This is a Miracle

Chapter 206 Can the minister?

This is a miracle, Chapter 206, Nengchen? "Roar!!"

Old Mordy was screaming, but the two twisted monsters hanging on him screamed sharply.


The glass shattered, and Frye subconsciously wanted to cover his ears, but the young man forcibly used his willpower to hold back the tingling of his eardrums, and while dizzy, he quickly ran to Irena.


Irena couldn't hear Fry's voice, but her trust in her brother's instinct made the girl grab his hand.

‘Come on! ’

Lizardmen are not real lizards, they are actually more of a demihuman.

So they can hear, and very clearly.

"Living corpse!"

Far beyond human's keen perception ability, the Lizardmen immediately made a judgment.

Four lizardmen quickly surrounded Mordi and the two living corpses, and on the bed beside, the corpses of the other two girls were crawling up in a strange posture.


Old Mordy's head was bitten off, the tragic scene, and then looking at the living corpse that tasted the flesh and blood with relish, even the lizard people almost couldn't help spit it out.

"Is it a miracle unit?"

"I don't know."

The lizardmen who were obviously the leader took out the machete, and the four of them stood ready: "But whose miraculous power must be! Is it the spiritism of the Necromancer?"

"Necromancer? A necromancer came here?"

Hearing the Necromancer, the four Lizardmen had the idea of ​​retreating.

After all, they are just ordinary miraculous arms, and they can't even release energy. How can they compare with the necromancers who are at least Extraordinary?

Even if it's just a necromancer apprentice, it's not something they can deal with.


However, the living corpse was not satisfied to avenge the old Mordy,

Their resentment was unquenchable, and after killing the fat pig, they set the target on the four remaining flesh and blood living creatures in the room.


There is no way to think about it any more, the other party has already shot, and the lizard people can only face it.


"Hoo ha! Hoo ha!"

On the other side, Frye was holding his sister's hand tightly, and the two brothers and sisters ran wildly in the corridor.

"What is that? Brother, what is that?"

Irena was just a little girl after all, how had she seen such a strange thing before.

"I don't know, neither do I, I don't know."

Frye was panting, but what just happened really subverted his imagination: "The fat pig said a miracle, this should be the miracle he said."


What a terrifying miracle to turn people into that kind of thing.

And those four lizard-like people, what are they?


There was a loud noise behind the brothers and sisters, and then two black shadows crawled along the wall like spiders and crawled on the ceiling.

"They are not blessed by the power of miracles!"

"It's not a miracle unit," the lizardman captain touched his neck, and he suddenly realized: "Damn, they are just miracle derivatives!"

The living corpse was very fast, jumped directly at the Lizardman Captain, and then bit him on the neck.

The Lizardman captain thought he was finished, but who would have thought, the twists and turns have turned.

[Primary: Physical Resistance]

[Primary Dragonborn Scales: Sharp Resistance]

"Don't worry, they can't hurt us!"

Ordinary miracle arms are also miracle arms.

They are blessed with the power of miracles, and just those passives and resistances are enough to make these living corpses who are nothing but miracle derivatives despair.

"Brother, what should we do?"

Frye saw the speed of the lizard man and the corpse, and at that speed, it was impossible for them to escape.

'They call them corpses. ’

'If the corpse wins, what happens to old Mordy is what happens to us. ’

'But if the Lizardmen win,' Frye: 'We'll all die! ’

The guardian sent by the political enemy of the female governor, these lizardmen will definitely not let him go, and it is very likely that they will directly obliterate him.

Even if Frye survives, Irena will surely die.


Frye tried to break his head, but still couldn't find a solution.

And this is the despair of mortals when they face miracles.



The sound of the cane hitting the ground came from the end of the corridor. Frye looked back quickly, and saw from the shadows, a young man with long silver-white hair was slowly walking towards this side.

"Ah, ah, ah, it's pretty awesome."

Haierbo was sticking his staff, and outside the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side of the corridor, a huge black shadow disappeared in an instant.

The cat Lulu was too big to enter silently, so she only judged other Mordi family members and guards in the courtyard.

Leon's dream field is very special. It does not make everyone fall into the same dream, but opens countless private servers.

Simply put, Leon used the ancient capital as a template to create thousands of dream spaces.

Each person, or group of people, will fall into one of the dream spaces, where they will be attacked by the Aduns, the Polluted Seeds, and various nightmare monsters.

The power of mortals is naturally impossible to escape from Leon's palm.

Even the children of miracles cannot match the miracle body.

However, the Aduns are their own, so they can log in to every dream space at will, just like a team dungeon.

As long as he raised his head, Haierbo could see countless room numbers with general information about this person, as well as comments from the Adonites who were in charge of this dream.

