This is a Miracle

Chapter 175 The stunned fairyland king and the bloody emperor

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In the Avalon martial arts field, the two figures collided violently.

One side is as red as lava, and the whole body is wrapped in endless flames. Every move, the earth-shattering horror atmosphere, seems to melt everything.


However, his opponent was not afraid at all, and forcefully broke into the monstrous flames.


The dragon claws collided with the demon's hand, and with a deafening explosion, the ground burst, countless cracks spread in all directions, and pieces of rock bulged and then collapsed.

With just one blow, this martial arts platform with a radius of tens of meters was shattered.


Knowles' miraculous power was running out, and this blow broke his right arm. Obviously, the trend was over.

"Looks like I won, Brother Knowles."

A pure white wing fluttered, and on the other side, it was a demonic bat wing.

It was Sheila who fought against Knowles.

"No, I won."


Feeling the extreme scorching heat in front of her neck, Sheila showed a surprised look.

I saw Nors, who was covered in dragon scales, holding a dragon-crowned scarlet halberd. The sharp tip of the spear was like a red-hot iron, and the tip of the spear was less than an inch away from Sheila's neck.


Sheila was surprised, but soon, she figured it out: "Is it that time?"

"Combat experience, to the level of you and me, is really of little use."

"But the strong fight, even if it's only a tiny difference, can still decide the final outcome."

"Teached, Brother Knowles."

Even if it is inferior to Sigrian in conspiracy and intrigue,

But in battle, Knowles deserves to be Aden's vanguard general.

"Clap clap clap."

"It's a good fight."

"The liberation of heroes is really powerful."


Sheila and Knowles backed away at the same time, and on both sides, Aleia, Zyra and others who were watching the battle immediately applauded.


After calming the restlessness in her heart, Sheila released the dream girl state in advance before the power of miracles was exhausted.

Sheila accepted the power of Leon's embers, coupled with the power of Avalon and fairy magic, which made her awaken into a unique hero unit and the second hero unit of Aden.

But after that, with Sheila's breakthrough, Aleia, Knowles and others also stepped into the hero field one after another.

Now, not counting the miracle body, the Aden Legion has been changing with each passing day in the past half month.

Just like Sheila, because of Leon's gift, her miraculous power directly broke through to the peak of the hero level (150% of the ordinary hero level).

Miracle arms, in terms of pure physical attributes, the extraordinary level has actually reached the extreme.

To put it simply, let both hero-level arms and extraordinary arms fight with the power of miracles.

Of course, this is just a statement.

In fact, at the hero level, in ordinary battles, it is almost impossible for the power of miracles to be completely exhausted.

As the fourth-tier arms, the hero class also has a special state called [Hero Liberation].

Sheila's heroic liberation posture, called the "Dream of Dreams", is the devil spirit of the bloody night witch and the pure white angel.

【Dream Girl】

Light and dark twins, violent and gentle coexist, just like the essence of a dream, both a nightmare and a beautiful dream.


The unique power of the hero level releases the miraculous power in the body in an instant, thereby achieving a qualitative change.

Sheila is just a silver-haired girl in her normal state, about 1.5 meters tall.

Although the temperament is a little colder, no one will think that this soft and weak little girl can be such a terrifying powerhouse.

However, once the power of the hero is released, the symbiosis of the divine and the evil will appear.

This is a terrifying figure that is enough to bring enormous oppression to the enemy just by standing in front of it.

Hero-level abilities are too complicated, so in order to understand everyone more clearly, Bai Luo used the power of miracles to create an attribute card for each of his children of miracles.

【Sheila (normal)】

Status: 14 years old, female, single

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Race: Demon Spirit

Rank: Heroic Pinnacle

Abilities: Extraordinary Fairy Magic, Extraordinary Fighting Saint, Heroic Ember Power

Liberation: Daughter of Dreams (can be self-transformed in single dark, single light, and twin states)

Miracle Power: 1500

【Sheila·Dream of Dreamland (liberation state)】

Miraculous power: 7500 (depletes within 1 minute, enters a weak state, and can be removed by itself)

Hero-level liberation can bring unreasonable power to the heroes, and in an instant, a terrifying destructive power erupts.

