This is a Miracle

Chapter 172 A Gift from King Aolai

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"Yo, hello."

A young girl in golden armor appeared. Her name was Garuda, the daughter of King Aolai and the sister of Kong.

"Did you come from outside, where is Aden, how is it, are you having fun?"


Helbo: ​​"Of course Aton is a good place."

"I'm going, I'm going, I want to go and see, I've traveled all over the Wan Yao Kingdom, and I'm suffocated."

Garuda's figure was fleeting, and he didn't know when he appeared behind Haierbo: "You're going back soon, or how about taking me there?"

"Garuru, don't be ridiculous."

When Haierbo didn't know how to answer, King Aolai said, and helped him clear the siege: "You are a legend, approaching other countries without authorization, this is no different from declaring war."

"No, Dad, didn't you sign a military pact with Aton?"

"Since it is a military covenant, then the military right of passage is also there," Garuda said. "Even if I walk up and down Aden, as long as I notify His Majesty Aden in advance, he agrees, which is reasonable."

"You are unreliable."

Kong stood aside and directly pierced Garuda: "Let you take care of the farmland, steal food by yourself, and manage the people. You can mess around with them and send a package, and you can send it wrong."

To sum up, Garuda, you are so useless, what is the use of you?

"His Majesty Aden doesn't understand your nature. When you do something, he will regret it."

Ao Laikong: "When the time comes, how will your father explain to him?"

"What will you regret!"

"Do you want to fight, stinky monkey!"

However, Sora just shook his head and stood with his hands behind his back.

King Aolai was also very helpless towards these two daughters, he looked at Haierbo: "I will make Susu responsible for the population you want, and in the future, you will send someone to negotiate with her.


King Aolai did not interfere in internal affairs, Susu was the name of the black-haired woman in white standing beside him.

Its monster form is a white snake, and she is the youngest daughter of King Aolai.

"Princess Susu."

Haierbo looked at Susu, who hurriedly saluted and responded with a ladylike style: "I am a proud person, and there are many poor people. If Aden is willing to share a little, it is a blessing."

Princess Susu seems to be very concerned about the survival of the Aolai people.

Haierbo is also very concerned. He has not been a miracle citizen for a long time, so he still feels the suffering of mortals.

"Please rest assured, Princess Susu, my king will definitely treat this batch of new Aton people kindly."

Unlike Fairy Eagle, she is a transaction, but Aden and Aolai communicate with each other without any cost.

The military alliance has been concluded, so King Aolai will naturally do his best to help Aden.

Anyway, in a word, you Aton is missing something, but it doesn't matter.

What am I missing!

"But I, Aton, can't digest too many proud people now," Haierbo said. "Why don't we immigrate to 30,000 first?"

This amount was discussed with the uncle by Haierbo earlier.

"OK OK."

Seeing that the two of them began to talk endlessly, King Aolai interrupted: "This is a family banquet, and the meal has not been finished yet, why are you talking about state affairs?"

King Aolai was a first-class warrior and was good at fighting, but he didn't like to engage in internal affairs.


Susu was a little dissatisfied, but King Aolai's eyes widened: "Wait a moment, there will be time to say, I have endured it for so long!"

"She, yes, that's her."

I saw King Aolai looking at Haierbo, but his eyes fell on Lulu, the cat on his shoulders: "Let your little cutie be transformed into this king."


Haierbo didn't know why, he turned his head and looked at Lulu the cat, all confused.

"Your Majesty, Lulu, can't do Transfiguration."

Helbo said, "She's just a cat, and she can't become a catwoman like yours."

"What catwoman! Not cute at all."


Haierbo wondered if he had heard it wrong. Just now, King Aolai seemed to have said something that was completely inconsistent with what others had set up.


what cute?

"Didn't Saros tell you?"

"Say, say what?"

"My favorite thing!"

Haierbo was a little confused about the favorite thing of King Aolai, and he asked inexplicably, "Do you like it, cat?"

Haierbo thought of what General Gangya had told him before: 'There is a big man who may like this kind of creature very much. ’

In addition, Ao Laikong and Liu Er were hesitant to say anything when they first met Mao Lulu.

"No, no, I don't like cats."

