, if a stranger dared to challenge Wang with such pride, he would have been run over by him in minutes.

"Wang Wei just now, is the Aolai King?"

Senior Sister came out of the retreat. She came to Bai Luo and said, "The old-fashioned Lord of Miracles, is he so strong?"

"How does Feiya feel?"

"It will take at least a thousand years before I am qualified to confront him head-on."

Senior Sister is only the second sleeper now, but because of the charging of the mysterious dragon, she is very close to the third sleeper.

However, after the third awakening, to the fourth awakening, the weapon of Wang Wei during this period is blank. It will take the senior sister to spend thousands of years to fill it up, so that there is a chance to break through to the fourth awakening.

King Aolai has achieved miracles for nearly 4,000 years. As early as 3,000 years ago, he had already broken through the four sleeps.

However, 1000 years later, King Aolai is still awake.

Therefore, as long as Senior Sister can break through the four senses, he will be able to keep pace with King Aolai, who has the same four senses, for five thousand years!

"But it's just a confrontation between miracle bodies."

Senior Sister said: "Even if I can break through the four senses, there is still a big gap in the strength of our troops."

Generally speaking, miracles take three times as long as breakthroughs to fully fill the units.

What does that mean?

Taking Lilith as an example, the number of miracle people she can cultivate when she sleeps is limited.

How many heroes can be cultivated, and how many extraordinary, extraordinary, and ordinary children of miracles can be cultivated, all of which are limited by the amount.

the same sleep,

Assume that the median number of heroes that can be cultivated is 2.

The next bit is 1.

The upper position is twice the median, which is 4.

In other words, if the miracle level is one rank, there will be a clear distinction in the size of the legion.

Then there's the growth rate.

Not only am I more than you, I'm faster than you.

"If I haven't broken through the three senses, there will be a big gap between my strength and his, but once I break through..."

Senior Sister said: "Just give me another 500 years, and I have the confidence to challenge the entire Aolai Kingdom."

The world of Avalon is a high-ranking miracle, but Senior Sister's Avalon is not ordinary.

It's not one feature, but five.

Therefore, the speed and quantity limit of its arms cultivation are also five times that of the normal high-rank miracle.

The upper Avalon, to the median 9981, has a gap of twice the speed of the arms cultivation and the upper limit.

Another 5 times, that's 10 times.

This means that Aolaiguo will be surpassed by Aton sooner or later.

This is also the biggest helplessness when a miracle of a personality faces a miracle of a high personality.

The body is not false, but the people below can't beat it.

"King Aolai's military strength has not changed for many years, which shows that his miracle has reached the limit within the limit of the four senses."

The places for legends, kings, masters, and heroes under King Aolai are all full.

If he wants to cultivate a new legend, the premise is that the previous legend will die.

"That's why the Lord of Miracles doesn't look down on mortals."

Because the quota for the children of miracles is full, even giving the Lord of Miracles another 100 trillion people is useless.

Unless he breaks through the five senses, these mortals with only a few decades of lifespan are like a number.

The Lord of Miracles will only see the 10 billion as a whole, and will not care about your personal life, old age, sickness and death.

"Instead of being kind to these people now, it's better to wait until you break through the five senses and be kind to them when you need it."

"So why bother worrying about mortals for thousands of years?"

You are now 3000 years old, and it will take 7000 years to break through the five senses.

Do you have to take care of mortals for 7,000 years?


What is the meaning?

Even if you let them live a good life, decades later, they still have to die.

Then the new group of people has to be taken care of by you.

That being the case, why not be the villains of 7,000 years and wait until 7,000 years later to take care of the 'that generation'?

You take care of 700 generations, and these 700 generations are also going to die.

Taking care of it means not taking care of it.

And the last generation you take care of can make you develop into a miracle citizen.

This is called giving and receiving.

"Now that King Aolai knows our Aden's potential, what should he do?"

"If he is a holy elector," the old uncle, who was always present but never said a word, said, "If you say anything, you can't let him know that we have four miracles."

"But he is Dong Aolai."

Yes, he is Dong Aolai.

Normal people, but the battle of Wang Wei is weaker than the disadvantage, who will admit their defeat.

This is just a confrontation between Wang Wei.

"Although we used him as a comparison, but coming to the country proudly will not become our enemy."

"We have to try our best to win over this big armed country. This is also the help that I have traveled for many years and selected for you, Xiao Luo."

"However, Dong Ao is rebellious."

The old uncle smiled and said, "It's not okay to talk to the fierce general, and we must let him see our strength."

When Bai Luo fought against King Aolai, he sent Xue Li, Lilith, Senior Sister and Leon, four miracle bodies.

Lower, middle, upper, middle.

Aolai Kingdom has a history of 4,000 years, but in the past thousand years, the strength of Aolai Kingdom has not grown much.

