This is a Miracle

Chapter 174 The Empress of the East

"Aden can actually form an alliance with Aolai?"

"Saros's connections, are they so awesome?"

Just as shocked as Yueyao was, there was Mishia from the Fairy Eagle Principality, who was enjoying the melons and fruits sent by Aden.

Watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries, these all make Micia very fond of

"how did you do that?"

"Aolai has been in seclusion and locked the country for a hundred years," Mi Shiya said, "every time I come out, I stare at the extreme north queen to challenge. This time, they have changed partners?"

"According to what you said, Grand Duke."

Mars analyzed: "With the character of King Aolai, I am afraid that Aden's strength is far beyond our imagination."

"What do you mean?"

Mishia is a little puzzled. You can let her play with women, but she can't understand this kind of big country game.

"Equal communication, lions do not ally with cats."

Mars said: "Aden can allow Aolai to conclude a military alliance with him, and it cannot be a unilateral protection."

"You mean that Aolai is investing, and today's protection is a blessing in the future?"

"No way!"

Mishia was shocked: "How powerful is Aden?"

"No matter how powerful Aden is, but now, we can't test it anymore."

Because Aden and Aolai concluded a military alliance.

This meant that once someone attacked Aden, or violated the sea area of ​​Aden, Aolai could take action.

As long as Aden agrees, he climbs high and shouts: 'Proud to help me! ’

In minutes, the Aolai Wan Yao will descend on Aden's territorial waters and help him retreat from the enemy.

Even if the master level cannot participate in the battle, it is still possible to watch the battle.

What Aden lacks today is an ordinary-heroic army, but such an army is too numerous to count in the proud country.

I want to laugh at Aden's lack of low-level troops as before.

I'm afraid, it's impossible.

"But that's a good thing, isn't it?"

Mars: "Eagle and Aden are also allies, as are the three princes of the blue."

"Do you think we should deepen our relationship?"

"It is necessary to deepen the relationship."

On Wei Lan's side, everyone needs time to develop, and they are still too weak compared to the old-fashioned sacred and extreme north.

Especially the Northern Queen, she is a lunatic.

In the entire land of miracles, whoever cares the least about international safety must be her.

"If I can sign a military alliance agreement with Aden, my fairy eagle can spend the next six hundred years."

"I'm afraid I'm afraid..."

Mishiya said: "At that time, I will be the same as God Brew, and in 1000 years, I will still not be able to break through the four sleeps."

Miracles do not have to reach 1000 years, and they will definitely be able to break through the four sleeps.

Miracles themselves can actually be regarded as 'broken' things.

Every miracle is incomplete at the very beginning, it has its own core, which will not change, similar to the general direction.

But in terms of details, the Lord of Miracles and the people of Miracles need to find a way to complete them.

Like Lilith, she's a fairy, using all sorts of fairy-tale powers.

To maintain this kind of fairy tale style, Bai Luo and Aden people need to work hard to develop and research the specific fairy tale. This is 'completion'.

Of course, the result of such a completion is that even if the same miracle is in the hands of different people, it will be completely different.

Because the fragments that complete the miracle come from the hands of 'people'.

And people are different.

The miracle of Yisleep mainly lacks a pheromone, which is called a 'technical element'.

【Technical elements】

Ordinary troops can't provide anything.

Extraordinary and extraordinary are research and development in technology, skills, tricks, and tricks.

In between, a very long process is required.

years, or even decades.

And after a generation of hard work, the hero-level arms were born.

【Blood Bloom】

Heroes possess enormous power of miracles. They are actually equivalent to a small miracle master, able to transform into his miraculous arms through their own blood and breath.

Just like Pegasus, Silver-winged Pegasus, and Unicorns, when they grow into heroes, they will get the same "miracle bloom" ability as Shirley.

Although the cycle is very long, the effect is much worse.

But they are indeed creating their own three types of miracle species - Pegasus, Silver-winged Pegasus and unicorns.

[Technical Elements] and [Blood Bloom]

This is the miracle of one sleep, the process of evolution towards the second.

It cannot be called evolution, it should be 'completion'.

The miracle that originally only had the basic core was turned into something completely new by the Lord of Miracles and the Children of Miracles with their hard work and wisdom.

After that, from the second to the third, what is needed is not only [Technology Development] and [Blood Bloom], but also the third category [Domain Position], that is, the scope of the miracle land transformed by the power of miracles.

This is also the reason why the Adonites can use Avalon as a retreat, but cannot rely on it.

If there is no new land that can be transformed, except for miracles such as Miracle World, which has its own land, almost nothing can develop.

What's more, when you hide, others are also getting stronger.

If the eight miracles cannot be improved as a whole, when you come out, you will only face more and stronger enemies.