Aolai Wang Lao blushed, although he is a king, but the real king dares to speak his desires: "I like that kind of cute fluffy creatures!"

When talking about 'plush', King Aolai made a special gesture, and he even gestured!


Haierbo's face was full of question marks at this time, he couldn't understand what King Aolai was saying.

No no no!

Haierbo understood, but couldn't accept it for a while.

Helbo: ​​'What do you like? Like, like plush? Still cute creatures? ’

Haierbo: Is there something wrong with this style of painting? Is King Aolai such a character?

"In short, you let her change! Change is right!"

"Okay, okay."

Haierbo said: "Lulu, show your hand to Your Majesty?"

"(? ̄? ̄?) Good!"

"woo meow~~"

So, under the expectant gaze of King Aolai, the cat Lulu flew into the air, and in a burst of white light, turned into a human cat fairy.

"That's it, that's it!!"

"Hahahaha! That kid Saros finally helped the old man find it!"

Aolai Wang stood up excitedly, and then held up Mao Lingling's arms, like a child holding it high above his head.

"Ouch, it's so cute, the old man has been looking for plush for a lifetime."

"It's finally here."

At this time, King Aolai changed his previous domineering and mighty power, as if he had become a cat slave, completely immersed in the cuteness and cuteness of the cat Lulu.

"Little guy, do you want something to eat?"

"How are you, old man?"

"Speak up, speak up."

"I'm Lulu Meow."

Cat Lulu didn't know what was going on, but she still worshipped a cute Poss.


King Aolai was very excited: so cute, this old man's heart is about to melt! !


Haierbo was extremely shocked. For a while, he couldn't understand the current situation.

"Princess Susu, Princess Kong, what is this..."


Princess Susu turned her head, not wanting to comment.


Kong is also holding her forehead, she said with a tangled face: "This is my father's hobby."


"Cat Lulu?"

"To be precise, it's a cute creature like this kitten."

With Susu's explanation, Haierbo gradually figured out the reason.

It turns out that King Aolai really likes small animals, especially cute ones.

However, what Aolai Wang wanted more than these little animals was a fairy like Lulu the cat.

It stands like a human, can run, jump and talk, but it still looks like an animal, and there is no humanoid part on its body other than human behavior.

Anyway, it is exactly the same as the fairy created by Lilith.

But before Lilith appeared, there was no such creature in the entire land of miracles.

This also made King Aolai searched hard for thousands of years and couldn't get it.

"Because the father liked such creatures too much, he started his creation when he couldn't ask for it."


Seeing Haierbo puzzled, Sora immediately raised his hand, and then created images one by one in the air, Tintooth Beast, Silvermane, Fanged Rabbit, and Grey Wolf. . .

"These, these are, created by His Majesty Aolai?"

Yes, these monsters that traverse the lands of many countries are the masterpieces of King Aolai.

However, King Aolai didn't want them.

"Not these."

Haierbo asked: "Then what Your Majesty Aolai wants is..."

"It's this creature."

If Bai Luo was here and saw the little animals that Ao Laikong transformed into, he would definitely complain: 'Dong Aolai, like Peppa Pig? ’

"This, could this be the tin-toothed beast that His Majesty Aolai wanted?"


Ao Laikong showed Haierbo the gray wolf again.

Bai Luo: Good guy, isn't this Big Wolf?

Then there are Silver Mane, Fang Rabbit, Swamp Basilisk, Flying Night Moth, Ghost Face Spider, Plague Rats, Lung Fire Bats, Blood Marrow Broken Horned Sheep, Evil Crow, Rotten Skin Poison Frog, Rattletail Liger , Skeleton Ants, Blue-eyed Cold Fox, Corpse Worms, Sun Dead Cats. . .


Looking at the small animals that Sora had created with the appearance of goblins, these were actually the original blueprints for King Aolai.

As a result, the names of these animals were compared with what they looked like in reality.


Haierbo suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of monsters has King Aolai created over the years?

"What about those monsters?"

"My father didn't like it, so I threw it all away."

It's like clothes and objects that have failed to be designed and disposed of as rubbish.

King Aolai had completely thought about how these monsters would harm the common people.