But it can't last for too long, and it will cause some damage to itself.

Look at Knowles again.

[Knowles (normal)]

Status: 18 years old, male, single

Contract: Bai Luo Aden

Race: Dragon people

Level: Early Heroes

Ability: Heroic Fighting

Liberation: Son of the Red Dragon (into Dragon Manification)

Miracle Power: 1000

[Nols, Son of the Red Dragon (Liberation)]

Miracle Power: 3000

The power of miracles is more like the amount of energy.

Although it is normal or liberated form, the total amount of Sheila's miracle power is more than that of Norse.

But fighting is not about fighting for energy.

Although there is a gap in the energy of the two sides, the output power between the hero levels is actually not much different.

In addition, none of them have mastered the Profound Truth, so the actual combat power is half a catty.

So don't look at Sheila and Knowles, you and I played really well.

But in the eyes of the experts, especially the old uncle, such a waste of miracle power is simply a waste of money.

Uncle: With a heroic liberation state, they fought an extraordinary battle, these two unlucky children.

"However, I should have lost, right?"

"Esheira, your vitality, even if I cut your neck, you should be able to recover, but you will lose some miraculous power."

Having said that, it is impossible for the power of miracles to inflict fatal damage against the same clan.

Knowles and Sheila completely withdraw the power of miracles, and they both withdraw from the state of heroic liberation.


A large amount of steam overflowed from Knowles' body, and the young man was wearing his upper body, showing a strong and lean figure. At this time, a goblin flew over and handed Knowles a coat.

"Thanks, little guy."

"It can't be counted like this. If you reach the point, I will lose."

Sheila's form changes are mostly energy shaping, and she will not burst her shirt like Knowles.

"If my neck is cut, I will lose my fighting ability for a short time. If there are soldiers around me, they will suppress me with firepower. No matter how strong my resilience is, I will be defeated."

In the battle of miracles, it is impossible for only two people to fight one-on-one, and there will be no shortage of soldiers under them.

In the battle of heroes, which side shows the decline first, it is easy to lead to the collapse of the entire legion.

The difference was a thousand miles away, and the tie was good. Most feared that the general would be injured, the soldiers under him rushed to rescue and disrupted the rhythm.

"Then it's a draw."

"it is good."

Sheila removed the power of miracles, revealing the black and white maid outfit she was actually wearing.

Sheila is now Bai Luo's personal maid and bodyguard.

In the whole Aden, not counting the miracle bodies, there are no more than ten tied together with the power of miracles reaching the hero level.

And those who can complete the liberation of heroes are Sheila, the daughter of dreams, Norse, the son of the red dragon, Zyra, the witch of the white snake, Aleia, the angel of the Eastern Expedition, Luanya, the daughter of nature, and Andrew, the wrath of nature.

In addition, it is the old uncle who came from behind and then hung up inexplicably.

Not long ago, in order to study the power of embers to covet the world, the old uncle took the initiative to find Leon, and then got an extremely huge miracle gift from him.

The power of greed and embers is not something ordinary people can bear after all.

Even Bai Luo was forced to stay in the office and dared not go out easily for nearly a week.

Fortunately, the willpower of the old uncle is so amazing that even Bai Luo and Senior Sister can't compare to him.

If it weren't for the miracle curse, Bai Luo believed that Uncle's true miracle qualification would definitely be amazing.

Sure enough, although the old man could not obtain miracles, he had no conflict with the power of miracles.

The previous Dragon Crown Scarlet Flame Halberd was purely an accident.

The old man is old, and he has not been strengthened before, so it is naturally unbearable to touch the fierce dragon crown red flame halberd as soon as he comes up.

But after a few months, the old uncle continued to practice the holy fighting method.