In other words, the accumulation of 3,000 years is the limit of King Aolai's median miracle.

If Bai Luo only owns Leon, then 1000 years later, Leon will be true to King Aolai.

After 3000 years, the kingdom of Aden will fight against the kingdom of Aolai in 6000 years.

Therefore, even if King Aolai only saw Leon alone, he might form an alliance with Bai Luo.

Because of Aden, he has the potential to be valued 3,000 years later.

However, Bai Luo didn't just send Leon.

At the beginning, Xue Li, King Aolai did not pay attention to it, because the next miracle was only half of the median size in terms of military strength.

But Lilith's appearance shocked the Aolai King.

Two miracles, one low and one medium.

Fortunately, Shirley and Lilith are not very destructive.

Although King Aolai realized that he would be at a disadvantage in the future confrontation of national power, he was still not afraid of Aden.

However, the sister appeared.

The potential of the high-ranking miracle world, even without Shirley and Lilith, is enough to make King Aolai jealous.

Because with only 100 million senior sisters, it only takes 1500 years for Aden to tie with Aolaiguo.

In just 3000 years, Aden's national strength will be more than twice that of Aolai!

You, King Aolai, look down on me now. In 1,500 years, you will revere me, Aden. In 3,000 years, your Aolai Kingdom will dare to make trouble in front of me? !

Who is the king of this place?

Through Wang Wei, King Aolai saw the potential of Bai Luo's miracle, he saw the future, and realized the inevitable outcome of losing in the future.

This made Aolai Wang feel the pressure.

Finally, Leon showed up.

It is another median, and it is extremely destructive, aggressive, and even a miracle that represents Bai Luo's will to destroy.

King Aolai read the warning from Aden from Leon: 'The first three miracles, I only give you pressure. ’

'But this last one. ’

Aton: 'I'm going to kill you! ’

The horror at that moment was not that King Aolai was afraid, but that Aolaiguo was afraid.

Wang Wei is the unity of the country and the king.

King Aolai and Bai Luo, they can represent the will of a country from the level of the miracle kingdom, and conduct a battle of wills in terms of national strength, potential, human resources and other aspects.

"Holy Elector..."

The old man mentioned this person. When he introduced Bai Luo to the Lord of Miracles of Miracle Land, he mentioned this elector candidate.

how to say?

If King Aolai was replaced as an elector candidate, Bai Luo would fight against him with Wang Wei, and he would win, but Aden would definitely be destroyed.


Because the elector candidate is different from King Aolai, in his eyes, there is no room for a country that may rise.

King Aolai felt terrified, but he was not afraid. Instead, he was extremely happy: 'There is another strong man who can challenge me! ’

But the elector, he would be afraid of Aden, and then try his best to prevent Aden from rising.

"So, if you are an elector," the old uncle said, "I wouldn't dare to let you play like that."

"Wang Wei confrontation, you have to take it easy in the future," the old uncle suggested: "Some people, you have to endure, some people, you have to hide."

"If someone like the elector knows that we have four miracles, and among them, there are high-ranking people, our wave, it is estimated that we have to hide in Avalon, and we won't be able to emerge for hundreds of years."

Avalon, the superior world of miracles, gave Bai Luo and Uncle a lot of confidence.

Even if they do make mistakes, there is still a way out.

Although there is no population in Avalon, the people who can be brought in can thrive.

We don't go for numbers, we go for elite troops.

After a thousand years, when senior sister and the others have broken through the four senses, they can still have grudges for grudges and revenge for revenge.

This point, when Aolai Wang saw Senior Sister, he understood.

Aolai Kingdom can't help Aton, and no one in the entire Miracle Emperor can't get Aton.

He wanted to run, but no one could stop him.

He wanted to hide, but no one could find him.

But Bai Luo didn't want to go like this, he was forced to do nothing, but as a man, as a king, how could he be so petty.

Without even this courage, how can you stand on the land of miracles?

How can you fight against the kings and defend the dignity of the people of Adon?

"Through Wang Wei's confrontation, he didn't feel me, but I felt him."

The miracle of Wang Wei, representing national strength, is also the embodiment of the king's will.

Through Wang Wei collision, the Lord of Miracles can understand each other most directly, from personality to habits, and even some likes and dislikes.

If it is a treacherous person, Wang Wei is cunning.

On the contrary, Wang Wei, a straightforward and outspoken person, will definitely not be around the corner.

But Bai Luo's miracles were too many.

Four miracles are in front of them, one is free and easy, one is dreamy, one is cold and domineering, and the other is brutal and arrogant.

King Aolai didn't know how to judge, so he chose the one he liked the most---Lion's Madness.

"Just like what you said, Uncle, King Aolai is really a rare hero in this world."

The old uncle told Bai Luo about the life of King Aolai.