In the original horror story of Aolai Kingdom, the man-eating monster was actually the first-generation work of Aolai Kingdom.

They are failures and have no miraculous powers within them.

But the long-term miraculous breeding has made them infinitely powerful, invincible, and very human-like.

The Lord of Miracles, God and Demon are one.

Many times, a small thing they casually dropped could cause turmoil in the mortal world, or even a natural disaster.

"That Lulu..."

Haierbo was a little worried about Cat Lulu, after all, she was his companion.

If King Aolai said, "I like her very much, send it to me", Haierbo would probably be embarrassed.

"Let's start trading."

King Aolai said, "Don't worry, I won't rob your cat, I still want my own plush."

Ninety-nine eighty-one, the median miracle resource.

Powerful, indeed very powerful.

But few people know that the monster that King Aolai originally wanted was actually cute.

Yes, it's a cute style.

However, it backfired.

The monsters created by Aolai Wang Yijue were all strange and monstrous.

'Do not! I didn't want this! I want cute plush! ’

Fortunately, King Aolai heard that miracles will change according to the needs of the master.

So, he waited ten years for the second miracle.

Finally, the monsters can become humanoids

'no! ’

However, looking at the incomparably huge monsters in front of him, King Aolai threw himself on the street again: 'It's not this, it's not such a big thing. ’

‘And it’s still not cute, not cute at all! ’

In theory, no Lord of Miracles would despise his own people, and neither would King Aolai.

You can't get the best, but youkai are strong.

Regrets are regrets, but King Aolai still likes his children very much, and he firmly believes: 'It will get better, as long as it evolves again, it will definitely get better. ’

You never know what kind of perseverance an old man who has an obsession with fluffy can have!

In this way, after another hundred years of hardship, King Aolai finally survived to the third awakening of the miracle.

"Why? Why is this happening?!"

And this time, Aolai Wang suddenly found that the fluffy dream of his dream was completely gone.

Fox-eared girl, rabbit-eared girl, cat-eared girl, dog-eared girl.

Spider essence, bee essence, butterfly essence, carp essence.

Stone demon, tree demon, flower demon, snake demon.

All of them are fair-skinned and beautiful, all over the country and the city, and their temperament is different. Together, they are like a hundred flowers competing for beauty, and they are indistinguishable.


'Do not! ! ’

'This is not the plush I want, this is not the plush I want! ! ’

King Aolai can't get the cuteness of this kind of banshee with human and animal signs at all.

You say it's not cute, but it can be slapped?

Sorry, this king has only loved one woman in his life.

Therefore, he has no filthy thoughts about the little girl's skin, figure and appearance, except for the appreciation of the elders.

The character of King Aolai is conservative, which also makes all the banshees in Aolai Kingdom dress very tightly.

In Aolai, the whole body skin exposure of the banshees should never exceed 10%.

But the problem is, if a man doesn't pay attention to these.

What else do these banshees have?

They, what else? !

Although the fox ears are quite cute, is King Aolai not ashamed to stare at a girl and touch her ears and tail?

Is this x harassment?

How could the dignified and proud king do such a dirty thing to a little girl?

"Three awakenings! Three awakenings are not enough!"

Thousands of years later, the ten thousand demons under King Aolai changed again, but they still did not bring the plushness that King Aolai longed for.

On the contrary, on the road of arrogance and power, he can no longer hold back.


Haierbo looked at King Aolai and Lulu the cat, the king who had been around for four thousand years, just like an ordinary old man teasing his little granddaughter, playing games with Lulu the cat.

"Your Majesty?"

Haierbo is already very familiar with King Aolai, so he can speak freely: "If I didn't answer well before, would you really kill me?"

"Don't make trouble with the child, I'm just joking with you."

King Aolai's answer made Haierbo realize one thing: "Saros asked you to bring Xiao Lulu, didn't he just give you a life-saving charm?"

The alliance may fail, but Haierbo will never die.

Because there is cat Lulu, cat car. . .

"That's what the cat car means!!"

It was really the test that the old man gave Haierbo, and the old man had already prepared a way for him to get out, that is Cat Lulu.

How could it be possible for the mere elf magic and cat car to escape from the Lord of Miracles like Aolaiwang.