The power of miracles has nothing to do with a person's age, even an old person has the same potential as a young person!

Leon does not give a person wisdom, he can only give energy.

As for the skills, secret skills and profound meanings, the children of miracles still need to study by themselves.

But who is the old uncle, and does he need the skills, secret skills and profound meanings given by others?

By the way, what the hell is esotericism?

‘This is also called Profound Truth? Isn't this common sense? ’

How disdainful, how not to put the power of miracles in his eyes.

But he is an old uncle, and he is qualified to say such a thing.

This old man, that is the big guy who can make the senior sister, Lilith, Shirley and Leon who are the main body of miracles have to bow their heads.

Uncle's talent is really amazing.

Also because of him, Senior Sister and Leon got a lot of information elements.

According to the relationship between the miracle body and the miracle child, as long as the old man learns and creates a trick, they will immediately master it.

So whenever the strength rises inexplicably, they will understand that the old man has made a new discovery!

'No wonder so many countries wanted Uncle,' Bai Luo sighed when he found out about this, 'This is too strong, right? ’

Uncle: I am a ruthless miracle factor wholesale machine.

In just two months, the old uncle's holy fighting method broke through again and again, and finally came to the port of hero liberation.

results. . .

Break in seconds!

Yes, there is no so-called bottleneck at all, and it will pass naturally.

For this man who has mastered dozens of profound meanings, being a hero is nothing at all.

If it weren't for the lack of time, he could even invent hundreds of Mysteries.

And hero liberation, is it difficult?

Almost in an instant, the old man successfully entered the realm of heroes.

Because of this, the old uncle was given the Lionheart King's Blood Sword and the Opalang Sacred Shield by Bai Luo, and he also started a three-day retreat in order to break through to a higher level.


Senior sister retreated in the secret realm deep in Avalon Castle. Suddenly, she opened her eyes: "This feeling, do you mean..."


Lilith turned into a little fairy, rushed out of the tree elf Magic Forest, and crashed into the Avalon Sacred Lake.

"Sweet potato, sweet potato, what's wrong with you?"

In the house where the old uncle lived, a gray-white Pegasus that was not tall suddenly raised its head.


She seemed to feel something, the huge wings flapping, forcibly smashed the gorgeous stable, and rushed out from inside.

"Where are you going, sweet potato?"

Yinya was feeding sweet potatoes, but she suddenly lost her temper, and Yinya was stunned: "You don't like eating radishes, I'll change it, what's wrong with running away suddenly?"


Yinya shouted at the back of Sweet Potato: "Can't you come back for dinner? If you don't come back, I, I'm going out to play~~"

The old man retreated for three days, and the daily life of sweet potatoes was handed over to Yinya.

But now, the sweet potato ran away.

"All right."

Yinya glanced at the radish in her hand, and then took a bite: "Don't waste it, you don't eat it, I'll eat it."

"Xiao Bai, do you want it?"

"Can't you bake?"


Yinya took a bite of the radish, she was stunned for a moment, and then she was happy: "Xiao Bai, you are such a clever ghost, I have never roasted a radish before!"

Bai Yinuo: "Try?"


So, the two girls went straight into the broken stables, and used the waste as firewood.

Soon, black smoke billowed, and the barbecue started.

In Avalon World, it's still an open-air barbecue in the castle, not to mention excellent or not, but it's really down-to-earth.

"These two idiots."

Bai Luo stood on the balcony, he controlled his strength and walked out of the hall, Miya quickly followed and put on a coat for him: "Brother Bai Luo, is this?"


Bai Luo said, "He broke through."

Uncle broke through, which means that Aden ushered in their first master-level combat power.

"Xiao Bai, stop making trouble, take Inya to the Avalon Temple."

Through the miracle contact, Bai Luo told Bai Yinuo the news, the latter got up quickly and grabbed Yinya's arm.

"Hey, hey, where are you going, radish, my roasted radish."

"Master asked us to meet Grandpa."