This person is serious about love and righteousness. He has never had a stain in his life, and he has never done anything that makes people criticized.

"Through Wang Wei, I really felt his will," Bai Luo said, "This person can be a close friend, and even fight side by side with him and entrust his back."

That's why Aton chose to form his first real alliance with him.

Aolai Kingdom is strong enough, it will not betray its allies, and it will definitely become a great-power battleship to escort Aden when it rises.

"Admiration is admiration, but to be safe."

Bai Luo: "Next, we still have to conclude a miracle covenant with him as soon as possible."

Although King Aolai would not stab them in the back, the existence of the Covenant of Miracles would make their relationship closer and safer.

As the King of Aden, Bai Luo must cover everything and cannot gamble.

"Aolai King's Wang Wei has 3200, but some of them must have been used, and the rest..."


Bai Luo's answer was very succinct: "I want to sign half of it with him."

Half, that is, 1600 copies of Wang Wei.

Half of Wang Wei was taken as a hostage. If one of the two parties violated the covenant and tore up the agreement, the potential of Nine Nine Eighty One would instantly drop by half.

This is an absolute disaster for the Aolai Kingdom, which has only one median miracle.

"Am I going?"

"Little Haierbo has now become my important minister, let him help me conclude the credentials."

If you use Xi Huanli's words, Haierbo is like Bai Luo's divine choice, qualified to communicate directly with his own god.


Senior Sister asked, "Is it okay, as little Haierbo..."


Bai Luo said, "If it was someone else, he might be annoyed, but he is Dong Aolai."

Bai Luo saw King Aolai clearly, and he didn't care about this kind of thing.

"Do you still use mine?"

"Lilith and Leon," Bai Luo said, "they each have 800, and they will give them to King Aolai together."

Avalon can not afford to lose, this is their retreat, is the safe house.

So next, Bai Luo will try his best to use other miraculous Wang Wei to form an alliance with the kings.

"Ha ha ha ha."

On the other side, on the Miracle Covenant with Haierbo as the core, King Aolai happily signed his name: "From now on, our two countries will be military allies that advance and retreat together."

After the alliance is completed, it is still a military alliance.

A military alliance is almost one of the highest standards in a covenant. It means that if the proud country is attacked one day, the country of Aden must unconditionally send troops to help.

In the same way, if the country of Aden was attacked, the country of Aolai would also unconditionally send troops to help.

Of course, it's just being attacked.

If Aden and Aolai take the initiative to send troops to fight others, or the battlefield is not in their own territory, then the two sides need to discuss again whether to determine the goal of cooperation.

That is, we send troops together to attack this country.

It can be seen that King Aolai has taken a fancy to the potential of Bailuo and Aden.

He is proud to come to the country for the next 6,000 years, that is, the process from four to five senses, looking for allies.

Bai Luo has strength and has an appetite for him.

Coupled with the fact that King Aolai believed in his uncle, he was by no means an ungrateful person.

Today, Aolaiguo is escorting Aton. In the future, will Aton also become Aolaiguo's backer?

If it was someone else, King Aolai would not believe it, but Uncle. . .

In this world, there are not many people who can make him admire Dongaolai, but the old uncle is one.

And Bailuo, the king of Aden, who could be selected and assisted by the old uncle, through the confrontation with Wang Wei, King Aolai has understood: 'His aptitude is higher than mine! ’

"Boy, not bad!"

King Aolai looked at Haierbo and said, "You dared to come to my site at a young age, were you scared just now?"

"Don't stand below, come up, come up!"

Aolai Dynasty Haierbo waved: "The diplomacy is over, let's have a meal and relax."


Haierbo was a little embarrassed, but he was no longer an envoy.

The mission is over and the covenant is signed.

Next are the guests and the host, who are friends.

"I, with you..."

"Just sit with me, sit next to me."

King Aolai admired Haierbo very much, and liked his fearlessness and courage: "How can you use age to judge a hero, dare to talk to me like this, boy, you are qualified to sit with me."

Helbo said that he seemed to have just eaten it.

But talking about things at a wine table is a habit of a lost country, and Haierbo can only do as the locals do.

Soon, a large amount of delicate food was brought up by a group of beautiful outrageous banshees.

The delicacies of the mountains and the sea make people move their index fingers just by looking at them.

All kinds of delicacies of melons and fruits that Haierbo had never seen before were dazzling, and the teenagers looking straight at it were dazzled.

"Do you think there is nothing good about me being proud?"

"You're right to think so," said King Aolai, "I still have some Aolai treasures, but they are rare and the output is low, not as many as yours."

"Come, have a taste, this is the fish caught in the Tongtian River."

"And this, the meat roasted on the Flaming Mountain."

King Aolai: "Your Majesty won't come, then what you represent now is your Majesty."