Both the old uncle and Bai Luo knew the hobby of King Aolai, so they specially sent Lulu the cat.

It was to let Haierbo reveal Mao Lulu at a critical moment to keep him from dying.

Of course, in order to create a better atmosphere, the old uncle set up tests one by one, and forced Haierbo into a desperate situation little by little.

In the end, the potential of the young man was stimulated, the stains in his heart were washed away, and he became a complete Adonian without any doubts.

'I thought you were on the fifth floor, teacher. ’

Haierbo: 'I didn't expect you to be in the atmosphere! ’

"Okay, don't doubt yourself."

King Aolai patted the boy on the shoulder and said with admiration, "If there is a kitten, I just won't kill you, but the success of the alliance depends on you."

so far so good.

Fortunately, Heerbo is not Lulu's leg pendant.

"But this time, it's really something that Saros did."

"Actually, I had an agreement with him decades ago."

Uncle's ability is superb, so King Aolai gave him a test: 'If you can bring the plush I want, I will give you a chance to form an alliance with me. ’

"So when you heard that the messenger of Adon was coming..."


King Aolai nodded and said, "When you came, I knew that Saros had found the fluffy little sweetheart I wanted."

"It turned out as I expected, the little pig had a good meal with you, and I also saw the transformation of the little cat."

"Saros' words count, how can I break my word."

King Aolai didn't need to read the national book. With his ability, wanting to see the contents of the national book was something that had to move his mind.

"The Lion King Herdman Rains."

King Aolai smiled: "He called me that on purpose, just to tell me that we can come to a battle of Wang Wei to see Aden's strength."

"In addition, I am also asking me to exercise you well."


Haierbo understood, he finally knew the reason why the old uncle was looking for him specially and why Bai Luo encouraged him afterwards.

It's not a test, it's a workout.

The two never regarded him as a tainted person, and they both cultivated him as the pillar of the future.

"Son, I'm here just for appetizers."

"Fortunately, you don't know that you are facing today as a real life and death test."

"But this is only the first time."

King Aolai said: "The country where you will be dispatched in the future, the kings there are different from me. They may have nothing to do with Saros, or even former enemies."

"They won't show mercy to you, and the better you do, the more annoying they will be."

"My miracle is called nine nine eighty one."

"The Wang Wei that you felt before is the prelude to the beginning of the eighty-one hardships," King Aolai said, "The Five Elements Mountain will be with you for thousands of years."

Bearing the power and being crushed by it at the foot of the mountain, he endured five hundred years of pain and loneliness.


Haierbo: "In other words, it hasn't started yet?"

"It didn't start."

King Aolai shook his head and said, "The next eighty-one tribulations are even more terrifying than this prologue. Even under my command, very few can endure these eighty-one tribulations."

"I, even the prologue..."

"Boy, do you really plan to continue your mission?"

King Aolai advised: "With your aptitude, as long as you go back, your majesty will definitely reuse you."

"I have been the Lord of Miracles for four thousand years, and I can see a person's talent. Your future is limitless."

Go back, go back to Aton.

Haierbo really wanted to become a soldier, live in Aden, and then climb up step by step to become a close minister and confidant beside Bai Luo.

But he couldn't, because Aton needed him and Aton needed a messenger.

If Haierbo goes back, quits it, and replaces it with another person, can he do better than himself?


That person would only embarrass Aden and make diplomacy fail.

Only after this time did Haierbo truly realize the horror of diplomacy.

This is no mission at all.

Thinking that he might face more, even more terrifying Kings of Miracles than King Aolai in the future, Haierbo's heart almost stopped.


Haierbo took a deep breath, then looked at the scepter beside him, and the cat Lulu.

"I'll keep going."

The teenager made up his mind: "It's not how brave I am, but because this is what I can do, only I can do it, and no one can do it better than me."

No matter how difficult the future is, how many hardships there are.

Even in ninety-nine-eighty-one, Haierbo is still going!

This is the future he chose. . .

"Good boy."

King Aolai smiled: "In the future, among the heroes and heroes on the land of miracles, you will definitely have a place in Haierbo."

"You'll be Aton's pride."

"One day."

King Aolai: "Aden will be proud of you."