Yinya was stunned: "Dad, what is there to welcome, our radish, it won't taste good when it's cold!"

But it was useless, Bai Yinuo grabbed Yinya's hand and ran straight to the Avalon Temple.

If the secret realm is a place where Queen Avalon and Bai Luo can only enter, then the Sanctuary is the place where Avalon heroic spirits retreat and practice asceticism.

The functions inside are not open, but the rooms and buildings are there and can be used at will.


In the huge temple hall, because there was no one, the old man directly occupied the largest and best position.

I saw the old man sitting there cross-legged, with his eyes closed, immersed in his mind.

"Who woke me up? What era is it now? Who is in charge?"

Behind the old uncle, a tall man in a red dress overlooked the old man who was sitting cross-legged. He was the bloody emperor Magnus, the remnant soul stored in the blood sword of the Lionheart King.

However, compared to the other four remnant souls, his aura was obviously higher than theirs.

After all, to a certain extent, the Lionheart Blood Sword is not a master-level treasure, but a master-level pinnacle, the sword of the king.

"I feel the Queen's breath, is she free?"

Beside the Bloody Emperor, a young king with a natural aura exuding a divine appearance floated in the air with his arms in his arms: "Huh? Isn't this Magnus kid? Are you dead too?"

"Are you, the king of fairyland, Opalang? Are you there, old guy? Why haven't I seen you a few times before?"

"I seem to be summoned for the first time," Opalang, the king of fairyland: "Looking at your appearance, it seems that you have a lot of experience in being summoned, how many times?"

"It's the fourth time!"

Bloody Emperor: "Old guy, you are very lucky. For the first time, I know that it is good to die completely, and you don't need to be summoned."

Saying that, Emperor Xue Rui tapped his finger, poured out a glass of blood-like red wine, and drank it: "The previous Lords of Avalon are more idiots than each other! From the astral world to the trial, to this treasure trove , If you fail again, Lao Tzu will disappear completely!"

"You said you didn't die completely, and the guy who killed you was showing mercy?"

Opal asked, "Who killed you?"

"Zu Wujiang took the lead in intercepting the Dao, seven surrounded me and one, the lost person, is still as shameless as ever."

Emperor Xue Xue crushed the wine glass, obviously dissatisfied with the other party's lack of morality: "Old man, I remember that you died at the hands of Thesegon?"

"Is it a shame to die at Thesegon's hands?"

"But you were beaten by her."

"That's Thesegon!"

Opalang said angrily: "Little devil, you can't stand in front of her! I shot it once!"

"By the way, did Mudrad avenge me?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Bloody Emperor: "It's good to die early, knowing nothing. Thesegon was defeated by Greenod, and the King of Nature was also killed by him."

"What's that idiot Mudrad doing, why is he provoking the King of Heroes for no reason? Can he beat Green Ord?"

The young king held his forehead: "Isn't the cup of eternity in hand?"

"Give it, but still kill the donkey."

"Oh, it's not wrong to die."

Opalon: "Eternity is here, and more, that idiot Mudrad."

"By the way, where is this generation of Avalon Lord?"

"Hey, old man."

Emperor Xue Xue looked down at the old uncle who was sitting cross-legged with his back to the two of them: "You are not the master of this Karnafat cage, where is the master of this generation, call him out!"

"I hope it's not another stupid woman this time."

"Women, no one is capable."

Just as the two were talking, the old uncle said: "The master here is my daughter, she is very strong, you can rest assured."


The star-like eyes opened, the dark ember sun, the bright red blood moon, just like Sheila and Haierbo, but obviously more profound and advanced than the two.


As the old uncle got up and slowly faced the two of them, the bloody emperor Magris didn't respond. He was about to speak, but was stopped by the king of fairyland, Opalang.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't, don't talk!"

Opalang's body was trembling slightly, and his eyes were staring at the old uncle: "This, this person, he seems to be..."

"What's wrong? Scared like this? Who is he?"

"Da, Da Zhe."