The most important thing is that the third awakening is only the beginning, and there are four further awakenings.

The conditions required by the four senses, if the country is closed to the country, even in the world of miracles, it cannot be produced and sold by itself.

Only by advancing bravely and fighting against the kings can we have the opportunity to break through the shackles and reach a higher level.

As for Wang Wei's accumulation, in fact, the birth of each new unit is an important process to complete the miracle.

When a unit, such as a unicorn, is born, it will provide power to the miracle body all the time, which is 'Wang Wei full'.

Wang Wei is completely full, and the miracle has the opportunity to awaken again.

But it's just a chance, it doesn't mean you'll be able to break through.

Because at the end, whether the miracle body can be awakened again depends on the aptitude of the miracle master.

Miracle creatures do not need the qualifications of the Lord of Miracles. They come naturally, and they can evolve when they are full of miracles, which is very convenient.

But Miracle Things, Miracle People, Miracle Worlds, Miracle Nations, Miracle Resources, Miracle Buildings.

These, but rely on the Lord of Miracles himself.

Just like the Grand Duke of Divine Brew, he only completed the four miracles at the age of 1600. Compared with the Grand Duke Yangbo who was awakened in 1100, his aptitude is not a little bit worse.

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"Only the middle and lower positions?"

Mihia said: "King Aolai is also in the middle position. Although I don't know what miracle it is, the position is the middle position. I still know that."

"Then, is it possible..."

Mars hinted: "Aden has a superior miracle?"

"Cough cough cough."

Mishia choked on the juice, and it was strange that the Lord of Miracles was still choked: "You, are you kidding? There are only a few high-ranking people in the entire Miracle Land?"

But think about it carefully, if Aden really has the upper hand, then King Aolai does have a certain possibility to form an alliance with him.

However, Mishia was not familiar with King Aolai at all, and they didn't say a few words.

Therefore, as for the person of King Aolai, and why he formed a military alliance.

Mishia, and even the third prince of the blue, couldn't understand.

The only thing they can be sure of is that as long as King Aolai is not destroyed and Aden does not die, Aden will be able to develop at ease and grow up quickly.

"It seems, our attitude towards Aden."

Mishia said with emotion: "It has to change."

Before, Aden was regarded as a piece of the puzzle to build the Azure Kingdom, but now, they may have to regard her as a pillar, or even take the lead in seeing her.


"Your Majesty the Empress, it's time to drink the medicine."

The woman was standing beside a figure, holding a clear drink like tea, waiting for the empress to taste it.

A jade hand stretched out from behind the translucent red gauze curtain, but soon, she put down the teacup.

"Is it still useless, Your Majesty?"

Jian Qi Jue Ji looked worriedly at the woman sitting behind the red veil. She couldn't see what she looked like. She could only see a figure, holding a long scroll in her hand, reading the changes in the Eastern Empire during this period of time.


"Why, how can it not be important, your body..."


Indifferent voice, ethereal, but not allowing others to refuse and question: "Go back, Xiao Wu."

The woman's name is Gongsun Wu, but the Empress likes to call her Xiao Wu. She is the Empress' personal bodyguard and a first-class expert in the Eastern Empire.

"Your Majesty, there is something I want to inform you."

"What's up?"

"Aolai, has formed an alliance with a country called Aden."


A slip of paper fell to the ground, and Empress Dong was stunned for a moment. She slowly put the long scroll aside, and then reached out to pick it up.

But Gongsun Wu moved faster and immediately picked it up and handed it over.


"Aden fell 800 years ago."

The Empress of the East put the slips away. Although these things look like bamboo slips, they are actually more like information-carrying props, each of which stores a large amount of content.

"Glass has said that I have heard that name before, what's it called, Sa, what is Sa?"


"He found a miracle and founded the country?"

The Eastern Empress didn't seem to care about Saros at all, and didn't take it seriously at all.

On the entire Miracle New World, only the Holy Emperor, even the extreme north, can be faced by the Eastern Empress.

"Like, not him."

Gongsun Wu: "Aden claims to be a duchy and says that there are three miracles. There is a queen named Isafiya and a king named Bailuo Aden."

"Bai Luo, Aden..."

Empress Dong murmured a few words, and the red gauze curtain slowly opened.

This is a woman in her twenties. She wears a jet-black crown, her black hair hangs like a galaxy behind her, and the stars are faintly flowing.

Empress Dong was wearing a black-bottomed gold-trimmed royal robe, she slowly got up, and just took a step forward, Gongsun Wu felt an unimaginable sense of oppression.

She hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look into the eyes of the Eastern Empress.

"I want to go to this Aden."

"His Majesty?!"

Gongsun Wu raised her head, her eyes full of shock: "You, what did you say?"

where to go?

To Aton?

Are you kidding me?