This kind of evaluation came from the mouth of King Aolai, and it really hasn't happened in a thousand years.

Ao Laikong looked at his father in surprise, Princess Susu, and all the Aolai Wanyao, all looked at Haierbo with envy.

Even one's own family could not get the evaluation, but an outsider got it.

But are they jealous?

When he was 13 years old, he was proud to be an ambassador, and he faced ninety-eighty-one hardships that even they could not bear.

Such a character deserves the praise of King Aolai.

"From today onwards, the person I am proud of should treat Haierbo with courtesy. He is not an enemy of you, and none of you are allowed to be rude to him."


Wan Yao watched, Haierbo was flattered by this momentum.

"Little Tushan."

King Aolai looked at the nine-tailed fox and said, "Go to your people, select 100 fox girls under 20 years old, and have Haierbo take them to Aden."

"As ordered."

When Tu Shan left, Haierbo asked in confusion, "Your Majesty Aolai, this is..."

"Since I want your goblin, then I will naturally give King Aden what he likes."

Bai Luo is a man.

But there is no man who does not like beautiful women.

Moreover, the fox girls under the age of 20 have nothing to do with King Aolai, they are only here because of miracles.

King Aolai has no feelings for them.

Take back the power of miracles and let him change his living environment. After a long time, he will soon be loyal to Bai Luo.

This is equivalent to giving Bai Luo a group of alien people with fox tails and fox ears.

Why not do this kind of in-laws?

"Besides, Empty."

King Aolai said, "Go to Longevity Mountain and get two fruits."

Soon, Ao Laikong wrapped two strange things in silk and came to Haierbo.

"This, what is this?!"

Haierbo looked at the fruit in front of him in surprise. If he was from Aden Village, then he must have heard the story of ginseng fruit that Bai Luo told before.

"This fruit is called ginseng fruit. It is one of the mountains and rivers in my miracle resources, a unique treasure on Longevity Mountain."

"It is very difficult to form. Sometimes there will be one in ten years, and sometimes there may not be one in decades."

"So in my hands, the stock is very low."

King Aolai said: "The ginseng fruit itself is very delicious, but such an expensive thing is a bit extravagant to eat as a snack."

"Its ability, because you are not my subject, so the miraculous power in ginseng fruit is invalid for you."

King Aolai: "For outsiders, there are two main effects of ginseng fruit."

"One is that it can make people immortal and live for 30,000 years."


Even miracle people are not immortal

After all, the qualifications are limited, and not everyone can break through the realm of king and legend.

"But compared to the second effect, this first ability is a bit tasteless."

King Aolai continued: "This fruit can improve people's qualifications, not only my subjects, but also outsiders as long as I allow it."


"Legendary capital."

King Aolai said: "Eat one ginseng fruit and you can get the legendary treasure."

"It will make your physique very good, you can quickly obtain the gift of the Lord of Miracles, and there is no bottleneck, all the way to the legendary realm!"

With a legendary figure, you need a fart immortal.

Never heard of an example of a legendary powerhouse dying of old age.

"Such a precious treasure."

Haierbo did not expect Aolai Wang to come up with such a good thing.

"The children under my command do not lack qualifications, but the legendary places in my hand are full. Even if the qualifications are in place, they will not be able to break through the legendary realm."

"So, it's not really of much use to me anymore."

After King Aolai finished speaking, Susu added: "This fruit, when the King of Heaven and King of Mountains asked for it from King Father, he didn't give it."

But today, he gave the ginseng fruit to Aden.

King Aolai's favorable impression of Aden and his attitude of wanting to handle the relationship between the two families are obvious.

"Okay, okay, let's drink, then drink!"

Just like that, another day of carnival.

A day later, Haierbo left Aolaiguo under the escort of Aolaikong.

There were also 100 fox girls who left together, as well as a full load of things unique to Aolai Kingdom.

Of course, if Haierbo wants to go back, he must not be alone, that would be too dangerous.

In order to protect Haierbo, King Aolai specially dispatched General Gangxuan.

His current strength is that of a king. Although he is powerful, he will not misunderstand Bai Luo, and General Gang Yan is a famous naval battle general in Aolai Kingdom.

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