Bloody Emperor Magris: "What is he?!!"

"This! Old guy, are you kidding me?! Then, how could that kind of thing exist?!!"

"Little devil, feel for yourself, the breath of this generation of masters of the Avalon world."

The breath of this generation of masters. . .


Suddenly, Emperor Xue Xue was stunned: "She! How could it be her?"

'The owner here is my daughter. ’

Recalling what the old uncle said before, the Emperor Xuelu and the King of Fairyland showed shock, even horror, at the same time.

"Her father, he claimed to be, that woman's father..."

"Yes, is it the real thing?"

They are all leaders of their own time, but in the face of the old man, they bowed down and saluted as if instinctively.

"Oubalang, the king of fairyland, see Dazhe."

"Blood Emperor Magris, see Dazhe."

"May you be with Ation."

The old uncle didn't quite understand what they were talking about, but he still wrote down terms such as Magris, Opalon, Mudrad, Zu Wujiang, Thesegon, Green Odd, Dazhe, Atien and so on.

Too little information, not very clear.

But the old man felt that these words were probably related to the secrets behind the Miracle 28 camp.

"I'll study it later."

"Now," the old uncle secretly said, "I can't keep the children waiting for a long time."

Opaland and Magris had already woken up, so the old man had time to set their words a little bit and ask about the events of the year.

The old uncle had heard about this before, and now it seems that the Avalon Treasure House may have a very special effect on studying the history of the twenty-eighth camp.

The treasures in Avalon's treasury are by no means a single line.

The great gods, Dragon King and Bilai Chilai Ya, are inclined to the lost kingdom, but why are there things of the lost kingdom on the ideal coast?

According to the research of the old uncle, he faintly realized that the Avalon world is likely to have close ties with the twenty-eighth camp.

Take the treasure house as an example. The treasures here come from all civilizations, legends and history that have ever appeared in the world.

It is precisely because of this terrifying power that Avalon is the world of miracles.

"Please come back."

The old uncle took out the Lionheart King's Blood Sword and the Opalang Sacred Shield, and the two ancient heroic remnants immediately bowed their heads humbly: "I am willing to follow your guidance."

"Is this the power of a master? It's really not bad."

The old uncle looked at his hand and felt the miraculous power in his body. He wore the Lionheart King Blood Sword on his waist.

Opalang's holy shield suddenly shattered, and then formed a huge white-gold gear, which was suspended behind the old man's back, turning slowly like a dial.


A blood moon with a dark flame burning on the edge appeared behind the old uncle. It was embedded in the axis of the sacred shield engraved plate, like the nucleus of the universe, sitting in the center of the world.

The old man's snow-white beard and hair grew again under the action of the power of miracles, strands of black and red blood ran all over his shawl and coat, and golden veins flowed faintly on his skin, turning into ancient runes, sacred and noble.

Following the old uncle's footsteps, the edge of the robe was like burning ashes, it automatically rolled up in the sky without wind.


Suddenly, the golden door was knocked heavily from the inside. It didn't open, but ash in four colors of gold, red, black, and blue overflowed.

The ashes burned in the air and quickly vanished.


Outside the door of the temple, Bai Luo and Senior Sister raised their heads at the same time, they knew that Uncle was coming out.


The next moment, a large number of vines composed of turquoise life energy poured out like a tide.


Gold and black and red, two-colored energy beams shot up into the sky.

In the sky, the black ember sun and the red blood moon appeared at the same time.

And in this temple, flowers bloomed, and the blue energy crystals like the light of fairyland condensed in large quantities, they were like blooming blue flowers.


The blood tide roared, and golden red blood lions jumped out of it. They stood on both sides of the road, fourteen on the left and right, a total of twenty-eight, like a guard of honor to welcome the distinguished and powerful.

"His Majesty."

The old uncle came to Bai Luo, and he respectfully knelt down on one knee: "Old minister, fortunately not to be disgraced, I succeeded in breaking through the master in three days!"

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