【Request for help】

The Mordi family discovered a miracle unit, a common-level lizard man

[Team: Come to a hero level]

There are too many monsters in the slave market, we alone can't contain them

[Begging a witch: someone who can read minds]

Gangs are too difficult, good people and bad people can't tell the difference, let's get a witch who can read minds.

. . . . . .


The machete flashed, and the head of the living corpse was cut off by it.

Although the body was still moving, with the blade that contained the power of miracles running through the heart, no matter how unwilling it was, the living corpse fell down.

"You, are you the necromancer they say?"

Frye was very surprised. Although Haierbo was standing here, the lizard people didn't respond at all, as if he didn't exist at all.


Haierbo looked at Fry and Irena, who had names floating above their heads, like NPCs.


Introduction: Born in the slums of the ancient capital, he lives with his younger sister, and is now the male waiter of the Mordy family.

Karma: 0

Favorability: 60


Karma: 0

Favorability: 80

The karma here is actually the degree of evil, and it is judged according to how many people hate a certain person, that is, the resentment accumulated in him.

However, pure resentment does not represent a person's good or bad.

Just like, a group of drug dealers who commit crimes are afraid of the police who protect the people, but at the same time they also resent the police. Isn't the police's karma flying?

In order to prevent this kind of unreasonable situation, the old uncle and others have formulated more reasonable judgment criteria.

The judgment formula in this regard is very complicated.

Bai Luo couldn't guarantee that he would catch every worm, but he could guarantee that he would never kill a good person by mistake.

As for favorability.

This is a standard made by Leon based on some of the memories of the people in the nightmare, to give the Adonites who meet them a general impression.

If Leon gives a very high favorability, it means that this person is qualified to be brought to Aden for education and training.

"Does the Necromancer mean me?"

Haierbo looked at his clothes and said with a smile, "I'm Blood Moon Hunter Haierbo"

Favorability of 60 and 80, to be honest, not too low.

Along the way, Shanghai Erbo also met many people from the ancient capital, but almost none of them could exceed 30, and most of them were even negative numbers.

Obviously, in Leon's eyes, these guys are useless at all, and they belong to the kind of rubbish that is difficult to educate.

"Thank you for saving me, thank you so much!"

Frye pulled his sister and immediately bowed in front of Haierbo: "Please let me follow you and repay you!"


Seeing that his sister didn't respond, Frye quickly pressed the girl's head, and the two knelt on the ground together: "Don't pity us, just treat us like dogs!"


Haierbo was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses: "Oh, so that's what it is."

Smart as Helbo, he immediately understood what Frye meant.

The young man knew that he could not escape, so the only way was to choose one of the two paths left and right.

Frye chose the Necromancer.

If he loses the bet and Haierbo is a lunatic, then he will do his best and die.

But if you win, maybe, it's a chance!

"As soon as you come up, you swear to surrender. Even if it is a dog, most people will keep it first, maybe it will be useful later."

It has to be said that Haier won praise for Frye's determination and courage.


Frye lowered his head, but he was extremely surprised.

Haierbo saw through his thoughts at a glance: 'Oops, the calculation is wrong! ’

Smart is mistaken by smart.

If the other party knew that Frye was playing tricks, would he still keep Frye?

Maybe will.

But the probability of death after a failure has gone up all of a sudden.

"Relax, I'm not a necromancer, and I didn't summon the two living corpses."

Haierbo is a humble person, although he can pretend to be forceful in front of mortals, but he doesn't like it very much.

Only after seeing such unfathomable characters as King Aolai and Bai Luo, can people see the vastness of the world and realize their own insignificance.

"Thank you sir! Thank you sir!"

Fry didn't dare to be scornful, and took his sister to kowtow again to thank him and swear allegiance.

"Okay, okay, I said I won't touch you, so I won't touch you."

Haierbo tapped his head with a cane, quite helpless, Frye was very insecure, and kept stressing that he was willing to be a dog just to survive.

However, Haierbo didn't hate him. If he were himself, he might have done the same at the beginning.

There is no choice, the only way to survive, who doesn't survive this way?

Haierbo was inexplicably familiar with Frye.

"And it's not me who should kneel down."

Haierbo avoided Frye's bow. He was very polite, and Haierbo would not do anything that he would overstep.


Frye quickly stood up with Irena without any hesitation.

'Oh, this guy also analyzes people's hearts and sees that I really don't want him to kneel. ’

Frye's reaction was very decisive, which showed that he was very confident and that he had guessed Haierbo's thoughts.

but. . .

Haierbo only said a few words.

Can you guess this?

'Very smart and very confident. ’

Haierbo saw a special temperament in Frye: 'Is this guy the capable minister that the teacher said? ’

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