As soon as these words came out, Gongsun Wu immediately lowered her head, she wanted to slap herself, how dare she speak to Empress Dong like this.

But, really surprised.

The dignified Empress of the East actually pays attention to a small country that has just been established.

Little Aton, why?

"There's no reason," Empress Dong said, "I want to go, you can think of a way."

What, what willful words! !

But Gongsun Wu took it for granted, because she was the Empress of the East, the original founder of the East Empire, and the strongest.

"There must be a reason!"

"And you, you are the empress of the Eastern Empire!"

The Eastern Empire is different from other countries. This is a centralized system. Although there are also 20 Lords of Miracles, almost all of them obey the orders of the Eastern Empress.

If it is said that Iron Eagle and the Lord of Miracles of the Mountains are joining, everyone will come together with the same goal.

Then the Eastern Empire. . .

The masters of every miracle in this country were forcibly incorporated into the territory of the empire after the conquest by the Eastern Empress.

Years ago, the Eastern Empire was only a third of what it is now.

On the other two-thirds, there are 12 Lords of Miracles.

However, the Eastern Empress started a war.

In this battle, she disabled 8 Lords of Miracles and killed the remaining 4.

The once fierce name of the Eastern Empress is known to everyone in this Eastern Empire, as well as in the entire Miracle New Continent, the Northern Continent, and the Western Continent.

"Xiao Wu, you mean that Empress Dong is going to Aden, you can't do anything about it, do you?"


Gongsun Wu thought for a while and nodded, "Yes."

"So as long as I'm not the Empress of the East."

Empress of the East: "I can go to Aden."


"I did not go to Aden as the Empress of the Eastern Empire."

The Empress of the East turned sideways, stroking the edge of the gauze curtain, like a bell-like sheet, making a crisp ringing sound: "I, as an ordinary woman, as a businessman, I go to Aden to do business, how about it?"


Gongsun Wu felt that Empress Dong might be seriously ill, and her brain had gone wrong.


Gongsun Wu: "Now the situation in the Eastern Empire is unstable. That woman is thinking about your position. Many miracle masters have fallen to her secretly. At this time, they went to Aden, that kind of countryside..."

"Little dance."

Empress Dong shook her head and said, "This matter is more important to me than anything else."

"I want an answer, and this answer is in Aden."

"That's how you heard the name Bai Luo Yaton," Gongsun Wu: "The answer you want is in him? Is he special?"


The voice of the Empress of the East, as if spanning thousands of years, has already looked down on everything: "Yes, or not."

"You can only know if you go, and no matter which one it is, for me, it is a relief."

Seeing that Empress Dong had made up her mind, Gongsun Wu couldn't persuade her any more. She only hoped that when Empress Dong left, those guys in the empire would be safe and stop making trouble.


Suddenly, the Empress of the East looked at Gongsun Wu and said, "Ask the guy in the west for me."

"Please order."

"Stop feeding the monkeys with rice."


Gongsun Wu didn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all, but she took it down.

It's just that Gongsun Wu really had a headache when the Empress of the East wanted to go to Aden: 'Your Majesty has always been steady, why is this time like a little girl, what happened? ’

At the same time, in another ancient capital of the Eastern Empire, it is also the capital of another powerful Lord of Miracles.

"Empress, how have you been recently?"

Although the Eastern Empire is centralized, in essence, there are still many parties.

It's just that Empress East is the biggest and most authoritative, and no one dares to challenge her or disobey her.

"The injury seems to be worse than it was more than 20 years ago."

"Twenty years this time," the woman said. "It seems that it will start soon."

"More than 20 years ago, the Empress's injuries worsened. She secretly went to the Iron Eagle Country and brought back a little girl of six or seven years old from there..."

The figure accompanying the woman is the master-level powerhouse under her command, the female prime minister Tang Caiyuan.

Tang Caiyuan's fighting ability is not strong, but she is extremely intelligent, and is an extremely important female counselor by the woman's side.

"Last time was a hundred years, this time, it will be less than fifty years."

The woman smiled and said, "Hehehe, who would have thought that the Empress of the East, who has been traversing the northern continent for thousands of years, would actually be..."

"We are the ones who have been oppressed for thousands of years by such people."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

With such self-deprecation, the woman took out a tightly sealed treasure box and opened it in front of Tang Caiyuan.

I saw a beautiful unimaginable gem placed inside.

"Is this the legendary Congfu Stone?"

Tang Caiyuan exclaimed, "Your Majesty, have you succeeded?!"


"Although it took thousands of years and failed several times," the woman smiled, "but I still found what she feared the most. With it, the Eastern Empress is vulnerable."

"It's time to start."

Handing the box to Tang Caiyuan, the woman said solemnly, "The hunt of the Eastern Empress!"

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