As soon as he heard the representative Bai Luo, Haierbo immediately sat upright.

"Alright, alright."

"It's not that serious."

Seeing that Haierbo thought he had something serious, King Aolai laughed and said, "You have to drink for him and accept my Aolai's hospitality for him."

Aolai people are very enthusiastic when treating guests.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

King Aolai said: "When you go back, help me with a word by the way, just say you are free, let's find a place to sit and chat a few words."

"I'll bring it for you."

Saying that, Haierbo took a piece of meat and put it in his mouth.


Immediately, he only felt a strange smell of flame, pouring into his throat, and then straight to his nose and mouth, with an endless aftertaste.

"good to eat!"

Haierbo couldn't describe the taste of this thing, but he had never eaten such a strange thing in his life.

Afterwards, a large group of demons came forward and toasted Haierbo, which was considered to be a toast to Bailuo.

"It's so brave, boy."

"I'm sorry just now, didn't I hurt you?"

"Are your legs and feet still hurting? Sister, let me rub it for you, hee hee hee."


After changing the original demonic spirit, the Aolai demons at this time turned into human appearances.

This one is either handsome or beautiful.

Especially the latter, where there are monsters, but the temperament at this time is more beautiful than the fairy.

Under the leadership of King Aolai, the atmosphere of Aolai is generally cheerful and happy.

Although Aolaiguo is more like a cottage, that is, the feeling of one hundred and eight generals in Liangshan, but they are indeed true temperaments.

"Thank you, thank you."

While clinking glasses with them, Haierbo thanked them: "Thank you for your mercy, Haierbo will do it first!"

Now he is no longer an envoy, but a guest.

As a guest, especially if you are a guest in Aolai, you naturally don't need to be cautious.

"King Ao Lai Wang!"

"King Aden!"

Together with Haierbo, the demons toasted the alliance between the two countries today.


Following the example of the demons, Haierbo also drank it all.


However, after taking a sip, the mellow aroma made Haierbo's eyes widen: "This, what kind of wine is this?"

"How's it going, isn't it?"

King Aolai sat at the table with Haierbo. He patted the boy on the shoulder: "I really think that I have nothing good for Aolai, and you all underestimate my Aolai country."

"This is monkey wine brewed by monkeys with the sweetest fruit of Huaguo Mountain."

Kong sat next to King Aolai: "And this, it's called Zhu Yeqing."

Kong took out another bottle in a jade bottle, and she introduced: "This is the fresh fruit and delicacies from the mountains taken by the green snake demons, put into a bamboo tube, and then sealed."

"As the bamboo grows, the wine is brewed."


Haierbo took a sip. He didn't know much about wine, but he could tell whether it was good or not.

"I drank your wine, Your Majesty, why don't you come and taste mine too."

When dealing with the king of the military allies, Haierbo can call him His Majesty to show his closeness.

So, Haierbo opened the Avalon warehouse and took out the gift Bailuo had prepared for him for Aolai.

The most important of these are the seeds of the five grains.

Aton has formed an alliance with Aolai, one of which is to hope that Aton can intervene in the people's livelihood of Aolai and improve the quality of life here.

Therefore, Bai Luo was not arrogant, he directly took out the five grains and allowed these five crops to grow in the Aolai Myriad Demon Nation.

Aolai country has a large population of more than 40 million, almost more than the sum of the three blue countries.

Of course, slaves are not included here.

If the slaves are also counted, I am afraid that it will not exceed 200 million.

"You, really swallowed 100,000 people in one bite?"

At this time, the one who was talking to Haierbo was the lion and camel king. He was extremely burly, and even if he turned into a human, he was still more than 2 meters tall.

Haierbo stood with him, like a man standing in front of a wall, completely enveloped by it.

"Bullshit, bullshit."

The lion and camel king said: "I am a human being, and I can eat people. Our miracle is a lost kingdom, not an old banquet of stupidity."

King Aolai's miraculous arms cultivation is to transform the environment through the mountains, rivers and lakes brought by [Miracle Resources·9981], that is, the demonic energy released by natural resources.

Let people enter these mountains and lakes, and they will be transformed by demonic energy, resulting in mutation.

This is the origin of the ten thousand demons in the proud country of ten thousand demons.

They were originally human beings, but they absorbed the demon energy and turned into monsters.

"So, where did they go?"

"They've all been caught in the Myriad Demon Kingdom."

The lion and camel king said: "They rebelled because their lives were not good, and their lives were not good because of insufficient supplies."

"So my king will send monsters down the mountain every once in a while, looking for children who can adapt to the power of the monsters, and bring them into the Aolai Wan Yao Kingdom."

That's why monsters like to 'eat' boys and girls.

Not eating at all, just picking people.

When they come in, it is a blessing, not a suffering.

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